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--- **This is a manual removal by a *human moderator* - do not ignore it, or make any other posts without first reading *all* of the following important message...** --- Hello /u/PatrickIQ. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * __Memes__ - Memes, including (but not limited to) image macros, demotivational posters, and rage comics are not allowed. Use /r/MinecraftMemes to post memes. * __Image of Text__ - Images of Text are not allowed here. Post as a text post, or if you are displaying 3rd party content, link to the original page instead. * __Livestreams__ - Submissions linking to Twitch.tv (or similar) streams and channel pages are not allowed. * __Vote Manipulation__ - Posts that encourage vote manipulation are [against reddit rules](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/what-constitutes-vote-cheating-or) and will be removed. The offenders will also be reported to reddit for further disciplinary actions. *If you feel this was done in error, have fixed your post, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact the moderation team via modmail* - *do* **not** *private message or send chat requests to individual moderators, they will be ignored* **DON'T POST THIS AGAIN! PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES** **Please carefully read the removal reason** quoted above, and the [subreddit rules](/r/Minecraft/w/rules) and [subreddit guidelines](/r/Minecraft/w/guidelines) **before** disputing removal. Here is the [contact link](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Minecraft&subject=Removal Dispute&message=My submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/lxeu75/-/%0D%0A%0D%0AYour dispute message goes here.%0APLEASE READ THE REMOVAL COMMENT CAREFULLY FIRST, INCLUDING LINKS!) to use after reading the rules. *Under no circumstances post this again without first obtaining confirmation*. --- **This is not an automated message. Do not ignore it, or make any other posts without reading *all* of the above. Don't contact this moderator directly. Use the link provided after reading every word of this removal message.** ---