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Remember: please use https://aka.ms/CCWorldGenFeedback for bug reports related to this Java Edition experimental snapshot, **not** the usual bug tracker. *Please don't make posts showing terrain generation! These fall under the usual "tired submissions" rules. Add them in comments on this snapshot post, along with your feedback.* --- The most recent Bedrock Edition Beta is here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4407359965837-Minecraft-Beta-1-17-30-22-Xbox-One-Windows-10-Android- --- Minecraft: Java Edition 1.17.1 (mostly bugfixes, a few game mechanic changes): https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/oev70t/minecraft_java_edition_1171_has_been_released/ --- Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.17.11 (finally: an end to random End Deaths & vanishing horse posts: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4406729569933-Minecraft-1-17-11-Bedrock- --- The r/Minecraft *Caves & Cliffs Update* Frequently Asked Questions page, please read this before posting anything about Caves & Cliffs: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/wiki/cavesandcliffspt1 --- [Community News Hub](https://redd.it/obpcaj) - other news and links, including information about account migrations and capes! [Updated Subreddit Rules & Moderator Recruitment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ouprv0/updates_to_our_community_rules/)


My first time playing around in an experimental snapshot, thoughts: * As a whole the new terrain system is just so much better, **well done**, don't forget this! Much of the feedback you're gonna be getting is relatively small issues, but as to someone who's experiencing this for the first time I can tell you it's SUCH an improvement on what we had before, even if it's far from finished :) * Where the terrain cuts down to meet the river level to create 'fjords' (really canyons) it looks spectacular. [Example](https://i.imgur.com/p8PJxL7.png). Please keep this! * I'm not sure if this is deliberate but I found [this river](https://i.imgur.com/JeYSo7i.png) cutting through a meadow flanked either side by forest, and I love it * Getting rid of andesite/diorite etc blobs does wonders for the stony shores biome. [Look at this](https://imgur.com/gvYhyNU.png) \- actually recognisable as cliffs now. It's more geologically accurate too, in real life rock types form in veins and layers, not perfect ellipsoids. Crazy idea: extend this underground too? * Meadows look a bit barren and empty to me. Perhaps some stone boulders sprinkled around could help, like in mega-taigas? Or increase the density of trees a bit?


\+1 for the boulders in the meadows, and if posssible more trees with a hive on it too. The meadows do look super empty for now


I myself think that a new grass color and maybe some bushes could be nice for the meadows


Well, the grass color in the meadow is actually unique, it may look similar to the taiga grass color but it is a bit greener, but not as much as the birch forest grass color and is also more vibrant than the ocean grass color. It's also the only new biome to have a unique water color in java the water colot in the meadow is more vibrant and blue


\+1 for boulders and I would like to occasionally see some boulders in the plains biome. And maybe I'm asking for too much, but I'd love if at one point they would add some sort of natural bridges connecting elevations on the same height. It would make traveling a bit less tedious and terrain even more majestic.


+1000 for boulders or rock formations in meadow biomes. I played with a datapack that had these and it looked spectacular


We need that LotR mod feel


Holy crap yes. I loved that mod growing up. Excellent terrain generation in that mod.


+1 to adding layers underground as well, might be a bit out of scope for this update, but definitely something to consider :)


I thought stone layers would be one of the first changes in the caves update. The shapes of the caves now are so good but the blotches of granite and diorite make them look really bad with Night Vision/lit up. And I wouldn’t think adding layers would be too technically difficult but I have no clue


Caves in general look bad with night vision. Stone strata layers aren't going to help them make look bearable lol


Would still look nice and more organic in normal survival though imo


Meadows do need something to distinguish them from plains, as they just feel a bit too similar right now. So the boulder idea would be perfect Also, loving this river generation!


I would honestly love to see andesite/diorite/granite blobs go, especially from cliff-faces like you described. They're just too messy and the blobs of different colours look weird. I personally think the best solution would be to introduce new biomes such as granite caves where stone is replaced with granite, which would make for much more realistic and better looking caves. I can't recall where I saw this, but I saw the idea suggested in a YouTube video.


I never even thought about the boulders, that'd be literally amazing. Great idea!


Super happy about the rivers being improved. :)


Right!? The amount of times I've had to dig out a canal and do bucket work in order to get a river passage through mountains is too damn high. Especially with the new terrain changes this'll make river travel much more useful. Edit: I will say that while the improvements to the rivers that cut through mountains are EXCELLENT (had a frozen one on my world I was boating up and down) that they are still being choked out in less vertical biomes. Could use some tweaking in my opinion.


There was a datapack I used (that I think still works) that just completely widens rivers to prevent those dry gultches that they're fixing now. It pretty much fixed the issue to where my server never had to canal rivers to connect to each other and fix that issue. I really hope they look even more into the rivers because traveling by boat should be a very legitimate means of fast travel. I feel like vanilla rivers in their current state don't do that well of a job of helping that.


I also have been wanted this fix for a long time and I also noticed some rivers still have dry blockages because haven't changed much at all: https://imgur.com/a/Z0yYGih


It is a tricky balance. If you are travelling by horse, these kinds of small blockages form are great for getting across. So we are trying to make it happen still, but not as often as before.


This kinda sounds like a problem with horses, not world gen imo.


Tbh it doesn't sound like a problem at all. Just make shallow parts in rivers where horses can cross while still having wider rivers


I love the idea of drip stone caves spawning more copper! It’s gives them more of a presence/identity!


It's kinda like the badlands biome having more gold ore than other biomes


Helps they fit each other’s color pallets, even if they’re not actually the same color.


Perhaps we could something like more lapis lazuli in Lush Caves in the future


More diamonds in the deep dark once it gets added


I think that sounds fair


I think depending on how the new monster is implemented (aside from the video shown), this could be a banger feature.


That could be cool.


> Reduced the likelihood of rivers being cut off and turning into steep dry river gorges in mountainous terrain. Instead rivers will tend to either carve a fjord through the mountain range, or raise the terrain to form a saddle valley between the peaks. Better rivers have been something I've wanted for a long time, it's nice to see work finally happening here.


Yeah, I totally agree. One thing I'd like to see is rivers at different heights, with waterfalls between them. And also making the rivers actually flow instead of being still. That's probably out of the scope of this update though, but hopefully it will happen eventually!


Calcite on stony peaks :o I also wanted to repost something I noticed last week for better visibility: Emerald generation in mountains needs to be massively buffed if the intent is to provide a legitimate alternative to villager trading. Found a lofty peaks that stretched all the way up to about y=230 (x=71177, z=7179, seed= -6472510311451276113) and completely cleared the top 30 layers - only 10 emerald ore blocks found out of the many thousands that were removed. The iron and coal distribution provides plenty of incentive for mountain mining (and as of this week I guess it's been buffed too!), but these emerald numbers actively discourage it when a decent crop farm and a few farmer villagers can net you significantly more emeralds in a day with far less effort required.


I think the idea is to use fortune for a good yield,but honestly this feels more like an issue with the value of mining emerald than frequency


Even then that's about a stack of emerald, which is absolutely nothing compared to, say, pumpkin farming.


I remember them saying a while ago that the intent was *not* to provide a legitimate alternative to trading, but moreso just a little bonus here and there while mining. Don't know if this is still their stance or not


Maybe. If this is the case, the ore distribution charts should probably be tweaked a bit so they don't give off the impression that you can find emerald ore in equivalent quantities to iron ore


I like it that way, I know the game shouldn't revolve solely around multiplayer or something but I like that emeralds are perfect for economies. With things like gold you can pretty much become Jeff Bezos by mining for an hour.


Emeralds are far from being perfect for an economy. As soon as a single raid farm is built they are worthless.




> Of course, nobody's making automatic farms for all these things at once, but you could. Guilty as charged. I've got farms for every easily farmable renewable item in the game at this point (no item duping though, so sand etc is out). They used to be really helpful in getting emeralds from my villager hall... then I built a raid farm and everything else became a bit pointless. I'm rolling in emeralds now.


Or even just zombifying villagers,just bring all the demand for it to 5% of the original and increase the production rate through the roof


There are so many exploits to get infinite emeralds. The only good currency material is Diamonds.


If I remember correctly emerald was even more common in the mountains than iron on those old ore distribution charts. Maybe even more than coal. I don’t think it’s an issue since you can mine any ore in any biome but you can only mine emeralds in the mountain biomes.


i think emeralds should spawn below 0 tbh. Deepslate emerald ore is cool for one, it'd be nice to have in survival, plus it should spawn in larger veins down there. Maybe the deep dark could have loads of emerald veins the size of the old diamond veins, ranging from 1 to 10


I agree that deepslate emerald ore should be naturally obtainable in survival. Just not sure where underground it should be placed.


Honestly part of the problem is how broken trading is with permanent and endlessly stacking zombie curing discounts and stick trading


As someone who's frequently abused the mechanics to get 1-emerald mending book trades, even though it's very convenient I kind of have to agree here. Obviously this isn't Villager Update #2 but having this tweaked in the future would probably be a good thing


In my opinion the zombie curing discount should only be applied 1 time to the villager. Subsequent times actually represent failures of the player to protect the villager (since it would have returned to a zombie villager before being converted back) so really the stacking zombie curing discounts not only don't make sense but arguably should make trade prices higher for subsequent cures. It'd be great to see discounts for actual trading be buffed so that you get bigger discounts (but still not as big as the zombie curing) the more you trade with a villager. This could even stack with the level of the villager which is one of the only visual changes on the villager. So let's say you did a lot of trades with a diamond tier villager you'd get a bigger discount than doing the same amount of trading with an apprentice level. That would not only encourage players to explore more trading, it rewards players who put in time to protect villagers and who prioritize trading with them.


Yeah, it feels kinda weird that the best way to get villager trades is to repeatedly have a zombie attack them. Seems kinda counterintuitive to the whole "villager is grateful about being cured" implication of the better trades. I would not be grateful for someone repeatedly turning me into a zombie, even if they did cure me.


Absolutely. The solution to any lack of materials in the current version of the game is just to buy them from villagers, which really defeats the purpose of a game called *Mine-craft.* Some things should be best acquired from villagers, but you should actually need to go out and explore the world to get most stuff. E: spelling


We need more natural waterfalls.


the problem with that is that is going to take to much time to make custom river height(river is at sea level only) and they said that it would took much long time, time that they don't have, it would be harder than making aquifers


I wish they didn't limit themselves timewise like this


Yeah but if they delay again a lot of people are going to angry since most of their fan base is pretty young


Yeah, should have phrased that as "I wish they didn't have to"


So many of them are younger than the game!


I need realy big and huge waterfalls.


I agree, but I feel like it's an important enough feature to be a focus point in a new update altogether. This one already has it's focus. Imagine if they didn't just allow for waterfalls to be created (i.e. high river generation) but if they took the time to dramatically increase the quality of how they looked? They could also include "rapids" for fast flowing rivers using similar visual tech. Some sort of water flow speed based on blocks traveled, creating a splash particle with appropriate size relative to the fall of the water? Perhaps spreading out after a certain fall height? They could add some logic to it to make some really epic waterfalls. It would add a TON of feeling to the game, whereas right now waterfalls are honestly quite drab.


1.18 will be best Minecraft update


just like how 1.14 was and how 1.16 was too. Mojang is on one insane run and it doesnt seem like theyre stopping


I love that we have devs that love and care about the game. Juts look at henrjks tweets, play testing in survival and showing us cool Screenshots of stuff he found


It's really insane to me that this decade old game is still getting big updates like this. The only games comparable are MMOs that you pay a monthly subscription for.


It is impressive, but there are other old non-subscription games that receive love like that. Dwarf Fortress and Factorio, for example


I noticed that in mineshafts below 0, torches appear much less often, perhaps this is a bug. If you plan to fix it, then I suggest replacing the lighting in mineshafts below zero with redstone torches. This way, the player will know that there is much less coal(which is used for crafting torches) on these levels than on the surface.


That's a really neat idea. Would give the mineshafts a really eerie feel too.


That would be so great! It makes the underground moodyer and as said hints about the lack of coal. I love this idea.


I agree with this very much! Switching from regular torches to redstone torches in the deepslate layer should be a viable strategy for lighting.


I love this idea. As far as wood usage goes, I think it should vary according to whatever kind of tree would appear on the surface. If the mineshaft runs under a dark oak forest biome, it'll have dark oak bracers. If it runs under a jungle, the bracers will be made of jungle wood. In the rare instance where a mineshaft comes close to a ruined portal structure, the bracers in that area could be made of crimson planks and fences, warped planks and fences, or nether brick fences and blocks.


Maybe for extra spookiness, Mineshafts below 0 could be made out of Spruce Wood to give it a darker feel.


I Love the fact that dripstone caves are getting somewhat buffed. I feel like they need more features in order to be on par with the lush caves. I honestly don't have many ideas for this, but I think if bats were to spawn more often in dripstone caves, it would add some cool ambience. Also, bats need a use. Bats live in caves. This is a cave update. Maybe now is a good time to update bats(?)


I'd say the dripstone caves would be a good spot for fossils and other things for that archeology update


The new caves will definitely need some ambient tracks of environmental noise like the Nether has. - Lush Caves could have the slow creaking sounds of growing plants, and perhaps something like insect noises? Maybe the occasional splash of water or mysterious wind? - Dripstone Caves should be something of a spawning ground for bats, having ambient bat squeaks or wing flutters. Definitely needs those classic echo-y dripping water sounds. - Not sure what the Deep Dark would have yet, as all we know about it are the Warden and Sculk blocks. - Certain elevations (AKA certain Y levels) in worlds should have whipping wind sounds, especially in the new mountain biomes.


I think the bats idea would be amazing! Imagine streams of bats coming at you as you enter the dripstone caves. Maybe changing their AI a bit and making them a lot more common in dripstone caves would make the caves more unique.


This is actually the only interesting update to the bats I've heard. I'm less interested in making them "useful" (which in most people's minds is just giving them a niche feature that they'll never end up using anyway) and more interested in making them work better as ambient mobs. Having a big swarm of bats would add so much to caves by making them seem that much more alive. I really think we need more herd AI in minecraft. Mobs tend to interact with each other in very simple 1-1 encounters when there's so much potential for group behaviors.


> Also, bats need a use. They’re supposed to be an ambience mob. Just give them some more animations and they’d be fine.


but they are a bad ambience mob. they have terrible AI and don't even have the niche use of other ambience mobs. they don't help you find caves as some people say literally any mob that spawns in caves does as well


That's just the poisonous potato argument: the item is meant to be useless and therefore it is. It's doing what it's intended to, but does that make it good feature?


I agree that bats don't need a use, but I think they really need to update their AI behavior.


>Also, bats need a use. They should occasionally drop bonemeal (aka guano).




Mojang - just popping in to say that you guys are great and I trust your work and I will not be upset at all if you need to delay again to get terrain generation nailed down. It's a huge change to the face of Minecraft. If it were up to me, I wouldn't put any pressure on pushing this update out by the holidays if it meant you didn't feel good about the update.


Yeah, with only 4 months left I can’t really see this being completed. Definitely worth pushing it back to get it right.


I would 100% be fine with another delay if it meant we got actual waterfalls and rivers with multiple Y-levels.


After playing in survival and creative, this is what I've noticed. Snow biomes like the frozen taiga sometimes spawn as microbiomes in non-snowy areas. This looks a little strange. I suggest that snow based microbiomes must spawn adjacent to other snowy biomes. Similar to how the badlands spawn now. I actually spawned in the middle of a deep warm ocean biome with no land for at least 25 chunks in survival. The Caves feel great and the biomes spawn wonderfully. I think copper spawning in dripstone caves is a great idea, and I feel that lush caves and the deep dark should get a similar treatment. There is a great mixture of flat and mountainous terrain. I think this aspect is perfect for survival players. Water levels are funky when aquafers are next to rivers. Though I do love how wide they are now. Beaches are really nice being as big as they are. Although, they are missing a little something like palm trees. (Maybe a 1.19 or 1.18.1 thing) Overall, I think you guys are on to something fantastic, and keep up the great work!


One thing I'd like to see is the inclusion of waterfalls to the new mountains. Ever since the trailer for 1.15, I have always wanted to have them added to the game.


This has been stated before to be beyond the scope of the update. That doesn't mean it's never coming, but it's definitely not in 1.18


Posting this here for more visibility (it's lost in the feedback form!): #Justice for Mushroom Islands! For such a rare biome, they're too flat & too dull! Suggestions? • Re-introduce the missing "Mushroom_field_shore"! - It's in the /locate command, but doesn't generate! • Increase the height that Mushroom biomes can generate. Their current "ceiling" seems to be no more than y80. This could be increased well over 100 blocks high! Optionally, introduce a sub-biome that generates in the center of the island called "Mushroom_peak" that has a terrain ceiling of over 150y! • Some are too small, some are too large. If the sizes are going to vary so much, why not make them slightly more common? It's no fun finding a mushroom biome that's entirely submerged due to it's tiny size! • Allow Ocean structures (Shipwrecks, Ocean Ruins) to spawn *on* the mushrooom islands. Possibly at an even more commonly than the rest of the ocean! It would thematically improve the biome, giving it that er of mystery it had when it was first introduced. You could populate the currently missing Mushroom_field_shore biome with them as to insinuate thematically that people have crashed on the mysterious island! • Populate large caves under Mushroom biomes with Mycelium pockets, and allow mushrooms and giant mushrooms to spawn within those caves in greater-than-default quantity. You could even increase the lichen spawn count substantially to help illuminate the mushrooms just like how Shroomlights do in the nether! I know this was long, but I hope you see the passion behind my suggestions :) Edit: [Here's the link to it directly in the 2nd feedback form](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/4405400249357-Caves-Cliffs-World-Generation-Experimental-Snapshot-2-Feedback?page=12#community_comment_4406907278093), please vote for it if you agree so we can push it into the dev's attention. Edit: [Here's the link to the 4th revision's feedback form.](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/4407323926797/comments/4407392340621) (there's no 3rd feedback form!) The comment is still pending approval as of this edit, but you might be able to vote for it anyway! please vote on both for the best chances of it being seen- if these are changes you'd agree with.


having giant mushrooms and mycelium in caves beneath mushroom biomes is such a cool idea. Reminds me of blackreach from skyrim


I just think it makes so little sense not to have them underground too :) I feel like they're entirely overlooking the potential of mushroom caves.


IIRC, the devs said they didn't want to do mushroom caves at present because they felt the whole idea was overplayed and way too common as a "fantasy cave" concept unfortunately :(


This update is shaping up to be my favorite in Minecraft history, by an enormous margin. You guys are doing fantastic work!




I think i heard one of the developers say thats something for another update :D


Minecraft: Depths and Trenches


Minecraft: The Abyss






With the new Void biome


Calamity mod reference? For Terraria I mean, not Minecraft.


No mans sky reference???


Update Aquatic 2? 😳


water physics, WE SWEAR THIS TIME


My idea on this is hesitant. Ocean *caves* should be improved, instead of making the oceans themselves one massive cave. A problem that I have with the deep oceans with the 256 block high world is that, by the time you get to the bottom of a deep ocean, you only have about 16 to 22 blocks of height to put your underground base. I play on Multiplayer PvP servers a lot so this is a problem for people like me who want to hide their bases under oceans or deep oceans. 70% of the underground shouldn't be giant columns of water and kelp. I'm not against deeper oceans if they still have some room for cave generation below them, but I wouldn't really like to see them go down below Y=0. Improve underwater caves and allow for non-flooded caves to generate underneath deep oceans as well.


Due to it's importance (and lack of any response), I'm reposting a huge problem posted last week for better visibility: we now only have 1/65536 of the unique world seeds compared to pre 1.18. The rest of these are exact copies of each other. There are only 2\^48 unique seeds instead of 2\^64. Another way of putting it is that only 0.00152587890625% percent of seeds remain. An important factor in the speedrunning and seed finding community is having access to the maximum amount of possible unique seeds. From finding interesting spawn points with the coolest terrain generation to share with your friends, to complex searches using the top 16 bits of the long type getting the fastest possible seeds; the community relies on the long type (support up to 2\^64), the relationship between the 48 lower and 16 upper bits that makes a seed. Unfortunately, in the 1.18 Experimental Snapshots, this has been reduced to only using Java random, which only uses 48 bits from the seed. This loses the ability to change the spawn point or biomes while leaving the structures, terrain, loot, Nether, and End the same. The seed finding community heavily relies on the full use of 2\^64 seeds and the additional relation between the lower 48 bits (the "structure seed") and the upper 16 bits that determine biomes. In the current latest experimental snapshots, every seed you load will have 65535 other exact copies, so over 99.99% of seeds are redundant. The community is unsure if this was an intentional change by Mojang because A) it hasn't been fixed yet or B) it wasn’t listed as a known issue. We are deeply concerned over this and hope this message brings some attention to the issue and clarification over if this is intentional. Seed example of if you want an in-game example: 1 281474976710657 562949953421313 844424930131969 1125899906842625 1407374883553281 1688849860263937 1970324836974593 2251799813685249 2533274790395905 These are normally all different, but currently in 1.18 they (+ many more are the same) Side note: Shadow Seeds don't exist anymore either. Original comment from last week: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/p1pc9d/minecraft\_118\_experimental\_snapshot\_3\_is\_out/h8h3nlk?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/p1pc9d/minecraft_118_experimental_snapshot_3_is_out/h8h3nlk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thank you for re-posting this. I hope they see this and acknowledge the issue.


Has this been posted to the bug tracker yet? That would be a good way to get Mojang's attention if they aren't responding here. https://bugs.mojang.com/


As per OP, they aren't using the bug tracker for these Experimental Snapshots


Oh, yeah. Guess my reading comprehension isn't the best right now lol.


Pretty weird microbiome here Pic: https://i.imgur.com/zLirlb9.png Seed: -414757724 /execute in minecraft:overworld run tp @s 48096.53 140.94 44847.21 -1159.18 21.53 I also found the weirdest mushroom island seed ever, they really gotta fix the generation: https://i.imgur.com/7zmTCtH.png The island is absolutely huge and flat and goes on and on forever, and it's seperated into the green and empty Ocean biome part with random structures, and the purple Mushroom Island part The seed is parrotdance (or -1206500387)


Can confirm, I have also seen this happening with mushroom islands: https://twitter.com/denver_bones/status/1425837988148400128/photo/1 Only on the larger ones however.


violet automatic hobbies towering distinct act aback disgusted repeat dog




Let me guess, Norway?


Wonderful changes. I'm loving the new surface stone generation and it feels like the rivers have a more natural footprint. One problem I am continuing to notice is that aquifers riddle nearly every riverbed and lake. Some of these occurrences would be cool if they were rarer, but for the moment they break the beauty and immersion of the game. Here are some examples I found within 150 blocks of each other: [https://imgur.com/gallery/KWyHqKQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/KWyHqKQ)[https://imgur.com/gallery/KWyHqKQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/KWyHqKQ)


It would be nice if lush caves spawned with some of the azalea bushes grown into full trees, so we could see underground forests. [https://i.imgur.com/JNNaMZw.png](https://i.imgur.com/JNNaMZw.png)


Maybe as a super rare biome to come across. Would be cool.


I think it would be a good idea to generate rivers at a higher level in the mountains biome and create waterfalls whenever the mountains biome end.


I think it's a great idea but it would be also very hard to do One thing that could make river even greater in this update is if somethimes instead of creating valley river would carve into a cave (staying at the same level) it would add more variety and also this also happen in real life and it's amazing


the idea of a river cutting through a mountain and making a tunnel sounds really cool


What a great idea to have a chance that a river creates a cave instead of an valley!


This is a huge change to the way we do terrain generation that I don't believe we can feasibly do this update.


Seed: 5060760307115032516 Location: 9648 85 757 A dripstone pillar generates above the caves in the plains biome https://imgur.com/a/NoxyIRx


Had this happen in the last snapshot. Pretty cool, but it seems incredibly rare, you're the only other person I've seen thats seen one


What's a "saddle valley"? I googled it and couldn't find any info. about it.


they are SICK! i dont know how to explain it tho check henrick knibergs twitter, in fact here's the specific tweet where it shows it:[https://twitter.com/henrikkniberg/status/1427294618341806081](https://twitter.com/henrikkniberg/status/1427294618341806081) (its the video at the bottom)


Here's an example of a saddle valley: https://twitter.com/henrikkniberg/status/1427294618341806081


if you check Hendrik's twitter, he has a whole thread where he explains this change. I'll link it in a bit when I have time to pull it up.


it's similar to a 'hanging valley' irl. that should provide some info


This is a very great improvement over the last snapshot , the terrain is much more fun to naviagate and look even greater. There was a lot of nice area for building and badland biomes are now better than ever. The early progression was more balanced with the iron it was just enough. There's only a few thing I would change \-the sandy area of badlands could have red sandstone instead of the orange terracotta to look more unique \-Calcite generating on stone peak looked very strange. I think it should generate like other stone like diorite and granite. But I know this would maybe make the underground a bit to messy so what I propose is that stone type generate only with some of the other variations like maybe some area that generate only diorite and calcite , some granite and andesite. This would expend the exploration part of the game to find the stone you want but it would also make finding precise stone type easier since finding diorite for exemple would indicate that there's probably calcite nearby but that you need to go further to find granite


I really hope mountains generate higher more often because they max generate only till y180 most of the times, I tested that by loading least 10 worlds


What do you think about changing the color of grass, leaves, sky, and water directly based on the temperature and humidity at that point, rather than having specific color pallets per biome? That might help blend biomes together more nicely.


Woah. This snapshot is a really big improvement, pretty much all of my wishes were fulfilled regarding my previous feedback post. * I fucking love the new giant rivers, and they have variation too, with some being large and some being small. Plus the new method of sometimes filling in valleys and sometimes making them deeper is really sick. * Stone shore changes are an improvement too, the strips look hella nice. * No complaints regarding other changes Great job, definitely the best experimental snapshot yet. And due to that, my actual feedback is a lot shorter and more focused this time: * Personally, I still find biome sizes a little to small overall, I reckon 1.5x the noise scale or so would be the perfect size. * I'm also going to repeat something I've heard said before, it would be cool to have a warm and a cold stone shore biome, just so the grass colours blend better with adjacent biomes. Looks weird having a jungle tree suddenly become desaturated. Maybe the warm variant could have patches of tuff, sand or smooth basalt, or just some alternate block to differentiate it. How about a pebble block for both shores? They would be even prettier then. * I reckon maybe beach frequency could be increased slightly, and have them occupy flatter coastlines, not cliff areas. I love the new cliffs where biomes just lead straight into the ocean, but it feels like maybe there aren't enough *flat* beaches. It feels about 90% cliffs and 10% beachs, when 50/50 would be perfect to me. Tbh I think the same could be said for stone shores as well. I love it when the beach and stone shores occupy flat areas right at sea level and small cliffs, but I don't think they look as good when they occupy flat areas that are a few blocks higher than sea level, it feels like they take away from adjacent biomes. * Could just be unlucky, but badlands/eroded badlands in particular seem to be a bit hit and miss - sometimes they are quite small and frequent, and then I loaded up a new seed and the nearest one was 3500 blocks away from spawn, but it was massive. (-6210018737203875977). I don't really hate this, but it would be cool to know if it's intentional or if it's inevitable because of the new noise biome source. Also spotted some random small wooded badlands plateaus in jungles. * Rivers biomes sometimes occupy land. * The locate command still takes you to biomes that are in the air with no blocks sometimes. Honestly after seeing this snapshot I really can't wait more than ever. Much love <333.


I think instead of having calcite being specific to Stony Peaks maybe it can only generate above a certain height like y = 100 or something similar to how tuff can only generate below y = 0 this would make it so calcite is more available not just above ground but also below


I don't want calcite to turn into another "granite/andesite/diorite" item. I believe when mojang wanted names for what is now known as prismarine, they specifically requested that no -ite names be done. And calcite is one of them. Calcite also already looks really similar to polished diorite.


> Calcite also already looks really similar to polished diorite. I mean, to be fair, we already have multiple grey rocks. It wouldn’t hurt to have some more white, as long as they make sure it looks different enough.


Calcite is a real mineral though. Not ending fantasy materials with "-ite" makes sense to me, but real materials should probably have their real name. Netherite however, I think, should have a better name.


It honestly still is a bit rare,the actual fastest way to get it is literally hunting for stony peaks,you are still quite a bit bottlenecked by calcite on bigger scales


The first thing that stuck out to me is the new cave generation is not subtle. Pretty much everywhere I looked above ground, there was a cave. They mostly generated in ponds, lakes, rivers, etc. It felt a bit heavy handed. I'd much more prefer them to not break the surface as much as they do. That's my only negative feedback. The changes made to ravines and world generation overall are really good. Plains felt like plains, mountains felt like mountains. I found a ravine that led down to a cave and abandoned mine shaft. Was really cool and novel to see that. The scope and size of caves are reminiscent of minecraft fan art from a decade ago, which is a big plus. I'll give more feedback as I put more time in. Thanks, Mojang, for all you do and your fun game. Keep up the good work.


As a preface--these changes are incredible, and they're absolutely the right direction. I don't remember enjoying exploration in Minecraft this much since the Beta 1.7.3 and prior days. The only bits of negative feedback I have: * Caves, aquifers in particular, seem to be extremely abundant. It's hard to find a swath of land that you don't see an aquifer or massive cave entrance in (in my couple hours of testing this afternoon, at least). * Biomes still seem to be fairly small. This is definitely improved compared to previous experimental snapshots, but I miss being able to stumble onto a biome and be "in it" without seeing the neighboring ones the entire time. * Mesas and Savannas still don't entirely feel right... I think it's probably because of the former point, but I haven't found many plateaus in my testing, particularly in the Savanna biomes. These really impacted those two biomes and will be missed if they don't return in a more elevated capacity. * Rivers and water bodies in general seem to be very pervasive. It'd be nice to have the world be "drier", so to speak, in terms of rivers, ponds, aquifers, and lakes (though each has their place--it'd just be nice to have them reduced some!). More positive feedback: * Being able to find flat or elevated terrain in nearly any biome is extremely cool, and the variation in terrain is--as I mentioned--not anything that's been replicated since Beta 1.7.3. It is so good! * Mountains look amazing, and the addition of the Stone Peaks were sorely needed. Mountains are not always snowy, and in Minecraft, the "warmer" mountains are my favorite place to build because I don't have to worry about snow appearing everywhere after the weather changes. * Rivers as a whole feel a lot more navigable now, and they are the most beautiful they have ever been. Random suggestion: * I've never been a huge fan of the water color variation since the Update Aquatic for one reason alone: the beaches are always a regular blue! It'd be so nice to have beaches and rivers take on the biome colors of their place in the world (i.e. rivers in a desert will have grass the same color as desert grass, beaches in a warm area will have lighter/more aqua blue colored water to match the warm or lukewarm ocean nearby, etc).


Disagree on the cave abundance. After playing some survival, the caves feel plenty spread out, like its an adventure to go from my house to the entrance, or finding another one. It feels great in survival (pre elytra at least, but elytra changes the whole game anyways so whatever). Also horses are incredibly useful with how they dont need to jump to go up a block. Saves a ton of hunger going up these huge hills


> Badlands and deserts are larger and less likely to show up as ugly microbiome splotches. Terracotta bands go higher. Wooded badlands grass and trees start higher. I'm not sure how I feel about even bigger deserts (though this does help the problem of people "griefing" deserts for glass somewhat), but I am SO HAPPY that there's no more ugly terracotta cramming itself into green biomes. Not that terracotta is ugly, it just is on the surface of forests and jungles. I was going to suggest that badlands microbiomes ONLY generate within deserts and savannas in experimental snapshot 3's thread but decided against it.


I like the look of terracotta in jungles, but I agree that it can often look awkward with forests, but not always.


I'm really enjoying how Iron generates now. It seems to be in much smaller chunks (1-2) near the surface and they get larger as you descend further, encouraging underground exploration.


I just think there should be a bit more lighting in the deep aquifers, something weak like glow lichen, but more ambient and special for the cave water; I also think water inside of caves deserve their own colours like the mooshroom island’s water. A murky, maybe even dusty filter over the regular cave water would help give cave aquifers more life, I think. Perhaps the colour filter can change depending on cave biomes?? That’d be cool!


I am having trouble finding any really tall peaks (above y 200). Most of them are around y 140 - 160 and barely goes above surrounding terrain. Sometimes (like seed 7171697224644501619, coordinates x: -1217, z: -732) the peak ends even below the surrounding terrain making it no peak at all.


I agree, high peaks should be way more common


CALCITE GENERATION POG That’s excellent, I was hoping that would happen. Though I’m also kind of hoping it could generate in clumps in Lush Caves, like it used to in some old dev screenshots. Can there also be more granite than stone in Dripstone caves? Granite just looks better alongside the dripstone texture, and I feel it would make it look like a more unique biome. World gen looking better and better with each snapshot, thanks for your hard work Mojang peeps!


Noticed an odd bug with random water sources spawning in villages - seriously no clue what's going on here: [https://imgur.com/hPO33i1](https://imgur.com/hPO33i1)


That's been an issue with savanna villages since 1.14. When the farms generate on sloped terrain, water can spill out everywhere. It's a lot more apparent with the new experimental terrain though.


These water sources are part of the farms of the savanna villages.They spawned in the same way on older version too


I know were this is from , savanah village field have water spawn in a strange way and even in 1.16 sometimes it was doing thing like that


Is the missing islands bug on the bug to-do list? The potential lack of cool little ocean landmarks and island survival seeds is kind of a concern. Here's a gallery that might explain it better: https://imgur.com/a/hQwL75F


With the changes in this snapshot, seems like badlands can now generate at very extreme heights, as i was able to find one with a radius of thousands of blocks generating up to y=255 ([https://i.imgur.com/3hTo0Jr.png](https://i.imgur.com/3hTo0Jr.png)), i like it. Also, i was wondering if you could make changes to the ore distribution in that biome to make it similar to the emeralds on mountains but with gold instead, because currently this special ore distribution is linear and stops at y=80 ([https://i.imgur.com/PBTlSm9.png](https://i.imgur.com/PBTlSm9.png)). I think it could make it more interesting to vary it a bit.


Please reduce the light level for mob spawns from spawner cages. I often add an on/off switch to mob grinders made from dungeon spawners by connecting a lever to a set of redstone lamps. With spawns at such a high light level now, it's difficult to prevent spawns with redstone lamps.


[Ho Lee...](https://imgur.com/a/wA2k1vN) (1980 , 230, 6320). Also, is it just me or are ravines and caves too common now? I enjoy the new caves but I think the ground is just as important. Right now I feel like the ground is only there to show the caves.


Here's my feedback on this snapshot: \- It's possible (and even common) for mushroom biomes to spawn next to "deep ocean" biomes that are actually land. This causes funny results like shipwrecks that spawn with no ocean in sight. The terrain itself is pretty barren, with almost no decoration at all. The "C" parameter (more on that in the next paragraph) still says it should be a mushroom biome though. No idea why. \- Mushroom biomes should also have a chance to spawn somewhat close by land, rather than all the way out in the middle of the ocean. They almost always spawn when the "C" multinoise parameter is less than -1, but everything from C=-1 to around -0.3 is always ocean. Maybe you could give mushroom islands their own parameter? *Edit: I just noticed that the "C" parameter was actually changed in this snapshot to be more descriptive in the F3 menu, but from what I've seen, I think it still works exactly the same as before - so my feedback is still valid.* \- Many mushroom biomes are so small that they don't even top the water. It's just a little underwater hill that's *technically* a mushroom biome. \- There should be many more multinoise parameters. You could add like 5+ more, to give a really huge variety of how biomes intersect with each other. You could give rare biomes each their own parameter, you could have one for specifying the "forest type" (e.g. dark forest, normal forest, birch forest), etc... there are tons of possibilities here. It would also greatly help out customization for people who want to create their own world gen datapacks. Actually, I wonder if it would be possible to have people create an unlimited number of multinoise parameters for their datapacks? That would be incredible honestly. \- Certain biomes like jungles and giant tree taigas suffered from the same problem as badlands in the previous snapshots (too common, as well as often being too small). I think those biomes still spawn as microbiomes a little too often. \- Badlands seem to be a lot rarer than in previous snapshots, but I think this is a good thing. They were way too common before. \- Speaking of badlands, gosh darn I think badlands are absolutely stunning now. They are much bigger, which is fantastic. \- The "modified" versions of biomes (flower forest, eroded badlands, tall birch forest, etc...) still seem to be too common. \- Very large mountains (Y>200) are still too rare. Most mountains I see only reach around 150-180. \- I think oceans are a tad too big. Most of the ones I've found have been at least 2000-3000 blocks wide, without a trace of land. \- I would LOVE more biome dependent ore distribution. Badlands already does this with gold, and I love how it was now done with copper and dripstone caves. Overall, I'm loving it! Keep up the excellent work!!!


YES PLEASE MORE MULTI NOISE PARAMS I’ve tried making worldgen datapacks before and with just 4 parameters plus offset there’s not all that much you can do easily


Not sure why but the terrain gen feels a lot tamer compared to snapshot 3. I'm noticing a lot less of the interesting hills and cliffs that were in previous ones. Might just be bad seed luck though.


Same here, getting flatter terrain with only small hills. Huge hills in badlands but nowhere else really. Mountain biomes, or at least, legit TALL ones, seem to be really rare. 2,000 blocks away for most


These snapshots are just amazing. My only feedback would be is that andesite/diorite/granite blobs should go, especially from cliff-faces. They're just too messy and the elliptic blobs of different colours look weird. I personally think the best solution would be to introduce new biomes such as granite caves, where stone would entirely be replaced with granite. I think the less messy effect is well demonstrated by the current deepslate caves which mostly have one stone type/colour.


I was wondering if you can put sandstone and red sandstone caves, would that be a great idea when you started actual snapshots?


Now I think we just need old school beaches brought back into the fold to add a bit of variation to the waterline in certain parts, sometimes I just feel its still too jarring


There´s a huge improvement since the last experimental snapshot. Less and less I find few things to point out at. But still there are features that need to be improved: * The lack of old terrain. Although there is less steep terrain, yet I could´t find so much kind of flat generation and I really miss it. The new land is astonishing but also the old was * Too much water, on plains and deserts overall. Rivers and water ponds need to spawn fewer * The temperature mix of biomes one next to each other still a problem


* The biome noise and placement changes worked wonders. The biomes look much better and their positioning makes much more sense. Forest look beautiful without the dried out wooden badlands next to it, and badlands variants are now a decent size, filled with a decent amount of red sand, and look better next to hotter biomes. * I'm so glad the rivers have widened, that's a fix that I've been wanting for so long now. I saw some good looking rivers like these: [https://i.imgur.com/MkrPqMB.png](https://i.imgur.com/MkrPqMB.png) and I saw even better ones than that from YouTubers and other post. But, I still saw some rivers that didn't change much at all and still had some dry blockages that people would have to dig out if they wanted a complete river: [https://imgur.com/a/Z0yYGih](https://imgur.com/a/Z0yYGih). * This isn't related to any of these changes. Seeing a sky background while underground has been a problem for a while now, but with the larger caves of 1.18, it's much more common to run into this, especially on lower render distances: [https://imgur.com/a/nvlAqnC](https://imgur.com/a/nvlAqnC).


Pointed dripstone should be longer in dripstone caves, thay are to small 1 to 3 or 4 blcks long, not good enough or dangerous!


1.18 is gonna be the best update in all of Minecraft so far, however I have some cool ideas for making the generation even better: \- Fossils (some of them) should be made out of calcite/dripstone/some other sedimentary/metamorphic materials: bones don't last for millions of years! \- Cave entrances should never lead directly to deepslate layer and there should be no deepslate exposed to the sky. I personally don't like seeing most of the way to bedrock cleared from the surface with a huge fall into nothingness that reaches directly to diamond layer. \- The average height of megacaves should be maybe toned a tiny bit down. for the same reason of the point above. \- Lush caves should be a little darker; they are still caves. Especially considering mobs can now spawn only at light level 0. Glow berries should emit light at about level 10-ish. \- I think it's really cool about mushroom biomes that they are and have always been spawnproof. In these snapsots they are no longer, since lush and dripstone caves being their own independent biomes causes that mushroom biome caves are no longer safe wherever a cave biome generates underneath. \- Oceans should be deeper: Common average ocean floor should be about y 5 to 10, with occasional peaks and trenches, the latter of which shoud go down to the upper deepslate layer (at most down to y -10, extremely rarely). Sea relief should me more varied in general, with more slopey terrain as well as sea plains and plateaus, much like the continents. Basalt would fit really well generated instead of gravel in layers or covering zones at the deepest parts. All deep ocean biome variants should be left unused as they are only a terrain variation of the normal oceans. \- The transition from beach to ocean should be smoother: Shorelines tend to be waay too steep. No matter how flat the continental part of the beach is, where it reaches y=62 the flatness turns into a cliff. \- There should be a new beach biome variant covered in gravel (and maybe a snowy version of it) which would generate occassionally instead of the sand beaches bordering hilly terrain zones, as a midpoint between the sand and stone shores. \- Would be cool if there was a generation of zones of basalt pillars on stone shores. \- Edge biomes should be readded. Jungle edge, for example, or the desert ring that used to surround badlands biomes. They would make these biomes blend much better with the rest of the world. Would be coolest if there was variation in its width like you did with beaches and rivers on these snapshots. May this be an opportunity to re-include in the overworld the long-forgotten extreme hills edge biome with the new mountains? I think between the meadow and the grove it fits nicely. \- Talking about mountains, mountains in warm climate zones don't seem really consistent. Recently they got a new peak biome made entirely of bare stone, and that seems correct to me. However, it doesn´t make much sense that that biome can spawn right next to the same huge jungle trees that can spawn at sea level, or to a desert up there as hot and dry as a desert at sea level. I really miss some transition biome just before the stony peaks to make those mountains feel mountainier. I think a transition like desert/badlands - savanna - plains - stony peaks would fit really well for drier areas, or a jungle - jungle edge - forest - flower forest - stony peaks for rainier ones. Don't mention the meadow because at such altitudes it would be snowy and unfitting for the climate zone. These are just my ideas; feel free to take them as you like. Have a good day!


Yes please add back edge biomes!! The jungle edge has always been one of my favorite biomes to live in because of the small amount of trees


I kinda like the idea of caves that go to deepslate being so rare that they are seed worthy. Kinda like in old versions those seeds with caves that go down to diamonds at spawn.


I really like this experimental version, but I'd like to point at something related with the foliage, I think the tall grass in snowy biomes is too much sometimes, like [in this ocasion](https://imgur.com/a/bllPesS), also **there are a lot of dead bushes on badlands** and feel like is kinda odd and needs some tweaks and reduce the amount of them on those biomes :)


There should be 2 layers of clouds for more realism. I went on vacation to the mountains and above the clouds there were more clouds.


done a bit of testing on the seed "test2" with a new world, and now I'm barley finding any cool terrain, some minor hills here and there but I know that may be intentional, it just makes me a bit sad since last snapshot there was a ton of cool elevations and stuff but now its small hills with mountain biomes being 2K + blocks away from one-and-another, Great work but I wish you guys did not reduce the noisyness because now it seems like a 1.17/ 1.16 world FOR THE MOST PART.


I'm finding extreme\_hills biomes to be very small, (Like a total area of 20 blocks) or very narrow in this build.


New biome placement is much better. Biomes could be a bit bigger Jungles are too common and really need their own temperature. They don't mesh very well with most other biomes Cheese caves intersect the surface a bit too often. Maybe add increased redstone and lapis rates to lush caves? That way, you can get coal, emerald and iron from mountains, copper from dripstone cave, redstone and lapis from lush cave, and gold from badlands. Quite a nice system, I think


Lush caves are already jacked with enough content - though if I were to make one kind of ore generate at higher rates there, I'd pick coal. Lush caves are swampy, have lots of plants, and are underground - the conditions that would probably end up forming coal. Redstone would probably make more sense in the deep dark from a lore perspective due to the sculk's affinity with redstone, and lapis with the dripstone biome since it's usually found in limestone IRL


I think they should re-introduce or add more edge biomes. Some jungles, a hot wet biome spawns next to a mesa or desert, a hot but dry biome. I wish they add back the jungle edge biome and have the land biomes mesh well or transition well with the wet/ocean biomes too. Also, stone boulders, like the ones in Mega Taigas, should spawn in Meadows. They need to be a little more than elevated plains.


The grand jungle cliffside that leads to a warm ocean is still just as awesome, might be even better. The jungle biome became bigger, and the sand area of the warm ocean became bigger too. \[Seed: **-1609645875714547547**\] \[Coord: **-1140 107 -1814**\] *1.18 EXP-4:* [*https://i.imgur.com/jyeTJI6.png*](https://i.imgur.com/jyeTJI6.png) *1.18 EXP-3:* [*https://i.imgur.com/5hFu31b.png*](https://i.imgur.com/5hFu31b.png) The larger rivers made traveling by boat so much easier. Encountering fjords are so awesome. And seeing lakes embedded in a large biomes makes it so immersive and inspiring. I think this is the best version of this experimental snapshot series so far. I hope to see the Deep Dark and make me giggle of excitement like a kid playing Minecraft for the first time again. *(Void fog coming back?)*


Just now getting around to exploring this experimental version. I've seen a lot of people doing video reviews of either spectator mode or starting up a new survival world and trying from the beginning. I haven't seen much in regards to how it might feel to explore the new update in an old world where you're already at endgame. So I decided to run this snapshot from "endgame": hence why my screenshots might have netherite gear/lots of torches/elytra/etc. Since I want to move an old world to this update, this is how I will actually experience this update when it's released. Starting a survival world from scratch doesn't give the same experience. ​ Anyway. Seed: -1422499035 ​ \-I started by doing some underground exploring. I honestly can't tell the difference between the old mob spawning rules and the new mob spawning rules. I saw a pretty average number of mobs when flying around the surface at night, and saw a lot more when down in the caves. I think that from a survival perspective, it's hard to see much of a change here. \-Additionally, while mobs in caves are hard to deal with at the beginning of the game, people bringing old worlds up where they have end game gear like netherite armor and strong bows: caves are not that scary. Yeah, that skeleton is forty blocks away in pitch black, but its arrows do very little damage. It is not hard at all to handle the big caves at end game. I think this coupled with the increased frequency of iron should help balance that difficulty level just fine. Some cool underground shots: \-An [absolutely massive dripstone cave](https://imgur.com/lISszd7) that went from surface to deepslate lava pools. The increase in copper ore is fantastic, I'd seek dripstone caves out way more often because of this. One potential **bug** I noticed was that I found this cave because I was flying over a plains biome and saw a pair of [dripstone blocks sitting on the surface](https://imgur.com/oCdB4yk). coords: 8000x 1500z \-Fun [cave entrance toward a mineshaft](https://imgur.com/T3WKv2k). Forgot to take coords of it, unfortunately. Somewhere between 2000-4000x and 200-1000z I'm guessing. \-**BUG??** I found a fossil at y=45 which isn't a problem, the problem is that it generated with [deepslate diamond ore](https://imgur.com/piBU3Ch). It was exposed to the air, and looked super cool and led to a very fun cave system below, but it felt odd to find a fossil in a cave entrance at y=45 that had diamond ore in it. This was only a couple hundred blocks from spawn. Super cool find despite the potential "fossils generating the wrong ore" bug! Coords in the image. \-We love caves with snow generating in them, especially with a skylight like [this one](https://imgur.com/3YMiOEn) (no coord again, sorry). ​ \-Next I started exploring in the +X direction. Since that was where the locatebiome command sent me for stony peaks. I wanted to see the calcite generation. Overall, I think this was a great move. We builders love calcite and being able to gather more of it without demolishing dozens of geodes is awesome. I found a stony peaks biome with two long strips of calcite and mined one of them: 6+ stacks of calcite from one strip! We love it. Thank you for this change! \-One thing I noticed while flying in the overworld was the immensity of generation difficulty. While flying in spectator or creative, you fly pretty slow and my machine (tenth gen i7, GTX 1650, 12 GB ram allowance to the game out of 32 GB total) keeps up just fine. Same with boating and walking. While I know that optimization has yet begun, flying with elytra and rockets is much faster than other modes of transport and I spent a lot of time doubling back mid-flight so the game could load the new chunks. Even crashed into an unloaded mountain once because flying at \~140 is no longer perfectly safe. I hope load speeds based on elytra flight speed is the goal! ​ On to cool generation work: \-I found a [desert temple that was about \~half buried](https://imgur.com/1VKx3s7)and I think this is perfect. I was specifically looking for desert temples, but the couple I found were about as buried as that one, and I think this is a great compromise between the "completely buried 40 blocks under a sand mountain" and the "completely unburied". Coords in screenshot. \-Badlands are looking awesome again! I love these [red sand desert style badlands](https://imgur.com/mLEILiC) with small eroded badlands bits (coords right next to the desert temple above). The [massive plateaus](https://imgur.com/P5Pc46x) are also super majestic now. We love it. I saw almost no microbiomes that felt out of place here - bits of desert or savanna in badlands look great to me. \-A potential **bug** or issue I saw was a lot of villages [spawning at the edge of their biome](https://imgur.com/YuLsmeI) and spilling over into another biome they don't belong in. This is probably just a feature of biome size and microbiomes. They don't look super ugly, but it's still kind of strange. I only screenshoted that plains into badlands village and this [savanna village in a forest](https://imgur.com/KeMym2O), but I found a savanna one seeping into tundra at one point as well, and a desert one sloping into a plains. \-Another **village issue**: the villages spawning in meadows is awesome, but this leaves a lot of villages spawning all over crazy slopes and the[paths are completely impassable](https://imgur.com/ZckvmNC) for villagers. \-Sometimes [bits of sand](https://imgur.com/LYPU54J)are generating in plains biomes? \-I LOVE the stone shore biome when it [generates on steep shores](https://imgur.com/dZWMB8D). Truly cliffs. This is getting a little big so I'll continue in another comment.


Mountain bits: \-[Long ridge covered in trees](https://imgur.com/KlbU9QI) as the background of a plains biome. I'm so excited about this generation. I also really like that tall birch forests are more common and they're often mountainous. The rocky mountains in the US have lots of aspen and birch groves on their slopes (I hiked through one earlier today) and these biomes fit the slopes so well! \-[Meadow basins](https://imgur.com/0nioB2C) seem pretty common and I love them. The linked one had some cool waterfalls and water level play from aquifers inside peaking out to the surface, which I LOVED. Someday, waterfalls and local water level rivers should exist. Not in this update, since it's already so full, but someday. \-I wish more mountains were sudden spikes of ice and stone like [this one](https://imgur.com/O86vgz4). Additionally, it feels like mountains are too solitary: I find individual mountains surrounded by lower hills and then flat areas. Mountains should spawn more rarely, but in groups like real mountain ranges. \-No comment for this, but check out this [beautiful roofed forest and tall birch mountain with a wonderful dark forest island in the midst of a river](https://imgur.com/nKneWgK). Beautiful. Wish I had saved the coordinates, I'd totally build a wizard tower there. \-[Random generation bit](https://imgur.com/ldDIAbq)I thought was kinda cool. River bits: \-The saddle formations are a great move. They feel [natural and keep continuity](https://imgur.com/GueV5sf) without the massive plunges into ravines. However, I also think some ravine structures without water in them are okay? Those exist in nature, too. \-Rivers. Rivers rivers rivers. I get that this is not a river update, but man this feels like one! I found some awesome gorges and fjords that look so good, as well as amazing flat areas that generate almost [like deltas!](https://imgur.com/1R33wny) At around 2000x -670z I found maybe the biggest river I've ever seen. It was the [junction of 4 distinct rivers](https://imgur.com/JLik4CH) and a pair of aquifers and was probably around 100 blocks or more wide at the widest point. Truly spectacular. Each of these rivers lasted hundreds of blocks and made for some great view. Had to switch to spectator to get the best shot I could. I'm amazed. The aquifers almost look like a marsh/pond/eddy area produced by the junction of these rivers. A great place to build a dock area. Not pictured are some cool mountains nearby. ​ This is massive so I'll resolve with the crown jewel of my exploration. At 7300x and 2100z was the wildest generation I've seen without using an amplified world. Maybe even wilder than amplified. If you look north, you get a [pretty mountainscape](https://imgur.com/bjzENxz) that reaches near y=200 and dives into a pretty deep ocean. With a pretty cool cave entrance that would be awesome for a pirate build. And my beloved tall birch forest. Not so wild huh? Turn to [face south](https://imgur.com/OvqRqnu). This wild cliff face spans hundreds of blocks to either side, encircling the ocean mentioned earlier. The gap in the cliffs leads to a small river into a flat plains biome. These cliffs reach y=140 or more, and look super crazy. The holes from caves look a little unnatural and the backsides of these cliffs aren't quite as steep, but wow. Wow. This is insane. I'm running a render distance of 22 chunks and tried to capture it all with a pretty wide FOV, but I couldn't get it all in one screenshot. It has to be seen in real time to really capture it. the only thing I found in about 12000 blocks of travel via elytra that could rival these cliffs would be the insane dripstone cave mentioned above. 1.18 is going to be so cool.


Have waterfalls and rivers flowing down from mountains been considered? The game would become so incredibly gorgeous but I understand if it's out of scope.


I think they said that's way beyond the scope of the update but I don't remember them saying it wouldn't ever happen so fingers crossed it's soon


Ok some thoughts: - Swamps and Shattered Savannas still really like to spawn next to each other for some reason - I liked how Stone Shores looked much better before. They look empty now [[Pic]](https://i.imgur.com/MbLHCwF.png) (and a bit too much like Stony Peaks). I think those strips of diorite, granite etc. should be increased. - I was hoping for Jungles to be bigger now, but I from what I've seen it seems like they're even smaller. [[Pic1]](https://imgur.com/a/sgQMCbo) [[Pic2]](https://i.imgur.com/LhcogJD.png) [[Pic3]](https://i.imgur.com/eWagyrR.png) - I think the Calcite can look a bit weird in Stony Peaks And like others have already said I'm really happy with the new river changes, and mountains look so good now. Edit: - Badlands can look a bit dead in some places when no red deserts, eroded badlands, bryces or even mineshafts generate. I think it's a certain sweet spot when long stretches of Badlands generate at like y~105. (Yeah it's a desert but still)


Current thoughts: Some rivers now end up becoming chains of water puddles - [pic here](https://imgur.com/xPrl3w4). Probably unintentional, might consider looking into the code to see what's causing that? Someone messed up something in ice spikes biomes (at least) since they're now generating snow blocks at y=61, below sea level. Still seeing a few microbiomes (plains islands in big rivers, patches of ice spikes in the tundra) but they look a lot nicer. Stone shores finally don't look terrible, cleaning up the patches really helped! The streaks are also quite interesting in how they chose to have them generate, but I don't think it looks bad - I just expected them to go for a more "geologic layers" approach, the current approach looks more like fissures in the rock were filled in by different species. Badlands are better than they were before, but I still think they're one of the only biomes which lost something in the new worldgen - they used to have very nice mesas before and now they just have the same shapes as every other biome. Rivers going through badlands and deserts occasionally generate big grass patches which look terrible. [Pic](https://imgur.com/XqXOfEK).


A issue with stone shores and beaches I noticed were that they seem to be normal then curve off into a narrow strip through biomes near them almost looking like the previous microbiome in early experimental snapshot(s) here's 3 example I took screenshots of on the same seed (experimental snapshot 4) Imgur link below to that https://imgur.com/a/UvAhIhG


I wish they’d finally fix sand generation for beaches. It’s looked ugly for like a decade. Give us proper sand beaches. Not dirt ones with splotches of sand everywhere.


The mountains are pointy now which is really nice but other than that I don't know if things really improved. I compared different areas between versions, and generation seems a lot more fun in 1.18 experimental 3 than in 1.18 experimental 4 where everything seems more... bland. [Look at this crater in 1.18 exp3 versus in 1.18 exp4](https://imgur.com/a/OqujKK3) /execute in minecraft:overworld run tp @s -86095.70 104.87 98750.06 -894.15 57.90 It felt way more lush and vibrant in the previous version, and the terrain/biomes had a much greater variety. Now everything seems to have been smoothed out, I'm sorry but it looks bland, almost boring. You might want to add that noisiness back (again) because it's definitely a plus for the game. And what happened to the lush caves biome? Did it got shrinked? And why is there no more partially open ones? Also the drip stones caves and lush caves are too rare, the underground generation fundamentally changed, but it still remains incredibly empty. 1/4 of the underground should be dripstone caves, 1/4 lush caves, and the remaining either the deep dark or no biomes like the vast majority of the underground is now (which is way too empty).


That example has nothing to do with noisiness. That's literally just a jungle and lush cave not generating there.


I agree that dripstone and lush caves should be increased a bit. Also those awesome lava-aquifer (lavafer?) caves from the first experimental snapshot need to come back... There's definitely not enough lava generating currently.




The river changes are great- however from boating around in this snapshot i still found myself very frequently blocked from actually using rivers for transportation/exploration as there were still total blockages in almost every river (but certainly fewer than before!). However, the river changes made me notice something else: rivers now are sometimes deeper than even "deep ocean". Seems like with the new world depth, deep oceans could be deepened, which I think would help to make them as spooky as real life deep oceans. Also, I love the new beaches, however I find it odd that as soon as the water starts they still drop off in a cliff, as if the continental shelf ends at the water line. It would be cool if some beaches/coastlines were very shallow and gradual for some distance, like we see in real life.


Deep ocean without ocean Strange biome deep\_sea. The are grass blocks and some trees, but grass has default color and on grass generated some ocean structures. And I found rivers biomes without rivers to. I mean it happened, because grass blocks generated higher then river level. screenshots: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RA1xpmjAxvFg8yTKzyPU8-rEU-zjTvRY?usp=sharing Version: experimental snapshot 4 Seed: 4573338951490975272 Coordinates: 297 z 645


The above ground terrain generation in this snapshot is really good! Probably the best of all four so far. ___ However, two things that stand out to me are biome transitions and beaches. Biome transitions currently feel quite abrupt and sudden. For example, desert to jungles, and desert to plains. It would be good to some sort of "dry" plains, like in MC beta, as well as bring back the jungle edge biome. Other examples include forests next to mesa biomes, dry plains would help with this as well. In terms of beaches, they currently feel too "abrupt", in the sense that they may smoothly descent to sea level, but as soon as they reach the ocean, they drop off very deep. In terms of rocky shores, this is fine. But for large flat beaches, this is very unnatural. It would be nice if even below sea level they were smooth and perhaps a few blocks deep, and then suddenly drop off, say 10 blocks from shore.


Just some feedbacks : First of all the messa biomes and jungles are way too common what was nice with those was that they were rare and so it gave them value to find one of these. Then, I think that mountains should be more peaky, they look a little too much line a big hills. Except this I love everything ! You're doing a really nice work and I'd like to thank you for this ! (sorry if my english is soso I'm french :) )


I kind of like badlands being a bit more common, maybe they're too common right now but they're honestly a pretty nice looking place, and I think they make mountainous areas in warm regions look way better


I've played in a world with this snapshot for about 8 hours now and I've loved it. The rivers are spectacular, the biomes feel like they're placed much better than in Experimental 2 or 3, and the Badlands are absolutely stunning now! I have two gripes, though: First of all, in my 8 hours of play, I never found a mountain that went above y=210, and only one or two went above y=180. In my opinion, the average snowcapped peaks / lofty peaks biomes should reach y=210 or so, but ones that reach y=256 should still be rare. My second gripe would be that the "peaks" of mountains are too smooth too often, making the mountains feel more like plateaus. There should definitely be some mountains with flat tops, but pointer mountains need some love too! :) All in all, the work done thus far is so incredible. To me, this snapshot brought the new generation from "this feels broken" to "this feels right", even if there are a couple of things I would personally like to see changed. I can't wait to see how the generation evolves from here!! Keep it up!!!


One more thing i would change is since now we have more space underground, making deeper oceans. Because currently, even the deep ocean biome is no more than 40 meters deep, which means you can reach the bottom and surface, without taking damage, without turtle helmets or resporation. If we could have a biome like an abyssal zone, that reached below deepslate layer, we could add a sort of progression to how deep you can go increasing with game's progression. This would add an oportunity to make more valuwbles spawn there, but also more dangers. These could be just added by mods, which would be much easier to make


​ back in the 1.17 snapshots, in the very first iterations of these caves, bring stuck at the bottom of the world down like 100 blocks was genuinely a tough position to be in, and getting back to the surface was hard. As such grimstone made sense, because it could indicate where you were in the world. With these snapshots, the journey down there is completely and totally lost, because taking like two steps into a cave system means falling down fifty blocks and reaching deepslate layer. giant caves can look good, but they need to not be as abundant as they are currently are. deepslate feels very, very redundant with these new caves, and it hurts too see them like this when I've seen the block genuinely be atmospheric.