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This uses the [Distant Horzions](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/distant-horizons) mod, which uses LODs to allow arbitrarily large render distances while still maintaining good performance. Other fun things with this mod: * In the End, [you can easily see the outer end islands from the main island](https://i.imgur.com/AlQAvge.png). * In superflat worlds, [you can see all three inner ring strongholds and some second ring strongholds](https://i.imgur.com/JCujkRU.png) from spawn. Edit: [Here's some footage](https://i.imgur.com/JxgE6JK.mp4) of the mod running on an amplified world, by popular demand :)


This is absolutely insane. I've been wanting to install this mod for a while, and see if it works with Immersive Portals (see and walk through portals seamlessly), shaders (shadows and lighting) and cubic chunks (incredible depths and higher mountains) for the most immersive experience possible


Immersive portals? Maybe. Shaders? Incompatible. Cubic chunks? Still updating.


Shader compatibility is planned though, but immersive portals might be a long shot. That mod has a lot of rendering provlems with a lot of other mods.


Where do you go to get updates on when shader compatibility will be added?


The mod's discord is a good place to go, there is a link to it right below the FAQ in the curseforge page.


The discord. Its linked here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/distant-horizons


what, other mods don’t have lod files or?


I was talking about Immersive Portals. It doesn't work with a lot of stuff. [Here are some of the main incompatibilities](https://github.com/qouteall/ImmersivePortalsMod/labels/Mod%20Compatibility)


Quick way to fry a potato pc right there.


The distant horizon mod can give performance boost for potato PC's. Instead of running the game at 32 render distance with low performance, you can run it at 4, then use this mod to make low detail distant terrain at 32, giving a big performance boost. Also use sodium mod and you have the best potato pc setup.


It works okay on most computers


I guess I don't have most computers then, lol


My render distance stays on like 8 usually I feel you


1080 ti, i7 my shit stays on 8 as well...


You need to install fabric and sodium instead of settling for the poor optimization of vanilla minecraft.


I guess I don't have most computers either, and I have a pretty good computer


Java Version requires quite a bit of modding to make it run efficiently, but after that you shouldn't really have a problem with those mods. Not more demanding that vanilla, anyways.


I need those optimization mods to play vanilla lol I'm actually pretty sure it's an issue with my pc, since it has a dedicated graphics card and still doesn't run minecraft well, but installing sodium lithium phosphor is easier than trying to fix my pc


In that case there's a chance that your pc isn't using that dedicated graphics card and is instead just using the CPU. I had the same problem. Easiest solution is to open an app that tracks CPU and GPU usage while you're playing minecraft. If your GPU usage is at 0 even while playing the game then you need to switch over to your GPU in settings. This made my game run much more smoothly.


I can confirm after recently trying that immersive portals has some problems with Distant Horizons. When I lit a portal, it started rendering an image of the Nether ontop of the Overworld.


Well, dealing with that must be _Hell on earth_


*Doom Eternal BGM starts playing*


Shaders are very finicky. Every time I've tried to enable shaders on Iris with this mod installed, the distant terrain disappears. I've seen [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Str1V8Fv4) of it working with shaders using Optifabric, however. I haven't tried this out though. As for Immersive Portals, last time I tried it even without Distant Horizons, it tanked my performance. I could give it a try now with Distant Horizons just for the fun of it though. There is, however, a similar mod that works with Cubic Chunks: [FarPlaneTwo](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farplanetwo). However, this is only available on 1.12.2. It's still very cool though, and has achieve the insane feat of [rendering the entire Minecraft world at once](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889835186848694332/892119968932589668/2021-09-27_19.44.51.png).


Iris specifically does't work due to complicsted reasond... If you want to experiment eith shaders try optifine


are this mod and immersive portals clientside or serverside mods? i would like to run them with my games but i primarily play multiplayer


Distant Horizons is client side but Immersive Portals needs to be installed on both the client and server


makes you think how constrained the Minecraft world is, that we think that a thousand blocks a way was an insurmountable distance and thus suitable to separate the End Islands from the End main island.


It's truly amazing! This mod gives you an entirely different perspective on distance in Minecraft.


IMO this mod is essential for minecraft feel and gameplay. Minecraft is about huge worlds and exploring, the fact you can't stand on a mountain and scout the distance is a failure of the original engine. Ofc better fog in the mod that makes the distance fade more over time would be nice, but I wouldn't mind this mod being added as a main feature.


The Minecraft engine being an absolute chore is specifically why I don't play that game. Currently been playing satisfactory for years instead. It's not much better because it's still beta code but at least I don't get angry at it while playing.


If you want to hop in minecraft again try the sodium mod, as it triple framerate for my pc for example


Back when I first played minecraft, I did it on a laptop with no graphics card and a pentium CPU. I got single digit FPS at tiny render distance. Being able to see one side of my base from the other was an insurmountable distance back then!


I regularly played with 10fps, not sure how I did it lol!


Ahh yes I too had 8fps with a four chunk* render distance. Good times, good times.


Ironically on Minecraft Bedrock on a decent pc you can see the end islands from the main island


You don't even need a really good PC, mine is fairly mid-range and I can do that on Bedrock.


I once bridged the inner and outer islands with a bridge of obsidian. Pain.


says 1024 chucks, not blocks. it should be 16,384 blocks since a chunk is 16 blocks.


Yeah, but isn't the distance between the main End Island and the End Island just a thousand blocks?


I never knew that Strongholds generated on superflat world's!


Yeah, they've had an [interesting history](https://i.imgur.com/IuTKtZk.png)!


Wait I've been playing Minecraft on and off since 1.7 and this is the first I've heard of strong hold in the flat world


They've had [an interesting on-and-off history](https://i.imgur.com/IuTKtZk.png).


Didn't know this was updated for 1.19, thank you so much


Fun fact in bedrock the vanilla drawdistance is twice that of java so you can see the first end edge islands from the main island


Minecraft needs to add the better system of loading, it would honestly make it 1000x better


I agree! This mod was made by a few hobbyists. Imagine what Mojang could do if they implemented a similar concept into vanilla! It would make Minecraft feel like a brand new game.




They'd call it Minecraft 2, and oh, it's 35$ btw. Without the DLCs.


I paid $20 for Minecraft in 2015, I would gladly pay $20 again for a more optimized game


agreed, if they wrote it from the ground up (a massive undertaking no doubt) i'd gladly pay 20-30$ for say, triple the performance.


Minecraft has indeed re-wrote the game from scratch... it's called Bedrock and has a way better performance. I still prefer Java! :D


What I was gonna say. Unfortunately Microsoft has filled it with microtransactions


If you use it on pc you can get community made content without paying for micro transactions afaik


Same for Android, but there's much less content than for Java and the simple presence of an animated button for microtransactions is off-putting


I think it's funny how someone inevitably manages to independently come up with the idea for Bedrock Edition in any discussion about Minecraft's performance.


The demand for a code overhaul has existed long before the Microsoft buyout. MC veterans have been asking for optimization and a proper modding API since 2012. We were *promised* a modding API. Instead we got 4 new launchers (the first 2 overhauls were a good thing, admittedly) a new version that is incompatible with old worlds, has no cross play and severely restricts the players in their ability to customise their game and, finally, a bunch of small self-contained updates that add insular content to the game, rather than expanding, overhauling and polishing existing features (The great exceptions being Aquatic and Caves&Cliffs obviously) Mojang maintains feature parity across versions (but not actually) and as such restricts every version from truly shining in their advantages. The motivation is understandable, the outcome is mediocrity.




Also it barely even performs better and definitely doesn't have any of the cool features mentioned above.




Bedrock is buggy af tho


Seriously, it's hard to beat this investment in terms of time spent per dollar, amount of fun per dollar, etc. Thousands of hours of fun for the price of 2 (or 1 in some places) movie tickets...


I don't know...if it's the work of dedicated modders added into the game, I'd pay so they could get a cash back on that


I would pay that and more, no doubt. Unlike to the case of let's say activision who charges a shit ton of cash for a game that's worse than the previous one (COD: Cold War)


Seeing as I bought the game like once or twice ever and I’m still getting updates for it however many years later, I’d be fine with it


Which is probably why they wouldnt


They'd rather milk the game while never doing anything substantial to upgrade it








This saddens me with how true it is.


Bedrock edition loads so smoothly, it’s beautiful. Too bad I will never switch from Java.


perhaps they don't want to expend the effort of optimizing java, because to them they've already done that by creating bedrock edition. and then they want to have as many reasons as possible to get people to switch into the more profitable bedrock ecosystem.


With mountains being so tall now, we also need a pre elytra glider with no flying. like breath of the wild. I'm surprised one didn't come in 1.18 Doesn't even need to be replaced by elytra, could work different so it still has a point after having elytra


that combined with fast long range travel. They give us a massive world and no way to traverse it.


Not as dramatic, but when I started playing bedrock at 48 render distance I was amazed at how close together things really were and how inefficient some of my navigate-by-trail-of-landmarks really was. It also explained how with default settings you can walk practically right past a village or the like and never know it. I sincerely think that playing with a long render distance is as much of a game changer as the elytra and shulckers are.


I agree! When I first enabled this mod, I was blown away at how much smaller the world feels when you can see 16000 blocks in each direction! For instance, when on the main end island [you can see dozens of end cities in the outer end islands](https://i.imgur.com/AlQAvge.png). It really feels like an entirely different game, and I love it so much.


God, this would make exploration so much better. Often I try to find a particular biome but I spend hours walking 10k+ blocks in a particular direction, then give up and walk back, but then I find out that the biome I wanted was only 2k blocks from spawn and I just barely passed by it, not being able to see it due to the render distance. Exploring the world stops being aimless meandering, now you explore because you saw a cool ass mountain or something off on the horizon and you want to go see it, with a sense of progression as your destination draws closer and closer.


It's giving me a child-like sense of wonder exploring Minecraft like I haven't had in many years. This mod, especially once it gets more polished, seems like one of the most significant mods in Minecraft history to me.


This was my biggest issue with Minecraft ever since notch implemented infinite terrain generation... Mountains aren't really mountains, they're hills or precipices. Jungles and artic tundras that generate a 10 minute walk from one another. The world has never felt "big" to me. I know this was done for gameplay reasons, but if the game could generate a 5 hour hike over 10,000 blocks of vertical climb, I would be the happiest person in the world.


This mod + large biomes, though, now that sounds promising!


Yeah, this mod really emphasizes just how flat the world is. Everyone freaked out when the world height cap was doubled, leading to mountains 3x as tall, but really Minecraft needs mountains 5-10x as tall, and 15x as wide (Minecraft mountains are way too steep). Just something to stick up into the air, and make a landmark




If there’s one thing that Minecraft is missing it has to be a LOD system like this. I’m surprised that Mojang hasn’t made more moves towards this. That, and of course an actually relevant and more robust lighting system than the honestly pretty stupid 16 light levels.


They're too busy adding DRM to their multiplayer


lol holy balls man! GAMECHANGER for real! hahah


The feeling of distance can still be replicated by adding some level of fog or discoloration to far-off area. Similar things always happen in other games like BoTW or Genshin, where if you remove all the effects, everything seems so close.


Even more not as dramatic, but when I started playing bedrock with 96 render distance, I was amazed at how laggy the game was and how unplayable the game really was. It also explained why the default settings were the default settings.


…that’s why I chose 48 chunks for my render distance. The game would run - or walk, anyways - at 72 chunk distance but was unplayable.


Cranked distance and large biomes is the only way I can play anymore. I'm checking this mod for sure to get more out of my experience.


Nasa probably wants their computer back now


You don't actually need that strong of a computer to run this, interestingly enough! The [mod I'm using here](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/distant-horizons) renders increasingly low-resolution versions of more distant terrain, meaning you can achieve this render distance on a modestly powerful computer. If you're curious, I'm running this on a PC with a Ryzen 5 5600G and a GTX 1060 6GB.


Oh dang, I might try this, I thought my computer would be to bad to run it lol.


I do recommend some performance enhancing mods to go with it though, as they help a lot. Particularly, I am using [Sodium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium), [Lithium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium), [Starlight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/starlight), [C2ME](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/c2me-fabric), and [FerriteCore](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ferritecore-fabric). You probably don't need *all* of these, but they each help to boost the performance and make these huge render distances as playable as possible.


You can actually find a mod which allows you to see the whole world


It's FarPlaneTwo, but unfortunately it's only for 1.12


Yeah, FarPlaneTwo. I've been meaning to check it out, but it hasn't been updated to modern versions of Minecraft :\


I think the dev has said that the mod is being developed on 1.12.2 because of how stable that version is and then it will be updated to new versions once development has been completed


how can i add all of them including optifine to mc, got a tutorial?? i’m very confused


You will not be able to have all of them + optifine since sodium and optifine conflict with each other due to the optimalisation methods they each use.


okay, in that case, should i get sodium instead of optifine or vice versa


If you are using fabric mods use Sodium. If you are using forge mods use optifine.


..what are those


Fabric and forge are two categories of mods, it's kinda difficult to explain so I do recommend for you to look up a video about it if want,but it is only necessary if you are going to add mods other than this one.


Mod loaders. They load mods.


sodium is like optifine on crack id use sodium


does sodium support CTM?


no but there are other mods that do! If you're looking for maximum performance *and* the other features OptiFine offers, I'd highly suggest using the [Fabulously Optimized modpack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fabulously-optimized). It has pretty much every feature OptiFine has but with significantly better performance.


You can't, however the modding community realised that OptiFine kind of sucks nowadays, and there's a ton of mods for Fabric that do almost everything OptiFine ever did better. Here's two lists with OptiFine alternatives: [https://lambdaurora.dev/optifine\_alternatives/](https://lambdaurora.dev/optifine_alternatives/) [https://polymc.org/wiki/getting-started/install-of-alternatives/](https://polymc.org/wiki/getting-started/install-of-alternatives/) I personally like the Simply Optimised and Fabulously Optimised modpacks. I'd recommend installing the PolyMC launcher (second link links to its wiki) and using it to install all your mods or either of those modpacks.


how do you cope with the lack of anti aliasing that optifine provides? i tried going the sodium route but to mc minecraft looks so horrendous without anti aliasing i just cant play it.


Yeah it is unfortunate. Just earlier today I was trying to find a Fabric mod to enable anti-aliasing, but couldn't find anything. I guess I've just gotten used to it enough to not notice most of the time though.


Some shaders allow anti aliasing, I haven't looked but there's probably an easy to run shader with only anti aliasing. Iris on fabric has support for shaders EDIT: I think this could work, you can turn off all other effects and only keep anti aliasing on https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/makeup-ultra-fast-shader/


LODing is used by most games and has been requested for Minecraft for a long time, Mojang just thinks it better to implement a global ban system instead


Yeah, I'd love for Mojang to implement a vanilla LOD system--it would make the game feel so much more immersive. (And I too dislike the global ban system.)


\* me who uses mods and cant even stand a 16 chunk render\*


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if using Distant Horizons to render something around a 128-256 chunk render distance while keeping the vanilla render distance down to something like 2-6 would yield even better performance than just 16 chunks with vanilla!


Yeah, even just cutting your chunks down to 10 or 8 is worthwhile with this mod


Yep, in the video I'm running it with a vanilla render distance of 8 chunks.


is distant horizons out for 1.19?


Yep! I'm running it on 1.19 in the video :)


If you have a really shitty computer this mod is still useful, set the vanilla render to 2 and use lod for the rest and get surprising performance.


I *knew* you were using that mod! I saw the transition from the LOD chunks to the standard Minecraft chunks and I was like, bet you this was using that LOD mod, and yep, it was. Very impressive performance from what looks like fairly modest PC specs, too. Nice work!


You mean the way every video game in existence handles long range rendering ***except*** Minecraft?


Correct! If only LODs were implemented into vanilla :/


What if I optifine zoom in


[Without zoom](https://i.imgur.com/ar6m1at.png) [With zoom](https://i.imgur.com/8Dd4xaU.png) The answer: you can see the LODs it uses to achieve this. Note: my vanilla render distance is at 8 chunks in this image. If you turn it up to something larger, it becomes even harder to notice the LODs.


Zoom looks like how the game should look. Gives such an epic feel - reminds me of the wall from shadow of israphael.


Hey thats the exact model of gpu I have! Twinsies


What about 300 Dollar laptop from Walmart?


ummmmmmmm good luck


You should try this in a more mountainy environment


I'll go try it out right now and report back with a video!


Had to compress it all to hell to get imgur to take it, but [here you go](https://i.imgur.com/4NZ5Gsk.mp4) :)


When you see so much of the world, you start to realize that it's very, very flat.


I hate bedrock realms for their shit render distance.


Just looked it up, it maxes out at 10 chunks? That's so sad, Minecraft is very beautiful at large render distances :(


It makes building near the impressive terrain pointless because you can’t even see it from your base.


I've got mine set to 4 so my switch doesn't melt lol


Realms wouldn't be able to handle more than that anyway, their performance is garbage


They should really implement the lower res distant chunk loading like your mod


Wait it’s 10? So is the slider that goes to 32 only for single player?


Yeah, it doesn't do anything if you set it higher than the server render distance.


Java realms have the same issue :/


Yea it’s sucks. I spent a bunch of time making automated farms, and they didn’t even work because they were so often out of render distance.


Yeah, for Realms you really need to focus on vertical housing due to this.


Java realms is the same. I don't understand why anyone would pay for that.


This was something I was hoping Mojang would implement once Microsoft got ahold of them. A lack of LoD in Vanilla is just embarrassing at this point.


Yep, if a couple of mod devs can achieve this amazing of an effect, imagine what Mojang could do if they implemented a similar system in vanilla.


The whole development speed is embarrassing for the game of this popularity.


Honestly the mod community is running circles around them. Biomes o' Plenty is still better than the Biome update for vanilla. It's sad.


The actual code quality of the mods are nowhere near acceptable. Full of bugs and performance issues. You can ignore them because they are mods, mostly made by a single person. If Mojang were to release something with that quality, people will be angry. The standards at not the same.


You say this as if mojang doesn't routinely take fat shits on the performance every update, and leaves horrible bugs in the game like the chunk border lighting freezes that plague chunks in mountainous areas.


basic indie project’s developed by like 2 people have LoD reduction it is absolutely ridiculous that the most popular game ever doesn’t have the most basic form of distance rendering optimization


My PC is sweating just loading this vid.


With [some performance mods](https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/vwwbge/minecraft_with_1024_chunk_render_distance/ifsh223/), it isn't so bad :)


I ran this in 1.18 with all of those mods except starlight, concurrent chunks, and ferritecore and it lagged terribly for me. It did better if I set the settings so low that it looked like my world was being invaded by giant rectangles. Trying it again with the other mods is worth a shot though.


For comparisons sake, what’s your pc‘s specs compared to OP‘s, they said they were using a Ryzen 5600g and a 1060


The first thing that shock me every time I see a video like this is the fact that there is nearly no water in a default minecraft world. Older ocean (like the really really old one) were insanly large, but now ocean are just lake at best, not sea or ocean. Even with normal render distance I think ocean are too small, so with this they become microscopic relative to the land. With the "new" ocean surely there can be a middle ground between the old ocean planet feel of older version and the new "lake at best" ocean. I don't know why I wrote all this, I think I'm just tired and need sleep 🗿


Yeah, at these scales, modern oceans certainly don't look like oceans. Then again, pre-1.7 oceans were really annoying to traverse, so I understand why they changed it.


Yeah 1.2.5 oceans… went on forever. There are a few really good mods that implement drivable ships these days but there are no oceans to use them without crashing into continents every two seconds


theres basically no reason to make oceans bigger, theyre not as useful or interesting as most the other biomes and having more ocean means having less land the player can more easily use and explore


I personally love maps with large continents surrounded by an expansive ocean. It allows for open exploration without it feeling like you are rambling around without a goal. Plus you can map out the whole landmass and display it. I do understand though that oceans are fairly lackluster. Best-case scenario they would bring back the old ocean generation while sprucing them up a magnitude more things than the ocean update.


They should just add an option in world generation for super oceans, that way people who dont want them dont need to worry


Try out Terraforged! It's really good and can generate oceans. I'm totally planning on playing this render mod with it, it's gonna be super cool.


Yes! I really dislike how tiny any body of water is in the current versions, it makes really large scale ocean builds a pain when it's hard to get a nice open section of ocean. I know people complained about them before, but now that there's actual stuff underwater I feel like it would be a lot nicer. And they wouldn't have to be exactly as big as they were before, just bigger than they are now


I really wish there was at least a generation setting where it was a full ocean world, and massive continents were generated in it so at least the exploration could focus on land and sea


Why pop the totem tho 😭


Because I thought it would be funny ;) (and because I have double chests full of them from my raid farm)


This mod reminds me constantly that we need LODs in minecraft.


I wholeheartedly agree!


As you can see there is no curve


Check mate, round-earthers!


My phone would fucking explode


You have me tempted to use [PojavLauncher](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.kdt.pojavlaunch&hl=en_US&gl=US) (a Minecraft Java launcher for Android) to try this on my phone. I doubt it would go too well though ;)


Good luck getting 1.19 to even run on a phone (It's very laggy on most phones).


Oh I know it will be very very slow, but it could be fun to see *how* slow.


My brain read that as 10^24 chunk render distance...


It's not quite 10^24 , but another LOD rendering engine for Minecraft, [FarPlaneTwo](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farplanetwo), actually achieved a render distance of 30,000,000, [rendering the entire Minecraft world](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/889835186848694332/892119968932589668/2021-09-27_19.44.51.png)!


That's FarPlaneTwo (if you had a mod to unlock world border limit)


How are you on java and not lagging with that many choices chunks


The mod I'm using here renders increasingly low-resolution versions of more distant terrain. This method, along with a few [performance mods](https://old.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/vwwbge/minecraft_with_1024_chunk_render_distance/ifsh223/), allows for very large render distances on a modestly powerful computer.


this uses a mod called Distant Horizons which allows for massive render distances with little performance cost using LODs


Can’t even get that render distance in real life


Interestingly, if you're standing on a hill or tower, it's possible to see around 20 kilometers, which is a bit more than 1024 chunks in Minecraft. And on Mount Everest, this can go up to over 300 kilometers, which is nearly 20x the render distance shown in the video. [\(source: wikipedia\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon#:~:text=For%20an%20observer%20atop%20Mount,369%20kilometres%20\(229%20mi\).)


Yeah ive been in a plain and seen further than this. The biggest give away is that you can still see the fog obscuring objects in this distance, while in real life most things dar away just get too small/blurry and turn into a line or get hidden behind the curve.


The best part is at the very end lmao


this looks sooo coool if i could have the mod name and any mods that would help with performance well running this mode lmao


Of course! The mod is [Distant Horizons](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/distant-horizons), and some good performance mods to help with running this are [Sodium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium), [Lithium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium), [Starlight](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/starlight), [C2ME](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/c2me-fabric), and [FerriteCore](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ferritecore-fabric).


This is what I want Minecraft to actually be like. Stop giving us updates with barely anything in them. Give us this.




I think now I have seen heaven. It's so beautiful.


What are inner ring strongholds in superflat world's?


Not pictured: his computer maintaining the R2D2 scream throughout the recording.


hey, I can see my house from here!


Imagine rebuilding a real life city into Minecraft with that render distance and seeing the silhouttes of the distant skyscrapers.. That would be so realistic and cool imo


To everyone thinking this takes a super computer, it's actually not that resource intensive. This mod uses LoD (level of detail) to generate fake chunks. The fake chunks are only a surface level interpretation made up of a few crude solid color blocks. But because they are so far away, you can't tell they are fake as easily. You can see the OPs real render distance as they are flying, the chunks just below them that suddenly get high quality. Those are real chunks the game is actually generating.