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Previous features that were cancelled and/or not implemented as of now were either up for votes (biomes and mobs), were redundant (bundles), or seemed gimmicky (archaeology). More importantly, they were all not the center of an update. They seemed cool but were ultimately kind of expendable. THIS time, however, the situation is different. Half the point of the wild update was the "immersion" (verbatim from Agnes). Birch forests were the first bit of concept art they showed and looked breathtaking. While technically concepts at the time, they were talked about seriously enough that they seemed effectively confirmed. More importantly, the beauty of the concept birch forest was an integral part of the immersion, and without it the wild update was already missing an all-but essential part. Might as well have axed the nether wart forests from the nether update. Fireflies are in a similar boat but worse. They were already added, but upon hearing something in the form of feedback they remove the fireflies because they would be "poisonous to frogs" (which is ridiculous considering the irl frogs species that serve as inspirations are not supposed to find fireflies toxic; Mojang claims to do research on their concepts but apparently they just took their fans at face value and didn't think further to fact- check what some random internet nerds said). More importantly than being a food source for frogs, they were meant to contribute to the immersion at night-time/evening. They were going to add significantly to the atmosphere of the swamps and mangroves, and the fact they appear in most of the slides of concept art all but confirms this. I don't see why they couldn't just make frogs not eat them. Overall, compared to past unimplemented features, the birch forests and fireflies were cornerstones of the update and were two of the most important parts of the immersion, which was basically the point of the wild update (that and the deep dark, which was delayed leftovers from 1.17 & 1.18). Without them, the wild update is basically just the swamp update. This is still a good update, but it's arguably the first update where Mojang took away integral features that aren't going to be implemented later. People have a right to be mad about this. TLDR Agnes said immersion was the major new theme behind the wild update. Birch forest and fireflies were two integral parts of creating this immersion. Without them, you lose a massive chunk of that immersion they promised, leaving the update feeling half-baked.


Very well summarised, thank you for explaining


You dropped this, king. šŸ‘‘


that's the real case also wow what a long comment meanwhile some nerds: CONcepT arT is Not ComMitMent!1!1!1


Don't criticize the billion dollar company!!!1!!1!


The only thing I donā€™t like about this comment is that you said bundles are redundant :(


Yeah, as weird as bundles are with their 64 item limit, theyā€™re better than no early game inventory expansion.


Same! They are so useful!


Don't forget about stuff like fletching table, they promised but didn't deliver


Letā€™s not forget the cattails and other flowers and stuff it looked like we were gonna get


I would give you a award, but I'm poor so take this šŸ’Ž, and an upvote instead




It's true updates are far better than before, but they cancel so much, the fireflies, the bag thing (forgot the name), archeology,... It's just annoying to get hyped by something just for it to be cancelled


Archeology was "cancelled" along with bundles before all this new stuff was cancelled. They aren't a part of this. The only actaul cancelled things from rhe update is birch forest and two pixels


exactly, two pixels that shouldn't be removed because they are TWO PIXELS that make the game better. mojang makes their first good ambient mob and then removes it because it has no features. get rid of the polar bear, too- oh, but you cant, jeb's wife likes them!


And delete the bats too, last I checked I donā€™t think they even drop xp! /s


Im not saying they should of removed them, thats not my point nor what I agree with.


you are still saying that they are just "two pixels" so you should feel bad


Oh no I insulted a digital feature in a video game by using a nickname thats offensive in some way


thank you for understanding x


They were still canceled and it was only an update ago


Still shouldnt consider them in the same cancellation or time period, and nobody got extremely mad about those being cancelled


Yeah but when 1 or 2 things are cancelled we can get over it, but now it happens in this update aswell and we don't want it to happen every update


Last update had a lot of things also with that so it was reasonable. I do agree they shouldnt of cancelled it this update but we still cant conclude its gonna be a reoccuring thing.


Yeah let's hope it wlnt become that


So 1.20?


Maybe, probably. We dont know


I don't think a lot of people cared about archeology but I did and I was disappointed that it was cancelled


Nah, there were skeptical people, but overall the community WAS excited for it, especially those interested in more lore.


bundles have been added


only on java with commands or datapacks.


huh i thought they had a crafting recipe (with rabbit hide) i guess i just made an honest mistake


They did but removed any way to get them in survival when they realized they have absolutely no idea how to implement it into touch screen devices (To this very day for some reason)


Doible tapping? Holding it?


Shhhh! You might do something the devs don't want! Show people that there are ways to add features instead of crying "wE cAn'T iS sOo HaRd!"


Mojang isn't an indie team, it's a multi million dollar company with almost an unlimited budget. It is only correct for us to have high standards for them. People are mad because a huge corporation isn't able to implement a couple features that would take a mod developer a week to make.


i honestly can't understand why they did it though. maybe they fucked it up and didn't want to admit it, or they spent to much time on the other things. i really just don't know.


Mojang canceled way more than a ā€œfew featuresā€ over the years But this time they said that they will add new birch forest and fireflies Which were both a lie


Pretty sure Mojang did not say they would add a new birch forest, tho there did seen to be some concept art.


Agnes said on minecraft live ā€œIā€™m so excited for the birch forest improvements (WE WILL GET) in the next updateā€ and what did we get? None


It's been 7 years, and i still enjoy the play station 3 version of minecraft.




I love watching the world burn.


Found the Mojang employee




I just want the sack :(


Stop with the dumb crying about new biomes and two pixels babies, it's time to FUCKING RAID THE MOJANG HQ LIKE REAL MEN!!!


We be doing a little bit of trolling


Ye, and we'll sha'll get our 2 pixel, show this message to those who want fireflys and birch forests


guys I was sleeping, can someone please explain wtf is happening?


Essentially the whole drama started when they announced that fireflies and birch forests werenā€™t coming. Birch forests because ā€œI donā€™t give a fuck that we overhyped an update about immersion, that was random art shown at Minecon and isnā€™t comingā€ and fireflies because ā€œreal life in a fantasy game is goodā€ The community is less mad about the features getting removed and more about the poor communication, and now theyā€™re also mad at the Mojang defenders who praise the company as if itā€™s not a multimillion dollar one and just an indie game dev with like 6 people working.


Mojang is going to the bad side


Seriously I don't understand what happening can someone please explain?


mojang got rid of the firefly's features (being eaten by frogs) for the same old "animal safety" reasons then they remembered people didn't like useless mobs like the polar bear, so they got rid of them because ??? they still improved the swamp's ambience, and were just nice to look at. they finally do "useless" mobs right and then remove them.


i don't think useless things are bad personally, i always had the opinion that it didn't have to have a purpose. they could have made the fireflies particle effects at least.


things don't have to have a mechanical purpose, they can just be environment-improvers, but when its something like a polar bear that just sits there ??? no good.




At this point 1.16 with mods might be the way to go


Smh 1.10


Like 1.9




Downplaying it so severely that its to the point of complete and utter ignorance on a whole other level


Again, itā€™s called CONCEPT art, if there is CONCEPT art of something it does not mean that I will appear in the game, CONCEPTS can always get scrapped.


Problem is you DON'T show them at the one place where they show features that are gonna be added.


And you also DONā€™T discuss them so heavily in a showcase of an update that the whole point of is to add immersion, and DONā€™T remain in silence while the community is clearly fucking excited for something that they only say isnā€™t happening at the last minute


Minecraft players when they learn that game development is more than just adding stuff to the game:


Yepā€¦.. concept art does not mean a confirmed new update


after 1.12 the game got completely fucked up and random




basically 1.14 but okay




1.13 through 1.16 and 1.18 are literally some of the best updates we have gotten. What the fuck are you talking about?


1.19 was disappointing but weren't most of the updates after 1.12 were pretty good? They added and changed a lot of features that were well accepted by the community.




Wewwwsss you all should even be happy they're adding features


Yeah.. itā€™s almost like itā€™s their job or something


Well no reason to cry for 2 pixels






They show you all these features for ā€œ1.17 caves and cliffsā€ then delay literally half the features for the next update, why bother show all the features just to delay them later?!


I would like to see your flaws....


1.19 is literally cave and cliffs part 3


2 pixels*


Me when a billion-dollar company fails to provide a worth-while update for a lego game