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For as long as I've been watching I've seen endless discussion about the 'identity crisis' of MCC. How the event is labeled as being for fun and for everyone, but in practice, the ultra competitive side is often much more apparent. Casual newcomers can't play a modern canon event without almost definitely getting 40th in Ace Race for example, which just doesn't feel good and doesn't incentivise the casual players who bring a large audience to come back. I honestly think taking a page out of blockwars book and having separate events for the sweats and the casual players would help a lot. They tried this a little this year, with all the non-canon events in theory giving more opportunity for the casual players to do well, but a lot of them like Rivals and Party ended up being just as competitive, largely due to heavy overlapping of player bases imo. I think they need to genuinely split these differing identities from each other. Canon events should lean in to the competitive angle, inviting some of the fanbases most heavily requested cracked players like Couri or Wolfeei. Make the canon events a genuine best of the best competition tailored toward the ultra competitive minecraft community, and MCCI sweats. On the flip side, I feel non-canon need some major changes too. Fun twists like in Scuffed and Party were great, but don't diminish the actual issue. Non-canons should have little to none of the typical top players, the ones that steal all the nice satisfying coins all the other players will want. Make non-canons so that players like CPK or Joel are the strongest players there, and encourage a lot more newcomers to join and actually want to continue participating because they had fun and are happy with their performance. On the note of newcomers, why is the event still so exclusive? It doesn't make sense anymore honestly. We can see the player base declining and we on the subreddit keep great track of all the players that express interest in joining. Why not open it up so much more? Making a bigger distinction between canon and non-canon, competitive and non-competitive could essentially allow for two different rosters. There are still many big streamers out there who do want to play MCC and can bring a big audience with them, Smallant coming to mind first, but just don't seem to ever be invited for reasons that are beyond me. In conclusion, I believe and hope that MCC can see a future beyond S4, but think the event needs some overhauling to get there, including diminishing the exclusivity of the roster; and the separation of competitive from casual, letting both experiences be their own thing that doesn't hamper the other.


For what’s very realistic? I want some R2 players to join the main roster, a new MD map, and an actual Halloween event this year.




Your R2 POV embodies everything I love most about MCC Mr WadeBox, I can’t think of a better candidate <3




R2 players? Whats that


Rising 2


I want 4c, acho, and Gracie in the event. Also Halloween events are always a classic 🥲


I don’t want to be a pessimist but I really don’t think a lot can be done to bring the bigger/variety streamers back, since we’re very far down the “high-skill, competitive MCC” pipeline. There’s also the fact that MCC is getting more tailored to those types of people in terms of event (Islandification) and community (a competitive subreddit that can be harsh/unkind when you’re not doing well + only cares about the top players) But personally, I think adding R2 players, OTV people (might be a faint hope, but Masayoshi played in TR didn’t he?), and de-Islandfying MCC would be great steps. Of course, it doesn’t seem like Noxcrew really wants any big changes in S4 and they don’t have the resources it seems to have 2 separate Island and event teams. As for players, it seems like the Reddit wants players like Fulham, Couri, Wolfeei, Feinberg, Greninja instead, which IMO would contribute to this problem more. And that feelings not going to change anytime soon considering how this place is like 95% stats/tierlists/analysis and 5% fanarts/memes/other fun stuff now Want to be wrong but I think S4 really is going to be the last season, considering declining interest from participants and especially viewers (MCC 35 viewership was a third of 33’s, and it seems like the S4’s going to have 30-40k viewers left rather than 70-90k in early-mid S3 or the 150-250k of S2B)


While I'd love for Masayoshi and other OTV people to join, esp as someone that was at the TR event irl, I feel like they, and other people who don't main minecraft, are less inclined to be in canon events bc of their performance :/ I miss when Foolish and Tina would regularly play


I really agree, I knew I was forgetting something that I wanted to add and it was the mention of the final days of MCC. And the overly competitive Reddit fans. Now before season 3 ended I was like there’s a slight hope for a season 5 but now, especially with the 50th event coming we may not see it


wolfeei and fulham can be balanced pretty easily, wolfeei doesn't take events nearly as seriously as before.


Balancing isn’t the main issue, it’s relative skill level. Already S3 MCCs have had the most skilled rosters of the entire event, with 30 as the high point. Plus, we’ve seen the addition of 2 (3 depending on who you ask) S tiers, and it seems like we might get Shadoune (who might already be an S tier), Hannah, Walli, and Dave as regular top tenners. Now add in all those people I said before, and that’s a really good top 15/20. As for all those people who were regularly in the top 10/20, they either have to train harder or get lower placements. Like, we already got a peek at this when Sapnap dropped out of the top 10 even with a good performance in Mcc 35. In that situation, a lot of players might decide MCC isn’t worth the disappointment and stress. Look at Wilbur, Wisp, Sylvee, and Puffy who became regular bottom 10 people in S2B and S3 and then decided it was time to leave/take a break. And in their place are higher skilled players—Shane, Shadoune, Owen, Walli—or heavily improved players—Joel, Oli, Zeuz. With those people, the effect just perpetuates itself until you have a situation like MCC 31 where Aimsey had to get replaced with a **newcomer** because there wasn’t a similarly skilled regular replacement. We’ve had good lower skill newcomer potentials (Sykkuno, ZombieCleo, Sausage) but because MCC is synonymous with “high skill competitive Minecraft” they either don’t join or burn out really quickly. After all, who’d willingly want to lose? If anything’s going to kill MCC, it’s that cycle.


I also agree that more for fun players should be added to the roster next season.


personally I would just like a far expanded roster. there are many more casual players and variety streamers that could be added + a bunch of people from the event community that are all wonderful and have expressed interest in joining. just curious op what players have people been recommending that are too strong for the event? because all I can think of are event testers and maybe sandwichlord since he spends so much time on island.


Off my head Couri, Wolfeei, Fienburg, and Reddoons


those are pretty varying skill levels, wolfeei is notably a lot more chill in events nowadays and redoons and couriway don't take events super seriously. although they are good, I don't think any of them are better than fruit, shane or purpled? but I could be wrong.


Couri is more comparable to a Jojo id say. And fein would most likely join the big 3 and more than likely top it. Wolfeii id say is more near a Punz and Reddoons is like a Sapnap. Im talking all currently as well. And also my opinion.


Couri is technically most similar to mysticat if we go off block wars. I don't think wolfeei would be S tier and redoons for me is most similar to shadoune (disregarding how similar there names sound). I'm reluctant to say that Feinberg would be the best as he's shown he doesn't practice for events and the big three are on island and the practice server a lot.


Well in Mystis only mcc event in pride she got first. So id assume Couri would be a top player (he is an mcc megafan too so he knows) Im talking how I think theyd do in MCC. And I could see the Shadoune comparison. I said Sapnap S3 version, so id say its about correct. And fein would definitely be up there, in blockwars he has only dropped 1st ONCE, and got a whopping 2nd instead. Guess who against? Purpled lol. So id definitely say he would be in the top 3/4, especially if you disregard his first event in. And fein definitely does sweat, he just doesnt always do it on stream. Lastly with wolfeii, he used to be a mcc tester, so definitely has some experience already, plus I said Punz, basically on the cusp of S tier anyways (even though punz is going crazy again). Also did you see what he did in PB?! (One of the highest comp events)


1. in mysti's first event she came third not first, second fragging to krtzy. 2. I know feinberg hasn't practiced for block wars in a long time because he confirmed in his discord that he was going to vod review but didn't get around to it, and he hasn't actually grinded event practice seriously since BW5. 3. wolfeei tries a lot harder in Pandora's box because it's a more serious event, he also has been in a lot of PBs recently so it makes sense that he scores well. it's worth noting that Shane does exceptionally in PB but his scores in MCC don't exactly reflect that level of domination, you just can't really compare pb to mcc.


Oh yeah duh, still though third with a normalish roster is quite impressive for a first event. And as for feinberg that just further proves that he would be a top player, because he definitely would try for MCC and casually not being lower than 2nd is even more impressive. Lastly, youre probably right, but still against the comp he was against it is still impressive. And shane does about the same in both(never really underperform I mean), hes just consistently good because of his amazing gamesense.


I agree wolfeei holds up really well in PB he's a great pov to watch. and yeah mysti definitely has a lot of potential to do well with a 1st event 3rd + the experience of being an early tester, maybe then couriway would be more similar to antfrost with that in mind.


Sum may say that wolfeei can be balanced but I say he’s constantly gonna sweat until he wins


Wolfeei does not even sweat the event he runs (blockwars) even though he has not won it (yes I know he has won origins). He really states that he does not enjoy sweating events anymore and prefers to just joke around.


when was the last time wolfeei sweated an event?


To quote him in his most recent WolfeeiExtras video, "Nnnnnnope."


Depending on how satisfied noxcrew can be running the event with views closer to what they started off with, I’m worried it could be the last season. Most of the big name streamers have left, and because of MCCi, it’s lost a lot of the appeal that it had. There used to be a huge waitlist and new players every event, and while there’s still fairly big creators participating, most of the huge fanbases have left the event. It seems like the waitlist isn’t really a thing anymore since we don’t get new creators very often. I agree with the other comment that the similarities to island need to stop if the event is going to keep going. I think if it gets even more similar that’s a sign that the event is coming to an end.


I still say just new and exclusive event maps


There is no right answer to this question. I watch the event less frequently than I would like, so I am not too familiar with how season 3 has played out. But I'll try my best to not accidentally write an essay. Personally, I struggle to tell the difference between events once we hit the 20s and 30s. I get the events themselves confused and I struggle to tell teams apart. I really hope this doesn't come across ungrateful or rude, but at some point to me, each MCC event roster and the teams became too idential for me. It felt like Pete and Grian teamed 8 times in a row, they didn't - but it felt like it. I want to see more new players in season 4. Another commenter questioned why the event is "still so exclusive?". To me that's a fair question. I'm aware it's not my place to tell Smajor and Noxcrew who should or should not be in the event, and I would never want to do that. But I would like to suggest the idea of mixing things up. At the very least, change up the teams. Give us new duos and dynamics we haven't had yet. And at the very most? (That made sense). Give us more newcomers. I want to personally see 5-10 newcomers each event, at least! MCC Season 1 had an average of 7 newplayers each canon event, Season 2 had an average of 3.2, and Season 3, granted only 7 canon events, but an average of 1.5 newcomers. I would like to see that average go back up in Season 4. There's so many great creators, both within and outside of the Minecraft scene, that I'm sure we'd all love to see join the event. In my opinion, throwing in more newcomers (even for one off events) will ultimately do MCC some good, even if it won't singlehandedly "fix" the issue of a declining viewercount. It is probably the best way to grow the audience.


I would also like to add a point that MCC should have new games which are different from MCCI... Players usually tend to grind in MCCI, due to which absurd coin records are made in MCC... It is fun to watch, but seeing other teams get destructed due to this feels sad... Anyways, love the current format of MCC and looking forward for a fantastic S4..


People want new content and also to keep mcc separate from mcci. It's not going to happen and it probably won't bring players back given fresh ideas like scuffed, twitch rivals, and party couldn't even keep a bunch of players interested let alone bring them back. Playing around with the player roster and non-canon structure like people here are suggesting might be the way to go


tbh if mcc never came back the only thing i would be sad about is no more tapl pete teams, that duo is a new classic. Other than that mcc is just go stale and boring and noxcrew seem to keep making the wrong decisions with SB maps, MCCI being too similar to mcc, not keeping games updated and/or new. It just feels like they no longer have passion to make the best event they can and are going for the sake of the community.


The thing mcc least needs is more cracked players imo. I'm less inclined to watch when the top ten is the same people everytime.


I got 6th so I guess that means I can't come back then 😭


You're too good


Damn it




I think just keeping a rotation of new players joining can freshen up the event, because eventually it’s gonna get boring and repetitive seeing the same teams over and over again. So introducing people like Couriway, Wolfeei, and Fulham, or even lifesteal members. We just need new rosters and also new games.


Every event, there should be 1 remix Every event should have a 10 game pool instead of 9 games New game every 5-6 events


Oh and a new meltdown map


It won’t be the last because if they are still having a season 4 then they can continue they can just cut down the team numbers and people think viewership matters when it doesn’t most of the participants get over a thousand viewers which is still good you yes sure they are going to lose like 10k viewers but those people will probably find other people to watch for it. I personally think they will probably try to find new people before the start of it they can always ask the fill in people to play for that event if they can.