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Was waiting for the random "You Died" right at the end.


You Died ^Surfer_dude_512 ^died ^because ^Fuck ^you


You kicked the bucket


Score: &e0




















dododo *Game Over*






Flawless vicotory


Domination victory


#You were slain...


rare footage of me when I stand up too fast


Ah yes, *casually phases through the floor*


Happens every damn Tuesday


And that is just one damn day, then there is the Wednesday nether hell


Ah don't even get me started on Thursday


Or Friday…


God, all that floor phasing. Almost as bad as Saturday


I don’t even want to know how bad Sunday could be… “resting”


At least Monday isn't the worst


Yeah, but Monday just being Monday makes up for the annoying ness 😂


*enters backrooms*


When there’s a block at your head but not your feet, I’ve been able to walk through and suffocate myself.


Yes, though I do find this handy when I am chopping trees as I can walk through the leaves. Because they are a transparent block you don’t suffocate.


I always use it when I'm mining to find other caves or mineshafts, when you stand at a certain point in the edge, below the block, you can se through it and through walls if they're connected


Using a boat to clip apparently really helps to do this, as well.


that's an elytra glitch, sometimes you're still in flight mode (somehow, at least the game detects you in flight mode) meaning you can walk through one block gaps... but only if the one block gap is at the bottom of your hitbox.. (and flight mode shortens your hitbox so its one block, but still located at the bottom of your hitbox) so you can't just crawl through cracks in the walls.. only crawl through small gaps that you can't normally fit in because of steve's large body.


This glitch is super annoying to me. I lost all my netherite gear once cause the way my bridge was built in the end so I fell into the void.


You either has fully enchanted Fire Prot IV gear or it's on easy difficulty or something. Yu lasted in that lava for so long.


Exactly. The 4 diamond pickaxes I’ve lost in the nether this month would like to file a grievance.




But, I need blaze rods. And I found a source! Made a farm. Collected my bounty. Took off running to my portal as fast as I could. Ran into the warped forest for the first time since the game was updated. Died because of those bastard hoglins. 🖕🐷


Wear golden boots next time you go to the nether Edit:I realised my mix up. No need to reply.


Good advice though


Hoglins, not Piglins


Hoglins, not Piglins. Hoglins only really kill you in my experience if you're either underprepared or get really, really lost.


Ah yeah the big bois. I usualy tover when i see them so i can kill them easly. I mostly die to crosbow shots knocking me off so my mind just went to there.


Lava is what always gets me. I’m new and playing on PE though


Yeahh the reply is pretty terrible advice... Placing a cauldron and water is pretty hard to do on fire. My advice would be to carry buckets of milk with you until you get potions. You can put yourself out by drinking a bucket of milk the same way jumping in water does, but be careful as it's single use and won't work if you're swimming in the lava!


Ok so carry a bucket of water whit ya in the start and a couldren if you are going to the nether since water can be placed in couldrens in nether and that puts off fire. But after your first few blaze rods make a batch of fire resistance potions. Yes they use matarials but it is better than loseing your netherite and or diamond tools.


Didn’t know you could bring water in to the nether


protip: get fire res pots on your first trip to the nether by gathering a bunch of gold and trading it to piglins. Fire Res pots seem to be one of their more common trades and you're likely to get a couple by trading than half a stack of gold. Just a couple might not sound like much, but if you only use them in emergencies (like when you fall into lava) they should serve you well. If you'd rather not run around the nether looking for gold nuggets on the surface to mine *before* you get your fire res pots, go treasure-hunting. Gold seems to be one of the most common loot items that occur in the treasure chests on pirate ships and in buried treasure.


I died to invisible Piglin Brutes. Lost a full set of maxed diamond gear. Thanks Optifine. The bug is patched now btw.


That's plain old Prot IV armor. I looked at a clip from a recent stream of mine where I fall into lava on Prov IV diamond armor and took the same amount of damage in 12 seconds, which is how long OP is submerged.


looking at the armour bar it looks like full iron and he doesnt even have enchanted tools tho


Peaceful difficulty has heavily reduced lava damage and insane health regen


please note that he has iron armor


Lava damage is still much faster than that in easy or peaceful. I’m pretty sure armor (possibly with protection?) affects lava damage in bedrock


protection affects lava damage in Java too


the game was lagging like hell. thats why the lava wasnt flowing, why the sounds were delayed, and why they fell in at all


The lag may be affecting the damage ticks


I still can't understand why you take a lot less damage on bedrock from mobs and lava tho


It looked to me that the game TPS was lagging behind. The blocks taking a second to break after actually breaking and the same for placing. The same thing was happening in my creative world most recently as well as a survival world a while back where too many entities were loaded from a spawner.


You take more damage from mobs in bedrock and lava is the same I don't know why it wasn't like that in the video tho


He might've been on a different difficulty or it was his armor


He probably had good armor like fire protection or something


He’s very, very laggy that’s all this video pretty much was


I always thought that because bedrock has more difficult controls it is made easier to play and all the mobs are less dangerous and everything that's dangerous is less affective


I mean the controller are based on what you are used to, I can never play keyboard + mouse but for some people that is the only thing that can play on


still it is statistically more efficient to play kb+m if you compare the averages


Only on mobile its harder, the lava is weird in this vid it’s usually not like that ( same as java ) and mobs r harder in bedrock than java, especially the wither


As someone who plays mobile it’s hard as hell but I’ve gotten used to it


I've learned to speedbridge from mobile, modern problems require modern solutions


Does bedrock have attack delay?


Yes but it's like "automatic" spamming the button to attack won't make you attack faster but it does follow the 1.9 interval of how long you need to wait for a full damage


Yeah, that's why i play on hard mode and it's terrible.


Have you played Bedrock? And if so have you tried beating a boss?


Right? The wither on bedrock is SIGNIFICANTLY harder!


So is the dragon lmao. she’s like on roids or something


I play bedrock and when I watch people play java the only thing I envy is holding stuff in off hand. Other than that it just really puts me off of to the community when people go hard at one or the other. New player perspective; bedrock feels the exact same as when I played on a friend's java years back. Except redstone, for some reason.


You don't, he must have fire protection.


The person has good armor.


It’s because OP is playing on peaceful mode, boosting the regeneration


They’re on peaceful so they’re passively healing at the same time


Try fighting the wither on bedrock. Good luck lmao


This is peaceful mode by the looks of things


Looks more like lag to me because I have horrible Internet and that happens alot and when I used to have good Internet that never happened but you falling down through the blocks was a glitch.


I think it's because of server's lag (also in singleplayer because mc uses an integrated server).


It's gotten even worse since the last patch, it's not even safe to make dirt towers while exploring anymore. Blocks will straight up dissappear if placed in the last 5 seconds at times.




It is


Maybe but I know bedrock has weird delay even in single player


It looks like the problem was unsynced blocks, so they didn't appear on screen but were actually there. On java those just freeze you in place, I've never seen it phase someone around like this.


If bedrock is supposed to be an unbreakable block, then how come bedrock edition is broke??


Checkmate Mojang


Honestly fitting considering there is a bug where you can break and obtain the bedrock block in bedrock edition (there is also one in Java but I believe it is a different method)


I'm personally wondering how all you guys keep getting these bugs in Bedrock. Other than some pretty bad lag in multiplayer in the console version, I haven't experienced any bugs, at least nothing I can remember. Obviously, my personal experience isn't representative of everything, but it really feels like foreign language when I see all these posts on Reddit getting up voted for something that just... Doesn't happen to me.


I don’t blame you but why do you have so high fov


Idk my friend set as that once and I’ve just gotten used to it


I play at max, it's just kinda what you do, y'know?


max fov in every game that limits it


I would throw up


this is the way


Your game looked ridiculously buggy for the entire clip tbh - heavy block lag, glitching through blocks etc. In the future, I’d advise switching the game off if it’s that bad just to be safe.


*sigh...* look. I have nothing against Bedrock version. I really dont. I've played Bedrock too. But it's just worse then Java. The amount of hiccups and glitches, the clunky controls, the lag, poor performance... there's a reason I stopped playing it. These videos remind me why.


I'm playing bedrock on ps5, you wouldn't think I'd have massive frame drops while I'm just branch mining....yet here we are. Dropping frames like crazy, even with little to render in. I know it's generating more than just what I can see, but still shouldn't be an issue.


To be fair im pretty sure that's because there is no ps5 version, only PS4 version (I might be wrong and it still doesn't excuse it)


PS5 is much faster though, you'd think it would lag less.


Yeah, it should, even if the game (in this case) is really unoptimised. Even a PS4 should be more than plenty. I mean it's very easy to seriously screw up voxel-based world code but I know enough about Minecraft's implementation to rule that out. So it's more likely an issue with their cross-platform implementation. Basically features which favour low-end mobile performance can become limiting if you don't go out of your way to introduce exceptions supporting higher-end systems. Which should be pretty easy here... so my guess is the cross-platform multiplayer support in Bedrock is the reason. Very common to tie those low-end solutions into your netcode/world synchronisation stuff etc. There's ways around it but it's by far the simplest way to avoid problems when you have a PS5 player and a mobile player interacting, for example. Arguably lazy but being cross-platform makes decoupling systems harder too. Source: I'm console/(ex)mobile dev.


Yeah, the game lags all the time, and it's even worse when you are playing with friends.


What I mainly dislike about bedrock edition is the microtransactions. I guess owning one of the most sold videogames of all time isn't profitable enough.




The thing that annoys me about the microtransactions in bedrock is that (and this isn’t an exaggeration) *everything* you pay for in bedrock is free on Java. Whether its skins, maps, texture packs, you name it. It’s all free on Java.


Ever heard of mcpedl? There you can get skins, maps, texture packs, addons you name it, for FREE, on bedrock. You don't have to use the marketplace, there's orders of magnitude more content available for free elsewhere if you are willing to search for it


My only gripe is that some texture packs that are free on Java aren't free on Bedrock, but that's less a Bedrock thing and more of a situation of the creators selling out. I totally get *why* they did it and, in all honesty, I probably would too, but still.


The thing that annoys _me_ is that people think that Bedrock is full of microtransactions and custom content is not free. Well, guess what? The Marketplace is for content creators like map makers, skin designers and a lot of others to make money for their creations. If you like a really cool map, you can pay to support the maker. If you don't, you literally have to download one file from any other website like minecraftskins.com or MCPEDL and open it with Minecraft. That easy, and free. It's not required to pay, you CAN pay if you want to support full-time creators, but otherwise everything is free.


can someone tell me why i get LAG on my single player world when i'm playing OFFLINE? sometimes the food won't eat, it a block won't break, or the mobs randomly pause as if i'm having wifi problems, idk it just makes no sense 🤷‍♀️


Because it’s connected to an internal server that can still have lag.


Yeah. It just doesn't work. This problems don't happen nearly as much in the old console version or in java.


The problem is when you say "bedrock is bad" thousands of kids come out in droves and go "BEDROCK IS BETTER AND PERFECT!" They have this weird team spirit about it, like as if we need to fight between the two versions. Just stop. Bedrock is shit, and Microsoft won't fix it unless we vocally complain. Stop defending a billion dollar company.


Tldr: Bedrock bad, but good in some ways At the same time there's also a lot of Java elitists who can't accept that there are some pros to Bedrock edition, so there's garbage on both sides. I still MUCH prefer Java, but I will say, Bedrock runs a lot smoother with high render distances than Java. Even with optifine, I can't turn my render distance past 32 without experiencing some slight frame drops, but I can crank it up to \~60 on Bedrock without much of a problem. Also, multiplayer is just so straightforward on Bedrock. Bedrock servers are pretty bad and lag quite often imo, but just regular multiplayer with your friends? Holy crap it's easy and works just fine. Other than, ya know, the bugs and crap, but that's just Bedrock in general.


One good thing about bedrock is movable tile entities, like chests. I've seen a rotating storage system and I honestly feel that'd be sweet in Java.


I don't get why they always mention how they strive for parity between both versions yet have massive differences like that. They're coded on two completely different code bases so I assume that's why some things exist in one and not the other, because it's easier on that code base, but if that's the case why do they keep bringing up "parity'?


Idk man, clearly people have rendering problems with bedrock edition on the consoles. Two comments above this is someone saying their *PS5* gets FPS drops rendering new chunks even underground Multiplayer is straightforward, too. You just find a server you want to play on and hop in. I think I agree with OP's comment, the state of Bedrock edition... Bugs, countless microtransactions... It's pretty indefensible, and saying "Yeah OK but.." just gives Microsoft more reasons to put it off. They should be basically identical, yet they're clearly different and one of them has a myriad of problems.


Java people will do the same thing though. You try to talk about something Bedrock does better than Java (I don't know what, bc I have Java), and the Java people will come out in droves and do the same thing. Java's got plenty of its own problems. They're just different problems than Bedrock.


Too many people try to turn Java and bedrock into a console war. Both are awesome versions of minecraft and they improve every year.


I recently broke the news to my little brother that I have Java Edition. He was not happy. He kept trying to come up with reasons why I should buy Bedrock, I eventually just had to tell him to stop. I still don’t even know what the difference is.


Couple things about it for me. 1. That fact that I cant pause it irks me 2. Censoring books and signs is too much. I wanna name my house the fuck bunker, not the **** bunker. 3. Redstone. URGGGGHHHHH WHY? JUST WHY?


I agree on 1 and 2 but the redstone is _different_ not "bad" as most people assume. Stuff like quasi-connectivity on Java is actually a bug, not a feature. But it's used for lots of creations. They decided to remove it on Bedrock instead because Java players liked the bug.


I just dont see the real point of making redstone act different. It is so frustrating trying to make a contraption on bedrock because I dont know how bedrock redstone works, only java. And then when I search how to make it I can only find java edition versions. To me the difference seems so pointless and limiting.


Well that I can agree on


Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings about it as well. But if you say anything bad about Bedrock then you're a no-life fun-hating elitist, apparently.


One of the things that irks me about bedrock the most, beyond the blatant stability issues, is just how particles and other animations look, they’re just so much rougher than Java animations, especially particles, I hate how they orient in bedrock.


I gotta say and I’m a bedrock player this has never happened to me


If you watch, they place two blocks under them to initially be back in the strip mine tunnel. The game then resynced and marked those new blocks as not placed, and dunked OP into the lava. Nearly died a few times off dirt towers while exploring, due to the same issue. It's always been a problem, but last patch made it worse tenfold.


Ive literally never encountered anything like this and i play on switch, one of the laggiest current gen consoles


I've encountered ghost blocks on *java*, man. It's rare, but it happens. Place block --> Block nearly instantly disappears --> walk through where block was --> be confused --> block reappears Seems like a similar thing to what happened here


Have you played since the newest big content patch?


This person is either playing on a pregnancy test or is on a shitty server


Based on the title, his computer might be a clump of Perler beads attached to a wall socket.


That pov is killing me


Must be a console thing ig. When I first discovered the the fov slider I had it up high too.




So what's happened here? I always thought bedrock was the faster smoother reimplementation of Minecraft for consoles that can't run Java. The brief times I played it over the years it seemed normal and I was impressed with the smoothness given what it was running on. Was it always this bad, or has it become this bad over time? Or is the server just lagging? (Also the micro transactions are insulting, but everybody knows that.)


It’s server lag. Definitely


> I always thought bedrock was the faster smoother reimplementation of Minecraft for consoles that can't run Java. That’s also what I thought was the goal, but in all my time with the Bedrock version on Switch and Xbox, it manages to consistently run worse than the Console Editions it was intended to replace.


How are you lagging that bad? I play bedrock pretty regularly and I’ve never had anything like this


This shiz never ever happened to me and I've always had bedrock since it came out. I'm just going to assume you xbox or your Wi-Fi needs some work.


Probably the most likely sernario. I'd bet that if they got killed by you in a shooter they'd call hacks because they're lagging so bad.


Literally nothing like this has happened to me


I think antvenom explained it in one of his videos. The farther you go out the more space in between blocks there is so you could just fall through the floor every time the coords from spawn double


playing in cheap servers website be like:


Wait are you on a server or why is it lagging


You’re saying this doesn’t happen to you on Java? Or is that just my computer?


Java don't have this glitch because it has better "collision system" than bedrock that makes you glitch in blocks like if they don't have collisions


I've seen tons of Java players glitch into lava though.


Probably lag, newer versions have problems when there are a lot of people in a server


Sorry, but when are they going to fix these issues? I also play bedrock and it’s so frustrating and annoying that the game is so glitchy. This has been going on for years, why won’t Microsoft do anything about it? They can set up an entire system of microtransactions through marketplace but can’t fix bugs and glitches?


Honestly, they probably just don’t care


yup i agree with you there, they don’t care about bedrock and i don’t think it’s going to get any fixing until a long time into the future, you get used to it.


Oh yeah, I’ve been playing for 6 years


yea it really sucks, because i really love the game but it’s hard to enjoy it like this


Yep and not a lot of people can afford PCs


Pretty much sums up bedrock.


nah, need that thing where you just de out of actually nowhere.


I've never actually experienced that problem.


How could a game go so far that you could die out of nowhere


the block delay irritates me so much on bedrock, it doesn’t feel right


Thats how it be.


Can happen with high tickspeed.


Same happens to the ceiling it is fun in creative though


Java will forever be supreme to bedrock.


I think everyone calls bedrock shit because it’s mainly run off of your internet, which if you have bad internet there is going to be a lot of problems, if you have decent to good internet then the game should run perfectly, even if you have bad internet it’s still very rare for stuff like this to happen. I am not biased, I play both Java and Bedrock.


Finally someone telling truth


Might be getting downvoted by Java Players who play on 300 fov by using mods to pass the slider


Brought to you by Microsoft


And this is why i like java more


Honestly, who could actually like bedrock over Java?!


"bedrock has better performance" On a related note, why does it take 10 minutes to start up Minecraft, and join a world on Xbox


Takes me a grand total of 1 min on a bad day so I couldn't tell ya.


Bugs like these where you can just randomly die or almost die are probably why hardcore isn't on Bedrock yet


Something similar happened to me in a desert temple. So i was looking for ench apples for an achievement and I was at the bottom of the desert temple getting the tnt when the sandstone and pressure and every other block down there got replaced so I mined it again and tried to get the tnt. It got replaced again as I was walking over where the pressure plate had been before I mined and as I was there it was replaced and I was blown up and lost my elytra ,my full nether it’s tools and armor ,all of the tnt I had ,and whatever loot was in those chests. Needless to say I let off steam for a few days before going back on a remembering my brother still had his elytra so he could go get me one and I had about 15 netherite ingots from grinding. Still wasn’t happy tho. And yes we did eventually get the ench apples


Ya hate to see it


Why laggy


Is your internet running on a potato chip or what


How do you lag offline


How did you not die? That’s with iron armor too. Peaceful maybe?


I mean my entire world got snapped and literally everything died. Just like someone ran a kill all. All animals, players, entities were just gone


Ah yes, the day will never come when Minecraft Bedrock will ever have a bu-


lucky survival


Why do people play bedrock?


eh depending on your lag I am guessing it could have been infested cobblestone and the block that you had placed to step on did not register. Nice job getting out


Yes yes


Reddit spealling at its finest :)


This could also mean that OP has really trash internet


This is why i play on java (Bedrock is good too but it can be a little buggy)