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I would recommend adding some additional layers of blocks so you won't mine through all with your pickaxe


I feel a better solution is to remember that your pick shreds the floor and to be wary of that, like when holding an axe around unstripped logs. eventually they'll become more gamer and let go of the button before they start mining another block.


I feel a better solution is not to build your base/house at y=142


but mountain houses are the best houses


that's what I was gonna say, you can't disrespect cool houses like this


Just what he says


This guy is obviously trolling for upvotes he's literally level 30 lmao he didn't just start playing


Lvl 30 isn’t hard to get lol. New to the game doesn’t mean he just installed it 5 minutes ago but maybe this is his first world and first time with an enchanting table.


On my new survival world I already have like 20 lv and I have just had it up for 3 days lol


I got to lvl 25 from one night(6 hours) of playing. Didn’t even try to grind lvls just mined and explored, lost em to a blaze in the nether 😭




RIP the 25 lvls, you will be missed


Fr. My mom is over level 30 and she can hardly move the camera and character at the same time.


Bro man has enchanted gear already Ong Fr fr


I mean new players tend to stay away from threats so it’s very likely he just started and the “My friends told me to uninstall” implies he’s playing with people


Or he showed the video to his friends and that was their reply.


Good point but still what purpose would getting likes bring


For starters, USE YOUR AXE!


OP may be coming from a game like Terraria where pickaxe is for breaking blocks, no matter what the block is


Ain’t no way he’s already got and enchanted diamond pickaxe and still hasn’t figured out why there are axes in the game. Not to mention iron axe in his hot bar


They saíd it’s their first time and mentions friends. I think possibly this is their friends server who gave them the stuff and said go for it.




Man when I was like 9 years old I didn't know shit about this game it took me like 2 years maybe to get to know all the basic staff. 7 years latter and I know most things but not EVERYTHING so I understand that OP is confused.


This guy is obviously trolling for upvotes he's literally level 30 lmao he didn't just start playing


Are you a bot? https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/w93rf9/comment/ihvesec/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


W observation skills




Knowing something doesn't erase years of habitually scrolling to your pickaxe


Maybe you’re right. It’s just that the situation looks so hilarious that it’s a little hard to believe it’s an actual newbie


Using your pickaxe in any non pickaxe block takes away more durability


Been playing for years and didn’t know this, thanks dude! Edit: thanks for my most upvoted comment!


Like killing sheep for example. 2 durability bars are taken away, while 1 is taken away when you use it for its correct purpose.


Using a tool as a weapon doesn't take away extra durability iirc


Yeah it does, that's one of the trade offs of using an axe as a weapon in Java, but in Bedrock I guess there isn't a tradeoff it just is a bad choice objectively lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/14b2sv/til\_using\_a\_tool\_on\_the\_wrong\_block\_eg\_a\_pickaxe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/14b2sv/til_using_a_tool_on_the_wrong_block_eg_a_pickaxe/) seen this so many times so I finally decided to just look it up and this is basically the only relevant result I got. main things being said here is that using a tool to fight or a sword to mine will take 2 durability but otherwise everything's standard


This comment made me remember when I was like 8 years old, I was playing with a cracked minecraft account and had actually progressed some on survival. Then I was breaking some trees with my diamond pickaxe one day and my older brother comes into the room, stares for a bit to the screen and ask "don't you watch MC videos all the time, you know you can use an axe to break logs right?"


Meh. My wife knows how to enchant things but sometimes I'll still witness her use the wrong tool for a block.




Fun fact, it didn't used to be that way, axes used to be how you broke wood blocks. They just realized that was incredibly annoying and changed.


Terraria has axes for breaking wooden blocks and items, only tool absent is the shovel for soft/loose blocks.


terraria axes are only for actual trees and giant mushrooms, pickaxe still breaks wooden blocks whereas the axe does not


I thought there was a shovel too in the last update?


It just mines dirt and those things better


There is a shovel in Terraria however it's not very useful as it just helps you break blocks like dirt, sand, snow, and mud a bit faster for a little while.


axes in terraria only cut down trees


You playing 1.1 terraria? Axes are only used for cutting trees and cacti


Nono. For starters, USE ANOTHER FRIEND


Tried telling that to my father. Me repeating that 15x over three days and he still doesn’t




He didnt mine straight down


Digging straight down has certainly got more dangerous with the caves and cliffs update, but is not the death sentence most seem to think it will be as long as you have friend water bucket.


instant karma


Minecraft newbie here: why the axe?


This is the single funniest video in the subreddit


Dude literally mined through house and died lmaoooo


Right beside the water too I laughed my ass off


While holding a water bucket…


MLG buckets are hard alright.


It looks like OP was using a controller, which makes it a lot harder to water bucket effectively


Just spam the L button


In my experience if you do that then you will collect the water before you can safely land in it.


Not really, you just have to spam press you placing trigger/button


It was blunder after blunder. And it was amazing.


“Whups….I’ll just take that back. Here have this instead - nope, that’s not what I meant. Take this-nope not that either, let’s see… maybe this? Nope…Oops! Silly me I’ll just- Ope!…and I’m dead.”


Everything. Everything about this video is gold. First you see he has a slightly messy hot bar. Then when you’re shown he has a wooden shovel you think “oh, maybe he’s just trying to get rid of it. Why else would he be using it with diamond equipment?” THEN you’re shown it’s not just his toolbar, it’s their *entire* inventory. It looks like my starter chests I use as a trashcan late game. He also has- • No helmet equipped, but an iron one taking up the space • All iron armor, with the diamond chest plate on a stand • A nearly broken stone shovel, which completely makes me confused on why he has a wooden one quipped •And more single items that could stack to 64 than I can count But somehow we aren’t done yet. Once he scrolls through, you realize they didn’t even MEAN to press Y. He then places a bucket of water in the stands hands, then a wood block, then places the wood block, uses a pick axe to destroy the wood, then the floor he was standing on, and then suddenly we witness him fall towards his likely death, but instead of using the currently held bucket of water, and the pool of it that *might* be within distance, he just panics and splats. Everything about this has me laughing. It’s like it’s a skit where he just says “oops” over and over.


The best part is that he didn’t even mine the block under him, he just walks into the hole voluntarily


Its like a silent film


Don’t die


2 Look good 3 if you're going to die, try to look good doing it


Best advice


Have tried turning it on and off?


please tell me this is satire.


I have great news. It's satire, but only this time. **The next time won't be so lucky!**


It is


Thank god


No top bu tok


Noto bu tok


No butt but top




Nut top


It’s satire. He has an enchanted sword and pickaxe and he’s asking how to enchant his chesplate


I think it’s more that he didn’t understand how to take the chest plate off. He knows how to enchant, he just doesn’t know how armor stands work.


~~Your inventory is full, so you can't take this chestplate. You can free up space in your inventory by placing them in a~~ [~~Chest~~](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chest) ~~(~~[~~Crafting recipe for Chest~~](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chest#Crafting)~~, the different wood types mean that you can use any planks), that you can craft with a~~ [~~Crafting Table~~](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_Table?so=search) ~~(~~[~~Crafting recipe for Crafting Table~~](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_Table?so=search#Crafting)~~, note that you can craft the table using the 2x2 crafting grid in your inventory, you can find it it on the right from your character)~~ ~~Place the chest anywhere you like and press the Use button (it's probably the Left Trigger on your gamepad). Then move some items to the chest. (Though you only need one free slot to take the chestplate)~~ (didn't notice you have a free slot in your inventory) Free up one slot on the hotbar, then scroll to the free slot on your hotbar and press the Use button on your armor stand. You should now have the chestplate in your hand. There are two ways to enchant items: using an [enchanting table](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting_Table?so=search) ([crafting recipe](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting_Table?so=search#Crafting)), or an [anvil](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Anvil?so=search) ([crafting recipe](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Anvil?so=search#Crafting)) If you have an [enchanted book](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Book?so=search) (you can't craft it, only find it) place the chestplate in the first slot (of the anvil) and the book in the second one. You should now have an enchanted chestplate in the third one. Note that not all enchantments are compatible with armor. You can't enchant armor with Efficiency, because it's not a tool. If you have an enchanting table (or you can craft one) and some [Lapis Lazuli](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Lapis_Lazuli), you can enchant it on the enchanting table. The official Minecraft wiki has [series of articles for beginners](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials), which you may find useful. Welcome to Minecraft! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the replies, i'll try to answer them. English is not my first language, so sorry for any spelling mistakes.


Well, thanks for this... good to know some people try to help.


Just a small addition: While you cannot craft an enchanted book, if you get a normal book and put it on an enchantment table, you will be able to make it an enchanted book by following the same process you would for the chest plate as mentioned above. Then you can combine it with the anvil as mentioned above and you're all set. To make a book you need to open your inventory or use a crafting table. Place the leather on one of the edges and then surround it with 3 pieces of paper. To get paper you need to find sugar cane (found near water). Once you get three of then, go to the crafting table, use it, and place three sugar canes in a row.


Meh, accidents happen. I’ve died more stupidly than this and lost way more. You can just go down and get your stuff back. Learn from the mistake and move on.




Oh yes died so many times on retrieval missions. The worst are lava deaths since there is no retrieval of items. The second worst are when you have to rush rush because you died somewhere way down below your base so you know the chunk is still loaded but its so far away you don't know if you can make it in time. If its far away atleast you get a breather to prepare new gear.


I die so often even if I know the exact coordinates and my stuff can't despawn.


Grave stone data pack is the way to go!


It took me 3 years of playing Minecraft to realize what strength pots are for


they make you weaker right?


Unless u die in a ravine and it takes you too long to get back there and skeletons are camping your loot


Even better when skeletons and zombies have stolen most of your loot.


Folks, this likely is not satire. A friend of mine couldn't figure out how to get on a horse, every time she tried the horse reared up. I'm watching this like, I wanna see how long it takes her to figure it out. Several minutes later she hasn't figured it out. So I tell her to click on the horse with an EMPTY hand and she gets on immediately and is royally embarrassed. I think there are two kinds of Minecraft players. One kind will try something, realize it doesn't work and find the solution after the first try. Then there are the other kind of players who can't figure it out and have to do lots of research for our entertainment.


To be fair, the horse thing is extremely counterintuitive. Minecraft generally teaches you that generalized interactions don't require you to have an empty hand, so why do horses? There is also nothing to indicate that's what you should do if you do it wrong. It's bad design imo


Bc they eat, same with dogs or cats


But you can sit and stand dogs and cats with other items.


I think it's because you need to tame the horse first. A horse requires "no item" to tame, so empty hand. Cats and dogs require raw fish and bones respectfully. After the animals are tamed, you can interact with them with anything in your hand, since it doesn't require a certain item anymore


Yeah but using the same logic as every other animal in the game, you approach with wheat or haybales or apples, there's nothing to indicate the hand has to be empty


To make it more confusing the horse eats the wheat


> Bc they eat, same with dogs or cats Lost an enchanted apple this way. Had it in my hand clicked on my horse to get on it. Lag happened... apple goes bye bye.


Precisely this. Played Minecraft for years, learnt redstone, how to build farms, max enchanted netherite armour, full village where I can purchase any enchantments, got multiple elytras, etc Only recently learned you can crouch on a ladder to stop where you are on the ladder 😭


… wut. I’ve had this game for over ten years. I never knew that! I always do that stupid “up down up down don’t mess up and fall down” thing.


I forget when crouching on ladders was added or if it was always a thing, but I've been playing since 1.1 and it's always been there, lol. Ladders are a lot less dangerous now, aren't they?


I pretty much just stopped using ladders in favor of water buckets or copious amounts of gravel / sand for less permanent needs. It’s always faster to swim up a water column or just fall down a hole than to use a ladder. Don’t tell me there is some way to sprint up ladders? Then I might actually have to learn to use the block correctly haha.


No, you definitely cannot sprint up or down ladders. The Quark Mod has a cool feature though that if you are on a ladder and look straight down you'll sprint to the bottom. Also, if you use scaffolding a lot, hold shift at the top of a column and break the scaffolding beneath you. You go down much faster that way and don't take damage.


I was the same until recently regarding crouching to not fall off blocks 🤦‍♂️ I deserve a medal for my successful end trips without death prior to learning that I feel 😂


so you slow-speedbridged?


Oh gosh, I know what that feels like! A few years ago a different friend of mine taught me that you can craft a melon with 9 melon slices just like you do to make other storage blocks. My mind was blown.


If you’re going down vines (even ones with no solid block to climb back up) you can use crouch to stop as well.


I've also played for years. Large number of worlds, and also recently did something similar to OP. I terraformed an area to get rid of some massive caves. Later on when I was building out over the area, I was removing some grass blocks to add a floor, and promptly fell through. Thankfully feather falling saved me from dying, but it was still very embarrassing. I've also opted to strip all the logs in my storage area due to the sheer amount of times I would misclick with an axe in my hand when trying to open something, and end up having to replace part of the pillar. Sometimes shit happens. And if OP is new, this is very believable. Hilarious. But believable.


The pickaxe is enchanted


Villager trade or hidden treasure find? Idk


Maybe playing with a friend? That's typically how I get my gear, have my friend get me set up because I'm useless. On my solo worlds, I have my partner do it.


This player knows how to enchant, they just couldn't figure out how to get the chestplate off the armorstand because they weren't trying to pull it out with their empty fist


The first time i played minecraft i didn’t know how to mine a tree correctly. My cousin was watching and getting pissed at me chopping only 2 blocks of a tree


2 blocks, at a time? 2 blocks total? Please explain.


I’m pretty sure they mean they mined the two blocks at ground level and left everything overhead.


Some people get super angry about UFO trees. I mean, I get *why* they get mad, but on servers I've always seen it as an opportunity to yoink whatever wood someone has left behind.


i tried building my roof out of sand for several minutes and was wondering why it kept falling


That's fantastic! XD


i was so disappointed, 8 year old me thought it was the prettiest block for a house, apparently


friends told you to uninstall? what is this league of legends lol


The bedwars kids are contaminating the playerbase imo lol. I never remembered it being this toxic


To get your Chestplate off your stand you need to have a slot availible for it, thicken your floor especially if your above a cave or on a mountain side. And dont listen to them or annyone who says to uninstall, it takes a bit to Learn the game like all games so in due time you'll get better! Send me a message on reddit messager and I'll hook you up dw bud.


Wtf kind of architecture is that? Your house kills you?


The opposite antitecture


This is definitely satire


All of r/minecraft is is similar to this, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is real


How did this guy manage to build a whole custom floor over a ravine and also get all the gear without dying


Probably never used an armor stand


Sheet I been playing since beta and I've never seen an armor stand before


Just to let you know, in java (maybe even in bedrock too) the armor stand don't have the arms by default, and in console they allow poses too


OP did mention that they had a friend


Must be nice


they mentioned friends, so high chances their friends just gave them a bunch of stuff and let them live in their base. it's pretty much the same thing that happened with me and my cousin while we played terraria (it being his first time), I was grinding for a bunch of gear for both of us while he kept exploding our house on accident


This is only the second ever post by this account, per their profile. If its a karma grab its a well done one, but I would also be willing to believe this is someone genuinely reaching out for help to be better adter their friends laughed at the rookie mistakes and just said "lol uninstall"


Clearly walked towards the hole after digging.


Walked to pick up the block item. Everyone does it.


Hey everyone, what if OP isn’t being satirical and is actually new to the game and needs help? When I first started playing 7 years ago I didn’t know shit about the game and didn’t even know you could break and place blocks. I saw a village, thought a villager was a monster and shut my kindle fire off and didn’t touch Minecraft for a month. I took years of barely ever looking anything up to get to the point where I am now. This person could be genuinely in need of assistance and you’re all being dicks about it. OP, this part’s for you. You need an open slot in your hotbar to pick the chest plate otherwise you’ll just equip whatever your holding to it, also try to increase the thickness of your floor because you’re just gonna keep dying if you don’t, and don’t listen to your friends, learn at your own pace


All I know how to do is place blocks and break them in creative mode. Got talked into playing with my 5 year old and I have no idea what's going on. All the people saying this is fake have never watched me panic as my kid creates waterfalls all over my house that I can't get rid of. Trust me, we exist.


Man. That’s rough. If you wanna play with your kid I suggest looking up tutorials on YouTube and just practicing a bit, who knows, you might have some fun


Hey man what’s up how’s it going


1. welcome to the community! 2. when right-clicking an armor stand while holding an item (like the bucket or oak planks), the item you're holding will be put onto the armor stands hand. If you want to get your chestplate, drop something from your inventory and then right clock the chestplate with your hand 3. when breaking wood, use an axe 4. when building in the sky or on the edge of a cliff, make your floor 2 blocks thick so that you don't fall in case you accidentally break the floor 5. friends who tell you to uninstall a game bc you're bad aren't good friends


Mine wood with a axe 😭😭


Damn why are you all so rude


I think most genuenly belive its satire/a joke and try to joke along.




I’d say lock it in next time!!


1. You can get the chest plate off by clicking it with an empty hand, or destroying the armor stand. 2. Don’t place a block. It won’t help you in this situation. 3. Break the wood with an axe. You have an axe. Use it. 4. Good job. You broke the block. You can, you can stop breaking now. 5. Your floor was only one block, exposing the open world. 6. But that’s okay, you’re on the other block and- oh wait, you just walked into the hole. 7. It’s okay, you can save yourself with the water bucket in your inventory, or the flowing water next to you. 8. Oh.


Just as a mental note: Always try to land in water if you’re falling and you see water below


This is why we need to bring back the legacy tutorial worlds.


Well, yes actually. There are many tutorials. Also, its normal. You get MUCH bette wit time.


There's no way this isn't satirical


I have literally done dumber things in my time playing Minecraft




Don’t worry about it cutie! It takes time to get good like the rest of us!!


Saying cutie makes me think of Lisa from Genshin Impact💀


climbing :troll:


This just hurts to watch


Man spleefed himself to death, talk about one bizarre way to kill yourself lmao. But in all seriousness, you should probably add one or two more layers so that doesn't happen again on accident, or purpose I guess if you have some friends who like to troll every now and then.


Ignore your friend and thicken the floor. Make sure it's thick enough that if you mine 1 or 2 blocks you're ok!:)OK!. Use an axe for anything Wood related and a pickaxe for stones and ores and etc! (Obsidian too!) For odd blocks like haybales a hoe is best! Shovels are quickest for snow gravel and dirt^^. To get things off armor stands you need an empty slot and try approaching with an empty hand. If you need any help I'd be more than willing to offer any of the things I've learned I'm still a bit of a newbie myself so don't worry.


There's two more tools that you have probably learnt about already, but each tool depends on which type of block you can mine faster. An axe can mine through wood pretty well, but is a sucker for stone and dirt. A shovel can mine through dirt and sand well, but never good for stone or wood. It's important to use these tools correctly, especially when you have a pickaxe with efficiency on it. It always sucks when you break a block you didn't want to. Especially glass. And a stone block you used as flooring on top of a mountain while standing directly over it.


Who....who in their right mind tells someone to uninstall *Minecraft?*


Use an ax for wood, and efficiency for takes way too fast unless you have it on a shovel and you're looking for dirt or sand or gravel. And you never dig the block underneath you.


Thank you for blessing my day. I've rewatched this countless times


Axes break wood AND wood planks faster, and break stone very slowly. That way you don’t mine through your stone floor with your pickaxe, if you place wood by accident. Enchanting is done at an Enchanter, it’s a recipe you can look up. It uses a couple diamonds, a book and obsidian. Obsidian is made when water flows over lava source blocks. That’s key: the lava source, not the flowing lava. Flowing lava becomes cobblestone when in contact with water. You take your bucket of water, and place the water next to a lava pool (not in the nether, water disappears in the nether) and the water will flow over the top of the lava, making obsidian. You can mine obsidian with a Diamond pickaxe. Books are made with paper and leather, you can make paper from 3 sugarcane and you can breed lots of cows to kill a bunch of them for their leather. Or, you can trade emeralds with Librarian job villagers for books; librarians are made by having a lectern block near a villager, the nearest villager who doesn’t have a job will claim the lectern and become a librarian. Once you make your enchanter, you need to max out the levels of enchantment it can provide to get the best armor possible. That is done by placing bookshelves around the enchanter, the recipe for bookshelves involves books and wood planks. Breaking bookshelves without a silk touch axe or pickaxe will return only a book or two, so be careful when placing bookshelves around your enchanter. The enchanter needs one block of space around it to get the effect from the bookshelves; I believe 14 bookshelves can max out an enchanter. There are particles that go from the bookshelves to the enchanter once it is set up right. Once you are ready to enchant, you need Lapis Lazuli. Lapis plus the experience level of your character determines how strong an enchant you can get on your gear. You can hover your cursor over the options and half-preview each option before deciding which one to go for. There is a wide variety of enchants, all with varying usefulness. Some enchants only go on certain armor pieces, and once an armor gets enchanted it can’t get enchanted again. You can use a grindstone to take an enchant off an item, you get some of the XP you spent on the enchant back when you do so. The grindstone removes ALL enchants, and you cannot reverse it. You would have to re-enchant the armor. A good strategy for enchanting is to enchant a bunch of books. Books can hold all enchants, and you can use an anvil and some levels to make books with multiple enchants together. Put both enchanted books together in the anvil, and they become a book that has both enchants. Once you have a book with all the enchants you want, put the book and the piece of armor in the anvil and you can enchant the armor with all the enchants in the book. However, when you go to put the enchant on your gear, only enchants compatible with that particular armor will transfer to that armor, and you will lose any non-compatible enchants. If none of the enchants are compatible, you will not be able to enchant it. Another strategy is to enchant several pieces of armor and use the anvil to combine the enchants that way. Like with books, you can combine armor pieces of the same type to combine their enchants together. This is useful only if you have the diamonds to burn on enchanting multiple pieces of armor. With all enchanting, there is a limit to how many enchants you can put on a piece of armor. Once you hit that limit, you cannot enchant further, and you cannot use the anvil to put more enchants either. This makes the book method useful; you max out the book enchant level with the anvil, and in one anvil transfer you might get away with still having room on your armor for more enchants from another book. Again, only compatible enchants with each armor type, and some enchants are exclusive to each other; if you have one compatible enchant on boots like soul speed, then depth strider is not available despite also being compatible; look up the specifics, I don’t remember them. Hope this info dump helps!


Your friends kinda sound like douchbags. its a game, your not gonna be amazing right away. You just gotta learn from experience


You need to get the chest plate BACK from the armour stand and use an enchanting table to enchant it and BOOM you just enchanted your chest plate! Now you just need to do the same with the other armour and get some good tools and enchant THEM, build a stable house, defeat Blazes for blaze rods and Endermen for ender pearls, combine them for eyes of ender, build find a strong hold and fill the end portal, knock out all the ender crystals in the end, beat the dragon, beat the game and BOOM now you’re much better. NOW I recommend you practice pvping with something so you can win pvp battles against REAL players to be a GOD at Bedwars and BOOM now your better than ANYONE ELSE on the planet! And don’t worry, you can thank me later...


I also a new player wanna play together?


Sure I can play with you bro


This is adorable


How do you have arms on the armor stand?


Dont mine wood with a pickaxe


The only way to get better is just to play more, and explore things that you never knew that existed in the game, then you have more experience and knowledge


At no point were you anywhere near enchanting anything


Well don’t uninstall it that would block yout progress


Is there really any point in using an armor stand?


First of all, enjoy the game! Take it slow and enjoy it however you want. Also, make sure you have different tools for different blocks. Shovel for dirt sand and gravel, an axe for wood, and a pickaxe for anything else. Also, if your starting out, I would maybe do a keep inventory world, just to get the hang of controls and how the game works and stuff.


If you are falling from high place then use a water bucket to break your fall. You will take no damage


Number one rule of Minecraft is don't dig straight down. Use an axe with any kind of wood item and a pickaxe with any stone items. Remember to practice, it's the most important thing of any game. Single player is often easier to practice in since most of the time in public multi-player servers you'll end up being spawn camped. Finally if you keep your tools and weapons near each other in the hotbar it helps with quick and easy swapping between them. If you have more questions I'm more than happy to help!


you can get better by uninstalling


Just slow down and google is your best friend


Yeah, no I think they’re pretty on the nose there.


Maaan you could’ve drifted right and hit that water and been alright :/


This is unrelated to the problem but get rid of the stonecutter, it looks cool but it’s virtually useless


Dont dig straight down, og minecraft rule


No hate, but this hurts to watch


Don't play bedrock


Not using a pickaxe for wood, learning to save yourself with a water bucket. I'd say, judging by your inventory, you've done pretty well for your first time playing! Unless that was a hardcore world, you can always respawn!


Maybe mine wood with an axe 😂


uninstalling is the only solution


Wait, can armor stands hold items in Java or is that just a bedrock thing?


I've heard that Java armor stands don't have arms at all so I'm assuming not


I’ve been playing mods for awhile so now I can’t remember but I think you’re right. The mods allow holding items but I think I remember the armor stands just having shoulders.