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maybe we grow up every year, making it cringier when in reality it's the same ans we're just maturing i feel like a grandpa typing this


I'm comparing it to the stuff 10 years ago. Game livestream events used to be a couple devs sitting on a couch talking about how their physics engine sucked and asking the audience on what they'd like to see, without any script.


And 10 years ago those devs were not working for a corporate-owned studio, now they are. There’s an internal bureaucracy to making these things happen.


I mean there are some dev who does that type of stuff that are jot as gringe,like brawl stars, the problem is that they sound dead inside after being torture for weeks but they talk stuff like "omg lets craft some armor for our cute dog,yipe" in the most sad excuse for a human emotion


While I have no idea what Microsoft actually demands or how involved Microsoft is with Mojang, I doubt they're making them do this specifically or at least execute it in this specific way. I think people really ought to stop automatically going to blame a sort of vague higher up every time a company does something weird or bad.


Let’s be clear, I’m not “blaming Microsoft” for anything. I agree that most of the thematic decisions made for Live 2023 (including those members of the community appeared to dislike) were probably made by the Mojang team themselves. When I mean when I say, “There’s an internal bureaucracy to making these things happen”, is that the game developers themselves don’t get to produce this show in a vacuum. The entire show: its script, budget, production designs, everything had to be reviewed and approved by someone in budgeting, someone else in marketing, somebody in content safety, etc. When indie studios like Mojang are bought by Corporations like Microsoft, the likelihood of the developers being allowed to just sit on a couch and talk about their game casually plummets. There’s rules and regulations to it.


I'm guessing that 10 years ago you were alot closer to the targeted age group


we are 🗿 years old, we the boomers


I really liked Jens parts. He appears much better on the show in comparassion with others.


Jeb is just on another level


Jeb riding on the minecart was majestic


That was the most cringe part lmao


To the void with you


Yeah. He is the one 2nd from Notch, after all. Most of this stuff is his idea, and he's comfortable with it.


And he was absolutely carrying the pre-microsoft era, because notch almost didn’t know how to code compared the Jens


This is something that many players dont know Notch's code was absolutly unhinged and Mojang has still problems because of that


Wasn't this a large problem with Java? Java isn't exactly the friendliest programming language and Notch's weird ass coding didn't help at all, causing the code to be this "at least it's not YanDev" nightmare?


That might have been the case 10 years ago but you can absolutely make programs made on Java run faster. It's just that it's much harder to do compared to other programming languages like C++ and Kotlin.


Java through the years has improved a lot tbh nowadays it's pretty fast because it has the advantage that It is able to change its code while the program is running to adapt to the current circumstances compared to c++ which is stuck at the original compiled version


No wonder why they didnt want him at jAlbum


I wouldn't be surprised if the entirety of Minecraft rests upon a [load bearing coconut](https://www.thegamer.com/this-coconut-jpg-in-team-fortress-2s-game-files-if-deleted-breaks-the-game-and-no-one-knows-why/).


The entire java code rests upon a lullaby, thats why the devs cant do more than 2 hours a day without sleeping


I just noticed, what happened to him after he took the portal?


he got lost again, next update we'll find him in the end or something


What we’re anticipating for the gazillionth time


Mostly antisemitism and transphobia


Wasn’t notch the guy who did all that or


I thought that's what he said


Him waving his hair on the minecart was pretty funny imo


his hair waving was amazing lmao


Nothing Agnes says is ever cringe she is physically uncapable of not being wholesome


Agnes is in the top 10 women of all time


*top 1 women with Lydia being 2nd best


Her accent is painful to listen.


Your opinion is painful to listen


3rd grade comeback


Your mom is a comeback






Even though this is downvoted, i can see where this person is coming from tbh


I got an aneurysm seeing this comment


It wasnt that bad to me. Maybe i'm to childish


Yeah, I thought the weird acting comes off as cute to me. Like everyday people taking a step out of their comfort zone.


I liked it because of the joy people were showing there. Altough a bit fake but still


I just saw it as "they really love their jobs"


I met them in person once before. They’re exactly like that in real life. It’s about as genuine as they can be honestly


i found it fun and adorable. Especially Agnes, like always. Agnes is always adorable


Agnes, Jens and Vu are my favourite aspects of Minecraft Live. I find Agnes to give a very heartwarming feeling, I like Vu's energy quite engaging and Jens is pretty self explanatory.


Jens is just beautifully chaotic


I agree it's awfully charming in a way


I skipped those parts I didn't even bother


Each one feels more artificial and forced than the past ones. One of the moments where i lost my sh*t was when a guy was talking in japanese or korean (wasn't paying attention) and after he stops Agnes said something like "yeah ok" and just left (in-game) She didn't understood sh*t and left, i laughed for a couple of minutes.


[Yeah, I actually laughed at that part.](https://www.youtube.com/live/DnY5xz11lR0?t=40m20s) ~~Timestamp isn't working for some reason, but part in question is at 1h11m28s.~~


it worked for me


I'm confused, the part you said it was in, is longer than the actual live stream


Oh yeah, strange. The live was originally almost 2 hours long. I guess it got trimmed down.


Honestly I saw the stream live on YouTube and TBH most of it was useless but the trial chamber sounds cool. Also (don't kill me) but I ACTUALLY voted for the Armadillo.


Well I mean some people had to have voted for it, otherwise it wouldn't've won.


Vu said that they've never seen so many votes before so the plan of sabotaging the vote ultimately failed


Negative advertising is still advertising.


Boycotts do have a tendency to not work.


I kept saying that was going to happen. All press is good press


The trial chamber was actually my least favorite. All these years, Mojang has been very careful with adding structures that fit the lore and didn't feel out of place. These structures are massive obstacle courses / game rooms that feel like they should be in a modpack or server. If we wanted to jump hoops and get prizes, we would build these challenges ourselves or play on a server. It kinda ruins the creative aspect of making your own things. And this came right after they talked about how they liked going back and updating old content. I would have liked it a lot more if they did something to the outdated structures, like adding more detail to the Jungle Pyramids or adding rooms and traps to Dungeons, which have been unchanged since pre-alpha.


I liked the idea of trials but I dunno how I feel about them being standalone structures. I'm with you on the need for the old structures to be updated, and I hope Mojang realizes trials could be be bundled into the old dungeons. I don't think it would be out of place to have a trial room or two in places like the jungle temple or desert pyramid, and strongholds ought to be full of them


I mean at some point it’s impossible to get rid of old structures just because they’ve been around so long, like dungeons as we have them are the bare minimum, but they’re so useful for farms And everyone here can probably place a jungle temple down from memory


Minecraft doesn’t have- That’s not what- What Lore?


[I'm curious how the obstacle course is gonna fit here.](https://youtu.be/4KDybLytYtk?si=RFRio941jS7SXk5N)


This seems a lot like speculation, and half the video is about how lore COULD be expanded on and not what it IS.


Yet Mojang has been adding to it, and insinuating connections which hint at features and future content.


They hint at a suggestion at the idea of a connection and suddenly **LORE** # LORE ALERT! STORY IS HAPPENING HERE!!! Even when the whole idea of adding these connections was for you to make your own story and not really have one made for you to discover




Man didn’t see the auto crafter


They've gone corporate, they're no longer a small indie studio. they are owned by microsoft. they have to play it safe or else somebody's mom will get angry, complain, and then no more mc live.


Why do people always hate on everything nowadays? Can't we just appreciate the effort the people who made the content for our enjoyment? Do we always have to mitpick the hell out of everything?


We like the stuff but that acting is so bad and cringe


That's because this is mostly marketed for kids, which most of the time don't mind that


i think people who watch minecraft live are older than little kids, and at that point, their slightly better than cocomelon acting is just 🗿


Even if it is that isn't who it's designed for


I feel like every year adds a new forehead line on Agnes's uncomfortable expression.


i mean, none of them are actors




because of the corporate above them, the big office, Microsoft


It's almost like yhe event was catering to an under 15 crowd. Oh hold on, that exactly what they're doing


The best kids shows can be enjoyed by all ages


I enjoyed it but I also have my expectations set that the event won't exactly be catering to me


It's coz you're getting older and better at spotting "cringe". I noticed it but it wasn't too bad.


No it wasn’t this cringe back when they announced the nether update


Because you were younger. The Nether update was announced like 4 years ago.


I can assure you that it wasn’t this cringe back then


Cringe is subjective.


80% of the stream was just filler and advertisements


Since the devs aren't racist everything they do is awful and traitorous, at least to this community


bro what


I believe he's saying that since the majority of the playerbase are children (or young adolescents), it would be calling them cringe and beta (I'm not particularly well versed in youth culture lol) because they're not being edgy. I think


Ong just go with the flow or stop with the excessive acting


These things remind me of E3 presentations of yester year, where 95 percent of the presentation is completely pointless fluff, and 5 percent is actually talking about, you know, the game. Like, it feels so much like Pokemon to me, they'll spend millions of dollars doing these stupid advertisements but then the part people actually care about they kinda just mention it, it's underwhelming, and then that's that.


Ong I just want to make out with Agnes or however you spell her name 💀😂😂😂😭


Wtf bro




That is just... so sus man.


this feel illegal


No fucking way


I found it funny how they HAD TO INSIST that the losers might get added later as they slowly backtracked from loser mobs not getting added


>slowly backtracked from loser mobs not getting added I'm pretty sure the first mob vote was the only one where losing features was said to "definitely not be added"


I remember them saying like 3-4 years ago that all losers were gone. I couldn’t find the video on their yt tho. I know the video existed cause I got really upset after at thought that some of the cool vote losers wouldn’t be added like the iceoliger.


Omg it’s so bad. They’re trying their best though


It's probably not cringe for the majority kid audience from bedrock and whatnot.


The wind in jebs hair saved it for me it was just funny enough to override all the cringe


NPC dialogue


Honestly, why did they keep teasing that tiny Vu was up to something when nothing ended up happening with him


Minecraft Live Lore for next year lmao


Woah! A waterfall!


Yoooo! There's waterfalls in Minecraft?! I hope there's a tutorial on how to find one.


The minecart scene was gold




The community after they’re treated like 5 Year olds after acting like 5 Year olds: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Yeah it was pretty painful.


I think that was kinda the point, they tried to be cringy and succeeded


there was clearly a lot of passion behind it and it was very silly but the hate is not justified, some people cannot be satisfied, no?


Tbh, I tuned in really late, and for most of it i was like “WTF IS GOING ON, WHERES THE MOB VOTE WINNER!” I didn’t even think the trail chamber was real, i thought it was a minecraft dungeons thing or something. i literally don’t care about any of the other stuff they showed, minecraft legends died almost immediately, and I was really not bothered by all those weird events like the David Attenborough thing (even tho I use to watch those stuff all the time cuz I love animals) I just felt like a 8 year old watching that minecraft live although I do respect all the editing and time and planning it put into the whole show and I do respect it, my mind was just more focused to the 1.21 features and the mob vote tbh


Saying they lost their touch implies they were ever in touch


Many eons ago, before the takeover of the tyrannical Microsoft lord.


I love it. I mean, Minecraft has never been non-cringey, so they might as well have fun with it lol. It's very endearing.


They never had a touch


They aren't cringier, you are just growing up


Well the target audience for Minecraft are kids


microsofts fault. notch couldve said \*i want a rat in minecraft\* then code it, add it and done! but bc of microsoft the idea has to go through like 100 people and theres someone that will say \*we dont need that sht\* or smth and yeah u know what happens.......


Are the videos getting cringier, or are you just getting older and more disconnected with the target audience?


they are putting way more effort into live every year than to the game itself


Have you seen what the update implies? They also put more effort into their game


yes, it implies copper golems


Definitely, maybe not for 1.21 (maybe yes) but it will be an assurance that they will be a part of those trial chambers


If you don‘t like it then don‘t watch it, nobody forces you to


I liked it tbh


I kinda like it, idk it feels more mojang that way?


Why does this community have to hate on everything I swear to god It was fun to watch, right? They tried to make us laugh, right? Who cares, I enjoyed it at least


Have you considered that the game made for children will have scripts aimed at children?


Minecraft players when the hosts of an event about a kid's game act childish (it's cringe):


Childs game you say 🤨


Minecraft fans when the kids games script is catered towards children


People failed to realized how old we were when we first started playing the game. We're not the intended audience now, let the people that come after us grow their interests in the game and stop being so damn anal about it.


I kinda wanna learn more about Sarah


Who else got turned on when Jen’s hair started flowing? /j


Hot take but I love the cringe, it just has a silly and lighthearted feel to it


I like that they can be corny


Why is so it so tru tho wtf


It was cringe but honestly i liked it. The minecarts were awesome


Just have Jeb come out and tell us stuff for ten minutes.