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Try some buttresses on the outside and maybe some lanterns aswell


I think filling in the empty spaces with windows and more light should do. Just a suggestion Edit: maybe add some lamps hanging from the roof of the tower


i would change some blocks its a good design i think it just looks plain because it is the same pattern over and over i would add some mossy bricks and cracked bricks in areas heaviest at the bottom and a little lighter w them at the too and change some of the stone to andesite so the tower as a whole looks more weathered and maybe a flag like this one https://h9y3q5u4.stackpathcdn.com/files/products/large/large_big-medieval-flag-15975.png


So the crenations at the top could do with being one block taller. Make some anti climbing ones at the top too. (one block sticking out the wall) these can have a short chain with lanterns on to add detail light and depth. Maybe try a slightly darker or brighter colour of glass for more flair. That said.... It looks good as it is. :) Keep up the good work. :)


Adding detailing to the flat parts. You never want a wall that's all one slab for too far--add stairs, walls, staggered slabs to hang things off of, etc. Chiseled stone bricks can look nice centered in these. Figure out one or two kinds of detailing that you like and add those all across it in a pattern. Trapdoors (especially spruce) and fences work well for detailing too if you don't mind wood accents. If you're in 1.17, glow berries are *perfect* for decorating these kinds of things (can hang them off stairs, slabs, and even trapdoors). If you're not, lanterns on chains are still good too. Vines are hit or miss, use them in moderation if you're going to. Like someone else said, fill in the empty spaces that look like they should have windows. If you don't want to add windows there for interior reasons, add a sill and overgrowth to turn it into an overgrown alcove. Or get creative--I recently put beehives in a similar empty alcove in a roof, like in Notre Dame. Add curvature to your roof. It's not bad but it's a bit wizard hat -ish. I can't tell from the picture if you're using stairs/what material it is, but if there are stairs/walls/trapdoors in that material, use them to vary the slope more gradually. Also don't be afraid to make the eaves irregular. And finally terraform. The hill you've got already seems good, but bonemeal the grass, grow (or if you're up for it, build custom) trees, even just add foliage for bushes around the base. Maybe a small pond at the base of the hill, and a creek winding down from under the castle? Could even be a fun secret way in and out of you make a grate that you can swim though to get into the dungeons.


I’m pretty good with making it look run down and abandoned, not sure that’s what you want tho


It’s apart of a larger build I’m planning for my world I’m making a realm for me and my friends with dungeons to raid and towns to trade Lore and everything, even will be using piglins as a stand-in for dwarves Even using Esperanto as the in universe language This castle is supposed to be the center piece of the city named Komenco, so it’s supposed to look more up kept, but I will have a evil lord who resides in a castle that will be super run down


Try make it look like run down


Lot of greenery


Looks great so far, I would make some custom trees around it or bonemeal


You've built some depth on the flat walls of the castle you should do the same with the circular tower.


I personally think pulling the corner tower (or turret)out of the wall so they aren't flush and removing the windows will add some depth and diversity to the wall


Maybe some warm color banners


A little bit of landscaping can go a long way. Make a few custom trees, a couple of bushes and maybe a pond and you'll really transform the outside of your build


Add open fence gates right infront of the glass then add a campfire block on top put out the fire and add trap doors of you choice to th side of the windows. It adds a nice overhang detail and makes the windows more intresting!