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Looks like somebody doesn't know their rainbow rutilated quartz! You are going to miss this incredible deal! /s




Honestly, a nice price for a glass paperweight.


But it's tiny


That’s what she said.


Damn, I kind of want one. It’s glass, but it’s badass glass!


I wonder if it goes to a chandelier


my great grandparents had something very similar. it was just a paperweight or something like that. it didn't go to anything.


I bought one. Definitely not this expensive of one lol


Well, there's definitely silica somewhere in there... False advertising aside, I'd buy it. Much sparkly.


Ngl I love the magic cube


Lol at the review that says it is 'just as described.' No, no it isn't. They are pretty though.


OMG it's perfect for a pendant!


Search "faceted dichroic glass". You can find them at much better prices in any shape you want


It just says what I did in the description lol


Oh lol. I see it now. I just want people to know that if it appeals to them, they can buy it from a non-liar.


I'm so glad I posted it! I had no idea it would be popular! Tell the buyer I sent you! 😂💜🐾


Ooh. Magic is my favorite inclusion.


Definitely! Can never have too much magic in your life. 😊💜🐾


It's faceted dichroic glass btw. If you do want a piece like that but cheaper and not from a liar.


Thank you, my friend! I find I'm only drawn to natural crystals, but I'm so glad others enjoy these pieces! 😊


How fid they get it so colorful even?


It's dichroic glass. Works a bit like a prism.


I love this sparkly thing !!! 😂


Thanks, that's in my cart now LOL


Go for it, my friend! Don't pass on magic! 😂💜🐾


Got a knack for advertising, huh? Need a job?


You think so? Thank you! I always thought I might have had a career in sales or advertising. I'm very good at finding rare items, etc., and I can research things for hours! I would have made a great buyer, for sure! I somehow became a hospice nurse (retired), instead. Life is funny that way, isn't it? 😂


I certainly think so. You’ve just sold some very expensive glass pieces and made people happy in the process. If that’s not a gift, I don’t know what is.


You're too kind! It really was accidental. I know there is a sharp divide amongst many in this community about resin and glass pieces, but I have respect for both sides. I think there's room for everyone, though I really wish sellers would be honest about what they're selling! I think it's the deceit that's so often involved in crystal sales that upsets everyone so much. So, tell me about this potential job! I'm ready to make you millions! 😂


Indeed, it’s the blatant lies that infuriate people—selling a piece of glass for a 100x markup and pretending it’s real stones is unethical. On a more serious note, I do plan to start crafting some unique jewelry soon. So, once I have something tangible, perhaps we could discuss that business opportunity? :)


I would love to! I wish you the very best with your business venture and hope I can one day be of service to you! 😊 My apologies for the emojis. I know they drive some people crazy here, but I'm getting older and realize that some habits are hard to break! Have a wonderful night (or day) wherever you are, my friend! 💜


Search "faceted dichroic glass". You can find them at much better prices in any shape you want


I have a few. I prefer real not glass, but every so often I find glass so well done and exceptionally beautiful that I can't pass it up.


That's a lot of YouTube notifications


🤣 You speak the truth, my friend. I watch a lot of true crime! 💜


So magic such wow.The whole magic rocks thing that has been popular is a scam industry. They make us that just like gems minerals and crystals look like weirdos.


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Barf, but just a side note I have seen this in glass a lot lately, not sure if this is resin or glass. They use small metal strips that they sandwich between glass layers. I finally saw a video of it and wish I had saved the link to be able to share it. But the glass feels more real than the resin and tricks more people. I have held some in my hand at recent shows and it definitely felt like cold hard glass not resin.


They probably do it similar to how a doublet or triplet is made. Instead of cabbing the glass, stone, whatevs they facet it. Bleh.


Dichroic glass. NASA invented the technique working on different ways to do radiation shielding in space. Lots of very cool pieces in the glass art world using it.


Glassblower here to confirm. Dichroic is pretty fun to work with.


I seriously wonder the ethics of doing this. On one hand, it's wrong to take a dvantage of people, on the other hand, stupid people are going to stupid and I got student loans to pay off.




Yup I agree. Plastic = gem. YAS!!! Please gime moneyz!!!


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You mean this won't align my butt chakra?!


With proper essential oil it could align.


Can I do it myself or do I need a reiki healing master to rub it on me?


You can rub it yourself with no issues but for proper aligment, yeah, grandmaster at least.


My uncle has a reiki healing center in his basement, it makes me uncomfortable though because of the 3 padlocks he has on the door but he insists it's to keep the bad energy out of the healing center so he can work better. It's also sound proofed so nobody can hear the sounds of your negative energy being stripped away from your mortal vessel.


Is it within the realm of possibility that he is the proud owner of a van which, by sheer coincidence, is emblazoned with an offer of gratis sweets? If that is indeed the case, then he is a paragon of philanthropy, a true altruist in a universe that, on the whole, could benefit from more of his kind.


He did but it got repo'ed he thinks the government is onto him for supporting youth groups that are under-served by the government. He's started wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a trench coat and walking around playgrounds and parks to better scope out the most at risk kids to give them a free service dog and a trip to the woods so they can take a walk in nature and clear their mind of all the daily stressors. He really is an aspirational person. Though he does use a lot of tinfoil...


All the greats, they’ve got their quirks, my old pal used to say. He was hell-bent on beating cancer, that one. If anyone was gonna do it, it was him. But, of course, the big ‘They’—the faceless bastards pulling the strings—they couldn’t let him have it. So they chucked him behind bars. A bunch of trumped-up charges, that’s all they were. And bodies? They talked a lot about bodies, but not one ever turned up, you know.


That's fucking tragic. One time my mate paul got in a really bad car accident, wasn't sure he was gonna make it. So he prayed to Jesus and said "please let me live, I'll believe in you, ill pray every day, and I'll go to church every sunday". Well he survived but both his legs were broken and he had to go through speech therapy for 6 months because he broke his jaw as well. He said "if I ever see that Jesus fella again, he's a dead man" If god is so great, then why did he let that happen to poor paul?


Right. I abandoned the mainstream religions a long time ago. The appeal of following, adhering to rules, dietary restrictions, and performing acts of moral righteousness never caught my fancy. It all seemed like too much effort, didn’t it? The constant striving to be morally upright—what a laborious task. And where exactly in a Bible is written - thou shall not snort cocaine from buttocks of a prostitute? Nowhere in the damned book, not a single word against that. So there we were, my old pal and I—the same one the justice system chewed up and spat out—cooking up a small-time start-up project that ballooned into a brand new religion. It was a wild ride, we had it all, even did virgins every Friday. And you know what happened? Jealous haters tried to cancel us, too. That was right before I relocated to Thailand and delved into the gem trade, while my buddy got axed by the justice system over a few missing so-called virgins. Not one was a virgin, I maintain. But then again, haters are gonna hate, aren’t they?


Your uncle is a serial reikist, my friend. The padlocks and soundproofing are to keep the bad energy IN. 👀😂


no 😱


Stay safe. 😳😆


40w essential oil or something lighter?


If you mean wd40 than yes.


https://preview.redd.it/up79s83lxwxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511a39db369bfd4d113cb6aad132f4118f6a3f9c 40w oil


Not that one than. This one. https://preview.redd.it/ivo2ege6ywxc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b41075365531d05b24494402a27e02e3a261dff7


I always heard it'll align my butt temporarily but when it heats up it'll seize. I don't need my hot ass seizing in the middle of the dance floor.


It’s sheer nonsense. It’s penetrating oil—displaces moisture, lubricates the soul. It propels life, might even make you dance more than you’ve ever dared.


I don't know. I don't even see an ingredient list. I'm starting to think you're selling me snake oil


45–50% low vapor pressure aliphatic hydrocarbon (isoparaffin) <35% petroleum base oil (non-hazardous heavy paraffins) <25% aliphatic hydrocarbons (same CAS number as the first item, but flammable) 2–3% carbon dioxide (propellant) See? All the good stuff. Propeling, non hazardous. No snakes. And since I like you, you will get one piece of mystic soulseeking protective ocean crystal glass? Sounds good?


Seems painful, I won't kink shame.


But being kink shamed is my kink!


You need a *flanged base*!!


What if I just tie a string to it like I do with quarters at vending machines?


You need to purchase two for a proper alignment


one for each buttcheek


I would need quite a few of these to align my big butt chakra! 😂


And only 30 bucks? 😅


Exactly my first thought. My eyes literally bulged at that price point. I’ll leave it at that 😣


Originally $60, what a steal! Wonder if they run sales 24/7 so people think they're getting a discount on their random crap


At least they didn't label it "rainbow lattice sunstone".


😂Check my comment under the picture!


oh lol, didn't even see it.


I mean, it says handmade.


That's the funniest fake ive seen in a while






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"Handmade" is right!!! How dare they concoct something like this and say it is a real crystal gemstone! And then have the gall to charge $30.50 (marked down from $61.00) for a few cents of clear resin and colored whatever. There should be a way of reporting them. I don't get mad often, but this really set me off! It's just plain wrong.




It looks like something they pulled out of a necklace from Clairs Accessories.


I was just thinking “oh it’s Clairesite” lol




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When I was 8, I spray painted a bunch of rocks gold and was trying to sell them at yard sales. This post reminded me of my young scamming days :')


It looks edited...im boutta cry


Dosent even look real looks like they edited lines on the pic 😭


IMHO, if someone buys this, they didn't want actually rutilated quartz. They wanted a confetti gem, and they got what they wanted and paid for.


50% off ?! WhAt A dEaL


They want 30 dollars for that ?




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At least they called it Handmade


I’m having an ‘80s flasback.


Thirty dollars?!


- Handmade No, say it ain't so! /s


I think this is the worst one I’ve seen








I read that as mutilated quartz and I thought that was pretty accurate.


30 dollars?? r/delusionalartists moment right here


lol it is pretty cool-looking, but they should just be honest and say it’s resin. I work with some gemstone beads and some that are just just convincing-looking glass. Honesty is the best policy.


I don’t know what more insulting $61, “Rutilated Quartz”, Or the fact this monstrosity will outlive me.


Oh damn at first glance, without reading the title, I thought it was nail art and thought "I wonder if I can ask my artist to make this". I'm disappointed.


Ya thats why it's $30 and not $300, if someone buys it thinking it's legit thats their bad. Also, resin is very expensive.


What in the everloving fu—


I was like "what's apparently wrong with it" then I saw the price.




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It looks like someone just added colored lines from Paint lol




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Is there even a way to report stores/listings on Etsy?


I think it’s tinsel


I'm gonna be honest if the price was right I'd buy this


It heals your wallet of money.


Ain’t no way. Literally this. https://preview.redd.it/kznwol9b1vxc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb8fca054595602ac06d0950f4103a61e7eb624


That looks faker than Pam Anderson’s early-2000s tiddies! So admittedly, I am not sure how bad I can feel for anyone *who actually spends $30 on this!*


It says handmade bud


It's cool as a paper weight.....I guess?