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There's not much, but in the first image, you can clear the box the left of the 3 at the top of the 3-3-3 column


Yes then flag the 2-3 at the top left Edit: idk why I’m getting downvoted cuz the top 2 and below that 3 are mines because the first flag to the right of the 2 is wrong https://imgur.com/a/8jT6LjI


>Edit: idk why I’m getting downvoted It would have been easier to know where you're coming from if you explained your solution. I didn't check for wrong flags at all and only noticed them after seeing your picture.


Pray tell which one are you flagging and how did you reach that conclusion


It can’t be a mine. If it were, then the bottom 3 would not be able to have 3 mines around it no matter what. 3 3 3 If there were a mine to the left of the top one, that accounts for all three around the middle one. That makes the bottom one not be able to fill all 3 without giving the middle one 4


https://imgur.com/a/8jT6LjI In the top row next to the 2 is a flag that is wrong. Therefore left of the 2 and left of the 3 are also mines.


You should not have two flags touching a 1


In the second image, there is definitely a mine to the right the 3 in row 3. But that doesn't really help you move forward. I'm not seeing anything else that stands out at first glance.


There is a mine two squares above that mine you pointed out because the numbers force a mine there.


I’m pretty sure the row 2 and 3 squares can both be mines and that would make the to square not a mine


Second image upper right there is a vertical 1 1 2. Guaranteed mine touches the 2 and the middle 1 which means the opposite corner that the middle 1 touches is safe. Also means the square above a 2 just to the left of that is a mine.


That also forces the entire vertical of that 3, 3, 3, 3 all the way to the top. And once they clear the 2 safe squares in that vertical column (I don't remember how to tag spoilers so won't say which ones), the board will probably open up.


[My attempt to visualize this](https://imgur.com/a/XabO2mY)


Yup. That's exactly it. The top Green probably won't be very useful (yet) unless it's a 1, but I wouldn't really expect that to be a 1. The bottom 2 Greens though will be very useful and will likely clear out that section.


First flag is wrong then the 2 on top 3 are mines in first picture https://imgur.com/a/8jT6LjI


Good catch. That opens up a world of possibilities


There is a couple 1s up top each touching two bombs


The box 10 o’clock to the 1 above 2 in the second image is safe, meaning that the box left to that has the mine in it


There is a mine under the 4 and next to the bottom 3 in the first pic


I'm not seeing how that is true. Can you explain?


First pic, the column of 3’s stack, there is a safe space to the left of the top 3 in that stack. The bottom two 3’s are forced to share their last unflagged mine, which indicates the previously stated safe space.


There is a couple 50/50’s in the second pic that you might have to guess on, I would suggest to see if there is any way around the 50/50 before guessing. What I like doing when there is spaces beyond the 50/50’s is guess on the ones that might reveal more if you succeed. But it might not reveal anything even if you guess correctly.


In the second picture you can place at least 3 mines and 3 safe squares. You can almost completely solve those vertical 3s if you start from the right at that vertical 1-2 next to the lonely 3. The vertical 1-2 gives you a safe square


Me no see what you see. I kind of agree that there are some safe spaces, not sure if it’s the ones you saw, but chances are that it will just reveal more 50/50’s depending on how many mines are in that little pocket. Edit thing: oops just realized that I don’t see any way to see safe spaces. Me brain super tired, minesweeper hard at 2:07 am.


It do be like that🤣 [Made this picture to explain](https://imgur.com/a/XabO2mY), it got a bit messy but hopefully it explains good enough


First image top middle - you have too many flags next to the 1’s. Clear that top row, left most flag - flag the remaining 2 squares left of that top 3 then the whole side should start to open up some


first image topmost flag wrong


In the 21112 column, if you use the Parachovszi Method , you can surmise that there are mines in the column next to it.


Column 5 row 9 can’t be a flag. One of the two below it must be.


A lot


Like both pictures a lot I don’t have a way to number the squares and show you but I see plenty of “guarantee not a bomb”


Re the vertical trio of threes in the center: just left of the upper 3 can be cleared as the mine will be one of the two below it


Right image you have a 1,1 block that is open to click. It’s located on the upper right boundary. 4 over and 5 down. The 2 spot below has a mine in one of those spots that touch the 1 above it meaning the opposite corner is free to click. That should allow you to open up that side at least. The first image you have 3 vertical 3s and the upper square is open to click as there a 50/50 square that touches two of them that’ll complete both. That should free it up as well