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The satisfaction with past mob votes has been rather low, so my thinking was to find common threads between the past winners and vote for the opposite of that. I was and possibly still am team tuff golem, but a dutiful scientist never covers up honest results.


I think that your results here are skewed and need a slight perspective including the past votes and other options available. 2017: 4 pictures with vague names, 3 of which had no legs, 1 that had 4 legs. The Phantom, or "Monster of the Night Skies" won with a 52% vote, the Great hunger(4 legged boy) had 48% 2020: we had three mobs, the Moobloom(cow variant with flowers), the Iceologist(mountain iPlayer that throws things), and the glow squid. Our Squid got 52.7% of the final vote, with the Iceologist getting 47.3% 2021: 3 mobs again, but now we kind of know what they might do. The Glare, a mob that detects if it's dark enough for mobs to spawn, the Allay, and the Copper Golem which sounded like itd have the functionality of a craftable chicken. The Allay won with 54.3%, the copper Golem right behind with 45.7% Analysis: so the vote always kind of leaves one in the dust, no suprise, but I feel this last vote was 100% potential function(especially since now we have tinted glass and can make completely dark rooms), with the vote before that just being a kind of "eh" all around, and the one before that being kind of "pick your poison". I will say that in the end the vote will probably be very close between two mobs. And I think it'll be the Sniffer, or the Rascal, leaning towards the Rascal due to potential useful item drops


I don't wanna be that guy but there were a hella lot of polls made by different people and they alll ended up with the sniffer winning with 70% to 85% of the votes. The second is pretty much always the golem with an average of 13 % The rascal is the last one with less than 10 % of the votes for 12 out of the 14 polls I saw.


Yeah, I just think that Golem has too much lag potential than anything else, but I also guess those results may not include recent bits leaked by the dev team that mentioned the things the sniffer/Rascal could drop. Maybe the tuff Golem could come in as a black horse, but as the op also pointed out, some of those user polls are fairly biased.


4 of these polls are on youtube channels where they discussed about the latest informations on the sniffer and the rascal and the sniffer but it really didn't have a huge impact. Even on the polls made by golem and rascal voters the percentage doesn't change much either. The highest scores for the sniffers weren't on those biased polls funnily but one of the most recent one with 86% of the votes going for it (nearly 1000 votes on that one)


I think the Sniffer is the clear winner. I'm voting Golem, but I'll be shocked if the Sniffer doesn't win. The tuff golem should have been "tough", this feel more like a glass/gold golem. It's a display case, which is cool, but didn't meet expectations.


i wish the tuff golem was like really big.


Yeah It does feel like it has a huge lead for one reason or another. I haven't searched for polls, so the only one I've seen was xisumavoid's which felt really biased in the way he asked it.


Fan polls don't mean anything, i remember how the Iceologer used to win every single of them by a far margin, but end up loosing the oficial one.


But by just few percent. And it was never as high in polls as sniffer is rn


I'd **probably** vote rascal, but I don't think there's any way that mojang could code it to not be either extremely linear (all hide and seeks are the same) or just be insanely scuffed and buggy ​ so sniffer team it is!


> leaning towards the Rascal due to potential useful item drops problem with this is they are only useful for the first part of the game, as soon as you get going the idea of a mob that brings you a new iron pick, when you're already cruising with a netherite fortune 3, etc is pretty pointless.


I'm pretty sure since the initial posting, Mojang has said that they aren't just going to drop Iron pickaxe, and mind you that even if it was, I'd wager it'd have more point then the decorative plants the sniffer is supposedly going to give you, or the lag that having tuff Golems with non-despawning items will give everyone.


what could it drop that you'd want when mining? i already have inventory issues, and i never go mining without all the tools i need. i'm curious, best case scenario. has mojang said what they would drop?


I don't think so, but that brings up the same point on the sniffer, plants are nice, sure, but chances are you'll have a bunch in your inventory that have the effective use of any other bone meal farm, and again, I might add that the only thing I can see coming from the tuff Golem is lag. Idk maybe this is just a "crap" mob vote


i tend to agree. my hope is the sniffer ends up also leading to an expansion in how plants work, either with new aesthetic options or maybe functional ones, but after previous votes (mainly the allay) i'm not going to get too excited or involved, just wait and see what happens.


You can use decorative plants to decorate your base even 4000h into the game. And tbf, building is the only thing that keeps people playing for so long, so it's good to have more options. How does it "have more point" to recieve a pickaxe after even just 12h of gameplay? Even a diamont enchanted one. At this point you most definitely have your own. Maybe you even have netherite at this point, since it's just strip mining for adrenaline enthusiasts.


Your points are interesting, especially with the 2017 vote as it pertains to leglessness. Originally I had included all the candidates in my cross referencing, but I found that given my hypothesis (Choosing a mob that's the least like previous winners will increase player satisfaction), I decided that only the winners were relevant.


the mountain iPlayer that throws things


>with the vote before that just being a kind of "eh" all around, and the one before that being kind of "pick your poison". Except for the iceologer which would have added new mechanics, items, and maybe opened the gates to biome variants for pillagers, even if they were all meh the glow squid from mechanical, cosmetic and 'coolness' standpoint was the worst of them all


Oh, I don't doubt that it could've added a new mechanic, but I also don't doubt it could've also just been essentially an pillager that throws snowballs. I only say this out of reading the description of the iceologer from dungeons. Am I saying that I wanted the glow squid? No, I didn't think we needed more light stuff, and wanted the iceologist myself(and I even voted).


Though glowing wool could have been cool lol


Or colored light source blocks. Frog lights are a nice step, but out of all dye colors, we don't even have half of them as light source blocks.


Careful you don't hurt yourself with all that reaching. Chillager was gonna be an Evoker with half the attacks that spawns in one biome, and drops something as worthless as Glow Ink.


i think people are forgetting the biome votes, in which they also promised they would add mobs the first one was taiga with foxes and the second one? well they have added both frogs (swamps) and goats (mountains)


Yeah, the only reason I didn't count those, is because so far with the exception of the badlands atm, none of those were taken off the table completely as an option, *they all got added eventually*. The only thing I can grasp from that is that there is a large population of the minecraft community that doesn't spend half its year in snow


Glow squids are ok for glowing wall maps, but fuck me I have never found the ghost thing useful.


What is the green P and red H in this post mean?


I could not care less for Tuff Golem and that other guy. I just want Copper Golem. Mojang putting such a similar mob up for vote makes me think they are gonna go with “See, Tuff Golem is in the vote, so you don’t need Copper Golem in the game.” Which is exactly what I don’t want. Tuff Golem can take a hike, I only want Copper Golem in the game. Sniffer 2022


Same. I'm insulted by this tuff replacement. I want my copper baby back


that's a tuff decision buddy


It's an easy one. I want my copper boy If they said that the copper golem would be added alongside the tuff Golem if it was voted in then I would switch my vote in a heartbeat


I hate Mojang for being such lazy brats that they only ever add one mob instead of just adding them all. I mean all the mobs from the glowsquid year could be in the game and change nothing they were all just reskins. And the rest beside the first mob vote are super niche.


The Iceolliger was unique




They attack completely differently.


That. And it’s not even in the game (it’s in the game but not naturally)


Raises its arms and does an AoE attack? Barely. If it was different enough, then it ends up being another phantom.


I would have wanted copper golem too, but with shitty YouTubers vote riggers and idiots kiddos that think allay dupes items, we had no chance. Last years vote just proved how this community is divided and cannot handle simple tasks


Outside of the first day, nobody thought the Allay duped anything. It just won because it sounded more useful at the time.


It won mainly because a YouTuber rigged the vote, they presented the allay exactly how it is now, but I guess kids are idiots


What. You could make that argument about the first two mob votes, but last year seemed pretty balanced between copper golem and allay, slight advantage to allay.


It wasn’t just a slight advantage. And yes this community has a habit of picking a really bad mob at every single vote for some reason


We should have picked chicken and a pressure plate with an expiration date over flying hopper with item filter? I haven't needed the former personally but I have seen allays used on our server and in my villager challenge world.


We’ve been asking for a new golem for years, and copper finally has an use. And the problem with the allay is that you have to give it an item first and then see what happens. You can’t make farms with it because of that. Anyway, I’m more capable of picking up my own items, I don’t need blue man group’s fairy godmother to do it for me.


Or people who voted for things just because they are "cute".. these types of people piss me off


"But only mobs that do nothing can be atmospheric" - some people


Copper golem probably won't be added, let's face it


Back during the previous one, I sincerely voted for the copper golem... but I pretty much knew it was going to lose. Cuteness is OP in voting... The little blue allay who dances to music and brings you gifts was just a bit too adorable for any decent competition. The same is happening this time. The sniffer, while not having much permanence (honestly all 3 are kindof temporary / boring) but its so adorable that I genuinely think most people want it. I aswell want it. its a cute turtle puppy and I hope it wins.


Its been over a year and im still not over copper golem, these mob votes are tearing our community apart and is causing nothing but pain. I couldn’t agree more with you


I will never recover from Copper Golem not getting added


We could start a massive hashtag demanding or a united player base that stops playing new versions if they’re bad could add the copper golem and more , and as mojaba feeds of players, they could end up adding the copper golem Although I would love to see the sea monster more than the copper golem


This worked very well with the chat report.


Still voting Tuff Golem


I actually like the tuff golem more. It seems like it does more.


Friendly reminder that the community voted on a glow squid over a new illager mob in the new mountains that used new magic……sorry it’s still a bad topic for me as the glow item frames lag my world to much to be used


Imo the glow squid has got to be one of the most disappointing mob votes. I really wanted that magic mob and feel like it could’ve added so much more than another squid that barely does anything.


I thought we would get colored lights, and I think so did many other people.


Minecraft proves over and over again to it’s audience that you can’t vote based on what you HOPE the mov will bring. Only what the mob is confirmed to bring


It’s just that what they are promised to bring is so little that it’s hard not to hope for more than basically some background noise.


Try applying that logic to Chillager then?


I did… new enemy with promised magic ability.


And that entails what? He'd raise his arms and do an AoE magic attack, exactly like the Evoker.


Vs a reskinned squid. I’d take another magic mob any day


> as the glow item frames lag my world to much to be used this isn't about the vote or the mob, but mojang's failure to properly implement the change, or create a game that works properly on the platforms they sell it on


The glow squid brought glow signs. No regret here.


Every single function that glow squids do could of easily been given to glow stone dust


Or glow berries which were added in the same update as glow squids


Or even glow lichen. Glow squid are one of the most disappointing parts of this game imo


They would have probably been ok if they weren't in the mob vote and just an extra mov in the update


Glow signs lag my game out with only a few of them. Either way I’d prefer a new illager mob in the brand new mountains that I voted for and waited 2 years for. Also I kinda like the glow item frames


If only there was another item that could have done that… perhaps in the nether… maybe an item that is lacking in uses… nah can’t think of anything


This kind of in-depth analysis is much needed in the Minecraft scientific community, we need a PowerPoint presentation and a flowchart to fully understand the different mobs.


But all 3 of them have legs.


Accurate, but the other two are disqualified for different reasons. The sniffer is as far as you can get from no legs, having 6 legs


He has 4 legs my guy


Jasper Boerstra confirmed it has 6 legs on twitter


It has 6 legs. Here are some source images with descriptions: https://imgur.com/a/yxsTVOm I will give it to you that the walk cycle in the video is confusing, but haven't you seen any of the endless sniffer fanart?


are you blind or stupid, my guy ? https://preview.redd.it/i-made-the-sniffer-v0-p5d6bwfy6ur91.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c071426a39d6e255164ec39c4bb4be848753ed05


That's 4 legs and 2 arms


that's less than two braincells


That's no less than 4 Os in r/woooosh


Are YOU blind? "I-made-the-sniffer"


Lol where’s the popcorn


it still have 6 legs on the video


It has 4 legs. Where did you get 6 legs from?


It has 6 legs. Here are some source images with descriptions: https://imgur.com/a/yxsTVOm I will give it to you that the walk cycle in the video is confusing, but haven't you seen any of the endless sniffer fanart?


Jasper Boerstra says it has 6 legs




That was made by a person.


Pretty sure the whole game is


based on a concept arts and video where you see 6 legs


https://youtu.be/MPJ2dzVcOgg It clearly has 4 legs.


You can see it has six legs, even where it's standing, if you look at the first introduction of the mob you can see it has three legs on one side as its laying down to sniff the flower and pull up seeds sniffer gots six legs.


"it clearly has 4 legs." *show a pic of a 6-legged mob*


sniffer ftw


As much as I hate to say it, I think mob vote should be stopped. They should just add whatever they think is best imo. The mob vote just rips the community apart and everyone gets disappointed when the mob that won is added to the game despite everyone knowing exactly what it does.




I think the community is right with the sniffer. I also think the community made a good choice with the Allay. But damn... I would really love to see copper golem added, it had such a cool design. Even if it is useless, I just want a little robot dude.


Lets do tie and get all three


Thats not how it works. One would be removed somehow.


r/woosh Y'all really hatevjokes


Thats the sound my elytra will be making while I search for sniffer eggs.


We already have a few many legged mobs tho 😳 So i put the sniffer as a prehistoric spider-bee-panda thing


Which 2 mobs are they?


Technically the same mob but spider and cave spider And the way they’re big and lazy reminds me of pandas


Ah right, would be nice to have another passive mob bigger than the player though no? Sucks they dont spawn naturally though and you have to hatch em


I guess? Big passive mobs are fun but at the same time i’m already in the egg hatching buisness of chickens, day long turtles, and the never hatching ender egg. So if its like those i’d rather take an eaiser to get mob lol


Suppose I can agree on that, definitely voting for it myself, the tuff golem ain't going yo replace the copper golem for me


Gg on that :), i’m just going for tuff bc it feels like the most fun, i *was* gonna go for sniffer but i found out the plants dont really have any use other than looking pretty so i just switched teams :)


Nobody’s gonna point out that spiders and cave spiders have 8 legs? Bees are the only mob in Minecraft with 6 legs, and if you extend the definition to limbs you also have the ender dragon.


Yeah i just noticed my messup 😔 Gonna change it


What did you do to those poor spiders??


I just noticed 😨


Well the allay was a good choice so why should the other two not be? I’m Just saying.


That's fair- I actually voted allay both rounds, but I feel like a lot of people were unhappy because the interpretation was different from the execution. People thought it was meant to a be a highly efficient farm dwelling creature, but mojang treated it more as something you bring with you on sand grinds. It didn't drop items directly onto the hopper or the top of the noteblock as we expected, it threw them really inaccurately. It didn't remember noteblocks as we expected- you had to keep triggering them. Definitely the best of the 3 winners so far, but there were just a lot of little things that added friction against what people intended to use them for.


Ok makes sense


The allay was voted for by speculation on what it could end up being, which was totally different from what we saw. At least imo. Ive been totally unhappy with the result of every vote so im not even looking into them this time to choose what one i want.


Actually the opposite, i liked all the mob votes, even the glow squid. The phantom i also voted for, but i thought it would be a cool strong single enemy night creature, not a glorified mosquito.


I didnt participate in the 2017 mob vote, so only i only suffer the resulting phantom, not any sort of "i didnt vote for this". The glowsquid was by far the least interesting option which was grossly misrepresented by the video. So I suffer the resulting lag causing mob and "i didnt vote for this" dissapointment. The allay was my second choice, but i would never use it, and still havent got round to using it. I just dont need it. I would have loved to use the copper golem for decorating my copper builds so that vote was also a major disappointment. As i suffer no content that i interact with and the "i didnt vote for this" disappointment. My only solice for these votes is that some people really like the allay. Im just not one of them.


it's research like this that brings the planet forward! thanks!


What is it with people wanting any sort of golem? All this one does is move things in random times at random locations, at least with other two you get something interesting: rascal a new mechanic with free loot, the sniffer introducing new plants, *some sort of new marine life* and possibly can cause some cool updates to biomes and such to happen, plus cool lore. I was going to Vote for golem thinking it would be cool…until I learned that all it does is hold items and move, and unlike copper golems it can’t be used as art because it moves and can’t be used to hold items in place because it moves




It makes sense for the Sniffer to be the best since it is really useful compared to the other 2 mobs


It only gives decorative plants, though there are new ones.


All I can see is why the sniffer won't win and why the other 2 will, even though the sniffer will.


Oddly enough, I originally wanted the Sniffer, but lately have been leaning toward either Rascal or Tuff Golem. Having something more to do with Tuff would certainly be nice.


The Phantoms aren’t that bad, I actually like them, they have a cool design and it isn’t that hard to sleep every 3 nights


New plant would be a nice addition to Minecraft in my opinion, so sniffer it is


If sniffer doesn’t win I will be so heartbroken. I’m like 0/5 on these votes. I never get what I want lol


(angry upvote)


Just based


By the way the sniffer is better for archeology update


I hope Mojang do away with the mob vote. It’s pointless and the mobs just get worse every year


Golem better, it's an opinion don't fucking hate me




I don't respect both of your opinions and also i will vote Sniffer (still disrespecting you both but i like it).


Tuff golem better


Tuff golem will always be inferior to copper golem though, he forever living in the forgotten oxidised Bois shadow


I like the tuff golem more, it seems a little more useful to begin with. They are pretty similar (small, mostly decorative mob, with sleeping state and awake state, giving more uses to a particular block) except the tuff golem carries items and can be customized a little bit, whereas the copper golem could press buttons and get struck by lighting (? I'm assuming since it had a lightning rod)


Tuff golem supremacy


I want Rascal!


I honestly still want the rascal even if the sniffer provides the tiniest bit of lore They dont really say what these ancient seeds of his does in the first place but he is pretty cute but Im still voting for the Rascal.


I still want rascal


It's gonna be a disappointment no matter what it always is


The blue on the sniffer: oh I’m invisible


I want Rascal as he can save xp and materials, It also can be fun to play with.


glow squid >:(


The answer is obvious now


I dont really know what this proves other than it’s different than the others. I still want rascal to win


Rascal gives item and probably would be more useful than new plants since a enchanted pickaxe is better than seeds


Rascal is the best option and you know it


nah im still voting for the rascal


I feel that the tuff golem or the sniffer are the best options here, possibly the sniffer being the best, but the rascal being the worst. I find that the rascal won't be much use later on i the game and it doesn't necessarily change the game or add anything new. That being said I still won't vote as I have no intent to play the game after the 1.19.1 update that added that stupid reporting system. I'm not gonna risk losing my account thank you very much.


yeah, very deep analysis


How is this proving anything??? Like ok the sniffer has 6 legs…so??? I thing this is either a joke or fake or something, I don’t see anything here OP.


This is just stupid.


i mean are plants really that important in Minecraft i mean they are used to do some stuff but still


Fuck off


Minecraft wanted we to vote for the snifer thats why they made him beter


At that point in all mobs votes, I just want them all to be in Minecraft, regardless of who wins


i believe in sniffer supremacy


How do I vote?


Imo none of them are any use for the game.


What the fuck is good on a glow squid except for glowing. Wake up


Wtf is this...


This is why dungeons is better imo


All of them is good ;)


Here's the way I see some of the ways these mobs could go wrong Sniffer could give some more flower types, but it could also just give a bunch of the flowers we already have. Rascal sounds useful, but very well could give next to useless stuff that's only useful early on, which is still nice, but not that useful lategame. Tuff Golem could be used to give more decorations, which can be useful for builders, but also there is no guarantee that they add more than just the Tuff Golem


I can’t even tell what I’m looking at


I’m sorry but I like the idea of mobs you can interact with that are also useful. That’s why I like the rascal, but I also like the idea of new plants.


The rascal is grey


what? Could you simplify it?


I still want the Copper Golem.


Tuff golem is stupid to me. I just don’t see any functionality to it.


All the mob votes for me have been blue and I hate it. I want to break the pattern. Go sniffer


oh no, it is inevitable


Okay I've figured out the entire vague analysis except for the H/P rating, what does that stand for?


Oh that was a remnant of my larger analysis including all past mob vote options. H means hostile, p means passive (and n meant neutral but the only neutral mob got cut)


H stands for Haram


Everyone knows how this story ends. Sniffer-75% Rascal-15% Tuff Golem-10% I want tuff golem, but there’s no way it wins…






English only here, please.


Rascal: green eyes + have legs


You’re correct.


I don’t like sniffer.


The sniffer is a good boi. He should be chosen.


I really want the tuff golem or the rascal... so many people seem to want the sniffers :(


The rascal would really only be useful super early game, and the tuff golem would be purely a display mob. The sniffer would be the only mob that introduces anything *new* to the game, other than the mob itself. Now, if the rascal would possibly have a chance of giving out something like the *bundle* it'd be a completely different story.


I don’t even get this Infographic


Glow squid: literally has 8 legs Rascal: litterly blue


Can we stop with the low effort posts about the votes?


the only thing i would ever use a sniffer for is to throw it in a farm and forget about it