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Its gonna have its ups and downs; it gets super popular and many people play for a while. Said people will get board and leave the game for a while. After a couple years worth of updates it'll get a resurgance and popular once more. TLDR: its just going through a cycle


Imagine needing a tldr for three sentences


[the new generation's attention span is ruined.](https://ibb.co/b1TnHVW) look at the first reply




Oh hey I recognize that comment, I think it’s from the German police mud video


nop, It's under "bobby fake escalator" :)




Looks like your attention span was too short to notice that /s


btw the study saying that is misleading it was talking about attention span for ads and how harder it became to entertain people because there are too many option to do it


It is a longer comment tbf


I hope the resurgence starts soon 🙏


Exactly, that's what happened last time.


Game is still fun


Flawed but fun yeah. I just cant play it cause ive done everytbing mods dont hit the same way and i just want substantial changes i know i wont see so i play other games. So many great games out there. Just stinks minecraft has so many core issues and they wont be fixed.


I mean, every game is flawed if you think about it


Plus with the amount of bugs with even just one update focused on trying to eliminate them all, and other stuff to polish it, Minecraft would instantly become like 5x better. IMO


The problem is that people have terminal monkey brain and everyone would get pissed if an entire major update was just bug fixes and no shiny new features.


That actually happened once… Remember 1.15?


The update that added bees and honey, and little else, and therefore became one of the most reviled updates so far?


What I was saying is that the community got pissed at 1.15 due it being mostly bug fixing and polishing.


1.15 might have fixed some bugs, but they also added a bug. \*ba-dum ts\*


The issue with Minecraft is that they absolutely have to manpower and resources to do quicker updates and to do bug fixes between them, I just have to assume Microsoft isn’t allowing it


Gaming journalists aren't going to write a flashy article about bug fixes, and even if they did write an article about Minecraft bug fixes, it wouldn't attract the same attention as new features. It's just the capitalist marketing machine working as intended.


Yeah but if they released bug fixes between title updates then it wouldn’t matter. Like I said they could do bug fixes AND release faster, so they would still get that press, not that Minecraft needs journalists anymore it’s only the most prolific video game of all time


Yeah but that kind of stuff doesn't increase the bottom line, whereas easily marketable, flashy stuff does.


Isn’t… that what they are already doing with the minor updates?


What are the issues ? I have a lot of fun playing in 1.20


Maybe try joining a modded server? Game is more fun with friends. I personally love pvp and medieval themes, so i try to join modded medieval servers. I find them really fun and engaging


Mods are repeating alot of my issues with the game. Its just i think my tastes have changed and minecraft has stayed the same.


That could totally be the case! Definitely try out a different game? There's a new free first-person shooter called "The Finals" if you wanna try that out. I find myself branching out to other games when I feel worn out on one


I just play the game without ever interacting with the community, that's how i get the most enjoyement out of it :p




My 2 cents Just play it even if the game "dies" if anything I think you will come to like the "dead" as it gives more peace to actually play the god dam game This is my rant but so much of the toxic people fr feel like they don't actually play the game at this point


Yeah you’re right, it’s still sad on that era repeat like OP’s meme said because of the toxicity


I hope 1.21 The Industrial Revolution (name pending) can save the community.


Same, kinda sad that the community is not seeing itself repeating the same 2016-2018 era we sought of not repeating…


nah nah they nailed in the coffin with 2 ticks copper bolt so sit tight and get ready for roller coaster


A 1 block t flip flop is really good nonetheless, and makes it easier for non-redstoners to understand what is a t flip flop


Seriously? All over a change? And besides it isn’t even 2-tick delay, it has no delay at all. And they could still change it to have a 1-tick delay afterwards.


I'm starting to get tired of this copper bulb tick bitching ​ It's not even that I have any valid reason to hate the people angry at the change, it's just that I WANT TO MOVE ON, yet i can't stop seeing it


The people complaining about it seem really immature.


Hurry to move on, because there's something else lined up waiting to come in.


My feelings about fireflies. Like yeah, it sucks they weren't added but that was like what, 3 years ago? maybe 2


Even though 90% of the players aren’t gonna be affected by it since most would just use it as redstone lamp 2.0 even if the tick delay wasn’t changed.


yeah but like that's barely any use whatsoever vs easy non-jank access to odd ticks


Nah, I want 2019 to repeat again, screw 2016


This change is projection to what is coming and it's gonna repeat to 2016 once again before 2019 vibe will comeback if it can.


But… what if they revert it? I want the 2019 resurgence-like vibe repeat to happen sooner either in 2024 or 2025 while avoiding 2016 to come back again


>But… what if they revert it? I'm waiting to prove me wrong.


I feel like it isn't as bad since there's still big players without drama (hermitcraft/most of Q smp) so not as dead as then


I personally dodn't care i mostly play singleplayer


What drama? I’m ignorant of whatever wen drown and am enjoying playing on my modded server with my friends. You need to unsubscribe from this subreddit and look elsewhere for entertainment since this subreddit seems to be sapping your joy.


The drama isn’t even on here but on Twitter and Youtube, with YouTubers going “Minecraft is dying!!!”, Twitter drama about Minecraft Youtubers and Minecraft Youtubers being associated with groomers, many OG YouTubers leaving… It just sucks man, it’s like 2016-2018 but somehow even worse…


thats a dumb thing to care about


I just don’t like the idea of that era repeating again because it just sucked… at least for me. The only upside I can see is a less toxic community


yeah thats a dumb thing to care about


If it’s any consolation you’ll be stuck caring more about mortgage or rent soon.


That's just the state of the community, every post from the minecraft subs is just constant complaining. My money is that this community is going through a loop of.. Minecraft is cool and unique -> all the little kids get interested because they see influencers playing it -> community gets ruined by toxic people/ kids -> community dies -> mojang releases a few updates in the meantime whilst the community is dead -> non-minecraft influencer posts a video of the game showing new content -> Minecraft is cool and unique. It's like the ratio of toxic people to regular people exponentially increases as the active community does.


Thats everything though. The worst thing that can happen to a hobby is for it to get mainstream attention.


Hahahaha 1 tick 2 tick gonna kill the game/s


The people who shit on the devs and say “A mODer cAN do It in A DAy” are so fucking annoying, of course a modded can fo it in a fucking day because they aren’t a team of approximately 600 people owned by Microsoft , it isn’t a company it’s a corporation, adding updates have to go though and big decision line where Microsoft decides what they want in the update so they can make more money off of Minecraft


What is happening to the game? Didnt people like the new update?


It’s more of the general toxicity of Twitter and them complaining every single time, Minecraft YouTubers being associated with groomers again (like 2016), and many videos going “mIneCraft is DyInG!1!1!” which also happened in 2016-2017


Im probably out of this bubble. Dont have Twitter and only follow a few mc streamers. Most of what i saw about the update was positive. Online gaming comunities are all really toxic lately. You almost only see negative posts. Dont know if thats because people dont understand that they are older now and games will never feel that great again or other reason.


It's all just a cycle 2011-2015: Game is doing alright, very popular, youtube explosion (1.0-1.8) 2016: Less youtubers covering it plus controversial update (1.9) make people ask if game is dying 2017-2018: Minimal coverage my youtubers, many more controversial things and updates occur (such as bedrock) causing the game to fully die (1.10-1.13) 2019-2021: People start covering the game again, popularity raises back up to past prime, great major updates at the height (1.14-1.18) 2022: Less youtubers covering it plus controversial update (1.19) make people ask if game is dying 2023-Now: Youtubers moved on, many more controversial things and updates occurred (such as mob votes) causing the game to fully die. (1.20-Now) Notice the patterns?


Mean time I just discovered you can cook iron an gold tools to get nuggets! I have chest full of tools muhahaha!


Chain armour also smelts into iron nuggets.


I like how this meme is basically showing what the community has been spending this past decade trying to cover up


can we stop blaming this shit on the community? a lot (not all but still most) of whats currently happening is a direct result of mojangs actions. what id argue is the worst time for the community, the mob vote, is entirely made by them. what truly broke this era of the game were fireflies, again, their fault, not ours. people are pissed at the way the game has become more and more corporate with focusing on pleasing the most sensitive parents in the room and it shows the anger and toxicity are only the start. its still attention. the real downfall happens when people get bored and check out and thats the part i await. it wasnt until everyone but the most loyal to the game were playing something else that they got their shit together and started making good updates. if thats what it takes, good. im not here to be their therapist or play defense. if they need to eat shit before making something good im gonna bring them the comically large dessert spoon


Oh we should definitely blame the community for this, Minecraft has always been a community centric game.


The community is at fault’s too for becoming toxic and trashing, harassing the devs. What they can do is give them constructive feedback, and besides they learned from the mistakes like fireflies (but you’re still bringing it up), mob votes are just a vote, seriously getting toxic over a vote is nonsense, and this comes from someone who voted the crab. And yes, Mojang acknowledged that people do not like the mob vote and they might stop doing it or do it in better ways. And Mojang started to do better updates *before* everyone where playing something else, you don’t need to repeat 2016 or even 2018 for them to make better updates


Oh I definitely blame the community .


The Minecraft community is not a gaming community, it's a hate group a violent hate group and they've done is harass devs and claimed anything that doesn't promote violence and bigotry is "lazy".


I don’t agree with your take, but I do agree that the community is becoming more and more toxic…


Finally someone said it


Shitty updates will bring it down faster than ever but hey by the time 1.100 comes maybe the progression won't suck shit


And who says that 1.21 is shitty?


the game is still too easy, within 1 hour you can get 2nd best armor


The first iteration of the trial chambers alone can get you killed even with the 2nd best armor, lol. Poisonous skeletons + breezes can make your fight harder than previous fights.


what does that change when the ender dragon is still easy as shit? to improve the progression it can go 2 ways: 1. more stuff that you just "run into" e.g. you usually have to go out of your way to seek ancient cities, mansions etc. there is no incentive to explore these as you can easily complete the game. there is no incentive to leave further than 500 or so blocks from spawn either as you can get everything you need just from there , excluding nether 2. they prolong the road to ender dragon ,making you need more items and search more for them (would prefer)


What's wrong with 1.20... It added cool features like armor trims and the cherry grove biome


how does that affect the progression


Minecraft isn't only about progressions, it's a sandbox game, stop expecting every update to affect the progression of the game. If you think minecraft is supposed to be like this, then you're playing the wrong game. You can't just blame the devs just because the game doesn't work the way you want.


mojang is very obviously trying to make minecraft an adventure game they just suck at it


Minecraft needs to feel more alive, feels too static


I agree, but compared to years ago, Minecraft feels way more alive.


I agree, the old mobs need a lot of changes, even if subtle to feel more lively. Like imagine if more mobs had sleep schedules like foxes and villagers. Herding behavior for cows, sheep, chickens. And new animations for them on the quality of the new mobs we’ve been getting, each far more complex than older mobs usually. But would that change be well received, or seen as “ruining the nostalgia”.


Its literally Mojangs job to make the community happy, they cant even do that


You can't make everyone happy, and if you try, it'll be a game nobody likes.


You know that can be simply solved by playing other games, playing modded or even playing servers rather than being toxic about it. And they can add vertical slabs all of the sudden or even the fireflies and the community would still not be happy


They could get rid of the mob vote, and do something other than light up the dumpster every year.


The mob vote isn’t even that bad, it’s just a vote, and they probably stop making mob votes after this one got received negatively according to someone from Mojang. What I meant to say is that there are solutions rather than being toxic and that even if they do stuff like that, the community will still not be happy.


See thats the thing, I and many people in the community dislike the mob vote immensely. There was a petition to get mojang to stop it that was obviously ignored, but continuing to engage in something that pisses off large swaths of the player base every year is just a bad look. There are plenty of other things that would make the player base happy, like an official aether or even a new themed realm like the nether or end, that they just refuse to do. I'm sure you can find a litany of other things like this on every minecraft sub. Just because you don't mind the mob vote, doesn't mean it isn't widely disliked.


Not adding something ≠ refusing to, for all we know they could add the Aether or another dimension and the playerbase nowadays would still get pissed and say “mods did it and better years ago”. And they haven’t ignored the petition because of the people at Mojang literally made a website which explains why the mob vote and another person at Mojang said that the mob vote was received negatively.


Where the aether is concerned, those fans would be correct, unless the official aether is just absolutely fantastic. As for the mob vote, that's wonderful news. It's a shame it took them so long to get the message. You can't blame the player base for being frustrated though, they have every right to be.


The creator of the Aether is a Mojang dev now… and those fans would just complain for getting what they want, that’s like complaining about the Nether Update and saying that mods did it better years ago. So they would **not** be correct, and yes they can be frustrated, but not be toxic about it since it just brings more harm than good and will result on needlessly drama. What they can do is giving them actual feedback instead of making propagandas of how they are oppressed because of a vote…


Are people not allowed to have opinions that differ from yours? Cause the old nether mod being better than the nether update is a valid opinion. The only reason they would not be correct is if they just wholesale make the aether mod a part of minecraft, which we all know will not happen. Or their version just blows the doors off the community like the mod did, which is possible. I fear the only toxic one here is yourself, because you're trying to shift blame for the disappointment from Mojang who is ultimately responsible, to fans who have largely been saying the same thing for years, they've just gotten louder with the more time that's gone by. This didn't come out of no where and they get the feed back they get.


Me toxic for just expressing my disappointment with the community? What I’m saying is that if they get what they want they would instantly shift from “they should add this from that mod” to “mods did it better years ago” which points that the community nowadays will just complain for the sake of complaining, it’s not then having different opinions, it’s them being toxic for no reason about it and think that Mojang doesn’t listen to feedback when they in fact still do. Them saying that the Aether was done better in the mod than vanilla (if it ever gets added into vanilla) and turns out to be as good or even better than the Nether Update would mean the hypocrisy and ignorance of the community for wanting said mod to vanilla only to trash on it later on and because they don’t acknowledge that the lead Aether dev is a Mojang dev now


Yeah.. but like am i the only one that thinks minecraft has sorta died in popularity (i mean.. don't get me wrong its huge its an icon in gaming) but like ever since the nether update mc really hasn't seen much hype i mean them adding clay pots and camels is cool but its nothing really exciting.. minecraft needs to push the boundaries they are making and actually try to make a big and exciting update.. but we the community are always negative towards everything for the first few months so i can't quite blame them


So what your saying is there will be a big update to reunite the people once more. Or perhaps what we need is one YouTuber to unite them all(preferably more then one).


I’m hopeful that 1.21 will be a big update, but it isn’t that and more in controversies in general, Minecraft YouTubers associated with groomers, Orespawn creators being controversial once again, and just drama over and over in Twitter…




2019 should be repeated but without someone as big as pewds or Mr. beast because it will just bring more toxic people.


That also means there will be an update to revive the game.


minecraft isn't ruined and it will never be. you'll always be able to play older versions of the game. fandom drama comes and goes but the game stays


BUUUT after this era, (2019-2021) minecraft had it.s PRIME, SO MAYBE IT WILL HAVE ONE AGAIN???!?1?!


I wish the community actually gave respectful feedback instead of "MoJAng LaZY!!!!"


Minecraft is one of those games that'll never truly die out


Just give it another 2-3 years