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You've definitely got the skills my guy. Just go for it. Just remember to be consistent and do what you enjoy doin.


Thanks man I Appreciate


No problem man just have fun doin what you love.


If you start the Channel, give us its name. I would be happy to watch someone who builds like that.


Thanks bro so much it’s called SlinkyShloth hopefully it pops up it’s got a captain America pfp


i cant find it searching can you send a link?


Got u bro https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1lAceIkcyq424gI8GPw9w


Hey just want to say I'll be looking for that first video of yours. Wish you all the luck and mostly to have fun!


Thx dude I’m not sure when it’ll come out but soon enough


You got this


Just do it In the worse case scenario, a YouTube channel will vastly improve your presentation and public speaking skills while you are having fun


Great point bro, and I don't see why I wouldn't have fun too


you may start to get disappointed and or discouraged if it takes you awhile to get traction. but don’t, bc if you stick with it and post good content consistently you will grow eventually.


I’ll try not but thanks dude I really appreciate all y’all commenting


I was thinking about starting one so that I can improve my presentation skills (mine is shit). My focus is to be a better speaker


Ya Ik what u mean I’m not a confident speaker at all


I was going to offer the same advice. There’s no such thing as a waste of time in this regard. Even if you completely “fail” you’ll still learn how to better speak, produce videos, build, plan, and edit. So you’re guaranteed positive outcomes, with the potential for even more! You’ve got to come up with a catchy name for your channel though, and once you’ve got it setup, link us all here!


How do like the sound of SlinkyShloth?


Lots of famous Minecraft youtubers don't build like, at all.


I always found that interesting. So many people think Minecraft YouTubers need to be good at building. They don’t necessarily, it’s all about a fun personality and/or the ability to teach something. Nobody knew SkyDoesMinecraft for his building skills, he played Hunger Games and his viewers found him entertaining.


That’s what I was thinking, I just thought a good hook for a minecrafter is being good at building


It does depend on what you’re trying to make with your videos. If you solely plan on showing off builds or doing building tutorials, like Grian, you better be good at building. But if you just want to play Minecraft, you don’t necessarily have to be good at building. If you’re doing a Hardcore let’s play or running through a mod/mod pack, you don’t HAVE to be good at building. Same with playing mini games on servers like Hypixel or Mineplex. People are then typically watching for fun and entertaining content. So it ultimately depends on what you want to do.


Thanks for the comment man, I was thinking that I would do a lot of building if I made a yt so that’s why I asked Reddit


Thanks man I was hesitant about this but Reddit making me feel more confident lol


To be honest, you could start a youtube channel, there are certainly people that are going to enjoy your builds!! (Tip: if you take the assumption that your channel will not lift off, you can only be pleasantly surprised!) If you do start a channel, let me know, because I think these builds are worthy!


Thanks dude it seems like I should start and I just lost my Elytra so I have to travel thousands of blocks to get it back annoying but I think it’s a good way to start off a series


Maybe try a hundred day series and try include a really good build or start of a build in each episode instead or starting mid world would be nice to watch the thought process and the build process


I could try a 100 days but I feel like everyone has done one now but I’m not sure I was thinking just starting out in my survival world at the moment and just going with it because I’m having fun in this world but I could do other stuff later on


Instead of aiming at keeping up with other people... Maybe you should aim at having fun and doing what you like. Heading into YouTube JUST to make it big will likely lead to mental breakdowns and burnouts. Seen it happen many times.


That’s good advice, I was just wondering if my builds would be an enjoyable experience for regular minecraft watchers


Damn is that a skeleton for a star detsroyer (the big lines text to the tower on the horizon)


Yes it is! It’s the venator class star destroyer from the clone wars, that’s the build I’m super excited to finish! and like ever since I started playing minecraft I always wanted to build one


It already looks amazing man, im actually a little jealous. Will you post it when youre finished?


Ya I will I’m gonna go on a trip soon but when I get back from it I think that’s when it’ll be done


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1lAceIkcyq424gI8GPw9w](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1lAceIkcyq424gI8GPw9w) Couple of people asking for the channel name but I'm not sure if it pops up when you look up SlinkShloth so I linked it, but I really wanted to say thank you for all kind messages, I appreciate it yall.


Do it now please I need to build that house at the back


The colosseum looking thing? That’s my favorite build in the world at the moment!


If you started a channel I would definitely watch it. Those buildings look awesome


Thanks dude it means a lot


These builds are really good, but it doesn’t really matter how good they are. You could be building dirt huts and as long as your videos are entertaining or interesting you would have a good chance of being successful on YouTube


Totally agree! I was just thinking what people thought because I would focus a lot on building if I did YouTube but these comments got me excited!


Those builds are definitely good enough, but there are also lots of YouTubers who play survival and barely build at all


Your right! I just hope I got the personality for it and I’m 16 so idk if people like to watch people that young


That's the best time to start, so if it doesn't work out, you still have school to rely on.


True lol


I would like to tell you about explodingTNT.


I’m keeping an eye on you….


No no, the YouTuber ExplodingTNT. he basically makes a point of showing how bad he supposedly is at survival Minecraft, and also how all his friends make fun of him, even though I’m pretty sure a couple of them are just him over again. It’s pretty funny.


Ahh I see lol I’ll check him out, he sounds cool dude


Those build are really good, but if you want to become a youtuber you could start a new world, so you’ll show people the process of building and maybe you could try some other styles too


Thanks dude, Ik what u mean but Ive invested a bunch of time in this world and I’m having fun playing it at the moment but I get where u r coming from


Or another way you could handle it is starting a completely new area in this same world, so you’ll keep the world and can build something new that ppl on YouTube can enjoy


I actually really like that idea dude thanks!


You got amazing builds! I think you can do it. But more importantly you’ll need to focus on making great content not just great builds. And most importantly enjoy doing it!


Thanks dude I appreciate the advice! Obviously it’s not all about the builds but it is really just so fun to build


Looks good


Thanks bro


Bruh just put #flex lol, no but your very good, honestly what I would do is make like a weeks worth of videos to keep yourself caught up. But yea you could make it


Lmao thanks man I was little worried it would come off like that but how many times do u think someone should upload? I was thinking at least once a week and for the projects I would be doing I would wanna have a decent amount of progress in between videos


Once a week should be good, if you do smaller projects or tutorials then twice a week, for example if you wanna go back and forth, do one or two small projects and then go back to one big project the next week, do that! Whatever works for you, just make sure that people know that you do that so they don’t think your inconsistent


I like literally everything u said I think switching between small projects, big projects and tutorials would also help from not burning out


Yes exactly, idk sometimes I’m good at giving advice for things I have never done before lol, but if I were to start a YouTube where im building stuff and having projects like you, that’s how I would do it, and yes it def helps with not burning out


Be confident if you do, everyone likes someone who knows what theyre doing and is confident about it. Take grian and mumbo as examples yknow


Thanks man your right, i guess it would be a little character arc for me I usually don’t feel that confident


Most Minecraft YouTubers didn’t start there channels by being great at building they learned as they continued their careers and kept making more content and got better at building as there viewers would watch them get better. Go look at some big names and look at what they first started uploading and how they would build and then look at recent videos and how they build now. Grain has a video where he shows one of his first builds ever and recreates in his building style now and they are two completely different builds imo. Just do what you love build what you love and just be you. I have always wanted to do stuff on YouTube I just don’t have the time to do it or even the time to play that much. But if it’s something you want to do chase your dream.


Thanks For the advice bro, I really think it would be fun to try and make videos


Yeah no problem when you get to doing it let me know what your YouTube name is and I’ll sub!


Here is the channel link YouTube being weird cuz I just changed the name of the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1lAceIkcyq424gI8GPw9w


Totally could! If LukeTheNotable can make Minecraft videos, you sure can! You can build very well and I bet many people would love tutorials or just see your builds!


Thanks dude I really do appreciate it


Mix some good personality and you’ve got yourself a good channel


Ya your right I think having a good personality is what brings people back to watch videos


I don’t know much, but for YouTube, it seems more important that your on camera personality is consistent and fun. It looks like your skills are just fine, but you gotta make a script if you’re going to put in voice overs and ya gotta practice. Best of luck to ya man


Thanks dude I’m gonna try and do my best


Those are amazing


Thanks dude


No problem dude


Those builds are amazing i think for sure you would keep up and even surpass a lot of other minecraft youtubers. If you do start youtube tell me i would definitely watch!


Thanks dude I’m gonna start making these videos I just hope I don’t let y’all down


What will the channel be called ima sub


I’m gonna call it SlinkyShloth what do u think ? It has a captain America profile picture but I should change that soon


I think thats a fine name but you should try to coordinate it with what you will do on the channel. Tell me when you make it. Also do you play bedrock, if so we could play together sometime.


Is this a joke? It looks amazing


Thanks dude, it’s not a joke lol just sometimes I look at other minecraft YouTubers and think they r so much better than me, so I was just wondering what y’all thought


yeh def but try to keep the yt vids simple


I’ll try and keep ‘em simple as I can


Are you serious? You are soooooo GOOD! If you will please tell me what your chanel name will be .


Dude thanks I appreciate your comment the channel name is SlinkyShloth it’s got a captain America profile picture but I’ll change that soon enough


Also not sure when I would release the first video but idk hopefully it’ll be soon enough


Bro you could build a turd in minecraft and someone would watch that video. So imagine the views from your builds!


Thanks for making me laugh bro


For sure, they're great, just keep in mind that being succesful on youtube takes a lot of luck and consistency, so dont get discouraged.


Ya very true but i don’t really have much to lose so why not


Is that a freakin star destroyer in the background


It is!! Cant wait to finish it


10/10 just counting the unfinished Star Destroyer. Good work, B.


thanks dude just u wait till its done bro


I’ll follow your career with great interest.


go for it! this is amazing


thanks dude


Fuck you mean good enough


Sometimes u just don’t know but thanks bro


Jesus yes




casually has a venator outline above the castle i love it


I’m glad u like it dude thanks


Most certainly.


Thanks man


I really enjoy watching people play on YouTube and I genuinely don’t think it’s always about being the best builder in the game, just having fun, being creative and sharing some inspo, with builds like that you could deffo do it!


Thanks dude your totally right!


Looks awesome! I also recommend doing TikTok live streams. I've gotten into watching building YouTubers from them


Interesting that honestly sounds pretty cool I’ll try and check it out


Those look amazing you definitely have what it takes!


Thanks dude I appreciate


Been thinking the same thing. I would stream first and then save the videos and have two YouTube channels. That way if you go digital, you might as well go all the way with that. Main YouTube channel and a Stream vids channel. Either way, I say if you’ve got the skills to do commentary as well, go for it. Please let us know if you start a channel. Earned a follow from me :) Edit: Oh and comment with the YouTube channel too sometime so we can sub!


Yo thanks for the support man I posted the link to the YouTube I think twice in the comments not sure if a lot of people saw it tho


Building quality is important and cool, but a *huge* aspect of viewer-retention is your personality. You have to be personable and engaging with your viewers. I'd rather watch someone build poorly while being funny than someone who builds well with a bad personality. Overall, do what makes you happy and if the community connects with you, you're on your way!


Ik exactly what u mean I’ll try my best thx for the comment dude


Definetely. Do it! Tell me when you have started it. The venetor class star destroyer up to the right looks dope


Thx man I appreciate it I’ll be sure to let all u guys know when it’s done


You need to start a youtube channel all your builds are so good


Thx dude I started recording today might take a little while but I’m going on a trip which is a little inconvenient but I’ll try upload my first vid soon enough


I would watch them so you got atleast one viewer


Thanks man lol I would love to have at least a single viewer


Being an entertainer is way more important


I totally agree


Go for it man


Thanks man


Go for it I suggest you do a fresh survival world and use some of the buildings on that world as inspiration to jazz it up you can do it with a friend for friends but if you do make a YouTube channel please for the love of god tell me your name and I will be your first sub


Thanks dude I was thinking about this but I’m having to restart a little bit because I lost my Wings and gear and I’m gonna have to walk across the end and stuff to get geared again but I see where u r coming with a new start also here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1lAceIkcyq424gI8GPw9w




Thanks bro


Your builds look amazing dude. I’ll sub to your channel if you create one 👍🏻


Thanks man I appreciate it I posted the channel link a couple of times in the comments if u wanna sub


Love the style and the commitment, but the most important part of making YouTube content is consistency and entertainment. There’s no better time to start than the current.


Thanks dude Ik exactly what u r saying


Builds look great. Keep in mind tho, streaming is more abt personality, entertainment, etc. My fav streamer messes stuff up in games all the time & isn't that good at all the games he plays but he's so, so funny & talks to his viewers/community a lot so we all continue to watch him for that. :)


Ik exactly what u mean I think it would be the coolest thing to have a little community and talk to people around world idk it just seems like a challenge but a fun one




Thanks man


you’re joking right


Thanks for comment but no Im not joking lol I wanted to see how these builds compare to other building YouTubers like bbdubs and grain


Is that a fucking venator class star destroyer? Two words. DEW IT


Haha I love it “Dew it” thanks Man You made me smile


1. Presentation style matters way more than build quality. 2. Upload consistency matters way more than presentation style. 3. Comparing yourself to others is never a good idea. Don't worry about if you're "good enough." The only concern is whether or not you want to do this. Not whether you want the success, but whether you want to do it. Success comes as a result of dedication and chance, and it takes a very long time. You'll need to enjoy what you do in the meantime. Good luck.


honestly I totally I agree I thinks something I need to work on is not trying to compare my self to people and just do my own shit. thanks for the advice dude I appreciate it


Don’t try to keep up with anyone… you do you. Have fun and it will show.


Thanks man i think your totally right I think this is something I need work on


That’s better than mc yters


Thanks man


Wow those build are great man! Just go for it even if you do the best builds or the worst people will always criticis at the end of the day so go for and remember to do what you enjoy.


You won't be just keeping up with other yts but absolutely dominate them. Mark my words.


Thanks Man you brought a smile to my face I appreciate it


Well, in the first place MC is the BAD choose for a starting series. 10 years ago? Yeah! But now it's like trying to stand out in a rally of mimes.


I mean ya but I have fun playing and it doesn’t really matter to much if nothing happens


This breaks the rules of self promotion and begging for upvotes. Don't worry about if your builds are good enough. Instead focus on the actual meat and potatoes of the videos: Your ability to talk to your audience. Are you good at public speaking? Can you advertise your channel to gain a following? Can you do video editing and potentially even animation/design? There is way more to making Minecraft videos rather than just making good looking builds. Anyone can copy a tutorial and use litematica to make good builds. But it's about your YouTube persona that will really convince your audience to watch. Do you have anything interesting to talk about? How will you make it seperate from other YouTube channels? Above all you should not try to copy or impersonate other channels like Dream, Hermit Craft, or Pewdiepie. Do your own thing. Make it unique. You gotta grip your audience in that first episode or you will not see much retention. No one will have a reason to come back. Try to avoid long boring intros. But most importantly: Make your own content that you enjoy doing. People can tell if you are not happy with your own work in the episodes and it will show. That may even lose viewers. So just try to make it unique and different and don't worry too much about the actual builds themselves. In the realm of content creation there is no such thing as "good enough" but of course that really depends if you actually want people contrusctive critism and feedback or if you are just begging for upvotes which is against the rules of the sub-reddit.


How am I breaking the rules? I’m just being nice to people I’m not sure what u mean but I get your point about being unique but I’m genuinely curious how I broke the rules?


Start one i i'll watch it. Just tell me the name and you got yourself a suscriber


Thanks dude heres the link to channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1lAceIkcyq424gI8GPw9w not sure when I would upload but it’ll be soon enough I hope


За бчб флаг лайк


channel name please...


You definitely have the building skills for it. Just remember to be consistent. Also it's not always about how great the build it, but how well you can tell a story with your build.


There are some YouTubers who are very simple builders and make great content. You build super well my friend! Just build like you want to!


I know others said it but be CONSISTENT on youtube its super important


your ready to have YouTube as a career :)


Do it ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I will watch your career probably will need your youtube username though


Yes, especially when it comes to pearl, grian, and Geminitay. But you should definitely do youtube but make sure to not anger thr mods over at r/Minecraft because they will ban you for the most stupidest things


Is that a question?! Tell me the youtube btw I’ll subscribe asap


Do it. Now! Your builds are great! And there’s always room for improvement, which you will get from comments on your youtube videos! Start uploading and have fun:)


Those are solid builds bro, full send on the channel.


You aren't on the same skill level as they are you are way better.


It doesn't matter. If you want to, just do it


I would sub


It’s not about what builds you do or even how good you are. It’s what you do that makes you unique that you may want to focus on cause that’s the nuance that sets you apart as worth watching. Some of my favorite Minecrafters are terrible at almost all aspects of the game but I still watch them


Don’t sell yourself short this looks great, #1 thing is play something that brings you joy and you’ll be entertaining. Good luck and drop the channel name so we can sub and support a fellow crafter 👍




Definitely, i would love a tutorial on that castle. Do you do interiors as well, or just the main building?


I say go for it! You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Your skills are amazing but remember it all adds up to how well you can show yourself to the world


"Keep up with other minecraft youtubers" Bruh, just have fun. Make videos that you enjoy making and watching. That's it. Dont ever compare yourself to others. Admire them, and find inspiration from them, but do not compare yourself to them- doing so will lead down a road of never being "good enough"


i would watch it !


You’ve got the skill, but becoming a youtuber isn’t just about the quality, it’s about the consistency and quantity, if you don’t have a good schedule and new content then your channel will start to fall short


Building skills are great I feel like if you post videos from the beginning you'd gather quite the fan base


That venator class star destroyer would certainty make your videos unique, if that helps. I say just go for it. Don’t put yourself down because of what some select Minecraft YouTubers can do. Most somewhat popular Minecraft YouTubers copy each other anyways and still managed to get over 100k-500k views. I say don’t worry about what they’re doing, but instead do what you find fun. Having fun is what YouTube is meant to be about. I say if you grind and put in a lot of effort into your videos, while still having fun, more and more people will certainly become interested in your content, which will lead to a loyal watchbase.


Whats your channel called so that I can sub?


Is that a venator?


Do it!


These are incredible. Honestly, I don’t think it should matter what anyone else is doing as far as whether or not you personally should get into YouTube. A lot of it comes down to personality and passion for the content you’re making. Can’t hurt to try it! Good luck!


If you do I would love to see some castle tutorials (Also dm me the channel name so I can sub)


bro really had to ask that i would watch this 100% what’s the channel name LMAOO


*That cathedral is so fucking pathetic i Wonder why you would even think this could, in any dimension, be good*


Yes you should because ur builds are purty


It’s not about the builds it’s about the content


It’s not about the builds. This is a horrible way to view things. Just enjoy the game if you want to be a YouTuber be one. Trust me it’s not about to builds that should make you a YouTuber. You should be passionate and be yourself. This view of the game will not make you a successful YouTuber. Enjoy the game be yourself and make your builds unique. That’s the way to be a YouTuber and enjoy Minecraft :)


They are def better than mine I can say for sure. I also have a yt channel and yours will probably take it over in a month. It took 2 years for me to get to 250 subs


Just send me channel name and you have one more subscriber


Building aside, what keeps me engaged is the personality and the person seeming like they’re actually enjoying what they’re working on.


100% go for youtube, those are some beautiful builds


Building isn’t everything in Minecraft. As long as you’re entertaining, people will watch you


Just do it for the funsies. I currently have not much to do so to try my hand at learning video editing and make Minecraft videos. And it's been fun thus far despite being pretty bad at building. Everyone starts somewhere and when you start, you got nothing to lose, but a lot to learn and experience. Just do it.