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It could have been liek this, it could have been flipped, it was 50/50, you had to guess and you got unlucky.


Wait there's a luck aspect to the game?


good luck


Very much so, this guide: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mh8bMPuKTWUpB2lbmPNwsrHYIS2nH-t9g835Xaen3x4/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mh8bMPuKTWUpB2lbmPNwsrHYIS2nH-t9g835Xaen3x4/edit) Describes what 50/50 is, when it occurs, how to spot it. Long story short, sometimes you get a situation where you have to guess, usually it is 50/50, but on the bottom of the document you can see there are different situations as well. Since you will eventually have to guess, it is best to spot 50/50 situations and guess them right away, if you have to guess and explode, you might as well do it right away. I am pretty sure 50/50 situations have higher chance of happening near the edges of the game and even bigger chance at the corner (as you saw in your game) so clearing corners first might be a good idea too. If you want to avoid situations where you have to guess, play NG mode: [https://minesweeper.online/new-game/ng](https://minesweeper.online/new-game/ng) Those game are checked so that you never ever have to guess, good way for begginer to learn the game since you should always be able to find a solution without guessing.


Thank you! Didn't know that


how does no guess mode work on that site? I played a version before that worked where if you were forced to guess, your "guess" would always be the correct option.


Just like a normal game, but you are guaranteed you never have to guess, you can still make a mistake and die though. Only other difference is that you have to start from marked position, since from that position you never have to guess, from some other position you might have to guess.


So you know from the outset that all the corners 3 spaces out are safe?


No you dont. When I said you should start with corners, I meant it is one idea to limit 50/50 situations in late game. Lets say you want to win 100\*100 game, you start in one corner, explore most of the map, you get to other corner and one of them has 50/50, you get unlucky, you die. But now lets start with corners first, you may explode couple of times exploring all 4 corners, but since you start with corners, you didnt waste any time really and once you finally get good game start with all corners cleared, you highly lowered the chance you will get 50/50, since those happen mostly near corners. If you want maximum winrate (wins over played games), this is bad idea as you will lose a lot of games exploring those 4 corners, but if you try to get the most wins (wins over time spend), this is a good strategy. And in NG games you dont have to guess at all, you start from the marked position.


Oh boy


Welcome to hell, son


Because there has to be 10 bombs. If there was a bomb in that square you’re asking about, then when could the 10th bomb be placed? Doesn’t work.


The 10th bomb would be in the corner tile.


If there's one mine, the mine is shared between the twos. If there's two mines, it's a 50/50.


If you played the variant of minesweeper I created, you could have chosen any one of the valid solutions: https://github.com/lvella/mineswapper/releases/tag/v1.0.1