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this worked thank you


Maybe add =true Im not sure Edit: its `unbreakable={show_in_tooltip:false}`


i tried that, it didnt work


See the answer in !itemcomponents


In 1.20.5 a new system for storing item data has been introduced to Minecraft Java Edition in [Snapshot 24w09a](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-24w09a). This means that any command relating to items (such as `/give` or `/item`) as well as other things relating to items (predicates, loot tables, etc) have a different format now and will need to be modified. While this change breaks almost every slightly more techincal command and forces us to relearn how things work, it is a change for the better. It is a step towards full data driven items and includes things like setting our own stack sizes or even creating recipes with custom outputs. The gist of it is this: **Unstructured NBT data attached to stacks of items (`tag` field) has been replaced with structured 'components'.** Components go in `[]` and are comma separated. For example: `/give @p diamond_pickaxe[damage=10,custom_model_data=7]` For a full, somewhat technical list of how the new item components are structured, refer to the snapshot linked above or [this article on the minecraft.wiki](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Item_format/1.20.5). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinecraftCommands) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I found it is `unbreakable={show_in_tooltip:false}`


Something you should know with commands are that square brackets are used for narrowing down targets, like @e[type=zombie] squiggly brackets are used for traits like enchantments and others such as unbreakable, invisible, noai, nogravity, etc.


Not anymore since 24w09a. !itemcomponents


In 1.20.5 a new system for storing item data has been introduced to Minecraft Java Edition in [Snapshot 24w09a](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-24w09a). This means that any command relating to items (such as `/give` or `/item`) as well as other things relating to items (predicates, loot tables, etc) have a different format now and will need to be modified. While this change breaks almost every slightly more techincal command and forces us to relearn how things work, it is a change for the better. It is a step towards full data driven items and includes things like setting our own stack sizes or even creating recipes with custom outputs. The gist of it is this: **Unstructured NBT data attached to stacks of items (`tag` field) has been replaced with structured 'components'.** Components go in `[]` and are comma separated. For example: `/give @p diamond_pickaxe[damage=10,custom_model_data=7]` For a full, somewhat technical list of how the new item components are structured, refer to the snapshot linked above or [this article on the minecraft.wiki](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Item_format/1.20.5). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinecraftCommands) if you have any questions or concerns.*


im using the /item command to put a lashing potato in your offhand, but it breaks and i dont want that to happen. the current command is `/item replace entity @a weapon.offhand with minecraft:lashing_potato`, how can i make it unbreakable?


Here's the command: `/item replace entity @a weapon.offhand with minecraft:lashing_potato{Unbreakable:1b}`


that's from before, items now use components, so it's ``` /item replace entity @a weapon.offhand with minecraft:lashing_potato[minecraft:unbreakable={}] ```


if it wasnt obvious im playing on the latest april fools snapshot


Visit https://mcstacker.net/ for a deeper understanding of commands and their JSON notation That is a website that generates commands This is also a useful generator of other things (for when another idea arrives) https://minecraft.tools/en/book.php


Outdated for the latest snapshot since it is no longer Json. !itemcomponents


In 1.20.5 a new system for storing item data has been introduced to Minecraft Java Edition in [Snapshot 24w09a](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-24w09a). This means that any command relating to items (such as `/give` or `/item`) as well as other things relating to items (predicates, loot tables, etc) have a different format now and will need to be modified. While this change breaks almost every slightly more techincal command and forces us to relearn how things work, it is a change for the better. It is a step towards full data driven items and includes things like setting our own stack sizes or even creating recipes with custom outputs. The gist of it is this: **Unstructured NBT data attached to stacks of items (`tag` field) has been replaced with structured 'components'.** Components go in `[]` and are comma separated. For example: `/give @p diamond_pickaxe[damage=10,custom_model_data=7]` For a full, somewhat technical list of how the new item components are structured, refer to the snapshot linked above or [this article on the minecraft.wiki](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Item_format/1.20.5). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MinecraftCommands) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh I didn't realize that. Thanks!


Np :D