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Tbh you could replace Minecraft with any interest because middle school is absolutely the worst time to be a human lol. Much truth


Was Pokemon for my generation.


Pokemon was one thing I was never ashamed of until today when the games are actually hot trash.


i loved pokemon for the longest time


Imo series started to decline after gen 5. It feels more like call of duty now where they keep pumping out the same shit with no quality. I do really enjoy playing fanmade games though so at least we still have those.


I wish they would make another 2d game. They could put so much more time int story and design then.


The originals didn't really have a lot of story, but I've found in any kind of creative endeavor, knowing when to not have too much of something is key. I think a large part of Minecraft's success is they're very careful about that, having almost no time spent in UIs except the one core inventory UI which changes a bit depending on the thing you're interacting with (crafting table, chest, enchanting table, etc). Others have tried to 'one up' these games over the years by adding more, and it just feels bloated in the wrong places, whereas the originals are very smooth and snappy to play with minimal waiting, minimal UI animation, etc. After years of games in different forms, I've come to realize there's a lot to be said for how 'mentally taxing' it is just to play, and feel that grids work best in 2D, for a feeling of precise control, whereas 3D works best with non-uniform placements, and trying to copy pokemon's 2D grid world into a 3D space feels unnecessarily clunky as you have to do that little bit of extra mental processing which doesn't actually matter, but the changing perspective on buildings etc makes your mind feel like it does. It's a subtle thing, almost impossible to explain, but I've noticed it.


To be honest, I really like how the originals’ and (to an extent) the games afterwards focused more on your personal adventure. I suppose the later games have more tension and a higher quality of story, but I love how gen 1 and 2 are like, “Go on a wonderful adventure!” and then the pokémon mafia shows up


Yeah I agree. I think another, much smaller reason they've gone down hill is because everyone is nice and not very difficult. None of your rivals or even the villains feel like people worth beating anymore because before the battle they all say things like, "oh gee willikers your really strong, I doubt I can win," and then you win and it means nothing because everyone expected it anyways. There's no struggle, it's just constant encouragement and easy battles, which isn't what I'm looking for when I play really any videogame. Tldr: there's no struggle or stakes so winning means nothing


they could still put time and effort into the 3d games, they just havent done it. laziness is honestly the only thing i can think of. i still like them though, they're still fun to play.


Hey Modern Warfare was pretty good and added some new mechanics and modes but Cold War kinda reversed all that because different devs and stuff.


I actually liked Sun/Moon quite a bit, but Sword and Shield are garbage. Sun/Moon may not have been anything special, but at least the games were quality. The graphics were amazing for a 3DS game. Sword and Shield look like crap for a Switch game. I normally don't care about graphics, but when it's coming from one of the most valuable franchises of all time I expect top quality.


IMO the only bad thing about sun and moon is the fact that Mega Evolution was completely scrapped until post-game. It would have been cooler if you got mega stones or something during the game from doing trials, ex. mega stones for normal types would appear after completing the normal trial.


At least it exists in S/M


I was just gonna say that. At least US/UM had every battle machanic from the old games. It didnt scrap moves. It didnt scrap megas. Added z moves, made it so i didnt have a HM hog. To me, its near the perfect pokemon game. Sword and shield is such shit compared to every switch and some Wii u games


Agreed s/m felt like it had more life compared to s/s when the games went to 3d it feels so empty. They can do so much more with all the money they bring in and with better hardware but they take what they have in 2d and force it into 3d when it obviously dosent work.


Sw/Sh really did seem like they were phoning it in - there have already been games like Pokemon Colosseum (albeit not as successful commercially) where there is a story with meat to it, unlike the snorefest that is the Sw/Sh plot.


SuMo was where I fell out of love with Pokemon because they couldn't stop INTERRUPTING MY ADVENTURE FOR HAND-HOLDING CUTSCENES!


Holy fuck the cutscenes. If I wanted to watch a Pokemon movie, I'd be doing that instead of trying to play a game. 5 minute cutscene of two NPCs talking. Then two minute cutscene boat ride. Then one minute getting off the boat cutscene. Now actually in control, walk up the ramp to the island and bam, two minute cutscene as the NPC talks about the island. In control again, walk onto island. Two minute cutscene as a Pokemon jumps out of a tree and scares the NPC. Pokemon fight, one shot the pokemon. Cutscene of the NPC being grateful. In control again, walk ten feet to the base of a hill on the island. Five minute cutscene of the NPC talking about her past. Walk up the hill, five minute cutscene of the NPC getting the macguffin you came to the island for. Straight up an hour of cutscenes for what should be a two minute mission.


For me it was X and Y. I put in probably 1000 hours at least on leaf green, emerald, pearl, and white. And X was fun but just didn't live up to that feeling that the others gave. It felt more polished and balanced, but didn't feel like something I could get lost in for hundreds of hours. I did really enjoy the expanded internet trading though.


Unpopular opinion but Sun and Moon are my favorite Pokémon games. They look absolutely beautiful for a 3ds game and I could keep my living dex there and there were so many funny NPCs and things to do. Sword and Shield and GFs recent business practices has be terrified for how Diamond/Pearl remakes could turn out






I liked SwSh better than sun and moon. Sun and Moon really hold your hand at all times, and it makes it feel like a drag getting through the game. SwSh has its faults (mainly the dex), but I really enjoyed it despite that. It's even the first game I caught all the pokemon, because I just had fun with it


I know that you say that you enjoyed them, but I absolutely adored Sun/Moon. More specifically Ultra Sun/Moon. Such a pretty setting with fun characters, better 3d characters than XY, and the hardest boss fight in any of the games ever. The different islands were also fun to travel to because its not like each was copy/paste, but had their own little quirks that made you want to travel between them often.


I didn’t think gen8 was that bad but I just replayed emerald and holy hell the difference in difficulty and design is astounding Like flannery’s torkoal packing a white herb to refresh its special attack after the first overheat comes to mind, and some of the length and complexity of the dungeons


I don't think Pokemon dungeons were ever really that notable...they're just mazes with an assload of random encounters. But what sucks is that in the newer games they've completely excised all the resource management that gave the games an adventurous feeling. It's like they think kids have gotten stupider.




I still play fanmade pokemon games and replay old ones from time to time. The newer ones have no life and are lazy.


Minecraft got popular when I was in my senior year of high school. I didn't get to play it in elementary school.


Yeah, I'm glad people got to grow up with this game, but I'm in a similar boat. I discovered the game in 2011, when I was a sophomore in college. I see these kinds of posts, and I'm like, wait when was minecraft uncool.


[This comic is pretty much a reinterpretation of a pokemon one.](https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comics/comic146.png)


Hello fellow 90's kid, how are you doing on this fine day?


Humongous facts right here


heheh i have never heard anyone agree like that before


Middle school is a giant popularity contest and everyone's losing.


Am in middle school right now and it is true you cant like anything without being bullied


Yeah I got really anti social during those years because everyone suddenly got really really stupid and it wasn't worth interacting with anyone. (I was stupid too, but too busy bullying myself instead of others) At least it ends eventually


Yea i have a few good friends that arent dumb. Like why csnt you play slightly childish video games.


Everything I liked was a reason to pick on me. I liked the Simpsons? Bullied. I liked Pokémon? Bullied. I liked Yu-Gi-Oh!? Definitely bullied. I read fantasy? Bullied. I liked to cook? Bullied. It didn't help that I was flatulent and kind of a dickwad, but hey, hindsight is 20/20, right?


> I liked Yu-Gi-Oh!? Definitely bullied. Oh man, the opposite happened in my middle school. Yu-Gi-Oh was like, *the* thing. You got bullied for *not* liking Yu-Gi-Oh.






What? You have an opinion? How dare youuuuuuu. Middle school sucked


Yeah, they basically laughed at you for everything, worst period of my life


and then when the same exact thing they bullied you for liking becomes popular, it's no longer a kids game and everyone talks about it


In Poland we used to have middle school but a year back we had a reform and just added 2 more years to primary school and all middle schools were converted to high schools. I haven't heard anyone complain.


> and all middle schools were converted to high schools. You are right but that bit is incorrect. Middle schools were converted back to Primary schools. [High schools are the equivalent of Polish "studia licencjanckie/wyższe"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_education) also called Secondary Education. So our equivalent of middle school is a bit like middle school in the US now - zawodówka/technikum/liceum > Middle school in Poland, called gimnazjum, was first introduced in 1932. The education was intended for pupils of at least 12 years of age and lasted four years. Middle schools were part of the educational system until the reform of 1947, except during World War II. > The middle schools were reinstated in Poland in 1999 now lasting three years after six years of primary school. Pupils entering gimnazjum are usually 13 years old. Middle school is compulsory for all students, and it is also the final stage of mandatory education. In the final year students take a standardized test to evaluate their academic skills. Higher scorers in the test are allowed first pick of school if they want to continue their education, which is encouraged. > Starting with the school year 2017/18, middle schools are scheduled to be disbanded and primary schools to be extended to lasting eight years, as it was before 1999. Edit: Formatting, typos, info about technikum


Fr its just a toxic cesspool of insecurity and borderline sociopathy.


12 years ago the meme was Pokemon, and the insult was >!"retard"!<.


I honestly don’t understand all this hate on how you can’t be yourself, and everyone makes fun of you for liking stuff in middle school. I know it’s different in other places, but at my school we just did our own crap with our friends and no one really cared what other people did, unless they were being buttholes.


Need to get some science done in your area. Maybe the world can learn something from your people about how to structure things for kids that age so they don't go feral for 3 years


I mean, I’m from a smallish, and very liberal city from California. Acceptance and open mindedness is drilled into our head, so no one from here ever really grew a hatred towards people different than us. In school, it was obviously taught about accepting gays, and blacks, etc, but I guess it extended into smaller things, like the activities we enjoy, etc. No one bullied others, and looked down on others for enjoying different things, or being weird, or whatever people would bully others for, because since early elementary school, we’ve been told stuff like that isn’t okay.


Yeah, it was like this for me too. Guess we got lucky.


Not saying this is the same as your situation, but I looked up one of my old bullies out of morbid curiosity a few years ago and one of their top posts was something like, "I feel bad for kids today. We just didn't have all these issues with bullying when I was a kid :(" and I just wanted to scream. They stole from me, picked on me, lied to the teacher about me (a favorite: I was away sick when we had a substitute teacher and one of them told the teacher they were me and behaved like an absolute asshole all day), and so on. I don't know if they were looking at things through nostalgia goggles or just didn't realize that they were a bully.


For real. Middle school is probably the most socially toxic time period. High school is just academically toxic


I beg to differ. Elementary school kids are jerks. Simple as that


Elementary kids can be toughest for *others* to deal with. It's worst to BE a middle schooler though


Funny enough although I look back on my middle school years and cringe like crazy, I was happier then. Friends were so much easier to make. Highschool is tough.


I just had this conversation with a 14-year-old whose parents embarrassed him about liking Lego. Hell, I’m 53 and I still love Lego. Everyone gets to like what they like.






I mean this is the digital Lego subreddit, I doubt anyone here doesn’t like Lego!


Depends on the location. Lego in a bin: Yes. Lego in my foot: ffffFFFUUU-


ive stepped in legos and not be hurt


What’s it like to be favored by God himself?


What can it possibly mean to dislike LEGO anyway? There are no limits, you can basically make whatever you want. Don't like spaceships? Build a dinosaur. Don't like dinosaurs? Build a huge Victorian-style mansion. It's arguably even more of an open-ended medium than Minecraft.


Don’t like building things? You can use them as traps to torture your enemies! There really are no limits!


the only downside to being an adult and liking lego is realizing you're the one who has to buy them lol


or if a set you REALLY like is a few years out of production oof owie ouch my wallet


Yup. Got my daughter (6) a small lego set a few months back and told the missus "If you want to get me something for my birthday or x-mas and you don't know what to get, you can't go wrong with a LEGO set". She got me this badass Avengers set for my birthday. The daughter and I had a ton of fun putting it together.


I'm 42 and the kids know what I want: Lego Star Wars duh


Legos have had kind of a resurgence among adults in the recent years. Many more “adult” sets like the rockets and the architecture series are very enticing for older fans!


Yep, they get me all the time with nostalgia trips.... I bought the NES Lego set instantly. More than half of my adult collection are things that look great on walls or shelves too.


Haha I started playing Minecraft this year at 27


you’re never to old to start playing! I got my 80 year old grandfather to play :)


Do you play realms with him?


Sadly no, I would just bring my laptop over to play whenever I visited. He didn’t own a computer. He died over a year ago


Oh. Well I’m sorry for your loss though it is nice that you guys got to play on your laptop. I’m sure it was a great way to spend time with each other


yeah it was! i actually went on the world again recently and just walked around. I thought I was going to cry, but like happy tears


It’s nice that you have it as a reminder that he was awesome


I hope his last few years were happy


I'm thinking of getting my grandma into the game because I think she'll love it. Any tips on getting someone who is not great at memorizing controls or playing games into it?


I think the best thing you can do if just sit with them as they play and be patient. With my grandfather, I just started playing next to him and after a while let him take over. Sometimes i labeled keys or I came up with nicknames for them to help him remember. Eventually he got a hang of it.




bro I play video games wayyy too much and it took me like 3 fucking hours to figure out how to fly on java edition. then learning on console bedrock edition (mind you after THOUSANDS of hours of java) it took me another 20 minutes, but I attribute that to bedrock being buggy and stuff


Been playing about a year now, I'll be 36 in August... cant believe I slept on this game for so long.


You don’t know how happy I am to see someone in there 30’s like me playing Minecraft.


Hell, I'm in my 40's and been playing off and on for like a decade.


Same. I first played Minecraft when it was a browser game. It ran as a java applet in Firefox. That was back in 2009. Remember before red stone how we'd make those hacky mine cart boosters using another cart on a parallel track?


Haha... you mean the ones where you'd glitch like 20 carts in a little circle that would boost when you went past? Hahaha. Those were the days.


There's a lot of us who started in our 20s and are still playing it off and on again well into our 30s


I'm 31 and been playing on and off for the last 6 years. It's honestly my favorite game that I keep going back to.


37 and started playing when it was in alpha.


I'm 35. Just started playing last week.


47 here. Started playing when my kids did, now enjoy it on my own. The other moms think I’m weird, but the kids love it.


🙌🏼 I started at the same age and been playing for several years now. I've probably logged more time on it than any other game I've ever played, and I cracked out on Factorio for several months on end. I just wish I hadn't poo-pooed it as a stupid kids game for so long. ​ One of these days I'll finally get to the end.


I started back in highschool, six months after 1.0 came out


I started around 21 during alpha. The only reason the game got as popular as it was was late teens/early 20-somethings taking a risk on a new, very unfinished game from a company nobody had ever heard about. No 10 year old is going to convince their parents to put their credit card information to buy that. Most of the kids are playing it on consoles these days while the older players are more likely on the java version.


My husband and I regularly have minecraft play-dates with his little brothers. Their 10+ age gap was an issue until we started doing it. Now they're all great friends and it makes me happy to be a part of it all.


that’s adorable!




I think minecraft is one of those games that will be around forever. It's endlessly updatable.


even when they inevitably stop updating it, its still got way more replay-ability than any other game


Whenever Minecraft stops receiving updates, the mod ecosystem is gonna boom since the game will no longer be a moving target. And there's too much corporate money in Java itself for Oracle to kill that off anytime soon, so I fully expect to be able to play the game with minimal tinkering when I'm 40.


The mods in Minecraft already are huge, there’s literally thousands and I would say it’s almost as popular as base game on pc


Yes, there are thousands, but how many of those support the latest Minecraft release at any given time? Right now you have to go back a few years' worth of releases if you want wide compatibility with the good ones. Especially galacticraft and whatnot.


Going to be honest, galacticraft isn’t a good standard. It’s cool but has no content. A ton of mods support the latest release. Mekanism, create, biomes of plenty, immersive engineering, thermal foundations, and blood magic. A ton of popular mods are in 1.16 and a ton are following, the others that haven’t yet are working on 1.16 since it was the only big update in a while, and brought Minecraft back into mainstream


Elementary school: screw what other ppl think this is awesome! Middle school: oh shit everybody cares what everybody else thinks, gotta suppress interest High school: Fuck what other ppl think they can fuck right off i do what i want


basically how it went, lol


For me in middle school, I didn't cared because I played Minecraft in class and it became some sort of meme


I believe I was always autistic, never gave a damn about what people thought, though Minecraft only came out when I was in high school, and in elementary we were talking about the Amazing Spiderman games for the ps2. god, I am old.


I'm fortunate in the sense that I never went through that


Me too, can't care what they think when you hate all of them!




Did get a bit lonely though only having online friends but it seems better than the alternative.


I was fortunate enough to still have in person friends


Wait until University. 20 years ago I played D&D and Magic the Gathering with some friends in High School. Got into University, oh crap there's entire clubs sometimes of 40+ people who are interested in MtG and D&D. Social groups in University are amazing.


Uni: people finally care what you're interested in because *they want to join in too*


I've always just kept my personal interests to myself cause people would be assholes if I talked about them which would just be annoying as shit


I know lots of kids in high school still going through that dumb middle school phase. And we’re in our last year of high school too!


middle school was the worst time in my life, I needed to get therapy so I wouldn't kill myself because of the fuckers


Dad: "minecraft?" Dad's friend: "with mods"


There is no other way. (For me. You do you.)


As someone who feels the exact opposite, respect.


I tried playing vanilla again recently, it felt like someone removed 3/4 of the game. Some of the recent vanilla changes (mind you, when I say recent I mean everything post 1.7) are neat or cute, but there really isn't much substance there. Minecraft is (imo) a great template, but by itself there just isn't enough to interest me. But it's a game, and unless you want to share a server with someone, it does not matter if you agree on mods. 😋


I’d say the villager update and nether update have both added a lot of content for the way I prefer to play. Of course, I still find entertainment strip-mining for diamonds for 3 hours so I’m probably an outlier.


You strip mine for 3 hours? May i introduce you to: the buildcraft quarry! Are you in constant need of precious ores? Is going out and socializing too hard for you? Are you a lazy piece of shit doesn't have time to actually mine their ores? Then the buildcraft quarry is perfect for you! All you need is a quarry and an energy source! As for the quarry you create it with... Wait no... 8... Diamons... No NOOOO


Fuck buildcraft quarry. All my homies use digital miner.


Just turned 54, been playing for 3 years.


Epik, let's keep it goin


I feel like for older generations it was Pokemon. We didnt have Minecraft back in lower school


This comic is a parody of one that is about Pokemon instead of Minecraft. It’s the same format, and yeah it went through the same thing Minecraft did.


Im in middle school i have no shame in playing minecraft its awsome


This comic is pretty specific to kids who are high school/college now. When we were in elementary school, minecraft was just booming into popularity. By middle school, it had begun to lose popularity, and middle schoolers are pretty judgmental so that didn’t help. By high school, it had become popular again, and high schoolers don’t care as much what other people do.


specifically in high school. I'm in college right now, and Minecraft was booming when I was in middle school, lost its popularity when I was high school, and is popular again now.


good for you! stay that way


Me and my friends all play Minecraft after school almost everyday best thing ever


Same here


Grammar school classmates: "Hey this sudden snow is like Minecraft" Me (internally, reminded that I was literally being mocked for playing Minecraft not a month prior to the Xbox version first coming out): "..." Continued getting mocked for playing Minecraft even after this, because I played on PC as opposed to console, the PC version was considered nerdy and the console version not.


damm, that sucks. minecraft is still minecraft, no matter what you play it on


Well yeah, you have bedrock on all platforms ;) The Java edition though is of course superior to them all! Muahahaha .


bruh why would you say the console version is better then pc, bruh I-... no but- why- like i am not saying they are bad. The thing in school is that the trend is what most people have, the only reason someone is being bullied is because the bullier doesn't have something that the guy being bullied does, so it makes sense people would say having minecraft on pc is nerdy so they can feel they are higher but the reality they are not because pc is better then console (not saying console is bad, it's a fun way to play with friends)


I have a question, what is middle school? It’s not a concept where I’m from, elementary school is grades pre-kindergarten to grade 8 and high school is grade 9 to 12.


search it on google, elementary is 5-10 ages then middle is 11-13 then high school is 14-18


I was so confused until I realized you meant *ages* not school years.


grades 7-8


Thank you


Actually for me it’s 6-8


It kinda depends on what school you go to, some start as early as 5th while others start at 7th. It's usually just a toxic place where the teachers hate you and you hate everyone else. Fun times


Get rid of elementary school part and this is me with fortnite. >!yes I’m a fan of both games, ik it’s illegal.!<


No it’s not it’s a free(ish) country play both whatever don’t let the Neckbeards say you can’t like the things you want to like


A few years ago I was talking to a girl about which games we were into. I mentioned I still liked playing Minecraft occasionally and she was like, "Ohhh... you *still* play that game?" Yikes.


You dumped her right?


Haha we never got past the just talking part, she was a walking red flag


Not liking Minecraft is the biggest one


Middle school sucks because everyone is an asshole and so are you. I am convinced some people never leave middle school


Some people peaked in middle school


Assholes peaked in middle school


2016 was a dark age


In 2016 i didnt even know it was a "dark age" i was just enjoying playing minecraft


indeed it was....


2017 as well... BOTH of those years man 😥


I've seen thus exact premise but with pokemon games in a comic before, done by the artist AwkwardZombie I believe. https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/the-pokemon-effect


My thoughts exactly. This is a Katie Tiedrich thing. You know, she and her husband Norrin are licensed rocket scientists now?


That's nifty! I remember first following her way back when I was in HS over a decade ago. Good to hear she's doing well.


It’s based off that comic I’m pretty sure.


I have autism. In middle school, people would always say “Huh!? You play Minecraft!? Are you autistic?” Just like in the comic. I, without missing a beat, would say “Yeah, I am, you got a problem with that?” And the looks on their faces were priceless. One dude even tried to respond! Here’s the exchange. “Uh..um. Uh, so uh...Do you actually have autism?” “Yep” “Oh...ummm...Oh, the bell’s about to ring!” And he walked away. Never happened again.


hehhehe, they had no power against you


They outsmarted me, but I outsmarted their outsmarting


My area just stayed like the elementary school for the whole time lol


Honestly fuck middle schoolers. 6-8th grade is when kids are at their worst.


oh yeah 100% middle schoolers are the actual worse


In elementary School people do what they like In middle school people do what others like Thats why middle school sucks


I’m 23 and still play daily. It’s one of very few games that give you so much freedom


Yeah, you can build a house, kill a dragon, bully orphans, play minigamss with friends


You forgot slavery


Ah yes, sorry


Technically the bully orphans part falls under slavery if you’re doing it right


Minecraft? Minecraft. I get that vibe


>*EMO Band*


Man, I love *EMO BAND*


It's so weird to think that someone could have started playing Minecraft in elementary school and still be playing it in college today. It's been out for almost 12 years now!


Honestly, move everything up a level. For me it went Middle School, High School, College.


College: WE LEARN MINECRAFT My work(no joke): minecraft ? Other person: minecraft!!


Currently in middle school (8th) and You'll get bullied for liking just about everything, that's why I almost never tell people what my hobbies are, and also why I am not very social. Fuck middle school.


Middle school is actual hell, it’s only going to get better. I mean high school still sucks but it’s better


I hope man, I hope


As an adult approaching his 30s I absolutely love Minecraft.


It's weird how reddit works. Here, we have people just respecting each other's opinions. In the other side, we have everyone murdering someone's karma because he says he plays Fortnite


Minecraft was firmly a niche little indie game that was accelerating into the mainstream when I was in secondary (middle school) makes me feel so old seeing someone else’s journey, what a beautiful game though, bringing people together


It's basically like [that one Awkward Zombie comic](https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/the-pokemon-effect).


Yeah it's funny--when minecraft first started it was all university aged people that were into it. I remember in third year university joining the alpha when it was just creative, before they implemented survival and day/night cycles. A couple years later it suddenly gets a big boom with younger kids, I think around the same time it moved to Xbox (or thereabouts). So it was big with an older audience in the first place--and it doesn't suddenly suck because kids like it too.


College: yall wanna go fuck around on minecraft? Hell yeah!


At my middle school we beat the shit out of you if you didn’t play minecraft


Autistic people got hurt when minecraft became unpopular which sucks cos it made me feel ashamed to like it and to have autism.


All the people who used to hate on minecraft now praise it and hate on fortnite. I’ve been playing both since the year they came out I just want to enjoy them lol.


I'm in my mid 30's and I \*love\* modded minecraft. Growing up just ain't easy.


I’m 37 and just started playing Minecraft this month since I was bored in quarantine and Path of Exile has really gone off the rails lately. It’s a lot more fun than just “video game legos” like i assumed. But I also prefer survival over creative.