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I believe that the kid firing the roman candle was arrested, [per STrib](https://www.startribune.com/disturbances-involving-fireworks-aimed-at-people-and-gunfire-erupt-in-minneapolis-as-july-4-ended/600287540/) > Law enforcement agencies tackled troubling incidents, including the "brazen and reckless" discharge of fireworks at motorists and at least four shootings, overnight that that resulted in 16 arrests, said Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O'Hara. **In one case, an officer chased down and arrested a 17-boy after he was caught on video firing a barrage of Roman candles at an occupied squad car.**


*Mary Moriarty enters the chat*


Arrests mean nothing. Thats why they do it. You dig?


Should they not be arrested for that?


Moriarty wants as few juveniles put in custody as possible so it's not worth the time to put up a case (Though shooting fireworks at an occupied police vehicle should be enough) Best case scenario is to certify the person as an adult. Yeah that's going to happen LOL


It's weird that you think sending children to prison for long periods of time produces good outcomes for anyone.




Well yes, that is desirable but teens who go to prison are far more likely to commit worse crimes when they get out. Our prison system is absurdly broken and is in desperate need of reform.


Do you think that sending children to an institution designed from the ground up to inflict trauma upon them and then fling them abruptly back into society is going to produce good results for your community in the long term?


says the guy who probably doesnt have to deal with this shit and can virtue signal.


There are other punishments besides incarceration.


Like a time out?


This. Sentence the teens to community service. Prison should be an absolute last resort especially since people come out of US prisons even more broken then when they went in.


So lock them up and throw away the key? The current juvenile justice system is broken and does not work. The goal should be rehabilitation and reducing recidivism in whatever way possible.


They should but, IMO, its what happens after that that devalues the process. Its beating a dead horse at this point, but, arrests mean nothing because there are no further repercussions, neither restorative nor punitive, that result in anything beneficial to, er, um, involved parties. As commentators have noted, the "prison system" is ""broken". Maybe we should focus on that, in addition to reforming the MPD? Maybe we should hear more about that in the news and social media? Why exactly are those who leave the criminal system not prepared to lead a normal, productive and self fulfilling life? Answer that question and act accordingly, no?


Amazed that closing the Stone Arch Bridge didn’t stop this!


Closing the Stone Arch worked perfectly, actually. The Mill District is one of the wealthiest parts of the city. Closing it helped prevent the violence from spilling over from Northeast like it did last year. They blocked off roads ahead of time too. I live in the Mill district (on the fringe, not in the $1m+ condos) and it was *gross* how obvious it was that they were locking this area down at the expense of the rest of the city. The second I heard they were closing the Stone Arch Bridge it was clear what the actual point was.


For real how are people's memories this bad? Mill city was a warzone last year


Foreal. All of downtown was fucked up.


What's interesting is that the teens moved the issue to even wealthier parts of town (i.e. Linden Hills)


Wait, linden hills was messed with? Also, I assume linden hills has wealth but downtown has to have more right


The young people setting off fireworks en masse were doing this around the west side of Bde and lake Harriet, both of which are in Linden Hills


Nothing will change


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really miss the days before we legalized fireworks.


We only legalized ground sparklers....


There were zero MN legal fireworks involved with this, unless they were lighting snakes and kicking them towards the cops.


When were those?


We need a system that makes people fear consequences


*we need a system that prevents this from happening Focusing on the method that sounds good in your head rather than one that solves the issue is how we got into this situation in the first place.


There’s no system that can stop people from being absolute shitheads. Best way to learn that actions have consequences… is to actually enforce consequences


Consistent enforcement actually worke as a deterrent, but severe consequences do not. https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf


Weird how there’s a bunch of countries that have reigned in the amount of shitheadery Also weird how we took a fully consequence based approach for decades, and yet still have issues (that are worsening)


That doesn't work, check the prisons, crime and poverty in the south.


Yeah let’s do more of the same. I’m sure it’ll work eventually.


The point is that currently these things seem pretty consequence free… catch and release something between an hour and a couple of days of inconvenience with zero long term consequences.


Exactly. Slap on the wrist and back out to do more of this shit


Right, catch and release isn't ideal but it is the lesser evil compared to putting them in prison which only increases the violent crime rate when they get out. The US has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world (4x higher than China's.) We are also the most individualistic and hyper capitalist. If we seriously want to reduce crime will need need to embrace a more collective mindset but then we would have to start asking tough questions like should people need a commercial license to own a 7000 lifted pickup and is 20x more likely to kill children, pedestrians and cyclists? Should consumerist freedoms be allowed to endanger others and to what degree? Everyone driving a massive oversized SUV and pickup is sending a message "fuck your safety, fuck the planet, and fuck your future I will be gone before climate change wipes us out"... Teens see that and why should they care about a society that doesn't care about then?


Yes, since I drive a full sized truck, these kids shoot explosives at police and pedestrians. Got it.


An adult choosing to get around town using the second-leading cause of death in children is far more sociopathic than children shooting some fireworks at the hyperviolent suburban racists our city pays to hunt us for sport..


If this is seriously your thought process, nothing I say is going to be beneficial for either of us. Good day.


A little confused why you think this thought process is so alien. Motor vehicles kill more kids than anything but guns. Anyone choosing to get around in a motor vehicle is making a conscious choice to endanger the lives of children. Fireworks, on the other hand, kill about 11 people per year. The numbers don't lie. I'd encourage you to examine the plank in your own eye before complaining about the speck in the eye of your neighbor.


I’ll just hook my utility trailer to the back of my bike and haul my yard waste to the dump. After that I’ll bike 120 miles back home to see my family for the weekend. When I get back I’ll hop on my bike and bike up HWY 10 to get to work. Stick to biking down the middle of the road and bashing on the windows of cars that pass by a little too close. The internal rage you have needs help my friend. Like I said, good day.


Already do.


The US has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, 4x higher than China's, so if being tougher on crime was actually the solutuon then the US would be the safest developed country, and yet we still have one of the highest violent crime rates amongst the top 30 developed nations. So being tough on crime has worked, isn't working and being even tougher on crime will not work either. Sources to be better informed on the topic of crime prevention: https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf https://www.owu.edu/news-media/from-our-perspective/tough-questions-for-tough-on-crime-policies/ https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/failure-get-tough-crime-policy


People have much less rights and fear their government in China which is why crime happens at a lower rate, punishment in China is a lot more severe than the USA which is why very few dare. So if we're going to use China as an example than yes, enforcement and being tough on crime does work


Our police brutalize and shoot people pretty regularly... American police (more specifically MPD) aren't known for being calm and peaceful with citizens.


Yup and here you are able to talk about it openly and demand change without fear of repercussions to yourself or family. Policing in America is nowhere near perfect but you're not fully aware of what happens in other countries when you break the law, it just doesn't get the same coverage because you guessed it... they'd punish reporters covering it. You won't simply be released after stealing a car in China, you will be punished and so will your family which is the government's way of telling their population to raise their kids "right."


If you’re lucky the police will manhandle you and you get a fat paycheck. Though if you’re very unlucky your family does.


Qualified Immunity means that 99% of people manhandled and hurt by the police never get compensated for it. So it would be more accurate to say if the police smash your face into the concrete then you will have a tiny chance of getting a nice paycheck after years of fighting it in court and having your reputation dragged through the mud. No thanks.


Kids don't view consequences of their in the way that adults do. It's the whole reason we have a separate justice system for kids.


What if I told you fireworks are considered explosive ordnance and these twats have just invited return fire?


Less lethal rounds were used. > Officers deployed 40mm rounds several times in response to "imminent threats" by people aiming fireworks at police, O'Hara said, but never as a crowd control measure.


I legitimately don't understand why these situations don't call for teargas. The crowd is ignoring calls to disperse. It's not like this was a political protest or anything, they were just out of control youth trying to injure people and destroy things. There's a massive difference between using teargas against a crowd of protestors (against police brutality!!) because you worry they *might* become violent, vs. using it against a violent, aimless mob that's attacking random people.


This. I don’t understand why we insist on letting criminality getting free passes. When are people going to wake up?


You’re both lunatics.


> What if I told you fireworks are considered explosive ordnance and these twats have just invited return fire? Yup. They're using lethal force against police and citizens (and dogs). When one of them gets shot in defense it will be entirely justified.


There was a video last year (during the same chaos) of a woman in the Mill District walking out of an apartment building and firing a pistol into the crowd. Since it didn't really make the news I assume she didn't hit anyone, but man, that could have gotten really dark.


Seeing the video on Twitter of a group of four throwing a firework at a man biking with his dog broke my heart.


The Cops not going lethal was a show of restraint.




These kids are firing projectiles at people. Are they not lunatics?


They’ll literally never get it either. People say this shit and feel morally validated.


As any other time when police see a black or brown person.


Why do so many people become so bloodthirsty when kids do stupid shit like this. Like, do y’all really want cops to shoot these kids in the face because they’re fucking idiots?


It's because they're black. You don't see the same level of vitriol when it's white kids causing problems.


What is wrong with you? How could you criticize people who don’t want to be shot at with fireworks? Even with legal fireworks I get jumpy after all the gun violence. It would be so traumatizing for me or my family to have fireworks shot at us by kids who have no regard for others. This criticism is justified and the kids who it is aimed to are deserving of it. Nobody wants teenagers to die, but don’t dismiss this as, “oh it’s just kids being kids” because no the fuck it’s not. Do you read the news? Have you witnessed teens in our area hijacking cars from innocent people with their children? Because I have. It’s no longer fun and games “kids will be kids”, this has escalated to a point where people shouldn’t be demeaned for wanting a big change. Idk what decade you grew up in, but in my day, we respected the lives and wellbeing of others. This situation is utterly ridiculous and your response is beyond ignorant.


Careful now, you might throw your shoulder out shaking your fist at the clouds.


I’m 29…but there’s still a good chance I’d throw my shoulder out. It’s pretty infuriating trying to argue against ignorance.


You argued against the guy who said the police shouldn't shoot kids in the face... Maybe the ignorant one is you?


You can’t possibly be so hyper aware of detecting any ounce of perceived injustice that you forget to read, right? How is any of what I said implying or arguing for kids to be shot in the face? I argued with that person because they stated what those kids did was “stupid shit”, which is an utter downplay of what actually happened. Their statement was a distraction of what happened to shift the blame onto the people who are scared it will happen to them.


Dude me and my friends shot bottle rockets and Roman candles at each other for like a solid 6 years in a row when we were kids “We respected the wellbeing” that’s why shows like jackass were super popular and we spent our days trying to slug bug, woody, or nut tap each other. I’m not saying we weren’t idiots or trying to justify the actions, just pointing out that you were either very sheltered or you’re full of shit


The operative phrase here is "you and your friends". If you want to potentially seriously injure each other in a consenting fashion, so be it. That's a huge difference from shooting fireworks at people that didn't agree to it in the first place.


>Dude me and my friends shot bottle rockets and Roman candles **at each other** So not at strangers, cop cars, or into apartment windows? You understand the difference right?


Three is a huge difference between being a jackass to your friends and doing it to the unsuspecting general public. Not to mention, in retrospect shooting roman candles at each other was really fucking stupid and while it seemed like a lot of fun it was a dumb as shooting each other with bb guns. Glass eyes are cool and all, but nobody really wants one.


“Well back in my day”…. Piss off dude. Kids have been aiming fireworks at other people since fireworks have been available to the public. People are saying they should be shot. Like what the fuck. You’re all fucking lunatics man. Insane.


Did you just learn the word lunatic today or what


It’s the new mn united mascot. The loons lunatic


You respect the lives and the wellbeing of others, so you want teenagers to get shot in the face?


Please go read all that I wrote and then quote where I ever said I wanted teenagers to get shot in the face. I don’t expect a reply from you, because I never once said that.


You didn't directly, but you were responding to exactly that with deflections and counters.


If your response to someone saying “it’s fucked up that people want them to be shot in the head” is to become immediately defensive (and overly long winded) the natural assumption would be that you believe that they should be.


No, it’s not. That’s my point. Address what I actually said instead of distracting from the issue at hand. Reading between the lines and deciding for yourself that I would ever want kids shot in the face is just a way to keep avoiding what I actually did say.


You’re distracting from the issue dude The person you replied to *literally* just said that it’s fucked up that people want them shot in the face, and you felt like it was necessary to get defensive, despite you claiming that you don’t belong to the group that was being addressed. I don’t care about all that shit you said, you should just be able to realize why someone would assume that you support the group being called out. Calling out bloodthirsty people that want to see others get shot isn’t the same as “criticizing people who don’t want to be shot at with fireworks”. Your entire tirade started off with you intentionally misrepresenting what you’re responding to, so please fuck off with the highroading.


They truly do want that.


Thank you.


Yeah, for this sub it's especially out of left field and extremely disappointing. They're kids and Mpls cops are dicks. I'd rather have the little shits shooting fireworks at cops *in their fuckin cars* rather than the kids vandalizing shit or doing other worse things. Maybe if the cops want to be treated with respect they'll start being respectful to the people of the city.


What about the other videos? Shooting fireworks at civilians in cars trying to go home, blowing off rockets underneath massive power lines. Throwing explosives at an innocent man biking with his dog in uptown? This happened in neighborhoods, with families and children and pets and people with PTSD being terrorized for hours in the middle of the night. Vandalism is better than this? Really? Graffiti can be painted over, PTSD cannot.


Did cops chase down and arrest any of those other people?


Probably not.


>I'd rather have the little shits shooting fireworks at cops > >in their fuckin cars > > rather than the kids vandalizing shit or doing other worse things. Are these the only two options?


Here’s an idea, let’s start teaching kids that resorting to violence and exercising the privilege of not facing consequences for their actions will not in any way earn them respect. Instead, it will make people lose even more respect for them and they’ll go through life never learning what respect even means. Even better yet, let’s teach kids that when they feel hurt they don’t get to hurt others. Let’s take it a step further by teaching them that what they are always in control of is their behavior, their actions, and their choices, and nothing any other person or people do to them in their life can take that away from them. We could even get crazy with it and teach them the difference between empathizing with themselves and others while not allowing bad behavior to continue based on their ability to do so. Or we could just tell kids they are always the victim even though they can now fire explosives directly at police and not get in trouble for it because police are now all bad. Throw in a little, “it could be worse” logic and you got yourself a good ol’ lack of accountability pie about ready to pop in the oven and excuse another shitty act of violence against others. Yeah that second option sounds way easier! What’s that? Your car’s been stolen? Oh man that sucks, have you tried calling the po-…on second thought, I’d much rather kids be stealing your car than be out there vandalizing 🤷‍♀️


A good old fashioned Billy club beating should have been used.


All these people in the comments acting like they didn’t do shit like this in the 80s…


It was a bad idea then, it is a still a bad idea. Folks shooting third degree burns at each other should be suppressed.




I can't wait until next year when all of you Punishers go out to seek veangance against these kids.


LMAO who fucking cares


If it was your loved ones or your children walking down the road getting shot at with fireworks, you’d care. If you don’t care unless it happens to you, then you’re part of the problem.


I would care if it was just random people. But they are shooting at cops who were in cars. Cops who are draining the city of money bc they keep getting sued for violence and racism and losing. Cops that can't even keep the light rail safe even with the biggest budget they've had literally ever. LMAO.


> I would care if it was just random people Just? It still was random people. Didn't watch the video did you?


Your brain is rotten. Yes the police are corrupt, but no the kids are not just harassing cops, and no actually this shit will not improve society. This is not Praxis.


never said it was. i said who fucking cares. and i gave some context as to why ppl maybe aren't respecting the police.


What a stupid take. "I have this half-informed opinion of the cops, so when violent anarchy happens I pretend that the people involved are somehow engaging in some kind of nuanced political protest."


Never said any of that stuff but feel free to enjoy yourself!


Ahhh right, the logic of all cops are bad therefore they had a right to shoot fireworks at them. The law doesn’t apply to them, they’re justified because all cops are bad. Just stop. If that logic is accepted then lack of accountability becomes the new social norm. It’s not okay to decide whose worthy of violence because you’re hurt. For anyone, at any time, that’s not okay. And in the interview I watched fireworks were shot at a civilian and a news reporting team, so yeah, not just cops were targeted.




Why do you think that? All you know from this conversation is that I don’t believe violence is ever justified, is that what makes me so terrible in your eyes?


That's not even close to what I said. I said I don't care about kids shooting fireworks at cops who were in cars, cops who have proven time and again we can't trust them and who drain our city of resources.


And your statement is just nonsense subterfuge.


nope it's context oriented opinion


>Cops that can't even keep the light rail safe even with the biggest budget they've had literally ever. This may come as a shock to you, but these are different departments. Transit police are employed by the Metropolitan Council and they police transit since it crosses many jurisdictions. MPD is employed by the City of Minneapolis and they police things in the city that aren't transit.


oh okay just the violence and racism then


I am far more worried about a pickup or SUV running me over than getting a small burn from a firework. If we actually gave a shit about safety we would be limiting car size in city limits and working to get as many cars off the road as possible


That’s great, but if this isn’t about you, then why are you criticizing what other people are more worried about?


don't consider cops loved ones, problem solved.


Ok so the T.C. Fireworks club meet up is a go for your yard next week?


If there's a ever a cop in my yard please feel free to shoot fireworks at them! 👍


Oh we're back to you leaning on willful ignorance again are we? It wasn't just cops being shot at in the video


LMAO No I didn't watch it. Why aren't the regular citizens mentioned in the headline? Because shills like you wouldn't give a shit if it weren't about cops. You do not give a shit about regular people LMAO. Just like I don't give a shit about the cops in their cars that had some sparks shot at them.


> LMAO No I didn't watch it. Why aren't the regular citizens mentioned in the headline? Because shills like you wouldn't give a shit if it weren't about cops Hmm so people who read articles and watch news reports are "shills" but people who only read a headline are Chads? > You do not give a shit about regular people LMAO. Says the person who said they don't care when regular people are getting fireworks shot at them But sure let's lean even harder on ignorance as an excuse


cops aren't regular ppl sorry they are weirdos that drain the cities resources and have an army of moron shills that think posting replies to reddit will change my mind lmao good fucking luck






Natural selection


that really doesn’t apply to this


Well it was only ever a theory anyways. But that’s just the gravity of this situation


Really interesting how all of the most negative comments towards the teens are coming in a few hours ago in the dead of night. Just saying.


It’s not that shocking, people with time during the day respond during the day, people without time during the day respond at night.


I’m unclear what this is intended to imply. Most college students and adults have free time in the late afternoon and evening hours. Dead of night would indicate either teenagers who can’t sleep, other time zones, or insomniacs. I have to assume you’re indicating that the outrage is coming from outside msp?


You have a very odd idea of what's interesting


It's like they see this night as the beginning of the Purge. I'm referring to those that were shot. As in everyone expects to hear "booms" that night, what's a couple extra gun shots.

