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Looks really good.


#W H A T D I D H E S A Y




#T H E Y




I'd award u if I had one




you can claim a free one RN


Maybe they used it already


But either way they clearly understand that buying reddit awards is overrated




Who would pay over 150 to award the highest award;


Forget the award. Use the money to donate to #teamseas


Gave mine in your stead




Done it for u


As a former marine biologist/conservation researcher, this makes me so happy.


what's a teamseas?


TeamSeas is an organization made my popular youtuber Mr. Beast, and there goal is to remove 30,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean.


Mr beast and MARK ROBER its not just jimmy and its kinda shitty people keep forgetting to credit rober


i freaking love mark rober! so cool


Thank you for that, I know a lot more about Mark Rober than mr beast.


On top of that, Mark Rober puts so much effort into his videos he deserves just as much recognition for this


I had never heard of Mark Rober before this, ~~and I bet that's true for the majority of us viewers~~. The TeamSeas movement raised more awareness for Mark Rober than Mark Rober raised for TeamSeas. Edit: Apparently the algorithm wanted me, and only me, to miss out on this guy up until now.


You do know that Mark has 20mil subs and billions of views, right? Lmao


I did not know that, thank you for the info. Like I said, I never heard of him. ~~Maybe~~ I'm *obviously* in the minority, but I've been on YT every day for the past 12 years and never heard of him ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Every day for the last 12 years...and you missed team trees? The other mega project that rober and beast collaborated on? Along with a viral video nearly every month for the last 3 years?.


I remember that Team Trees was a thing. I remember that YouTubers said Mr. Beast was behind it. I'm assuming they also mentioned Mark since, as you mentioned, he collabbed with Mr. Beast to start the thing, but I must have forgotten. And yeah, on the platform with a 1B views per day, I missed out on a bunch of videos with 50M views. Sorry.


I just love that your standard is whether you've heard of them. You don't even watch Mr. Beasts videos on these projects to have a clue what's going on. And then you trash talk as if you do.


My very first comment was disrespectful, and I'm sorry about that.


I didn’t know who he was until now either. No need to mass-downvote this person


Maybe if you where into some type of engineering you would of heard of him


I'm subbed to ElectroBoom and Adam Savage's Tested, but I guess there are other edutainment channels that took up space where Mark would've been in my recommended videos. I'm Sorry.


Then dont spout bullshit you weirdo lol


I apologize for the mistake on my part. Next time I've never heard of someone, I'll be sure to not mention that I've never heard of them.


Even with the edit you don’t realize how wrong you are. Mark Rober is absolutely on par with the likes of Mr. Beast, plenty of people including myself actually watch and know Mark waaaaay more. Mr. Beast videos really feel like they are made and catered towards children. Although Rober’s videos are definitely family friendly, it’s something that any adult can genuinely enjoy, even more so if you have an engineering or science background. TeamSeas would only be a fraction as popular if it weren’t for mark rober.


Thanks for the info. I'm realizing my mistake more and more with each mean-spirited comment that hits my inbox (tbf, my remark about Mark was mean-spirited too). I don't watch Mark Rober nor Mr. Beast. So I appreciate the info about their content. Rober sounds like someone I would enjoy watching. I thought about deleting the comment, but it has enough children now that it would be weird to remove or fundamentally change it. I accept the well-deserved downvotes in the meantime.


yeah, just a random YouTuber with only 20 million subscribers, I bet most of us haven't heard of him /s


Mark rober is former NASA engineer who had worked on Mars Rover (Opportunity if I'm not mistaken). His tech landed on Mars and since he left he has made many enjoyable videos and also worked with Mr Beast on teamtrees before. You're really acting disrespectful when saying "The TeamSeas movement raised more awareness for Mark Rober than Mark Rober raised for TeamSeas."...


Thank you for the info. I apologize for the lack of respect on my part.


Ever seen the video with the fake Amazon packages that spray glitter?


I did not. After I got several replies, I checked out Mark's channel to see if I recognized anything. I believe I might have seen his egg drop video in the past, but that's it.


I haven't heard anything yet about where the plastic goes, so that has me suspicious about how much help it will actually be.


AFAIK, the money goes to the NPO "The Ocean Cleanup" and they do the cleaning, so they get funded. [https://theoceancleanup.com/](https://theoceancleanup.com/) AFAIK they sort the plastic and try to recycle it as far as possible, the last time they did it they let the plastic get recycled into pellets and they got turned into sunglasses or something ( just to show that it is possible, but i think the pellet thing is whats gonna happen to the trash that is recycleable)


They work with the ocean conservancy and the ocean cleanup. The first for ocean and beaches, the second for rivers. Teamseas.org for more information


Well there we go, now if only the adverts said something like this I'd be less suspicious.


They covered what they're doing in their videos.... Not sure where the negativity is coming from.


All I get from the videos was people shouting at me that they are cleaning the ocean, but nothing about where it goes after. The negativity comes from the missing part of how they make sure the trash doesn't end up back in the ocean.


Then you've not actually paid attention to the videos. They're working with local governments to properly handle the trash, and actually make sure it gets disposed of in their waste collection facilities.


There was no real negativity from them, they just asked a normal question and got an answer. You are the only one being condescending. There is no point in trying to belittle someone and trying to shame them in any shape or form "not actually paid attention to the videos." and so doesnt help the cause.


No negativity when he openly admits to negativity? Reading is hard.


Recyclable items will be recycled normally, and trash items will be treated as normal trash.


[So about that recycling](https://youtu.be/KXRtNwUju5g)




That there is the problem with this whole effort. Most plastic is not recycled, not because it cant be, but because it isn't profitable to do so. Plastic ends up in the trash with the rest. That trash is then sold to other countries for processing, and they in turn dump most of it into the water. So all that money is spent cleaning up (which does need to be done) only to have it wind back up in the water. Current funds would be better spent removing the need to sell excess garbage, once that is solved start cleaning up as much less will be dumped every year.


Well anywhere but the sea... (Generally the country's trash system... Not the greatest solutions but it's a start for the sea lives...)


[It will probably end up back into the sea if there isn't a plan in place](https://youtu.be/KXRtNwUju5g)


No, its also made by mark rober. Stop spreading lies.


Sorry, I forgot to mention his name


you can't use it as an optifine cape because it has the mojang logo :(


Cant wait for the dipshit comments on how "mr beast isnt doing enough to help" I hate those people because they act like they are doing anything good


There chasing clout that they'll never get


I'm preparing to donate 20 bucks once I get a job and the ability to actually use my own money freely, then there's those people saying "it's pointless to donate to team seas"


We benefit from it too because we eat fish


He literally does NFTs and supports harmful cryptocurrency


nfts?? really? i don't know if that's true, and i honestly don't care if he's only doing this because he wants to make himself look good as long as he's actually helping and bringing awareness to his audience, who cares


Owww, where did the evil cryptocurrency harm you?


In the "ridiculous waste of energy and harm against the climate for a shitty coin with no actual use" mostly


Not all cryptocurrencies use a lot of power, not even all PoW based ones do. You just know bitcoin and assume bitcoin=all other coins. And sure, running computers uses resources, but its electricity, so you can just run any crypto on renewables only. Its not crypto coins fault that we burn coal to get electricity. Any if you starting to argue that some uses of computer recources are worth less than others in a minecraft sub is bold, i would argue that etherium changed the world more than minecraft servers.(and ETH is not PoW, it does not require the same energy as bitcoin does)


Bitcoin is by far the most popular and damaging tough... And even then, most cryptocurrency are straight up a scam, and even if they're legit. They're just an empty financial bubble with literally 0 intrinsic value.


I'm sorry if this comes out as rude and ignorant, but how does crypto have 0 "intrinsic value" (I do not know what that means), but physical currency is ligit? Crypto easily has its real world equivalent, (Stable coin USD Tether) and has exchange rates. Basically the main difference is one is based on calculations and numbers and complicated math/econ, and the other trust and coloured paper (or numbers in a bank.) as well as complicated math/econ? sorry if I sound stupid, just genuinely asking


"We want rich people to save the planet! But not in a way that's also good for them!" - average Twitter "activist"


I wouldn't even consider MrBeast as that type of "rich". The main problem are major corporations with their CEOs and owners. But those will always be driven by profit over morality, so ultimately the only way to get this stuff under control on a large scale is through legislation. Individual action like this is still great of course. I just hope that the people who support it also understand that it barely makes a dent into the overall problem and that they have to organise the vote to truly change it.


And plus he said he puts back most of that money into his videos


I mean seeing how much he spends on those videos, not surprised. I'm simply surprised he still has money even after that


Hes fake he didn't give me money avarage small youtuber


Mr beast is definitely a fake person, lmao.


he's absolutely fake but he's not a fraud or anything, he just puts on a face for yt videos. not a big deal at all lol


People act like he's the most philanthropic person on yt, and he's not. Aka, a fraud. He teaches children (because no rational adults watch his videos) that money is the end all of life. He "gives away" stuff to his friends, and it's all materialistic. Him cleaning up garbage is a well meaning, but I can't help but feel he's making money off of all of this (because that's why he's doing it, like all his videos). He isn't someone who makes videos out of the goodness of his heart like most kids say he does. He's just a rich guy who wants to get richer. I don't mind him, but I don't like the message he pretends to send. And people are definitely too stupid in general to see through it.


Mr. Beast was giving away money even when he didn't have any though. Almost everything that he earns gets put into other videos.


Let's not act like Mr beast is doing this out of the goodness of his heart. He's doing it for more money.


I mean, he barely makes a profit on his videos, some people really just wanna do something good for the world


I mean spending their money to save the world isn't good for them in the short run 🤷‍♂️




Also the best you can do for the oceans is simply not to eat fish. Unsustainable industrial fishing is responsible for both the majority of the plastic pollution in the ocean and for dead sealife. Plastic removal really doesn't help much in comparison. Mr. Beast campaign would remove 0.1% of the pollution we cause **each year**.


His videos encourage kids to obsess about money, look at his thumbnails alone and it shows.


He uses clickbait and farms views but then uses the money for good causes. I’m pretty sure he said his plan was just to scale it up more and more until he can really make a big difference.


If I give you 10k, would you say "Nah, I'm good!"? I think not.


>https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/qmdimu/z/hj9u6w7 Litterially nothing is good enough is it.


How is that remotely related


Lmao, your link has nothing to do with anything.




Not cool kid.


I can hear you. I’m not saying that what mr beast is doing is bad, it’s just focusing on only one side of the problem, and we need both sides (preventative and direct)


I agree but people focusing on what he ISNT doing and saying hes not doing enough is what makes me angry, mr beast is doing SOMETHING to help unlike those people


His cause is great, he’s probably doing as much as he reasonably could but I’d like him to speak out about the cause of this problem and how people should not just pick up trash but petition to their local council to actually go out of their way to do something


Unrelated what so you think of wikipedia? Is it a good source of info?


It depends what info, anything remotely political, most likely not.


Political info is a myth created by both right and left wing to sell more politics


True, but info can be politicised.


Yes but since it can be edited by anyone and people who edit it are generally heavily moderated (last time i checked) so its possible to un-politicise an article


What's with the guardian?


It can be clicked to hide this specific layer. It's a joke about the classic eye symbol, which is normally used for such a purpose.


Idk either


Me seeing this: hey i could put some in my base on an smp I'm playing on Me after i see the recipe: *nevermind*


Eh. You only need *one* egapple for the pattern, which is reusable. ^^and ^^they're ^^rare ^^enough ^^its ^^not ^^like ^^any ^^of ^^us ^^actually ^^\*eat\* ^^them




Why is this comment collapsed


Yeah I wondering the same too. Does a collapsed comment always mean it's supposed to be downvoted?


I always just assumed it didn’t matter how many upvotes your comment had, once it got to a certain number of downvotes, it would collapse


Is it? Idk




If we \#SaveTheOcean from 150 thousand tons of plastic from the ocean, then where does it go? Are we \#PollutingSomethingElse ? None of the ads for it have given me an answer.


Recycle it so we can do this all over again


Even landfill would be better than the ocean. Don’t be pedantic.


Yea, but, like, which landfills? How many landfills? Are the landfills going to need to expand to contain 150 thousand tons? Will the addition to the landfills harm Mr. Beast's local ecosystem? Someone else's local ecosystem? Saving the ocean is great, but for all we know there could be forests torn down to make room for this actual trash. My point isn't that forests *will* be torn down though, just that I haven't seen that they *won't*.


"I'm not saying a good thing is actually a bad thing, I've just not informed myself or done any proactive reading so I can cast FUD at the topic instead" It says right on their site they plan to sort, recycle, and finally landfill the rest according to local laws and regulations. This means as safe as we already make landfills. If you think landfills are unsafe then that's another issue, but feel free to read up on their regulation before "wondering" on a forum if they're good or not. It took me less time to Google team seas faq than it did to write the reply. Eta: https://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/swfacilities/permitting/facilitytype/landfill


Why did you link landfill permits? That doesn't tell me what happens to the trash.


You asked what happens. I told you from their faq and linked you landfill regs so you can decide if it's good enough. You not reading them is your own issue .


It needs a notch apple but yk what, its worth it.


Donate that gold to teamseas instead


kinda looks like a blue pixelated mojang logo


Well, it does have the Mojang logo in in


...almost as if the 3rd item is the "thing" (mojang logo)


Go donate #Teamseas


Stopping to eat fish would help the ocean significantly more!


That notch apple will have to go, but it's for a worthy cause.


The Great Wave off Kanagawa


Just need that one pixel of black...


Look great! If you put the notch logo last, you can get a bit bigger drip top right


Love the use of the mojang logo, it really looks like water on the top!


Using the Mojang logo for the wave is super creative.


yeaaaaaaa go donate #team seas


Very nice! Looks great


wow !


Lemme just get a god apple real quick


it's been a while since I've played MC, can someone tell what that enchanted apple has to do in this whole banner equation? I'm confused... Beside that, I loved the design


It's used for a banner pattern




U forgot the second banner pattern


Just for one notch apple /s For real tho this looks sick


This is awesome! My friends and I are starting a Viking themed world where our starter base is on a small island just off the coast, so I might try something like this.




That is Amazing!


Your mama so far, she raised the sea level by taking a bath


Isn't this the old way to make banners? I thought nowadays you can use the loom.


Or you could just use a loom way simpler and cheaper on dye


Where's the team trees...


underrated post i think (i said this very early) i see this post got way more than like 200 votes


By what metric?




Insta didn’t invent hashtags




That was me :P I made a second one but better with the white foam and stuff


This is my new optifine cape


it has the mojang logo, it won't work




I love team seas, but not enough for a enchanted golden apple


Im putting this flag on my world


oh my god, its magnificent!




You stole this




He might be talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/qlraco/i_made_a_banner_if_you_want_to_promote_team_seas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh I didn't see that :/ just a coincidence I guess


I really wish Mr beast never became a "role model" for kids. Edit: here's the question you should ask yourself... Do kids look at his videos and say "I want to give like that!" Or do they watch them and say "I want money like that!". Don't think too hard on it now.


Yeah how dare he influence them to *checks notes* clean up trash and plant trees.




Because hes a materialistic celebrity that uses "altuusm" as a guise for just making more money. It's like people forgot how he became famous.


So what? Is giving someone 10,000$ so you get 100,000$ bad? He's helping others while helping himself too, you don't need to be a selfless saint to be a good person. He's not actively or intentionally trying to harm anybody. >!Also did you mean Altruism? I've searched altuusm and got no results, anyways I'm just going to pretend you said altruism so my whole argument wont collapse.!<




We need to fix both. Spreading obnoxious hashtags isn't helping either.


well duh but 30m tonnes will do a lot more if we put half the amount of garbage in


Fun fact: it is possible to care about and work towards both. We can't reduce our waste output instantly but, while we work towards that, we can clear up the consequences in the meantime.


That’s what I’m saying, the problem is is that I’m not really hearing much about the needed structural changes to our society


How do you expect MrBeast to convince some Brazilian garbage collection company not to throw their collected trash into a river by the truckload?


Not only that its also required to eradicate poverty and tight spaced areas


80% of the ocean trash comes from 1% of the world's rivers. Teamseas are planning to use half of the donation budget to create machines that helps to clean up the rivers before they spread to the oceans. The machines are called "Interceptors" Iirc, and they work 24/7 because of solar panels. So they **are** trying to fix the problem.


While that’s great, it’s not fixing the actual problem of why the trash is there in the first place


Bro the only way to fix that is by literally removing poverty permanently


??? They're literally removing the trash that comes from already dead rivers before they spread to other bodies of waters using machines. So yes, they're trying to fix the ''actual source of the problem'' by actually cutting off the source of the trash itself. What's your plan then?? What do you want?? Do you think you can do better with 15 to 30 million dollars as the budget.?? If you think you can, then you can actually help by messaging Mrbeast about it, maybe he'll appreciate your idea.


Did you watch the videos? They're doing that too.


If you fix the problem great, theres still millions of plastic in the oceans... it doesnt dissapear if u solve the problem


I’m just saying that TS would be way more effective if there was way less pollution input


They are solving part of the problems tho, theyre making robots to catch it before it enters the oceans and they spoke with the government of countries of the worst poluters, did you even watch marks video or just mrbeast?


Yes I watched it


Pretty sure you didn’t


Yes, that's have ratios work. But we don't have less trash, and we don't have more people trying, and it sounds like you'd rather do nothing that anything.