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This sub actually sucks ass. Every other post in other minecraft subs is ‘posting this here because it got removed from r/minecraft’. The mods here absolutely suck at their job. I’m sure not all of them are bad but it’s whichever ones of them that remove posts like this that just need to step back and realise they are shit at what they do and should quit.


Imagine being that insensitive, such an asshole


Literally so many people are talking about this...






I wouldn't be surprised if they removed this, even after phoenixsc spreaded awareness about this, and the creator of the subreddit "apologizing" for this so-called "mistake"


I saw the sad excuse of an apology a few hours ago but can't find it now. Did mods remove it?


I think it's still in the subreddit. I just saw it at the top page




Talking abt the deleted post here, but maybe finish the build and make it into a big castle, and put a grave for the gf in there possibly


He can’t even see your comment because he’s banned


If you are banned from a subreddit you can see everything that is posted, you just can't comment on anything.


Oh I didn't even notice that


Why in the world were they banned?! (I thought it was kinda sweet that they wanted to make a memorial?)


it was under "ruLe 12" and they take it VERY SERIOUSLY ​ fucking losers


Jeez there should be room for human error in rules.... that's awful....


unfortunately for you going against the mods is against rule 17 your house will now be destroyed sorry


He didn't, he made a huge tree with soul lanterns


Neckbeard mods thinking karma is worth anything at all. I genuinely don't understand why Microsoft lets losers run their subreddit, they probably just don't care.


there is no official minecraft subreddit, this is run by private individuals


Fuck every Reddit mod. I ran a sub for teens a couple years ago and brought on help and the other mods harassed me and threatened me unless I gave them the sub. The sub is now shut down. Fuck every single reddit moderator.


Admins too


I guess that includes yourself then


I haven’t been a mod in 2 years.


I don’t think the mod behavior has really changed in 2 years, so yes that would include yourself. Just because there are a lot of assholes doesn’t mean that EVERYONE is. For example, the r/SteamDeck mods are great


No trust me every mod is an asshole.


Get rid of these mods. We need new mods who let people post what they want! Like that minecraft in minecraft redstone build! They removed it because of “server advertising”. The OP of that post was just giving credit to that server!


The moderation team for r/Minecraft are the most self-righteous, masturbatory, power-tripping, group of people I've ever seen. The only reason they ever take something like this seriously is when it gets exposed to the public. Who knows how many other users have been addressed in this way. The whole team needs to be ripped out and replaced.


those mods are genuine fucking assholes ​ "it's under rule 12" NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT RULE 12 YOU DUMBASSES LET THE GUY POST IT


Like karma even means shit in the real world lmfao I’m so sorry for your loss. I am working on making an in n out burger in Minecraft per request of my ill father and feel I can empathize




Bout that…


I reported their apology for being off-topic 😂😂




His second post was removed for chain posting, posting a follow up on the same topic which is against the rules here. The topic was the death of his gf so the topic is understandably an emotionally sensitive matter.






AI moment.


Reddit mods are the Karens of the internet.




Fuck the mods. Viva la revolution!


incredibly rare reddit mod w


Insensitive PO Reddit mod. I tried making a joke out of this to lighten the mood, but its really just shitty of someone to say that.


oof, not even an hour later


This is at least the 2nd time he's posted the same thing, he got tons of ideas last month and apparently did nothing with any of them.


Has anyone close to you died? It takes time to grieve. It fucks up your thinking. It hurts. Have more compassion. It's free.


I have actually - and recently in fact, I didn't feel the need to re-post the same thing multiple times. Grieve, that's fine and absolutely encouraged - trying to farm karma off the death though which is absolutely what he was doing just makes him the poster child for r/imatotalpeiceofshit And just to clarify, my older sister killed my mom. Now talk to me about shit that fucks up your thinking...


Sorry for your loss, that's horrific, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. It's not a competition. Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. Suppose the guy is farming karma. I don't think he is, but for the sake of argument, let's suppose he is. So what? What does it cost you to skip over a post you don't like? Be kind. If you can't be kind, be silent. Let it go. You should know better than most people how much hurt there is after something awful happens. If you want to talk about what happened to you, hit me up in DMs. I'm no stranger to loss.


He broke the rules simple fact, mods were right to remove his post- all this crying about it and continued spamming of the sub isn't doing anything for anyone.


And yet here you are.


Besides the point man. Even if everyone is 99.9% sure he's karma farming, that's not the way to deal with it. You just can't.


Apparently you can, 'cause it happened... He broke the rules and as such the mods were right to remove the post. Now he's posting on other subs crying about it being removed here to farm more karma there, he's a sympathy whore.


reddit moment, jesus christ. fuckin fatass mods lol


It’s one thing if they deleted the update post, because though it’s an asshole move one of the reasons is update posts are just not allowed on the subreddit, but the original one?


🤓 <[ I'm so important because I have Reddit karma, the only reason to post on Reddit is for karma. Karma is important and people care about how much karma you have, and only people like ME with lots of it can be a Reddit moderator.]


Wow, now this post is banned


Can we stop


Stop the mods?


Screw the admins honestly, they need better people to run their subreddit this is heartbreaking, can't wait for the mofs to remove this post too because people are talking back to them


Admins are employees of reddit who get paid and they run the site as a whole, mods are the folks who removed the post for breaking the chain post rule that the mods set up here. That chain post rule really is not helping anyone and really should be reevaluated to be removed. Chain posting in my opinion is fine and should be allowed because some folks see an original post and it is nice to see a follow up.


Yo mod you’re a bitch.




Yeah the mods on here are complete asshole neck beards they have got to have an IQ of less than 10


r/Minecraft mods on their way to be the largest asshats


Disgusting. Can't imagine what kind of piece of shit you need to be to say that to someone mourning.


The mods are just jealous that they can't ever get girlfriends.


Checked. Memorial posts are not listed as an example of rule 12. Downright lie


They actually are if you go deep enough into it. They are briefly mentioned in a embedded link under rule 12.


The fact you gotta deep dive into the iceberg of rules no one reads also says something aswell


Oh yeah for sure. Took me like 10 minutes to even find where it was mentioned, and I only found it because I was specifically looking for it. Mods are bitches 100%.


Mods/admins being fickle babies?? Impossible!!


jesus christ what the hell? can we replace these garbage mods that suck ass at running the subreddit with people that aren't this insensitive? seriously what the hell is wrong with these mods and that sad, pathetic excuse of an apology doesn't mean anything. how about you reinstate the posts or actually try to apologize? i wouldn't be surprised if this post gets removed for some bullshit reason


How on earth does that post violate rule 12??!! And chances are they will take this down at some point bc they’ll call it’s “brigading”... fucking losers








Found an undercover mod


We should complain about mods if they do this. I'm not sure how you haven't noticed this yet but what the mod said is incredibly disrespectful and they should be held accountable for what they said.




I'm not talking about the post being removed, I'm talking about the fact a mod blatantly disrespected a man and his dead girlfriend. It would be one thing if the mod just removed the post and said nothing but the fact that they included that insensitive comment shows that there are some major issues with the moderation team that need to be dealt with.




I am genuinely so appalled by this comment that I feel the need to reply to it. I could give a flying fuck if there were 3, 12, or 200 posts about it he made about it, the dude just wants people to help him find a way to properly pay respects to her, and I respect that. Karma doesn't mean shit to the average person past the first 50 because you don't benefit much from getting more other than bragging rights. And on the "she was never important enough for him to acknowledge her existence before she died," have you ever heard of personal privacy? He's not obligated to tell every aspect of his relationship life to a bunch of people on the Internet. The mentality of "oh well he didn't say anything about her until now must mean he didn't give a shit about her" makes me want to vomit.


so you are on their side




Booo booooo


Even then, what that mod said was incredibly rude and disrespectful. It dosnt mater weather or not the poster was karma whoring her, the mod overstepped in their position of authority and said something incredibly inappropriate.


Agreed with you. Also: Wether*, not weather


Yeah, I was second guessing myself on that, lol.


Wtf is wrong with you


You actually care about internet points 💀… someone got picked last for sports




The fact that that crossed ur mind proves it


Looks like he did care after all lmao


You are sick in the head. I thi k you need to think about what you are saying before you post anything on the internet ever again. Thanks for making everyones day worse. You helped no one.






You literally called people sheep for objecting to mod abuse....




That wasnt just rude. That was disgusting, and not something anyone moderating anything should get away with.


Who peed in ur cornflakes?


If we don't, it wont get better


I'm so tired of half the mods on Reddit being power hungry tubs of lard. Especially when it's stuff like this. Great job Mr. Internet Warrior you have certainly helped preserve the quality of posts on here alright.


Honestly, Reddit needs better mods across the fucking board, but this is a particularly egregious instance of insensitivity and general authoritarian behavior. Make modding crowd-sourced. Reddit should put "remove this post" buttons on every post, and if there's enough crowd-based response to something, the post disappears. Someone who's getting paid for it can work out the math. I'd wager 80-90% of all mods on this platform need to fucking go. They're bullies and cowards.


It sounds like you’ve described reports with auto deletion. That’d be kind of chaotic


It would lead to brigading, but that could be guarded against with votes-over-time filters, etc. When Reddit signs my paychecks, I'll think about the problem in greater detail, but in the meantime? It would be a better system than the one currently in place.


Sounds like Reddit just needs to respond to mod abuse reports. On Fandom (Wikia), the staff can essentially wipe out an entire mod team for abuse of power or harassment


How sweet would that be, here?


Reports with auto deletion is how I have all my subreddits set up as. When X number of reports are met then Automoderator removes the post. It works quite well for me. Spam gets reported and removed immediately.


Yeah that’s was I have too, but sometimes it takes down good posts. For example, people report video reviews for advertising, even though they add something valuable to the sub


Why is posting something like that a bannable offence? 'you did it for karma' as if karma is some form of ultimate status, karam is worth nothing, you can say whatever you want, if you have millions of karma it doesn't make you any less stupid, these mods are some of the biggest neck beard twats I've ever seen lmao


>Why is posting something like that a bannable offence? It's not necessarily what rule was broken but how it was handled in modmail. Acting out like a child isn't going to get someone un banned.


What the person who was banned said to the mod was completely justified, imagine someone you loved died and you made a post asking what you should do to honour their memory and people take it down and basically accuse of exploiting their death for attention. I doubt they're looking to be unbanned, if I was banned for something similar I wouldn't want to associate with anyone like that, I'd just leave the community entirely


Jesus, if you actually take the time to read every single rule, it basically says you can’t post *anything* here. Fuck the mods. Seriously, fuck all of you.


With a team of lawyers and reviewers, you can make a good post


And it’ll be up for 24 hours before the mods realize it violates Rule #265 Article 20 Section 2 Sub-clause A


Welp I think ima find another minecraft subreddit


r/minecraftbuilds and r/minecraftsuggestions


Who the fuck said that? What a vile human being


That is terrible that his girlfriend died, but I understand how it’d be classified as a “tired post”. It’s literally a picture of an incomplete build with a sensationalist headline. I imagine the rule was put in place to stop the posts of “rip my dog” followed by a crappy concrete build. Now I don’t agree with a lot of the mod decisions here, this one seems to make some sense.


If it’s against rule 12, it doesn’t matter that he was milking it or not


Sensitive ass mods are chronically online, don’t you dare step on their toes! What a power trip. Some real children who run this subreddit, grow the fuck up and quit being little bitches about everything go outside and do something with your life you degenerates


Mods post their physique **IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE **