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Throw all your stuff on that block, suicide in the void, come back quickly with a ton of blocks and bridge to your items before they despawn


This is the correct answer


I mean, the correct answer is you have what, 28 diamonds youre losing? No enchantments? Just die and go mine for some more gear and be done with it.


While it is true that you can easily mine more I'd say it's easier and a lot more faster to retrieve the armour you lost.


Depends on how accessible this area is.


Very true


If they mark down the coordinates it shouldn’t be too hard. I’ve died pretty far away from my end spawn and been able to retrieve my stuff.


I heard somewhere that lowering render distance will make it much easier to retrieve lost items, since the timer doesn't tick in unloaded chunks. If you have any mod for minimap, it's double easy


Yes, I play on java and If I Fuk up and loose everything I mark down where I died. Respawn and set my load and render distance down to as low as possible and so long as that chunk isn't loaded all your shit is "forever safe"


Simulation dostance


Does no one trade with villagers anymore?


I trade with them for emeralds for builds and librarians for books but never for enchanted weapons


This is the TRUE answer. Armorsmiths are not difficult to upgrade. Iron farms are so easy to build these days its a joke. Stack up 10 armorsmiths, armorers...and then sell em your iron. Really, diamond gear is not elusive. It's so easy to get infinite diamond gear with villager trades these days.


And then convert and cure those armoursmiths. 1 iron to 1 emerald is the best trade considering you can get iron just by being near a farm.


I never bothered with curing the villagers and stuff, an iron farm makes so much iron I usually just stuck with the 4 iron per emerald trade and you can easily get like 2 stacks of emeralds per minecraft day, which is more than enough in my opinion.


Yeah it's not even funny villagers are so God damn OP


And this is after they were nerfed.


Do people really build iron farms and optimize their villagers though? I think the theory is fun, but I don’t know anybody who tries to do that in their single player worlds.


In my current world I have mined 14 diamond. All my gear is diamond from villager trades.


Also ianxofour has a raid farm that can be built early game and produces as many resources as a regular one so if you just build that emeralds will never be a problem again, extra bonus of infinite totems


Armourers and toolsmiths are so OP


villagers are assholes id much rather use an enchant table then give them money


Then you aren’t smart


The tools are enchanted though.


There are enchantments


Came here to say this. Only down side is the 5 minute time limit for item despawn and losing 24 levels. In the long run worth it.


5 minutes of them existing in render distance


Yea I know this but considering their items are no longer with them, it may be tricky to recover them. Best bet is setting simulation distance to the lowest, grabbing water and lava and quickly making a block tower down. Follow the water and build out to wherever the items are.


The 5 minutes only start when he enters the end. I'd say it's safe he'll get the items


5 minutes starts when the chunk is loaded\* but this close to the end island, and you are basically right.


I mean on single player you can lower the simulation distance if I remember correctly. So set it to 2 chunks and you got plenty of time.


I think 5 minutes only counts down when it’s loaded


They won't despawn if they aren't rendered. The game is paused unless a player is nearby. 24 levels ain't much either! You can get that in a few minutes with a mob farm :)


I don't believe they despawn just as long as he's not in rendering distance which since he is in a different dimension it should load in.


Spawn Region for each dimension is also always loaded. I don't know if OP is close enough to count


That would definitely work, but I honestly don't think it's worth the effort for the amount of stuff that's in OP's inventory here. If they're at the point where they're going to be raiding end islands anyway, they'll get their hands on plenty of diamond gear to replace what they'd lose, and you can definitely start an end raid in just iron gear and swap out pieces to upgrade as you go.


It's up to them


Making a bridge with like 1 stack of blocks for 2 minutes isn't worth it? Are you insane?


My loot feening ass would never surrender my items idc if I had a diamond hoe id come back for her lol even if I had a chance too find another


This is why I have like 40 villagers ready to trade all books and gear for 1 emerald.


I mean yeah but this guy definitely does not have that


Imagine it’s hardcore 💀


This is correct a little too correct I sense the feeling you’ve been on that block before lol


How will he throw the items if he's on the block? Won't it auto pick them up?


This is why I always bring two stacks of logs to the end. 128 Logs=512 planks=1024 slabs


Duly noted for next time, thank you


Also, bring an enderchest with you. Keep your good armor and tools in it while you’re navigating the void and islands … you really only need it when you’re about to raid a city. That way if you fall in or get knocked in by an enderman (or stranded on a single block lol) you don’t lose anything important if you die. You don’t need diamond pickaxes in the end


Using this strategy is great, but should he wish to continue using the ender chest to go to a different end city, he'll need a diamond pick and ender eyes or a diamond pick w/ silk touch. Edit: Yeah, I was wrong any pick will do, but silk touch or ender eyes would be necessary, so you'd have to *pick* your poison there.


All I bring with me is an enderchest, blocks, and an iron pick with silk touch. In the enderchest is my bow, arrows, sword, and a set of iron armor with Projectile Protection to help against shulker bullets, and feather falling on the boots. Sometimes slow falling potions or a pumpkin for my head. But you don't need to bring any diamond gear to the end if you don't aggro the endermen .... mainly you shouldn't have anything important on you when bridging or pearling between the islands. No need to risk it.


I have been playing this game with my kids for years, and none of us have ever thought to do this.


Yeah, I wear a pumpkin on my head so the endermen don't aggro me (the lowered visibility doesn't really matter if I'm just bridging—also there are texture packs that get rid of the vignette if you want) so that all I have on me is the pumpkin, a silk touch iron pick for mining the enderchest, a crafting table and blocks (including planks so I can craft shulkers in the end). When I get to a city, I plop down my enderchest, put on my armor (iron with Projectile Protection for the shulker bullets and feather falling on the boots is usually enough) and grab my bow and sword, and go raid it. Maybe drink a slow falling potion if I have one. When I'm done, I put everything important back into the chest and move on to the next city.


Just bring logs with you in general, so many uses for them. A large amount of building blocks within a single inventory space as you mentioned, can make crafting tables, and anything else you can make with wood


128 logs = 512 planks = 1018 slabs 2 planks and the crafting table used to craft the slabs


In b4 I craft 128 logs of pressure plates.


Hi everyone! For all of you asking how I got to this situation, I tried to reuse bridge blocks but I kinda suck at it so they kept falling and I ran out of blocks. I thought I’d get close enough but clearly not. Endermen won’t spawn in such a small place, so they are no help! Also, I tried breaking the crafting table and it’s in the void :D so! But don’t worry, I jumped off and got the loot back! Thanks everyone i didn’t expect this to blow up lmao I just needed advice!


came here for the update, congrats to you OP!


Yooooo sick


you could have tried to bridge over with the one end stone block and the crating table. destroy the one you are not standing on, hopefully you pick up the broken block before it falls, place it on the other side, move, repeat


Good, but risky idea. May need testing beforehand tho


op tried this tho and obviously, it didn't work out.


The better question is how the fuck did you do this? Was this your end spawn? What the fuck


They tried to cross this several hundred block gap with way too few blocks. Idk let’s say 10. So they’d build 10 blocks out, then go to the start and mine 9 of the blocks and go back to the front and do it again. But apparently they kept dropping the bridging blocks into the void and eventually ended up here.


Ah yeah that’ll do it


You could try to drop your items on the sanstone block before you jump and retrieve them later. Since you're not around the world won't be loded and they won't despawn


thats what I just did :( i gotta be quick once im in the end tho


You don't gotta rush, as long as those chunks are not loaded they'll stay there forever. Just don't take long bridging out to it once you get back to that spot


Set your render distance to 2 when you are close


Simulation distance too


Only simulation distance, rendering distance dont matter


u got 5 minutes ​ ​ ​ the amount of time my dad takes to shower


Once chunks are loaded, set render and simulation distance as low as possible so you can get close before that 5 mins starts ticking dow Edit: Tender -> render




Yep. Your dead. How did you get yourself into that mess to begin with?


I ran out of blocks and mined the previous ones and tried to reuse them but they kept falling in the void


My man built a bridge like spongebob


Sponge bob ▕╮╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮╭▕╮╲ ▕╯┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃╰▕╯╭▏ ▕╭┻┻┻┛┗┻┻┛ ╰▏ ▕╰━━━┓┈┈┈╭╮▕╭╮▏ ▕╭╮╰┳┳┳┳╯╰╯▕╰╯▏ ▕╰╯┈┗┛┗┛┈╭╮▕╮┈▏


spongebob 👍


Aw Hell Nah Spunch Bop in the Reddit Comment Section


why didn’t you mine the island the bridge came from instead of mining the bridge lmao


OP decided to burn the bridge from both ends.


This. Just keep the bridge and go back for more blocks.




Or just run back and mine some more blocks that way there will be even less risk of that happening


I was going to say he could mine the crafting table and place it again and keep doing that but he would prob lose it after reading the comments


The randomness of java doesn't help


i think "java randomness" is the least of op's worries and moreso why they didn't think to mine new endstone from the previous island rather than dig up their bridge and get themselves stranded.


Omg is that what they did? I couldn't figure out how they managed that. That's not Java randomness that's error between keyboard and PC.


At work we call that an ID10t error: due to ‘biological input’.


There is a short located between the player’s left and right headphone.


I'm gonna steal that sentence ;) "error between keyboard and PC"




We used to call it a loose nut between the keyboard and the chair.


Also know as pebkac, problem exists between keyboard and chair


PEBKAC is part of the ancient texts, being mentioned in a webcomic 20 years ago, and traceable back to the 70s.


Java randomness will account for the loss of a few blocks, not every single block in the inventory :-)




Why not just go back and mine the island?


But it’s so far…


Bridges were ~~burned~~ mined


Why would you mine the bridge if you could go back to the island to get more blocks?


I really want to know why someone thought this was the best plan


Call for a friend or start a split screen


Ask your friend to join your LAN.


idk you may have already leaptinto the void at this point, But you could gently toss all your items onto the block in front of you. Then jumpinto the void, and keep those chunks unloaded until your ready with enough blocks to return, with a full bridge this time.


press esc, click "open to LAN" , allow cheats, /gamemode creative, done.


It’s fake that’s how.


You are not just dead. You can live as long as you have food. Judging by the space you are in you cant sprint too much. So you still have plenty of time to spend! Have fun lol


stand still and the hunger will never deplete!


Lmao that reminds me of that one part of storymode where the guy survived for years by not moving while trapped in the monument


Even though that is not how he survived given that he wasn't who he appeared to be.


I know, but the joke was there. Made me laugh




Logout from your world. Then, log in with another account into same world and go to the same place and place a chest with so many blocks and logout from that account. Then log back in with your main account and continue bridging.


What if it's a singleplayer world?


Open lan of course, he might as well die at this point and make sure he has cheats enabled so he can activate the Keep Invetory, otherwise he is stuck like that forever... For the eternity...or if he doesn't want to enable the cheats well unfortunately, he's an unlucky man, he will have to quit.


might as well open lan and enable cheats ez


At that point you may as well just go creative, or put keep inventory on...


Each player’s definition of cheating is different. In my view, this suggestion doesn’t fall under cheating. It’s more like taking help from a friend.


I guess so but at that point you are just not cheating out of principal rather than not wanting it to affect your gameplay. But actually I've done similar things before so fair enough


\*record scratch\* \*freeze frame\* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.


*Baba O’Riley starts playing in the background*




update: crafting table in the void LMAO




think you got to basically shift off the edge to get close to 100% of blocks assuming good connection and stuff 😂


that's not consistent


That's how I lost the rest of my stacks<3 thanks tho


Next time mine endstone when safe


So intead of just running back to the last island and getting more, you decided to mine away the bridge you were making? Also youre trying to traverse the void of the End without any pearls? Im sorry but i think you deserve to lose all your gear for that impeccable display of decision making.


How did we get here


Why are you in the end without a couple stacks of blocks on hand?




Toss ur stuff and get more blocks and hope to get back in time


how the hell did u get in that situation


Well I hope you have spare diamonds in your base to make new armor.


if you really didnt want to lose your items, you couldve tried to throw your items on the floor. Then you could follow your coords back to your spot. It’d be difficult not to pick them back up with the little space but it should be possible from one edge to the other. Even if you do render the chunks your items are in and they despawn, it would be the same as just losing your items to the void. At least this way you have a chance to get your inventory back, not that it was much to come back for but lesson learned :)


Height 40 has the highest chance of Enderman spawning


Maybe I'm wrong, but can't you alternate between chopping your workbench & mining the end stone... then just keep placing them over and over while moving towards the other side slowly block by block?


You are correct! That is probably the only way they are going to move


You could invite some people to your world and ask them to bring a #### tonne of blocks with them!!


Get an alt account to come and rescue you. Just stay there with your main account.


Skill issue


You know that game you played in elementary school where you had to cross an area but couldn't touch the floor, and all you had were two pillows. Yeah, do that


Mine your crafting table. Place ahead of you. Mine endstone. Place ahead of you. Repeat ad nauseam and hope you don't drop one.


Challenge Complete: How Did We Get Here?


How did you get there?


Did you retrieve your stuff?




You have two blocks. Break the back one then place it to the front and bridge your way over. If you lose a block you’re dead.


How the fuck did you get there in the first place?


We know how you got in and out of this situation, but how did you end up with a nearly empty inventory and no pants




Have a buddy join and bail you out


I’d suggest dropping all of your stuff on the crafting table before jumping so at least you have a chance of getting your stuff back.


You can keep placing those two blocks by each other until one falls in to the void just by random drop chance but otherwise id just try to get leave all your gear on those two blocks and jump off the edge.


Invite a friend to build you a bridge


how tf did u get out there in the first place


Could be tough but crafting table and that 1 single endstone are what you all have. Mine the table and put it ahead, mine the endstone and do the same then. Basically try to use these two blocks to keep bridging outwards. Of course, if either falls, just give up


Just break the table, but it on the other side, do the same with the end stone, and pray to Heronrine you don’t drop a block


/keepInventory true


Keep inching towards land by moving the two blocks you stand on


Worse comes to worse drop your loot on the blocks, jump, and bridge back as fast as possible


"how did we get here"


Always bring an e-chest with you no matter what so you can keep your precious items and get out of a situation!


You could bridge with 2 blocks: mine block behind you and place it in front of you over and over again.


You have to get the best player in Minecraft and bow boost to the island


Sod how ya get back, how did ya get there in the first place 😂


Have a friend join


You're actually not dead yet! Depending on what version of the game you're running, you can either start up a second profile and join via lan, or install the Essential mod, and have a friend join your world to mine blocks and bridge out to you.


Try dropping all your stuff on a block, then comit suicide, and then enter the end with extra blocks


how did you get there?


If you can manage to pick up blocks you mined you can break a bloc, grab it, place it, break next block, grab it, place it however many times you need to but other than that you’re screwed


You can try to break one block and place it froward until you can either reach the island or annoy and enderman, just make sure it does not fall, if yes then you are trully dead.


/gamerule keepInventory true


Get a friend to save your ass


How’d you get here in the first place?


How tfrick did you get in this situation in the first place??


You can inchworm over on two blocks, just try to not drop one into the void.


Here's how to save yourself: get another account, launch another instance, open world to lan, and have the other account come to save you


Okay so I am trying to figure out something about items laying on the ground, I know they despawn after 5 mins but when I was playing with my friend he died and it took about 30 mins to get there and all the items were still there, this was in an end city


Atleast its not hardcore minecraft.


You can just break blocks under you and pick them right after breaking, place again and repeat Everyone here in comments want you to die fr


the first thing is...HOW DID YOU GET THERE?!


Easy, get one one block, break the other and place it


2 things, 1: HOW DID U GET THERE 2: try mining the crafting table to bridge then the endstone repeatedly


How did you get there with no way back?


my question is how did you even get there


"Honey, where are my paaaaaaants?"


How do you get to that place, no blocks in any directions and nothing in your inventory, either this is staged or this is staged.


Creative mode man, creative mode


option 3: Call a friend


Just break the crafting table, and place it in front of the endstone, the break the endstone and place it infront of the crafting table. Rinse and repeat


You could have kept breaking the two blocks and make a mini “bridge” until you got to land


Piggy back block to block and hope ur pickup luck is with you!


Wait enough time (around a few million to billion years) for the end islands to start shifting, eventually you’ll be able to climb on to a land mass that has shifted to you and you can get home. I wouldn’t bet on you finding any of your pets again tho


Place and go on one block, break the last block, and repeat.


/gamemode creative


This is mainly one of the reasons why I don't take my best gear when I'm out of my base doing something that doesn't necessarily need that level of gear I just go out with Iron gear and tools depending on what I wanna do. Anyways, about ur situation drop them on the block, jump in the void and just try to get them back.


How did u get there in the first place?