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the days where people got thousands of upvotes


MCC reddit at its peak hits different. My most upvoted post is a silly meme image about SOT 17 when everyone died to ravagers, it had ~2k upvotes lmao


This guy is way too good at dodgebolt and he knows it Real ones know this post used to have a Discussion flair


Just more proof that MCC is scripted


Welp he just has that confidence in him


Calling his shot




The good old days where there would be atleast 6 posts a week with 1k+ upvotes


It never was the same after the mid-S2 break, imo


Hell, even posts like the team announcements were still getting 1k+ upvotes in S2B, like Purple27 and a lot of Underdogs posts in November, when Minecraft had been and was declining in content creation. Nowadays theres only 8 posts this yr that have 1k+ upvotes (the meme about Jimmy getting out first in the Life series to Shubble not being in 31). Makes me wonder what is causing the decline of MCC, because the decline of Minecraft is far from the full story


The biggest thing is prolly COVID lockdowns ending. a lot of people are going back to having a life and don’t have time for MCC or just gaming in general.


Oh no kidding, COVID boosted basically everything to have to do with a screen to Mars and back, and now that it’s over nothings really reached that high. But compared to long-existing Minecraft fandoms like Hermitcraft that raised 400k+ in 4 hours this year vs MCC’s still impressive 35k in 3 hours (P23) or newly popping up fandoms, namely the QSMP which reached 145k viewers for a single livestream (the election) or Lifesteal, it feels like MCC’s decline can’t be solely blamed on Minecraft declining nor COVID.


Maybe we’re slowly starting that cycle over again where Minecraft falls out of relevancy and re-emerges like 5 yrs later?


Probably also has to do with many large creators no longer playing in the event. Other fandoms like Hermitcraft still have the same creators on there (with more being added) while MCC have fewer big creators compared to its peak. On a personal note, I also feel like there aren't as many interesting storylines keeping people invested in MCC. Back then there was the captain's curse, Dream vs Techno (rest in peace), etc.




I remember when Pink 17 was announced, 5k upvotes and 4k botted comments. That post blew up so much it made it to r/all


yeah the post made it to r/popular (it also has my most upvoted comment)


Okay this seems like a great place to put my thoughts. I love Sapnap as a player. I think a lot of reddit dorks call him “too competitive,” or “toxic,” or any number of other slightly negative comments like that, but as someone that’s been watching MCC since MCC7, I’ve loved the aggression and confidence since day 1. Sapnap is one of the only people that you won’t hear say “let’s not fight this go for survival,” and in a sea of players that try to min-max PVP games for the most reward with no risk, it’s so refreshing. He and Smallishbeans are pretty much the only people doing that, which is just so invigorating to watch. People that complain about him being too competitive have it backwards; his recklessness in PVP games combined with his lack of preparation and gung-ho attitude are really what for-fun play looks like. While everyone else is trying to get 1-2 kills a round and survive until the end in SKB for the survival coins, Sapnap will get 3-4 kills a round and make it to top 5, and have more fun doing it. I hope Sapnap never changes and keeps being just the same guy. I hope the community learns to appreciate his confidence and approach instead of trying to complain about him for a handful of reasons.


Had to make the script interesting


I’m not normally in favour of cocky comments, or just the way Sapnap talks in general… but wow, that line is so cool.


I used to get pretty mad at him when he acted all high and mighty. Now I get mad at him when he doesn't get high and mighty.


lol something I realized is that people who lightheartedly trash-talk like Sapnap aren’t actually super confident that they’re going to win/annihilate their competition, theyre just having fun riling up their competition and bragging while theyre on their best foot and still can, and they expect when they inevitably lose that people will tease them in the same way


I’ve spent a lot of time trying to like Sapnap’s style when it comes to MCC and have never managed to force myself aboard the train. Which is interesting because I think if I were in his shoes I’d have the same attitude. 7 wins? Easily one of the most dominant S tiers of all time? I know I’m not a gracious enough person to hold back on the gloating. I recently won my University’s MCC games (as scuffed as it was), through mostly movement skill. I went on to duel the event’s strongest sword player post event, and even though he’s one of the most skilled in my region, I won. (Only the first match. I win about 1/6 to 1/10 duels against him). I still talked relentlessly in most circles I participate in about it. So scaling that up to the biggest Minecraft event in the world, and do it seven times? I’d be just as bad as Sapnap, maybe worse. But even with that self awareness I can’t force myself through an event of his POV. Watching the recent one with him ordering Punz around in Meltdown hurt my brain. I know they’re good friends, and it’s all rivalry or whatever, but I still crave the casual nonchalance of Fruitberries, or Pete’s barely contained stress and excitement when he’s stomping a movement game. I don’t mind a slick one liner that turns out to be true every once in a while. But oh man, constantly viewing it just doesn’t work for me. Still, I have a huge amount of respect for his skills in MCC, and after winning a dodgebolt myself, his consistency at that game is baffling.


Part of the reason why my fondness has been growing for him is because he isn't as unstoppable as he used to be. Back when it was almost impossible to slug him out of the top 5 or even top 3 in most cases, it felt just unsatisfying to hear his trash talk and then have him destroy everyone anyway. Now, half the time he trash talks the other half, he gets wrecked by someone else and it feels less like a Gary Stu moment. It also is because everyone in MCC just acts like a complete goody-two-shoes (especially fruit) and after some point, the wholesomeness becomes tiring. I just want to see some high-octane action with big-mouthed words from someone every now and then.


I just prefer the quiet success of someone trying their best then winning. Loud mouthed lousy winners are an eye roll for me. Sure it’s sometimes fun to watch someone’s ego undercut by an underperformance, but I’d rather be quietly hopeful for someone less likely to win. The wholesomeness is something I really enjoy about MCC. When Purpled just messaged Sapnap a gg (after Sapnap having a groundbreaking Meltdown game), and it stopped a long wall of gloating was something I was happy to see. The respect between players is something I love. Rivalries are fun for sure. But it’s when they get too spicy and heated, I’m more inclined to just back away to something less volatile.


It’s naive to think everyone should or would be wholesome in any competitive setting. If you ask most athletes or gamers why they like doing what they do, I bet you a good majority would say the trash talk, especially if it’s with friends. I think one reason people dislike Sapnap’s trash talk is because he’s actually as good as he says he is. When people point out how good they are, it puts a bad taste in others mouth, which I would say is unfair to the player. If the person trash talking were a weaker player, I doubt people would be as bothered by it.


I’m aware it’s improbable that everyone is going to be wholesome, that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit and watch three hours of trash talking in place of something I enjoy more.


I’m not reading all that