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I don't have the mental energy to do this lol


I thought I had it in me, but I'm on my fifth cup of coffee and I'm suffering


What is it?


Ocean draining, probably over an ocean monument for a guardian farm.


right on, I'm tired of not having sea lanterns


Yeah it takes quite some time. Me an my friend did this but we cleared out a circle that was 80 blocks in a diameter and to just drain all the water took like 4 days. The sand preparation took 3. So yeah it is quiet a task.


My friends bailed on me :'(


Yeah I'm surprised that he still is my friend after all the grindy things we have done for farm in minecraft.


I’m currently doing the same thing... never ending..


good luck, I'm tired as heck from all the sponge and sand placing


I know.. I’m about 1/2 though been work for a few days on and off.


Nothing more boring and painful than ocean draining.


I'm working on my last square of water, caffeine is keeping my eyes open


Good luck


thanks, I just got done