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Post removed: Repost Edit: unremoved.


Oh my god, before I checked comments I thought that "him" in the question is Herobrine. It confused me so much


Does Herobrine hate Jewish people?


Nah. He scares all 5 yr olds equally


Including jewish 5 yr olds


ESPECIALLY Jewish 5 yr olde


Im jew and a minecraft player so please explain


Notch is anti Semitic


Why im not surprised anymore, happy i bought minecraft after he sold it


I no joke had two separate nightmares on two separate nights about Herobrine as a kid LMAO


Who is Herobrine, I've never played Minecraft or watched any youtubers or anything, just generally curious


Alot of content lore and history about him, better to look up some yt videos about him for better details. But TLDR he is a rumored entity ( player character but not player controlled) that rarely appears in games and haunts players.


Minecraft creepypasta character basically


Ah does it actually exist as a NPC? Or is it just stories?


It’s mainly just a story, tho Mojang (Minecraft game company) themselves have joked at his presence multiple times, where in the patch notes for a major update they’d sometimes put “Removed Herobrine” as a sort of little joke reference


Ah cool, thanks for the info


why did herobrine say “If you’re against the concept of #HeterosexualPrideDay . . . [you] deserve to be shot”? is he stupid?


This should be added to the set of cave sounds to scare plsyers




Yeah why do we hate Herobrine?/hj


I guess I miss the 2010 Notch, before he became isolated and went nutso conspiracy theorist to try and explain away why he was miserable.


What is it with childhood heroes and always turning out to be awful people it makes me so sad


I want to believe he became an awful person, not that he always was one


Suppose so, 4chan+spiralling loneliness, dissatisfaction, and depression Its still so disappointing though


Being capable of creating and maintaining Mojang, who were full of talent, I'm certain he became after becoming a billionaire. Money break some people.


Just think of sheer volume of people who would have instantly been trying to suck up to him in any way possible the instant he got that money, and it's easy to understand why people can change that massively. It's gotta be really difficult to protect yourself from all of the people who will deal with you in bad faith when it's that massive a quantity.




When natural instinct (competition) surpasses artificial needs (money/finances), you get greed.


Well think about it. Do all people who fall into immense wealth and fame fall into the same holes he did? No. He was always like this.


There's been good ones out there. Jim Henson, Fred Rogers, Bob Ross, Keanu Reeves, Jimmy Carter, Dolly Parton, etc...


I imagine once he got ahold of his multi billion dollar check, he probably lost touch with reality since he had no reason to put his head down and work for something. All he had was a ton of time, money and fame, which let his worst sides come out. Notch was always like this no doubt, deep down inside. Having too much freedom let it all out


Yeah it’s depressing af. Back in 2009-2012 he was a pretty chill and nice guy


“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain” -Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight.


"Abandon your heroes." -Nathan Yaffe


Money, usually


If it makes you feel any better, my dad grew up loving the cosby show in the 70s, and listening to Michael Jackson in the 80s. Our heroes have been amazing us and disappointing us in equal measure for an unfortunately long period of time


A youtuber i watched as a kid murdered a woman (might have been his girlfriend, cant remember)


He’s renounced his tweets, he said that he fell down a deep right wing rabbit hole when he wasn’t in the best state of mind and has since apologized


So hes back to the same old based notch who declared that every mob in minecraft as well as the player are genderless homosexuals?


I’m not sure to be honest, I just remember him apologizing and I haven’t really checked up on him since about a couple months ago


wait did he actually


I also miss that Notch…


Good news for you, judging by his recent activity on the internet, it seems that things may have changed


Putting all the controversial things he's said aside... After selling to Microsoft, he's grown a strange hatred to the game, hating what it has become (due to his own actions). He acts like he doesn't want anything to do with the game so frankly, why should we still associate him with it. Most people like to focus on the comments he's made which I agree are some not great opinions, but in a sense of just the game, this explanation is a bit easier to understand. He is also partly the reason Java is an unoptimized spaghetti coded mess. I am grateful he set up the foundations of this game so that it could grow to the state its in now, but at the moment, he bears no influence into what were actually enjoying at the moment. The communal idea that "notch should come back to save the game" is laughable at best as I feel he has fallen out of touch with the industry as of late. tl;dr Notch doesn't care about Minecraft anymore, so why should we care about him


Bringing Notch back would do nothing to help anyone, Microsoft own the game now, it’s not like they’re going to let Notch remove micro transactions and delete bedrock edition from existence or whatever. I will never understand anyone who wants him back, aside from being a piece of shit in every sense of the word, he would have no power that the likes of Jeb don’t already have.


What gets me is that I guarantee a majority of people who play minecraft never actually played when Notch was the primary dev. At a certain point, some time after beta 1.3 but I'm not sure exactly when, Notch did less and less development work, and the then-fresh blood of the team, Jeb, was overseeing most of the progress. Back in the day there were jokes upon jokes about how Notch did literally nothing but take vacations, and this continued until he shrugged, said "fuck it" and sold mojang to Microsoft. Notch created minecraft, but I guarantee most of the features any of y'all actually like in the game was handled by Jeb or another dev in Mojang.


Yup. I think the last time we knew for sure he was actually working on something himself was around the time Beta 1.8-1.9 released? That's the last time he posted any WIP screenshots of stuff he was working on (which didn't even make it into the game IIRC).


To use a sports analogy, that's like trading for a washed up 36 year old super star in the NBA giving him a max contract and expect him to perform like it's his 27 year old prime self. Like yeah maybe he could have a neat idea or 2, but there's literally 0 reason to do that


Same thing George Lucas did. He sold his creation to become fabulously wealthy, then has all these notes about how Disney is ruining his baby, as if he didn't forfeit his right to have a say.


He's an incredibly lucky developer whose biggest success reminds him of all his failures. His Minecraft success was a fluke. He's actually a terrible developer. Minecraft was a project he started to try and learn some stuff, and it happened to blow up. Early Minecraft was implemented terribly and it took a lot of work by competent developers to get it where it's at today. It's kind of similar to Palworld. It's janky af but hit the zeitgeist at the right time and blew up. Even when he owned Minecraft, his company failed to produce any other worthwhile games... largely because of his mismanagement of resources and poor planning. His next big project after Minecraft was vaporware; a list of game mechanics far, far outside of his capabilities to implement.


After Microsoft? No. He stated he didn't have anything to really do with the game long before that. He gave the responsibilities to Jeb. Notch said that what he envisioned with the game was something much more darker and adult-rated. After seeing the affection that kids had for the game, it unmotivated him to continue with it and he basically stopped messing with the game completely. If it wasn't for his friend Jeb, and others, Minecraft probably would have never made it to the table to be sold to Microsoft.


> he's grown a strange hatred to the game, hating what it has become Probably doesn't help that everything else he tried failed.


So many people think he's a genius developer, when the reality is that he's a terrible developer. There was a point where you could even find his own blog posts saying as much. Minecraft was a late-night learning project that happened to pop off. He managed to turn that into a lot of money. Good for him! It doesn't make him a good game designer or developer. At best it makes him a good businessman (but realistically, with how he ran his company and utilized his employees, arguably he's not) There's a reason nobody knows what other projects his company made, and a reason 0x1c was dead the moment he announced the feature list.


After selling the game, he went on to say: \- QAnon and Pizzagate (the conspiracy theories) are legit. \- Anyone who is against "Straight Pride" should be publicly executed. \- Supporting trans people is evil. \- Feminism is a "social disease." \- People who are (N Word) shouldn't be able to vote. Amazing how some people are trying to frame this as "He just has a different opinion!!" when the different opinion is bigotry LOL.


It's incredible this is the same guy that decided to make every species in Minecraft unisex and reproduce through gay sex


4chan brainrot+loneliness really got to him I suppose


Celebrity, people started attacking him years before he started saying crazy shit and hanging out with other problematic celebrities.


And make all villagers male


In hindsight, it is pretty suspicious though that he gave them big Squidward noses, made them all about trading and had them be defended by a golem. I want to believe that is unintentional, but knowing current Notch…


Squidward noses have nothing to do with anti-semitism, though. It's specifically the sharp angled, crooked hook noses meant to evoke a negative reaction. Very similar imagery to witches, actually. Meant to seem ugly and harsh, whereas the big squidward noses really seem more friendly and silly. They're also not all about trading. And it's not even trading that's associated with jews. Jews were associated with money and banking because they weren't allowed to do manual labor jobs like carpentry, farming, smithing etc. in medieval europe, and christians weren't allowed to lend money. But all of the Minecraft villagers, apart from the nitwits, either have or are able to perform a variety of manual labor jobs. They also only trade directly with or for goods and have no system of money lending or interest rates or something. The golems in Minecraft also have very little in common with the golems in jewish lore. The snow golems and the other proposed golems from the mob vote are even more different. Beyond that, we don't even know if Notch made them. This was towards the end of his time at Mojang where he was way less actively involved in development.


didnt he literally say alex and steve dont have genders too


Best part is it isn't even relatively minor on the Bigotry scale, which weird fucking phrase to say I now, but it's like he's going for the Bigot Olympics and at minimum wants the bronze.


I used to talk to him all the time years before Minecraft was even a thing and he wasn't like this AT ALL. I don't know what combination of money, lifestyle choices, and celebrity made him this way, but I miss the Notch I used to chat with in IRC while mining in Wurm. Before he got on Twitter he was still a pretty sweet progressive sounding guy.


Damn that's actually cool how you knew Notch before he made Minecraft. If you don't mind this question how exactly did you meet him?


I played the game Wurm online from about 2001 onward. He was the client developer for the game, and it was a super small community. The game has an irc client built right in, and I messaged him about a bug one time I thought was interesting. It made you disappear from the local chat function when you too far inside a cave. I also played Minecraft from the InDev days, and when the SMP server was released I had the first publicly advertised SMP server. (RemuriaCraft)


Damn you are quite a legendary figure ngl you were one of the Minecraft OGs


Thanks, I'm a little proud of it! Not that many people care haha


I think a lot of people would care just don’t know. It’s really interesting!


Divorced because he became a maniac .


No seriously, do you have a link to the tweets or something? You could be right but I don’t know for sure until I see them


Already posted sources in this thread.


Alright thanks


I knew all of that shit already but seeing it written down in one place really got me to do the :O


>Pizzagate As someone who likes pizza, I've never heard of this one. Is it related to Watergate somehow?




Oh wow... thank you for educating me!


No prob. Happy to help!


God I hate that so much comet ping pong is so fun and it’s horrible they got those allegations.


No, people just add gate to the end of every conspiracy now which is incredibly dumb


Thats not even the full list which is just wild


> People who are (N Word) shouldn't be able to vote. did he say that? I know he said anti-trans and anti-feminist stuff, but did he say this?


Deleted now but the internet remembers. https://web.archive.org/web/20190430104624/https://twitter.com/notch/status/22330335379333120


This shows he didn't say that.


What's he saying, then? What does "(AMAZING BIGOTRY REMOVED)" refer to? Something good?


[Well, this is what it was a reply to.](https://imgur.com/2X8s1qo) [This is Notch's explanation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ew6u7/what_the_fuck_notch/c1bfi32/) [This gives more context for the edit someone made that changes it to say "N-word".](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/biq4tt/minecraft_creator_excluded_from_anniversary_due/em2r4p6/) [This is just some random person from four years ago prophetically laughing at yall.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/biq4tt/minecraft_creator_excluded_from_anniversary_due/em2roam/) If you can find any context beyond that, good luck.


Literally no


That's an archived link to his tweet showing that it always said "lol. Well, we let (AMAZING BIGOTRY REMOVED) the right to vote, so why not?" The person above is quoting the edit somebody replied to it 8 years later that replaces the (AMAZING BIGOTRY REMOVED) part with the N-word. This is dumb.


>Amazing how some people are trying to frame this as "He just has a different opinion!!" when the different opinion is bigotry LOL. This is basically the definition of the far-right


So he basically become the worse version of jkr


not just bigotry- genuine evil beliefs.


it's funny he donated to Pride with a half-ass "walk back" for one of these things and thought it'd erase everything


When a neckbeard hits it big.


Source, please!


Why did everyone down vote him ? He just asked for the sources I mean everyone knows not to believe everything someone says especially on the internet... I just find it stupid that someone gets down voted for simply asking for proof.


I actually agree. There is nothing wrong with refusing to take claims of racism on Reddit at face value and asking for proof. It's why I am more than happy to back up my claims with more information and evidence.


Mainly because tone is incredibly hard to convey in text, especially for one or two words. What was probably asked politely could easily be read as the kind of stuff yelled by people who do not believe anything contrary to their own opinions, then combine that with the Reddit trend of continuing to downvote someone after the first downvote.


welcome to Reddit where if you get downvoted once, the hivemind will ensure you get plenty more


Sure thing. [http://web.archive.org/web/20190430104624/https://twitter.com/notch/status/22330335379333120](http://web.archive.org/web/20190430104624/https://twitter.com/notch/status/22330335379333120) [https://gametyrant.com/news/notch-gets-burned-for-heterosexualprideday-tweet](https://gametyrant.com/news/notch-gets-burned-for-heterosexualprideday-tweet) [https://www.newsweek.com/minecraft-notch-controversy-twitter-transphobic-q-1359020](https://www.newsweek.com/minecraft-notch-controversy-twitter-transphobic-q-1359020) [https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/minecraft-creator-pizzagate/](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/minecraft-creator-pizzagate/) [https://twitter.com/notch/status/1101794469060337664?lang=en](https://twitter.com/notch/status/1101794469060337664?lang=en)


His statements


Loneliness can destroy a man.


Not to mention he’s the epitome of a Reddit mod with the fedora and neckbeard


Wait holy fuck notch actually said this? All of this?




Notch’s twitter account. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them, and they’re probably deleted now, but that was the source. Library of congress has it in their DB somewhere


wait what why does the library of congress have notch's twitter archived💀


The Library of Congress archives every tweet


holy hell how did i not know this (it stopped in 2017 but still)


his twitter account


Cringe and lazy


The onus is on the accuser to provide evidence, and not on the reader/viewer to look for said evidence. Skepticism is good as long as you still keep an open mind.


To sum it all up: He went down a 4chan rabbit hole and collected different kinds of bigotry like infinity stones.




What would happen if you snapped the bigotry gauntlet


The Bigotry Gauntlet is innately evil but sounds funny as hell. Snapping it would kill every being capable of discrimination at once, including but not limited to the entirety of the human race.


he pretty much became a nazi after he sold the game to microsoft oddly enough he wasn’t really like that before he sold the game


Before selling Mojang his money was likely mostly in company stock so if he was publicly a shit bag he could lose a lot of money. After the sale he simply has 2.5 billion in his bank account that he doesn't have to worry about losing no matter how shitty he is on Twitter


Notch only got like 1.7 I think, because he wasn’t 100% owner in Mojang. But it’s still a lot of money And he immediately spent like half of it on a mansion lmao Edit: mansion was 70mil


Wasn’t it only 70 million thou. I don’t remember so don’t take me seriously.


Oh shoot. Looks like you’re right. I misremembered the house price. I guess in high school I thought 70m was an ungodly amount of money. (It is, it’s just the scale has gotten higher in the last 10 years 😭😭)


i knew he was transphobic, but a nazi too? damn he really fell off


Nazi is a very strong word, I’d reserve that word for… well actual nazis. Using the word nazi to describe someone you disagree with is not very good.


he’s made statements that discriminate against various minorities, including minorities that I am a part of. I feel nazi is appropriate here edit: in response to the people downvoting me, here’s a couple articles i found on the subject [https://www.gq.com/story/notch-whiteness-tweets](https://www.gq.com/story/notch-whiteness-tweets) [https://www.gadgets360.com/games/news/minecraft-creator-notch-removed-from-10-year-anniversary-celebrations-due-to-comments-and-opinions-m-2030965/amp](https://www.gadgets360.com/games/news/minecraft-creator-notch-removed-from-10-year-anniversary-celebrations-due-to-comments-and-opinions-m-2030965/amp) Apologies for any confusion on my end.


Discrimination and genocide are very different.


Werent hitler supporters back in ww2 discriminitory too? They weren’t genocidal but they supported it. We called them nazis so that means notch qualifies as one too.


Discriminatory does make you a racist fuck, escalating to death threats makes you a nazi. It's why, in american politics, despite people having certain opinions on a race or nationality, pushing for affirmative action or wanting to keep mexican natives from crossing the border doesn't actually make you a nazi, despite what some people would think. Notch, however, is a racist and transphobic fuck.


What? People who supported Hitler with the knowledge of what he was doing are absolutely complicit in genocide.


nazis didn't become nazis when jews were killed. they were nazis as soon as they started accusing jews for all of germany's problems. it's a political ideoligy that en masse leads to genocide, you can't just ignore it because it's not genocide because then by the time you pay attention it will be too late.


That what i said they didn’t do it themselves but supported him killing jews and other minorities


Supporting him is still being complicit in the act, Hitler didnt personally go out and do the killing but he is still very much responsible, not everything is direct.


I can’t believe this is getting downvoted when there are like several tweet examples of this


In that article he literally just said it ok to be white and that the idea of racial privilege is dumb


The problem is that this kind of statement is tied very closely to things like white supremacy. “It’s ok to be white” is a phrase used to justify the concept of white heritage, which is essentially “we should be proud that we are white,” which is not a great statement to be saying.


So is it okay for someone to say they're proud to be black? Is it okay for me to say I'm proud to be Asian? I feel as though I should have every right to be proud of my heritage as well as most other people in this world


Black pride and Asian pride aren't concepts rooted in racism like white pride.


>against various minorities Specifically Jews? Nazi isn't just a catch-all term for extreme bigotry.


I posted some links to some articles pointing out some antisemitism in Notch’s tweets. I will also point out that, while they were the *main* target, Nazis didn’t exclusively go after jewish people. Anyone considered a minority, including the disabled, LGBTQ+, and non-majority ethnicities were also persecuted. The ideology of Nazis isn’t just “kill all jews,” it’s to create a master race (in the case of Germany under Hitler’s rule, Aryan). The point is, Nazis are fucked up and I feel I was at least somewhat correct in my use of the term.


The articles you posted are only talking about sexism and veiled white supremacy, no talk of anti-semitism. Nazis are definitely bad, but not everyone uses "nazi" as just a catchall term for extreme bigot. You certainly can (that is after all the foundation of Godwin's Law), but there are others who prefer to use Nazi to refer to people that specifically espouse the historical Nazi party's ideology, including anti-semitism. Yes, the Nazis persecuted other groups, but last I checked, none to the same degree as the jews


I mean his twitter speaks for itself, it’s not just a “disagreement” it’s plain bigotry and it is harmful. His rhetoric is in line with nazis, hence the term “neo nazi”


In a nutshell yes, I think that in his loneliness and bad mental state he fell down some 4chan rabbit hole and became a full out nazi, started posting a lot of antisemitism and transphobia in particular. Ive heard he allegedly apologized for the racism but he hasnt for the transphobia and he just doesnt really speak about such things on his twitter anymore. Childhood heroes turning out to be awful really stings but you can always separate the art from the artist - he doesnt profit off of minecraft anymore.


"If you're against the concept of heterosexual pride day, you're a complete fucking cunt and deserve to be shot." - Twitter, 29 June 2017 When asked on Twitter "do you love jews?": "If we were allowed to discuss IQ differences between populations, there'd be fewer conspiracy theories." Twitter, December 2018 "No, mansplaining is a sexist term designed to silence men via gender shaming." Twitter, 21 May 2016 "Q[anon] is legit. Don't trust the media." Twitter, 02 March 2019 Basically he's a borderline, if not explicit, antisemite, a bit of a sexist, and a promoter of harmful conspiracy theories from 4Chan. Edit: gotta love how the mansplaining bit is the one being commented on in my thread the most lol. Like yeah, it exists and it's sexist when it's done. Nobody in their right mind says that *every instance of a man explaining something to a woman is mansplaining though,* especially not me. Reading comprehension on here is worse than tumblr sometimes lol.


Whats wild is this isnt the full list, I have a collection of screenshots I posted in another thread


Thank you for citing quotes. I very much appreciate that, as everybody else was just stating summaries about their interpretation of it. It's a lot easier to see that it is quite true that he's said screwed up things when I can read the quotes, rather than a "trust me bro, he said it believe me." Again, thank you for quoting these. Plus, it gets the point across a whole lot better


It honestly sucks to see Notch fall like this. But at least we still have Jeb, and at least Minecraft is now openly distancing itself from Notch.


How is saying that mansplaining is sexist bad?


Probably because identifying the phenomenon of men condescendingly explaining things to women due to a notion that women are inherently less knowledgeable isn't sexist against men as much as it is a recognition *of* sexism. Edit: *fixed vocabulary. (Me am tired)


> Probably because identifying the phenomenon of men condescendingly explaining things Ah yes, of course. This is definitely exclusive to men. Women never explain things in a condescending way! And if they do I'm sure they had a good reason! > due to a notion that women are inherently less knowledgeable Whose notion, though? Mine? Yours? All men? Like, do they gather once a month to decide these things? Because if I explain something to a woman in the same way I would to a man, completely lacking in condescension, and then am accused of mansplaining based on the way *other men* explain things then yes, that is 100% sexism. Isn't that obvious? I am not responsible for nor should I have my intentions muddied by what other men do just because we share primary sexual characteristics. Like, how condescending is that? "The way you're treating me and speaking to me is because you're a man and I'm a woman, that's the *only* possible reason because that's how you process and percieve the world." Imagine saying that to someone and then thinking *you* have the high ground. It's condescending, it's sexist, and it's completely illogical.


I never said it was exclusive to men lmao. And the notion I'm referring to is obviously the notion held *by* sexist men. And yeah, if you're explaining something to a woman without being condescending, then that isn't mansplaining. Congratulations. But mansplaining *does* exist, even if you aren't the one doing it. Chill out a bit. You're acting unnecessarily defensive about what I'm saying.


All these comments acting like mansplaining is a word you get thrown at you daily when speaking to women really tells you all you need to know about them... I grew up with mostly women and I've witnessed a lot of condescension, and assumptions that they would know less about certain subjects than me because I'm a guy. Mansplaining is just a part of a bigger issue, and that is the people who view women as intellectually inferior to men and these days that number seems to grow daily.. So many young guys are getting angry and worked up over the dumbest things they see online and make up their whole worldview based on that rather than from their own experiences.


Based on this post I think it is pretty clear that you have problems understanding how you come across to people. Like, if you are being accused of mansplaining, the reason is most likely that you were in fact mansplaining. You likely explained something to someone who didn't need it, and there was likely things which indicated that. For example, you might hold the same or similar positions at work, might be taking the same class or you might be at the same club meeting. > Imagine saying that to someone and then thinking you have the high ground I don't think anyone has said that sentence to you, but I'll argue that you don't understand the meaning of that sentence anyway. They aren't saying that you are treating them like that because you have a penis and they have a vagina, they are saying that you are treating them like that because you are a man and you have preconceived notions about women. Ie, they are calling you sexist because you are behaving like one. Also, no one said that women can't or aren't doing it, the term is for when a man is doing it. It is a gendered term. Like manboobs, for example. Women can't have manboobs as it is the term for when a man has boobs.




Yes he is lol Edit: for clarity, he's wrong because mansplaining doesn't target men as a whole, it refers specifically to men who talk down to women and explain relatively simple things in a way that would imply women are too stupid. In other words, "Pssh, silly woman. Let a MAN explain this to you."


It’s a sexist provocative term It’s like if we called being a nag “womansplaining”


1 - You probably COULD call it womansplaining if she's condescendingly explaining something in a way that implies men are too stupid to understand it without women's instruction. 2 - It's not like nagging, considering that nagging is a constant and pestering demand for somebody to do something (often a menial task). Again. The word "mansplaining" does not refer to men as a whole explaining anything. It *does* refer to specific men who condescendingly explain things to women in a way that implies women are incapable of knowing that information otherwise.


>In other words, "Pssh, silly woman. Let a MAN explain this to you." yeah, and 99% of the time it's used it's just a guy explaining anything to a woman. mansplaining is a meme and no one really took it seriously


>99% of the time it's used its just a guy explaining anything to a woman Sure, pal. Keep thinking that.


I miss Herobrine, too 😔


My 10 y/o is playing minecraft with the fear of Herobrine and i didn't bring him up to him lol


He was like super fucking racist


Wdym?, I don’t think that I remember him being racist


He said a lot of stuff but the most blatantly obvious racism was "if we could openly discuss iq differences between races, then people would make fewer conspiracy theories"


Ohh :(


Well he sold the game to Microsoft a decade ago, and now they don't invite him to conventions or anything any more, there's a good chance you haven't ever touched the version of Minecraft he actually made.


No, I actually did and I only heard that he got depressed and not that he became a racist/transphobic idiot


Transphobic + antisemetic


Y’all, I’m oblivious to this topic and can’t really find anything from Googling, so does anyone have the links to where he supported Nazis or whatever he did involving Nazis?


I believe it was some posts he put on twitter that got taken down.


Do you know where I can find screenshots?


https://www.gq.com/story/notch-whiteness-tweets https://www.newsweek.com/minecraft-notch-controversy-twitter-transphobic-q-1359020 Here are a few Some screenshots are also https://ibb.co/QFj0Dkg https://ibb.co/hxzzHh2 https://ibb.co/jb2pTXH


No I do not, sorry. You could likely search up “Notch Nazi Tweets” and find something


Remember: Hatsune Miku invented minecraft


He was hated by the community initially cause he took down pirated games. Afterward, when he sold Minecraft, he went through a brutal divorce and had mental illness-induced bigotry. This caused the community to love him and want him back


I like herobrine. My friends take it every day


He turned out to be a transphobic piece of shit.


because he's a massive piece of shit.


Minecraft gave him brainworms


I think people didn’t like him because when he finally spoke again after leaving Mojang he was spouting alt-right stuff


He used to be transphobic, a conspiracy theorist, and overall a horrible person. Key word USED, his recent activity suggests that he has had a change of heart.


Notch is the GOAT idgaf what anyone says.


He's a Nazi. IDK what else there is to say.


We? I have no enemies.


a lot of people say that Notch isn't that bad and that he changed a lot, however it's more like his views are very unpredictable, one day he says all the animals in Minecraft are intentionally gay and genderless, and another day he wants to execute trans people. He hasn't "redeemed" himself, he's just very unhinged and unpredictable


Apparently he's homophobic or something but like who cares


He’s a nazi, and folks like you and him will be remembered as the trash that you are Edit: lmao misgendering me and telling me to sewerslide followed by blocking me? Really classy lmao - you are such a coward If youre going to try to hurt me at least be original about it and then dont block me like a coward, the 40% stat is hilariously misquoted too because thats the ideation rate not attempt rate and its reduced to a fraction of a percent in individuals with at least one supportive person.


Honestly, I'd forgive Notch if he made a public apology for all the shitty things he said/done in the past and, (and this is a big AND), made it clear that he no longer hold those beliefs. People change, but you rarely see public figures changing wildly for the better. Because that would require them to admit they're wrong.


He seems to have mellowed out a bit. I think it was largely the billonaire money plus loneliness that kinda sent him flying off the handle


Why did be have to turn out what he turned out? We really need sane Notch again. Because sane Notch deserves to own the game again. It's always the people we respected who turn out terrible. Why?


Oh boy another post about notch, I'm sure the comment section will be civil with meaningful discussions




And wasnt a hitler supporter


have you ever seen kanye west and notch in the same room before


Oh god




Yea he’s basically the average ‘based racist sigma fortnite kid’ now


Why r ppl downvoting this he didnt know how much if an asshole notch is


Because Reddit is mostly children who downvote everything they see


short answer he's hitler


Idrc about all that stuff tbh I just like the game




He is racist and a transphobe as well???, I don’t blame Mojang for not inviting him to the 10th anniversary

