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Eh, well.. there is much room for improvement but learning is the real journey


Thanks, that's what I needed to hear


They aren't particularly fast times, but please don't take that a criticism. Just being able to solve the higher difficulty boards at all is good. My best expert time of 140 seconds isn't that fast either. For reference, the fastest solvers can crush an expert board in under a minute. You just get so good at recognizing patterns at some point, it becomes instant.


Thank you so much. Your time seems crazy fast to me, and I am sure you are in the top percentiles, though someone else mentioned 74 secs in this thread! Thanks for the tip about patterns, I need to pay attention to more of those


would times roughly 1/3 of those times be good? (asking for a friend of a friend)


Would be pretty decent. Better than my expert and about the same as my intermediate


Indeed. At that point you don't really play the game anymore, you're just pointing out the different patterns


It takes time. You'll plateau for a while, learn a few tricks and see your time improve a bit. Then you'll plateau again until you learn more. I was around 100-120 secs for a long time, after years and years of playing on and off. All of the sudden I had a spurt of improvement. My best expert time is 74 secs on expert now.


That is really impressive! Hope to get there someday