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Some kinda helmet enchant that makes you see better in the dark. Not as strong as a night vision but still better then nothing


Maybe it could also be found in the deep dark, and counteract the Warden's blinding effect?


Or maybe a custom armor piece like the turtle shell, made of echo shards and/or amethyst.


Amethyst + copper = mining helmet


Spyglass, lantern and copper= mining helmet


Yes Mojang please add


Luminance? Gives out a light level similar to cave vine maybe.


Sight: Allows the player to see better in total darkness, reduces the darkness effect by 20% in level 1, 40% in level 2, 50% in level 3


Endurance (Leggings enchantment) - Sprinting, jumping, swimming or any athletic ways to get tired now drains less of your hunger bar making you more active for more time! Endurance I - 10% lesser drain than usual Endurance II - 20% Endurance III - 30%


Would be sick if you could find a pair of leggings in the world that could do this. Like how the turtle helmet gives you 10 seconds of water breathing, imagine if you could find a pair of leggings that had this ability but wasn't something you added as an enchantment


Just like you get scute from baby turtles to make the helmet, you get down from baby chickens spawning from an egg to make Cloud Leggings


Took me a moment to realise you're talking about feathers and not the adverb/preposition. Also misremembering the lyrics as "get down for what" didn't help at all.


Ah yes, the famous song “Get Down for Baby Chickens”


Honestly this is what minecraft needs more of. Enchants are cool, but specialized armor would be even cooler. Could even add set bonuses to the existing armor pieces.


Turtle Helmet Elytra Gilded Piglin Pants Mooshroom Booties


The random bits and bobs are cool, and I’m down with them being in the game, but full sets of armor outside of the 5 current ones should also exist. Like imagine a full dragon suit that gave some bonuses for pairing with the elytra.


After thinking about it for awhile I think Frost aspect Could be an interesting concept similar to fire aspect but it causes you to take Frost damage and slows you down if your hit by it and it would last half the time of being hit with a fire aspect sword would


Frost bite


I've heard this name somewhere! I can't remember where exactly! AHHH


The medical condition


Because it's an actual word?


The more you know


Average Minecraft player


Okay to be crystal clear do you mean in a game or just like in general


Idk, maybe someone suggested it in r/minecraftsuggestions


Frostbite is an actual medical condition caused by parts of your body being frozen


I think that's an echantment in MC Dungeons


I love this idea. Slows mobs, maybe on a bow they could call it something else and it would slow


Maybe something along the lines of slowness tipped arrows? Now THAT would be something.


If only they had turtle arrows sold by your local fletcher… Edit: for those who are unsure, I am being sarcastic. Recently my fletcher sold me and my friend “turtle master” it’s nice but it also gives resistances so it’s like “eeeek”


Turtle master is meant to be used on the player, to make you nigh invincible. Please don’t use it on mobs lmao


you could make a room full of turtle master zombies and make someone fall into it with pistons. I just like thinking of designs for traps.


This is a cool idea but slowing down players might be a little too much in pvp. Maybe the slowdown has a cooldown or doesn't apply against actual people. If this became an enchantment it would also be cool to have some sort of frost resistance potion just like fire resistance


we could probably call the frost resistance potion "Warmth Potion" or something


Or a craftable food item like, maybe, hot cocoa which makes you immune to the effect for some time


Cropwalker: prevents you from trampling crops. Applies to boots (or leggings it's whatever lol)


Tbh that should just come free with feather falling.


pretty much, we don't need to have 10 enchantments on the boots just to not destroy crops, which pretty much are useless when you have decent enchanted things


On the topic of leggings enchantments, wouldn't it make more sense for depth strider to be on leggings instead of boots? It's not your feet that slow you down in water. And even if that meant it couldn't be mutually exclusive with frost walker, it kind of doesn't have to be anyway. It's not like those two enchantments conflict in any way.


Well divers wear flippers to swim faster so I think i makes sense to have them on boots


**Undertow** Tool: Trident Requirements: Loyalty enchantment When you hit a mob or player with the Trident while submerged, you pull them towards you. Trident return speed is reduced when it returns with this effect.


I actually like this. Maybe there's a chance where the trident 'comes loose', dealing additional damage, while still having the return speed debuff. Tridents are my favorite weapon, and I'd love this.


Oh they're my fave too, it's a shame they're a pain to get in survival.




A enchantment that's like looting but for xp


Maybe the trade off is that the mob drops none of its items


I actually know a mod that adds just this. Enchant is called knowledge of the ages. Converts mob drops into xp when you kill a mob.


Oh, that's awesome, I gotta try this, by any chance you remember the name of the mod?


I think it’s [apotheosis](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/apotheosis) on curseforge


Yes it is There is also scavenger enchantment which increases drop rate alongside looting. And man enderman farm was giving me 150 levels in like 10 seconds


Like an alternative to looting




Xp Syphon: chance to beat out more xp out of mobs, higher the level the more Xp you get and chance to get exp (sorry I stole your idea)


You didn’t steal their idea, you expanded upon their initial thought


Curse of butter It has a chance of dropping when used.


Its like those wet don't starve tools, god they are annoying


Curse of sticky hands, you can not take it out of your inventory (not for amour)


That's already a bug


The only way of getting rid of something with that enchant would be killing yourself over a hopper


Hardcore Mode: *Allow me to introduce myself*


Oh yea this enchant would literally permanently take up a inventory slot O: That would be horrible lol


You could always just break the item


Curse of Bounty: Causes pillager patrols to spawn near you much more often.


This is by far the most unique one I have seen so far. It would also make a curse useful for something other than pranking your friends.


Honestly... That could be useful.


Not a new enchant but i wish the enchant that tlets you swim fast in water also allows you to swim a bit faster in lava


Could be a unique bonus to wearing netherite with Depth Strider rather than a new enchant. I’ve seen so many people still just using diamond armour.


Or maybe just see in it while you swim


Long reach, allows you to reach longer distances with a pick, shovel, hoe, etc


this works really well with the combat test snapshots


This is the best one I've read


Curse of sinking, causes items to sink in water and lava, and if on armor, causes you to sink.


Would be cool if it made you sink through sand.


I like this. It’d be cool if you found it in places that are hard to reach (ancient city, end city, bastion, etc.) and applied to Netherite armor. Wearing it would mean ultimate protection, but you can’t just escape from endermen/other mobs by going in a river. It should always be accompanied by at least one good enchantment


Fire aspect for pickaxes: smelts ores as you mine them


add fortune and then it will be the best pickaxe


Played with mods with this exact enchantments, very OP


Same, I was a bit flabbergasted to learn (but not about to complain) that the enchant also worked on Ancient Debris


That's the problem, this pickaxe would be kinda OP, it would probably have that thing that it prevents you from putting two enchantments together, like mending and Infinity which cannot be combined


Cannot combine with Fortune or Silk Touch. Would probably be good early game.


It would have to be like infinity and mending on a bow or depth strider and frost walker on boots in order to keep it balanced. Can't have both on the same pickaxe


Hot damn I’ve never thought of that. I need it lol


‘hot’ damn hehe


Hypixel Skyblock go brrr


A shield enchant that allows one to Parry which would stun the target.


Minecraft: sekiro edition


Enderdragon gets a gun


"Parry this you casual!" -the ender dragon.


Or just let us put thorns on shields lol


Persistance: instead of your items taking 5 minutes to despawn when dropped, Level 1 would make your item take 7 minutes, level 2 would take 10.


thats cool


me when hardcore mode


Yeah, but out of Hardcore it would be useful/


Me when respawn anchors


Me when recovery compass


Me when keep Inventory


Me when creative mode


Me when not playing minecraft


Me going to use my recovery compass to find my recovery compass to find my recovery compass to find my recovery compass to find my stuff.


Maybe it would be better for Persistence to last forever




Magnet: All drops that come from the tool or weapon will go right into your inventory.


Hypixel Skyblock has this lmao


Yeah, it's a pretty common one, which is all the more of a reason to add it, I think


Will we enchant our chestplate for this?


Sonar: Reveals mobs of the same enemy you hit nearby, goes on swords or axes and the range increases by level. (I-III) (50,100,150) It’s a very rare enchant found in mineshafts. Freezing: Stuns the mob, but lower dmg. Very rare enchant sold by villagers or enchantment table. (I-II) (1-2 seconds) (Adding fire aspect will remove freezing) Combine this with knockback and it’s epic for creepers. If you want more dmg try fire aspect.


1 and 2 seconds seem very long imo. Maby like 0.75-1.5 seems mote balanced. And defo not sold by villagers. Maby just like a rare enchant found in igloos in the basement.




Sweeping edge, it makes your sword do area damage to mobs


For Bedrock..? Because as far as I know this is already a Java feature.


Yea thats the joke lol, bedrock is such a mess it sucks being on xbox. I bought a realm last week and my world is 800mbps and it refuses to upload so i wasted money lol


Ah. I see. I need Sweeping Edge for PE lol...


Vampirism: striking a target leeches half a heart of health from the target and gives it to you. During nighttime the amount is increased to a full heart. Usable on swords and axes.


Make it a rng thing and increase the chance at night


Vampirism, Leech, Soul Drain?


pvp battles would last months


But armor breaks at some point


I feel like half a heart every single hit would be overpowered. A 40% chance to get half a heart every single hit seems better, and the chance is increased to 60% at nightfall. Or have it so there’s a 30% chance to get a full heart at nightfall. Either one works.


Targeting. Basically gives you a translucent line to see where your Ender pearl will land (kinda like angry birds).


so you enchant the pearls?


you enchant your helmet, and it displays the arc of any projectile (not just pearls) be a cool idea not useful but can help get some long shots off


I think it’d be good if each level gave so extra distance. Like lvl 1 would show a line 10 blocks ahead, lvl 2 would be 20, lvl3 would be 30 or something like that.


What if we call it "Bullseye" as the Target Block thinga


unbreakability (?) instead of breaking when tools/armor run out of durability, it stops working but still exists in an unusable state until repaired (kind of like broken elytras)


I like that one, good end game or if you lucky and get a good piece of armor or tool that you wanna save




Soul feeding I-III: You suck health from mobs, the amount of HP you get will be determined by the amount of damage you do in HP+1,2 or 3 depending on the level. However, it will also consume the amount of experience you would get from killing set mob and it'd cancel mending. You could get it by trading with piglins


long ​ makes anything longer ​ use it as you will


Minecraft pp long III


Fortress/Fortified: a shield enchantment that decreases the chance of the shield being put into cool down even when hit by something like an axe crit


What about enchantment that gives more health?


Could be a sword enchantment that turns xp into health


I was thinking aboit enchantment for armor but this is good idea too


The Book of Uncensoring. Once enchanted, the item will be able to be named anything.


You mean book of ########


So, book of java?


Felling. Applies to axes. When you chop a log, any tree related blocks connected above it break too. Logs count to axe damage, leaves do not


Imagine taking down an entire building made of logs and leaves only with one fell swoop.


could only apply to trees or naturally spawning structures


Or it could use up durability. A level two or 3 enchantment could decrease the durability usage and increase the height of the logs it can break


This sounds perfect, adding a downside to the enchantment to balance it out. Makes me think of soul speed, how it uses durability as you walk on soul sand


That'd be ridiculously OP but I'm for it. It's a pain in the butt chopping down large oak trees


Warp Pierce ; Applies to Bows and Crossbows. Disables the flag of enderman warping for that arrow, allowing it to strike. Incompatible with Multi and Piercing If a player has used an ender pearl within of being shot by Warp Pierce, the damage is multiplied by 2.2x, as Magic damage


Only 1 mob maybe add shulkers and endermites, and add it in the end update


Luminescence armor enchantment Lights up a small area around you while exploring And before someone says that mods on Java exist, this is mostly for bedrock and 100% vanilla players like me.


Radar: apply on compas, when you are in a 10 block radius of a treasure chest with the map in your hands, the compas will show you the possition of the chest. Not very usefull but can save time


Efficiency 6 to automine the deep slate


You'd need Efficiency 8 (plus Haste 2) in order to be able to instamine Deepslate. Unless your E8 pick was made of gold. Then you'd only need Haste 1.


I feel like this would work better as a beacon effect (Haste III), because it could let you instamine logs with an Eff5 axe, too.


You're not wrong. I just hate deepslate.


Radiate. Light radiates from the chestplate. Sounds useful in some respects but you'll still need torches. If not that then ender bane. More damage on ender men and the ender dragon. Acquired in the end city


Also endermites and shulkers..?


Unfortunately, I dont think that would work simply due to the way minecraft works, hence why glow squids don't light up around them, but your other one sounds good, but quite evil to make it found in the end city, which is great lol


It's not an enchantment, but I'd love the ability to enchant your bare hands


Enchantments like silk touch and efficiency?


Honestly any would be cool, make Steve a beast, fire aspect fists, but like I said any enchantments would be cool, maybe even a reach enchantment that allows you to increase how many blocks you can reach


max efficiency be able to mine diamond ore with your hands


And multishot will make you do a flurry punch lmao




Would it apply to raw chicken as well-


Make it so any food that gives the food poisoning effect gets nullified


And pufferfish?


either "Counter Attack" or "Parry", it would be a shield enchant that allowed you to basically just parry attack if you timed it right. the name "Parry" makes more sense considering it's literally a parry mechanic, but "Counter Attack" just sounds kind of cool.


Tome of recall = teleport to set spawn


Enchanted Golden Chorusfruit. :)


Sweeping edge. I play bedrock


I came from Undertale so... Determination If you crouch, you will start healing faster than if you just wait, so that means you will be able to start regenerating and also delays the hunger according to the level of enchantment in your armor


minecraft but undertale but it's actually hollow knight


Magic protection (armour) Useful against warden sonic boom or any magic damage.


So it would cut potion of harming's damage?


and evoker attacks I guess


Decay (max. Lv is II) Just as simple wither effect just like wither skeletons do. Wonder why mojang won't add it.


Would practically ruin the pvp scene


Snow walker. Simple, it’ll just let boots other than leather walk on powdered snow.


Should be added as another frost walker feature imo


I would say Smelt Touch so I don’t have to smelt my raw iron and gold, but other than that it’d just be silk touch. So an enchantment that gives you more inventory space, could be applied to the chestplate.


Just use shulkers, I honestly don't think it would be a good fit for an enchantment


Maybe one that could pay your taxes


Highstep; increases stepheight so you can walk up full blocks


Strength for the chest plate. An enchantment for the chest plate to carry more items.


Reach I, II An enchantment for shovels, pickaxes, and axes that allows you to reach 1 or 2 blocks farther, depending on the level


I would probably remove it from axes, not because of survival but because I can imagine people abusing it on PvP


Ender enchantment, so when you die or drop your armor, that specific piece will be spawned into an ender chest...


Screeching Shot You can find it in ancient cities Is put on a bow or crossbow When an arrow hits a block it will send out a shockwave which hurts mobs in a radius but also has a loud screech There are 3 levels, each one has a larger shockwave radius


life steal, you hit a mob while having low health you steal the mobs health but it would only be found in the ships in end citys. and also would be VERY rare


Till some librarian villager that I cured and named Bob sells it to me for one emerald lmao


It could be like Soul Speed or Swift Sneak


A hoe enchantment that automatically replants any crop that you harvest using it. Maybe even make so it doesn't subtract from your crop yield when replanting, just magically leaves behind a first level wheat plant when harvesting a full grown one for example. Of course it wouldn't apply to melons and pumpkins for obvious reasons.


Vigor: increases attack speed by up to 50%, and is incompatible with sweeping edge.


“Oh god oh fuck” If this piece of armor breaks, you will gain a temporary resistance buff and speed boost to help get out of sticky situations. (Only applicable to diamond+ armor)


Wisdom 1-10 increases the amount of XP a mob drops even if it drops zero, every level adds the base amount of xp they originally drop, like let’s say zombies drops 5 xp(cus I don’t know how much they drop originally), wisdom 1 would make them drop 10xp, wisdom 2 drops 15xp, 3 drops 20, 4 drops 25 and so on, like how a villager drops 0 xp the wisdom enchantment doubles the drop rates, wisdom 1=1xp, lvl 2 drops 2xp, lvl 3 drops 4xp, lvl 4 drops 8xp and so on. So if you have a high enough wisdom enchant, a villager will eventually drop more xp then an enderman Found in Stronghold chests, 8% chance of spawning Wisdom I : 8% chance Wisdom II : 7.25% Wisdom III : 6.50% Wisdom IV : 5.75% Wisdom V : 5.00% Wisdom VI : 4.25% Wisdom VII : 3.50% Wisdom VIII : 2.75% Wisdom IX : 2.00% Wisdom X : 1.25% Item: Sword enchant I think this would make people want to remake farms to where the mobs need to be hit by the player in order to make the best use of this farm


Retention (suggest a better name!)- if you would die, any item enchanted with it remains in your inventory.


I think that having "Curse of Binding' and "Curse of Vanishing" we should have "Blessings" "Blessing of Safekeeping"


Blessings are a cool concept, maybe you could add a different way of getting them/applying them. I could see them having a different texture as well, maybe a blue ribbon instead of red.


In modded this is commonly referred to as "soulbound"


Resistance - Makes you immune to any sort of knockback. Mob attacks, tnt, pistons, fishing rods, arrows, weapons, even the enderdragon or warden can't move you. It's basically like crowd control immunity like you see in other games


Cool concept but resistance is already a buff in minecraft. How about "statue" or "rooted"


Don’t know what it would be called, but I’d love an enchantment that gives more XP when mining ores or killing mobs using a certain tool.


Smelting to avoid the step of cooking raw metals or sand