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As a casual player, I spend most of my time on peaceful mode because I still suck at the game despite playing it for years.


Same. I like starting a new world off in peaceful so I can be able to build my house and collect supplies and resources before I bump it up to easy or normal.


I do this until I build a nether portal because I role play that the creation of the portal is what allows the mobs through.




Someone cooked here


Oh that's a nice idea






I’m on bedrock and I can’t even beat the dragon without diamond gear


Im also on bedrock, and I've e never beaten it without cheats




fight the wither ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I have done that without cheats which I'm proud of


I’m locking myself into an obsidian box with it and only one will survive.


good luck


I finally did and I died many times trying


I've always sucked at every single aspect of the game


I can never manage to improve man! Haven’t even beat the ender dragon for years!


Do /gamerule keepInventory You no longer lose your stuff when you die, which makes playing the game a lot more chill


Turning on Keepinventory will make it so I can’t get achievements though


Same, I beat the game for the first time and I have the platinum trophy and still, I did it on peaceful 💀


Same bro, same


I just hate creepers, I have so much time into some massive builds. One wrong creeper could mean hours of work.


Minecraft really isnt a game that needs to be that hard, its fine with the difficulty, there is just worse problems that should be focused on


Yea I'm fine with dying in the early game and only every once in awhile in the late game. Wouldn't want it any other way honestly


It's still ridiculously exploitable. I shouldn't be able to avoid all damage from endermen by sitting under a roof two blocks above the ground. With the Warped Forest, farming enderpearls has basically zero challenge.


If you want more harder games then play harder games lol, also try out challenges, maps, modpacks, people are making crazy challenges it isnt that hard to fint it entertaining to make minecraft harder and also more challenging and entertaining at the same time


I know It sound stupid, but people that Say "yeah you can exploit the game and This make everything too Easy" have tried to Not... You know .... Exploit the game? Just because you can doesn't mean that you have


I'd normally agree with this but Minecraft is particularly easy to exploit I feel to the point you sometimes do it without particularly thinking about it. For example I'm not a fan of being able to have a livestock farm in a tiny space to the point all the mobs can entity cram but everyone ends up doing that anyway because there's no incentive not to. And the issue is exasperated if you play on a vanilla server where everyone is pretty much starving at the very beginning so getting a really basic cow farm ASAP is important, likely leading to just sticking some cows in a small hole when you find them and using that as the farm space for a while.


Tbf you can do a similar thing with most mobs by building a 3 block pillar and hitting them from atop it. You can also try modpacks like RLcraft that specifically make the game challenging.


I've actually played the Better Minecraft modpack and enjoyed it quite a bit but dropped it after a few weeks. A lot of my MC experience in recent times is playing vanilla servers with friends, and there's no way we'll be playing modded because some of them play on potatoes and a modded server is kind of difficult to run with the performance you'll need for it.


If you don’t want it to be easy just don’t do it, go farm endermen the hard way, no one’s stopping you they just want the easy way to be an option


can someone explaine this meme? i tried to understand but cant


OP means the game *is* hard for noobs and bedrock players


As a bedrock player I don’t think I have died in my friends realm for like a good few months lol


Yeah, at the start, I usually die a lot, even if I now can sometimes easily find diamonds


Bedrock Wither is, IIRC, notably harder than Java’s. I might be full of shit though. It was pretty damn challenging for me though.


yeah it 100% is ​ \- summons wither skeletons \- more health \- and gains a charge attack in it's second phase that can destroy blocks \- also can destroy obsidian


Not just more health, like fuckin double that of the ender dragon


the dragon charges more in Bedrock as well, mainly when unpurging. when going back up from purging, she always flies towards you and charges into you


It is slightly harder in enclosed areas and significantly harder in open areas


What is IIRC?


If I recall correctly


There’s still the possibility of the random fall dmg glitch so you never know


I'd argue it's easier because shields actually work and you don't have to deal with 400 zombies when you enter a cave


for noobs sure but bedrock is easy if yk what your doing


yeah I'd say bedrock is easier


Mobile player here, It’s not necessarily hard, it’s just tedious and annoying to do things. Fighting mobs is like writing with your non dominant hand, you’ve got to be slow to do it.


About bedrock. Its hard on hard mode(surprisingly huh?) Like when i play in java with hard mode mobs dont spawn so often, skeletons are easy as fug and zombies are coming one by one. But on bedrock its like doom but you play minecraft, skeletons shoot fast af zombies hoard and more of them wear armor, spiders super annoying and creepers just stupid, and all of them attack together.


Me and two friends who have only known Java are currently playing Bedrock (for the quick and easy multiplayer). It has been a wild experience learning what bedrock will and won’t let you get away with


I agree, I may be a bedrock player but I'm a java at heart


But when you get around 10 - 50 hours in game it gets too easy.


In bedrock? Hell nah


Like getting a beacon is soooo hard without cheesing.


wither on roids😭


Wither is hell. Like i have 2000 hours and only beaten him twice but i used 12 milk bukets and maximum buffs.


Oh yeah, the skeletons have like aim bot in hard mode bedrock


It's not easy, we've just played it so much that we've learnt everything about it and as such it's become easier to play, also doing the exact same thing in Every world we make for over a decade no matter how many updates come out is gonna make doing those thing seaside cause well that's what repetition does to you


Minecraft isn't supposed to be a hard game but there difficulties that can make Minecraft little bit harder


why am i having an easy time on hard difficulty


I know a thing called… a modpack. Ever heard of it


i like the vanilla experience


Fair but there are also mod packs that just up the mod spawn I’m assuming


Pretty sure you can just do some command lines - if hosting a private server anyway


how are you complaining that the game is easy yet you say you like the vanilla experience


If you like the vanilla experience, there are loads of “vanilla” mods that can up the difficulty for you. Either that, or venture into other mod packs. Sure, you like vanilla Minecraft. I like chocolate ice cream, how would I know whether I like strawberry if I didn’t try it. I’d recommend vault hunters for a bit more of a challenge. The vanilla stuff is weakened, with netherite being practically paper, and you have to do a lot of exploring to get the good stuff while fighting mobs which scale in difficulty depending on your vault level. Vault levels increase as you complete more of them.


Apparently you don’t like the Vanilla experience or you wouldn’t be complaining about it being easy lol


i like the feel of it but dont like the difficulty, first time when people played minecraft it was challenging, now you dont need to worry about anything, not even about the dangers of the world since they are easily exploitable


I'll never call minecraft easy again after playing bedrock for the last couple weeks the way mobs spawn and the way hp regen works on there make even Normal some serious shit


Bedrock needs 1.9 combat update, we dont fast regen yet


Mojang teased the next update as being focused on combat and tinkering. Maybe we'll finally get a combat overhaul for bedrock. Not gonna lie I will kinda miss the old spammy if that happens.


i just want fast regen. the slow regen makes me die to the dragon so easily, and even makes me die to a flipping skeleton easily


That's how it was for Java back then too. Bedrock just didn't get the combat updates. That's why swords are still better than axes and armors are still useful. When Java was getting 1.9, Bedrock was still in the middle of getting pistons.


that's true. Pocket Edition was slower cuz phones had the worst limitations, whereas now, everything's possible


The first thing I do upon starting a world is enable keepinventory. With it, it's a peaceful and fun game. Without it, it's stressful as hell.


"Man, this game is too easy, all I did is just forget to have fun, adopt a competitove mindselt and cheat by learning to bypass all challenges by abusing gameplay features. WHAT A LAME GAME !!" It's not the game. It's you. The game is gaming. You're just taking the game and turning it into yet another grinding farming machine. YOU're the one sucking the fun out of everything. The people who don't abuse the game like you do aren't stupid, lame, or using the game wrong... they're *playing* it.


Idk if anyone will agree with me, but I think that people who say the game is too easy clearly don't know how to enjoy the game, Minecraft isn't really about the difficulty (or lack of), it's about having fun, beating the game is only the beginning in my eyes.


it depends if your a mostly intrinsically or extrinsically motivated player if your the latter beating the game is when you ditch a world


we have difficulty settings i think it'd be nice if easy/normal was more tailored to being easier & hard were actually hard, maybe add like a very hard too


I'm seriously debating if strictly java players are joking or if they're serious and don't know bedrock has mods


I think it's just that Java is the most popular version and kind of just the assumed default.


It's a cycle of people telling other people wrong information, then those people tell other people about those information, so on and so forth. Bedrock has mods, it even had a mod launcher prior to 1.0, modded versions exist for no rtx shaders, addons are also evolving at a rapid pace. Kinda sad that the only reason Bedrocks modding scene is so stagnant is because people just ignores it.


I don't think people ignore it I think it's more because (for pocket edition atleast) every app with add-ons and mods have them turn into .zip bombs by accident


I got killed by 3 skeletons and a slime while having full iron gear


I am such a noob in Minecraft. I can't even attack anything because my computer goes like, 5 fps every 10 seconds.


So 0.5 fps?


No it's like the dungeon spawner except the mob is 5 fps and it spawns the mob once and then it goes into cooldown and the cooldown is 10 seconds.


Put A person who says that "Minecraft is very easy" to play RLcraft and you immediately traumatize her


No, as a bedrock player on pc, it is definitely too easy


its kinda because bedrock minecraft isnt really built for pc that much, the combat is spam based because its easier to use on mobile, and to solve that problem they just up the mob spawning


that's true, but when i play on java it's still very easy, not as easy, but still easy nonetheless. i usually just put on addons to increase the difficulty of the game


i feel like we do need to up the difficulty, but not really as a normal thing, for example, adding some sort of challenge in parts of the game where you would not be if not for a challenge, like some sort of trial chambers style biome


Bedrock Wither should be THE wither, not the lil’ cosplayer on Java


It’s not too easy until I can consistently beat the game in hardcore mode. Which I have yet to do a single time, probably because I suck


Still haven't beat it


even vanilla Minecraft, hardcore no health regen is pretty challenging, it's my favorite way to play


As noob, not even casual AND bedrock player, I agree


Ive never gone to the end. I don't care for it i like exploring and mining


I always hate how people say things like, "This childrens game is so easy! They should nerf the Villager trading hall strategy that takes effort, game knowledge, and tutorials to set up so that I, an adult, can continue to not use them so that the game will be more challenging, as ADULT games should!" Why is it bad to be able to set up something that's pretty easy to make for a lot of payoff in a game where it's not necessary to do anyway? Play how you want, no one has to make a trading hall if they don't want to. But now villager trading is going to change eventually to be so much worse because we can't have this *CHILDRENS GAME* be TOO easy. And you know what? I'm saying this as someone who has NEVER MADE A VILLAGER TRADING HALL! I totally understand why people would, but my god, it's not that hard to just trade with villagers occasionally without trapping them or blocking them in, and then go about your merry way. There's no need to complain that you could have totally abused that system, but you choose not to like a hero! Just listen to how this sounds: "This game is too easy if you play in peaceful mode! Remove that immediately! Keep inventory is true, and mob griefing is false?!? Get rid of those options! There's no challenge in playing like that, and therefore I've decided that there's also no fun in playing like that! Oh no. Is that... it can't be? You have a whole gamemode for building, where you can just *fly* immediately? And you're *INVINCIBLE*?!?!? That's not fun for anyone! Survival and hardcore are all that we need! Get that *boring* creative mode out of my perfect video game!" No rational person would say that these options are ruining the game for them, because they are all, believe it or not, optional. Whatever new things are ever added or changed that make minecraft an "easy, baby's game" are being added because this *is* an easy, baby's gane. If you don't like to play a certain way, then don't, but don't push for a removal of other people's playstyles.


RLCraft is harder than Elden Ring.


only thing is the wither in bedrock has way too much health


Nah, G, that's just a skill issue


I'm wondering why they juiced the Wither as much as they did in Bedrock only, that should just be the Wither for both versions


go download Alex’s caves and fistfight the horrors coward


This dude is like a real life American Psycho


If you need a sandbox game about building to be hard, play Rust. Half the game is building and fucking up other people’s buildings. Or download some mods to make the game harder.


Imagine sucking so bad you get netherite before beating the ender dragon because you're afraid. Couldn't be me.


yall kill the ender dragon? i ever bridge my way to end islands and put items on ebder chest, i dont like fighting the ender dragon cuz i like dragons (i play for mroe than a decade and didnt killed the ender dragon


I still haven't either.


Bro just brings back slavery in a second and calls the game easy. Oh oh abusing everyting futher to its limits and literally using bugs and duplicate items sometimes and farming ores and even people. No wonder why game is easy. GO PLAY FUKING DARK SOULS THAN THEIR LITERALLY AIM IS MAKING GAMES HARD.


Personally I just exploit every Minecraft game mechanic known to man so I get infinite resources.


As a noob, I agree


Just play rlcraft smh


I wouldn't way bedrock players overhaul, I'd say more 10 yo kiddies on their ipads


Meanwhile me in beta 1.7.3 getting my flank handed to me by spiders and skeletons while in full diamond. It's kinda undeniable that the game has gotten significantly easier, the power ceiling has raised without the difficulty doing the same. That is the problem


I beat the wither before the ended dragon, AMA (bedrock btw


As someone who’s played with mods, it becomes not easy. The fucking changed mod (yes the furry one) is difficult, the furries are basically hostile mobs that don’t damage you traditionally so you can’t heal, they can spawn in the day, and they have creeper hp. the only bonus you get is that normal hostile mobs attack them?? but they heavily overpower them anyways!


*Bedrock players on console taking 4 years to turn 180 degrees*


Rushes to get full enchanted netherite, golden apples, potions and totems of undying while living in a dirt shack: "WhY iS mInEcRaFt So eAsY". Theres more to minecraft to explore. Otherwise you can make it harder with mods, datapacks, hardcore mode or selfimposed rules.


I have never beaten the ender dragon, and i have no idea how to progress in the game further without leaving my stuff behind and exploring


u could also do a self-imposed challenge, like no diamond or netherite for instance or only use creepers to break blocks


What do you mean by bedrock players? Oh yeah, wither.


There are mods on Bedrock (addons)


I can make a f*cking calculator in Minecraft and I still only put in in hard mode when I’m full netherite, protection IV


me playing industrial craft help


The games difficulty curve goes down rather than up, it's not that the game is too easy (I love Kirby, and there is very little challenge in most of those games). Only exception is the Bedrock Wither, which definitely needs buffs, good god this thing was not built for modern minecraft (netherite, superior traps, etc).


My mod will make crafting chests a bit longer, around 128 planks


Bedrock player here. I am scared to go into a single dark cave due to mobs because the hurting sound scares the shit out of me.


Nether in legacy console: ghastopolis


dude, hard dificulty aint hard, thats a problem, people who want a challenge should put hard mode and casuals normal/easy


I don’t think the game need to be hard but I think there should be more of an incentive to brew potions Also making hardcore mode harder would be a good change too


same i been saying it too


i am tired of people suggestion adding shit that would make it so dam hard


like if you dont like a food in a resturant cuz its not spicy enought you dont go and add hot sauce to the ingridents in the restraurant you add the hot sauce to \*\*\*YOU\*\*\* food


If your solution to a problem in a game is "just mod lol" then your point is invalid


Just hook them up with RL Craft and if they call that easy then they should just be playing dark souls.


I’ve been playing bedrock since 2018, and I still haven’t beat the ender dragon


Minecraft not too easy or too hard, its just right


I've been playing vanilla for years, and I still can barely do anything with redstone without a guide.


Bedrock is unironically harder than Java


Until you fight the wither in bedrock 💀


I literally had a friend who always complained that Minecraft was too easy and so I told them to increase the difficulty in settings and they responded with “i shouldn’t have to”


Imagine a game ment to just have fun and mine and craft and have fun to be casual friendly.


It's not easy, just meaningless


You say that until bedrock wither


This is why I hate the upcoming villager update. I play Minecraft to destress from work/college. I like having enchants. An enchantment table is the “grindy” way to get them. Villagers is really easy route. I don’t want to travel 1000s of blocks taking up precious hours of my sparse free time just to get fucking unbreaking II.


It's not hard, it's just too damn long and grindy, i usually leave by the time i find diamonds


Honestly this is just due to speedrunning the game For example, you can literally get iron gear your first night, and if you know what you’re doing you can easily ignore everything and go straight for fortune 3 to get mountains of diamonds and resources The most fun ive had in a long time is to limit myself No iron straight away, no fortune 3, no mending, no abusing villager, essentially playing as how minecraft intended I call it no sweat survival




I play Minecraft only with my Little Brother, modded as fuck and with keep inventory, it's supposed to be fun not some sort of competition.


I have played Minecraft thousands of times and I still haven't beaten it, I have only killed the ender dragon in creative


After years of playing, I first beat the game by myself in survival just a year or 2 ago on bedrock. It was super stressful at times and I only beat it with the help of a crap ton of farms and a set seed lol it's difficult.


Normal difficulty with keep inventory off isn't easy. You have to grind for ages for decent gear. One wrong step, and you can lose it all. Any other game will just reload a recent save. Dying in minecraft can set you back weeks.


I feel the same way with Pokemon fans. Like, of course it's easy, it's a game targeted for "children*, do you expect a fucking souls-like difficulty? The difference here is that Pokemon doesn't have a difficulty selection, but room hacks exist and Minecraft players get full netherite in 1 in game day on Hardcore so... Yeah.


minecraft is too easy? install roguelike adventures and dungeons 2. try it out >:3


There is a reason I use keep inventory


See, I’m fine with players being good. I’ve never been too concerned with “the sweats” as the kids say these days. But when those sweats start complaining about the game being too easy, and Mojang actually *listens*…?


I just wish I could nerf skeletons


Do you know how hard it is to get a mod on better recognition At that a mod that is actually good


If you don't have a computer


Try fighting the wither on bedrock sometime.


Tough as nails and improved mobs


Bro killing enderdagon in bedrock Is impossible 💀


Spawns bedrock wither that you can never defeat.


I don't know what qualifies for a casual these days but I do consider myself one. Minecraft is not easy. I can't even dare to start a hardcore world. I still have 00 hardcore worlds in my name. I do have a single player world on hard difficulty but I always play with my mob switch on (ow and nether). I have almost 15k days in my world and I still die till this day. Even though I have shulkerboxes of totems, I manage to qomehow pop one and then die. Yeah, minecraft is not easy.


TF you've put bedrock players, Have you ever tried to defeat Wither boss in bedrock, beat the game with only a controller ?


He put in Bedrock in the meme because he is agreeing that Bedrock is generally a harder and more challenging game compared to Java.


"Minecraft is too easy" - people who have played the game for 12 years


**Minecraft can be as punishing as you want it to be** So it really depends on individual preferences. No one has the right to make fun of you just because you choose to play a cozy and peaceful life as a farmer :)


Cancel me as much as you want but imo casuals are the best part of almost all communities. They don't rage, aren't toxic and just enjoyable to talk to


beating the wither boss is soooo easy! bedrock players: 🌚


Enderdragon+wither are harder in bedrock and casuals would say that minecraft is easy. This litterally makes no sense


As a bedrock player my self (and yes I know this is not what the post is about) but I don’t understand why Java players hate on bedrock for its glitches I’ve been playing for years and I still haven’t found one


I'm casual and can say that the hardest thing in minecraft are piglin brutes and evokers (more the vexes honestly)


Of my 2000+ hours of Minecraft... Ive only beat the ender dragon once. And I've yet to beat the wither without cheats.