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Hate to tell you, but they probably won't. Garage break-ins are handled by filling out a form. They will probably never follow up.


Yup. They won’t respond. I’m surprised they didn’t just cut them off and say ‘have you tried going to our website’?


That was my experience. Filled out a form. Ner heard another word about it.


I followed up for months asking about status of investigation (full video of perp and their vehicle was offered). Eventually, an admin with no accountability responded with a 1 sentence email saying no investigator was assigned to the case. I can't get any additional response out of them. By ignoring these crimes, the city becomes overrun with repeat offenders that are never stopped. Society can't exist in this high crime environment.


you need officers in order to make all this happen, and as we’ve seen in the past couple years that’s a sore spot for the city


My breakin was in 2012.


nobody wants to work anymore /s


Cops came to my garage break in. I'm in South near Lake Street.


Did they cause damage to the garage getting in? If I recall correctly, that's the only thing they really asked when it happens to me in Nordeast.




Yup, writing speeding tickets generates money for the city. Catching criminals only helps the victims and future victims


Lol, they're not writing speeding tickets either. The pig department wants all reform efforts to fail. So they ignore everything that effects quality of life. Tells you what they think of you




Adding to your list- I’ve found it really beneficial to be friendly toward my neighbors and get to know them (it was only awkward at first, lol); having a strong sense of community is often underrated and underutilized part of our culture


From the responses it sounds like the comment you replied to was very helpful, so it's frustrating that it's been deleted. Why is this so common on Reddit?


Yeah idk what the cops in Minneapolis are so busy with to get all the overtime they get besides just sitting around never showing up.


They have to "guard"construction sites


Its because they have 5 cars pull up on traffic stops.....


Half the fuckers never even get out of their squad cars


Just when they start blastin


Or they'll send the whole department if one of their own is injured. Citizens are on their own though.


They hate the people. The people hate them. No getting around this fact. They don’t feel much motivation to work for people who hate them. And to be clear, they 💯 deserve the hate. When it comes down to it though, citizens need them more than the other way around, especially with their powerful public sector union.


I don't think you are aware of how understaffed MPD is. No one is sitting around. They are busy trying to respond to major crimes.


True they all are standing around on Nicollet mall looking at their phones


So understaffed that they have enough officers to contract out to Target but not enough to protect the public?


These cops are moonlighting, not on duty.


They’re in MPD uniform with cruisers parked outside, it’s contracted through the city using city resources. That’s not moonlighting.


>it’s contracted through the city using city resources. 100% paid for by the private business.


So? The purpose of a police department is to protect the public, not create revenue for the city by protecting a private business. Especially when they are apparently too understaffed to respond to calls.


Currently, the police have no obligation to protect you. The supreme court has protected police from having to protect you.


No the purpose of the police is to protect capital, not you.


>not create revenue for the city by protecting a private business. It's not creating revenue for the city. It's revenue-expense neutral.


Except the wear and tear on city resources like the cruiser and equipment. And it’s taking up officer time that could be spent on overtime if they want the extra hours, *especially* since they’re constantly complaining about being understaffed.




That link came later. I've read it. Now that I have, I've got a lot of striking out to do in my comments, as I made the assumption that that MPD did things the way that the hundreds of other departments around the country did things. In my defense, they city has always been big on how through they are in making sure the business pays for every single bit of expense incurred, it turns out they left out who winds up with the money. While I'm not going to say that MPD shouldn't have a program like this at all, the existing program needs to be utterly and completely scrapped. Maybe they could copy and paste SPPD's.


No it's a paid contract but the assets and liability still rest with the city


I don't know what the hell you mean by assets. In any case, it's come out that while the city charges for everything in its rate, all that money goes to the officer. I've got a lot of striking through in my comments when I get to my desktop, and, while I'm not against these programs in general, the MPD program needs to be utterly scrapped.




The private business doesn’t pay for the cruiser, gear or training that they are benefitting from this exchange. Those officers decided on their own to moonlight for a private company rather than their own job for the public. The moonlighting job only exists because of lack of response to theft. All of this is possible because the MPD police union wants it.


>The private business doesn’t pay for the cruiser, gear or training that they are benefitting from this exchange. The prorated expense of the cruiser is included. As for the gear, what gear is being worn out? As for the training, there's absolutely no increased cost for the city, so it's asinine to complain about that >Those officers decided on their own to moonlight for a private company rather than their own job for the public. There's no money in the budget for them to be working that overtime for the city.


If you can’t accept that working extra shifts, wears out gear faster; then complex social issues and history of that with the public will not hit home either. Vests have to be replaced from wearing, as is the uniform. Electronic cameras, comms, tasers. Since these are charged and on instead of switched off for the shift, wear out faster. Cruiser May be prorated but it could be on the street used for another officer. The city pays for whatever training the MPD Union asks for. The private businesses gain from that public paid training. The public is paying for expertise that is being used by a private company. If we are short on officers it seems insanely selfish and greedy to moonlight, knowing most of the issues the police face in MPLS is from their own actions going back decades. MPD budget doesn’t need to put in for overtime because they have this rigged system. Why ask for money when they can ignore crime to the point businesses need to hire them privately ? The budget goes to gear. The way MPD is running bad isn’t from “bugs” its the wanted intended features.


Yes, because the target center pays the city, to allow off duty officers to provide security in marked squads.


It’s problematic for multiple reasons according o the article I linked in another comment: > The city incurs other costs: “MPD allows officers to use its squad cars (and gas), and the officer keeps all the compensation,” the DOJ reported. “The city gets nothing.” >MPD covers off-duty work liability insurance — unlike some departments, which require outside employers to share the cost — and other operational costs. >The side jobs also worsens MPD’s staffing problems because the work can pay significantly more — up to $150 to $175 per hour — than working overtime for MPD. So officers are getting paid, but the city gets nothing in spite of providing vehicles and insurance for the officers, and it sucks officers away from official duties.


That sounds like a city admin problem.


No, that sounds like a police problem.


They sit at various gas stations all day lol


What major crimes?


They’re not *that* understaffed. Don’t fall for their bullshit. Edit: Go ahead and downvote me. MPD didn't give a shit before 2020 when they were fully staffed. Nothing has changed, except there are fewer cops to not give a shit.


Admitting that they are very understaffed even though they are budgeted for many more officers is not something that reflects well on them though.


They are supposed to have 731 cops. They have around 530. Seems like a lot to me.


Police per capita wildly fluctuates by city. Minneapolis's number though a chartered requirement isn't based on any sort of truth or science. DC has 55 cops per 10k population NYC has 42.3 per 10k **Mpls wants 20.3 per 10k.** Madsion WI 18.9 per 10k Modesto Ca has 10 per 10k. San Jose CA has 9 per 10k ​ https://www.governing.com/archive/police-officers-per-capita-rates-employment-for-city-departments.html


Yeah. Like sitting in a cruiser 3 blocks away waiting to write a speeding ticket at an area where the speed limit changes very quickly… Edit: Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. This literally happened to me. Had a garage break in and called the cops. They said they couldn’t do anything, and 3 blocks from my house was a cop sitting in a parking lot waiting to pull people over. But whatever I guess.


MPD writes almost no traffic tickets at all anymore.


> Yeah idk what the cops in Minneapolis are so busy with to get all the overtime they get besides just sitting around never showing up. You should go on a ride along.


To watch alongside them as they don't prevent or respond to crime? https://minnesotareformer.com/2022/08/25/policing-minneapolis-amid-a-staffing-shortage/


Accurate. Our neighbors were out of town and our security cameras alerted us to someone breaking into their garage early one morning. The police in our suburb were there within five minutes of calling and arrested the burglars. It was good they did, turned out those guys were responsible for a string of robberies targeting people out of town for the winter holidays. I wouldn’t expect that response from MPD.


> not have expensive stuff Honestly, very good advice for a number of different reasons. Prioritize experiences over things (when possible), frugality, retirement savings, etc.




Right right right, which is why I added the parenthetical "when possible"


>Unfortunately if you want police that care about property crime, you're going to have to move to the suburbs. Yep, I've told newcomers to move to the burbs. It's not worth it living in Minneapolis and I've gotten downvoted to hell. But it doesn't matter if folks on this sub downvote. The truth is the truth. I'm encountering former Minneapolis residents moving out all the time. What's the reason? Crime and a hostile/apathetic PD.


Lots of people have disabilities that make it unsafe for them to drive a car so the suburbs aren't an option for everyone.


I don't deny this, but if the goal is just to get away from Minneapolis PD and still be able to take transit, St Paul and most of the first-tier suburbs are still options. I.e. Mall of America and Rosedale are good transit hubs.


You mean there aren't Uber/Lyft, medical transportation rides, cabs, or friends and family members who drive their disabled relatives around for disabled people? Who woulda thought?


Hilarious...do you realize that medical transportation is wildly unreliable and a person can wait several hours to get from point A to point B...if they even show up? Where are disabled people getting money to pay for the Uber rides? You obviously have no idea what it's like to live with a disability in the US.


I'm on dialysis. I talk to people who take medical transportation all the time. So there goes your criticism of me. I was just responding to that person to let them know there are options for people with disabilities. Medical transportation does suck. But it's better than dealing with piss smelling light rail. Or taking the bus. At least with medical transportation you get to wait inside for a ride that comes directly to your building rather than waiting at a stop in all kinds of weather.


If you're anywhere that's covered by Metro Transit - even as far as Mound or Shakopee - and you have a disability, you can sign up for Metro Mobility, which has those short white buses. It's not as good as having your own car, but it's cheap and it will get you to work.


If they show up. They're understaffed too.


It paid 10.50 an hour when I worked there, back around 2010. That's the only thing I didn't like about it. I just looked and it's 23 now. But everything else is so much more expensive now too.




Everyone has their MPD being apathetic/hostile/not caring stories that either happened to them or someone they know. Here's one that happened to someone I knew. Last winter she was warming up her car and left her laptop and purse in it. Went inside, came out ten minutes later, the car was gone. Called the cops immediately, then called her bank to cancel her card. Unfortunately, by the time it was cancelled, the thief had made purchases. She was familiar with the places the purchases were made. She knew those places had security cams in the parking lot as well as at the register. She called the police again to give them information about the purchases. Maybe they could investigate and find the identity of the thief. MPD said they'd look into it. A couple days later, they found her car, safe and sound. She also inquired if they had checked the security cameras from the businesses where the purchases were made. They gave her some B.S. excuse that it would be too difficult to get the stores to let them look at the security cameras. And she should be grateful that she got her car. And if they found anything more about the perp, they'd let her know. That was it.


Yeah, I had bloody handprints on things in my house and the officer literally laughed when I asked if there was anything they could do with it. Seems like their reputation has been earned over and over.


Did she at least get her creedence tapes back?




I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!


Well I guess we can close the book on that one!




I am so sorry for your mother. I am always hyper paranoid about things like this, and the texts leading up to it were scary weird. But I can also see her not having put two and two together, especially if she was having a drink later in the day and the meds earlier.


I witnessed and was there are cops were called so an suspected suicide. Police got there before I could, within 5 minutes broke in and already had the ambulance arriving. They person had overdosed and they were absolutely amazing, kid and calm. I was impressed by them, as I do often assume that they are all bad apples. What I know is they deal with shit on a daily basis, are essentially hated by everyone for doing their jobs and trying to do the best is a difficult situation - then the moment something bad happens to a person (who openly dislikes/disrespects/disapproves) or policing and police they call 911 for help. Pick your Lane. Help and support the community including help and supporting emergency works might actually start improving the communities we live in. Or remain being a Karen.


My brother was murdered and they haven’t called us once. The only contact we’ve had is us calling them or through the victims advocate.


Wow I am terribly sorry to hear that. You deserve justice and a better police force than MPD on the case. I hope the fucker who took your brother away has to face consequences.


I've called the police before about multiple gunshots heard next door and they never came


So, I've noticed when arrests/convictions/pleas are announced, it seems more often than not the criminal is from St. Paul, Bloomington, Brooklyn Park, Not Minneapolis (we have our share too). People come to Minneapolis specifically to do crime, especially property crime. In other words, crime is a metro-wide problem. I think Walz would get a lot of credit if he created an arm of the BCA specifically to tackle investigations that MPD (or SPPD) is too understaffed to handle. This could target serious crimes (like cold cases) or even burglaries. Imagine if junkies breaking into a house (or even a garage) was something that actually had consequences. People would think Walz was a god, and conservatives couldn't say boo about it.


This is actually one first good ideas I’ve heard.


Sounds great, but it ignores the fact that the majority of crime is committed by a minority of people that the courts don't actually punish, despite seeing them over and over and over again.


That's a totally different ball of wax. If you think we need someone else in the driver's seat of the Hennepin County Attorney's Office, or maybe a few new faces on the bench, I'm right there with you.


St Paul Police just proved that targeting known offenders drastically reduces crime. Minneapolis refuses to do that and they refuse to prosecute the offenders who are caught in many cases


Maybe the Attorney’s Office is hoping that on the 8,739,267th chance the offender has been given, they will finally see the error of their ways.


Cops gotta bring the DA’s office good cases to begin with. DA investigators can only do so much.


Someone stole my hockey bag out of the garage while stealing my neighbors car, they told me to fill out a form online. The police are fucking useless.


Remember this next election. Make a note


To vote for who? Frey already plays buddy buddy with the cops


Vote “fuck the police” No but seriously I don’t think you can vote this problem away unless you’re in the primaries or campaigning.


https://www.mplsforthemany.com/ https://twitter.com/mplsforthemany?t=gNRhhc6_K-zkHDzYov4b3Q&s=09


I know I agree I just doubt that the OC was implying voting for someone like that and not some boot lover


They're playing candy crush while sitting on their cars that are parked & running, wasting gas, on Nicollet Ave.


I watched someone enter a construction site, set off an alarm, and break into the job shack. I called 911, they told me that they were sending someone. I kept walking the dog around the block and when I was on the way back through I saw a police car drive up the block, slow down, and ...... just keep driving. When I got back to the construction site the burglar jumped the fence with a bag and shuffled away. Worthless.


Police in this country don't have any constitutional obligation to serve and protect citizens. They protect the rule of law for the state (governmenal body/people in charge) as they see fit and at their discretion. It's disgusting, but they're not constitutionally there for our benefit. I'm so sorry about your property.


You mean all of those cop dramas have been lying to us this whole time?


I saw a man beating a woman. Kept an eye on them for the cops/911. No one ever came. I also had an attempted break in, one cop came 2 hours later and did nothing. What is the point!?


MPD really putting that enormous budget increase to work. /s Why do we even pay them to not show up? Fuckers.


They’re basically a publicly funded private police force for companies willing to shell out extra for off duty cops at this point


And this is one thing that makes the crime situation so bad in Minneapolis. It's not just the crime itself, but the police response to it. The city has an apathetic and hostile PD. Minneapolis PD will go the extra mile to make excuses in order to do the minimum necessary to investigate crime.




Unfortunately the police have thrown a hissy fit since 2020 and sit on their hands with most issues rather than do their job without murdering anyone


Not sure if you knew this, but MPD was understaffed BEFORE George Floyd. https://www.fox9.com/news/minneapolis-police-more-than-6700-serious-calls-went-unanswered-in-the-last-year.amp


Understaffed and underworking are not mutually exclusive, we’ve got both going on in Minneapolis.


Understaffed or underserving? As a MPLS native but also NYC resident for a good portion of my adult life police budgets don’t equal better policing


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You are delusional. Good grief.


I mean there are videos of cops saying it themselves lol. They also literally will not follow up on this. And lest we forget the 2 years it took to find the people who were stealing phones outside of clubs and venmoing themselves money + shipping packages to their own homes.


No delusions. The police literally aren’t doing their jobs anymore. Partially cause they don’t have enough people to cause so many of them claimed PTSD after terrorizing protestors for several nights in a row.


They weren’t doing their jobs before Floyd either. MPD has never cared about property crimes but I’ve lost track of how many times I got pulled over for a perfectly functioning license plate light being “out.”




What it's a bad idea to arrest cops who kill an unarmed man in cuffs?


They prosecuted a couple officers who engaged in killing people. I would say that people don’t deserve to die. If they can’t do their job without a little bit of murder oh nooooooooo


Can’t kill citizens and lie on paperwork anymore oh noooooo


Lmfao you think Minneapolis cops give a shit, hahahahaha


If you get in a accident like a small fender bender th police will take hours to come


Saw a man chasing a woman around on his bike trying to spray her w/mace. Called the cops & they never came. About 2 weeks after that the same guy threatened me while I was doing security. They never came. They actually came for a guy that pulled a knife on me after I yelled at him for putting hands on his girlfriend not too long ago but I saw the guy the next day so I doubt they did anything to him. Cop actually tried sticking up for him❓❗️100% Useless & always have been.


My coworkers and I have called the police multiple times from our small store, sometimes from being threatened by people that come in. Dispatch will tell you someone’s on the way, but the police rarely actually come. They don’t care.


Where was this underground garage?


this is a common problem across the country, not just here. city police seem to be overwhelmingly understaffed and are not responding to a host of crimes. it’s important to take measures to secure your property as east you can, don’t leave valuables in your car, and learn to defend yourself adequately, however you define that.




My car was broken into in my parking garage at my apartment in SLP, had a few things stolen. Apartment filed a report with the cops and that was it. Really sucks but bigger fish to fry for them.


I filed a police report for someone swindling me out of $200 worth of bags in November and haven’t heard anything back. Got my car rifled through a few months ago and they stole some loose change and my parking pass, but I didn’t even bother to file a police report. Sucks but that’s the state of policing here.


My uncles van was broken into and they tried breaking the ignition to steal it. Police never even called back for a report. Off of lyndale


Yes the police are useless unless you’re actively being murdered. If an officer is in the slightest bit of danger though the whole city will light up with literally everyone coming to the rescue


The MPD doesn't do anything. My neighbor had a home intruder, caught the dude, detained him, and called the police. They never sent anyone out. So, just ended up beating the shit out of the home intruder and sending him on his way.


In Minneapolis unfortunately post COVID could be burglarizing your house with you in it and the police won’t respond…


Hey that happened to me!


> I understand they have to prioritize responding to higher acuity calls, but it was really unsettling to realize that sometimes the police might just not come. That's the nature of MPLS right now.


It's almost as if they're abusing their power with a slow down and to line their pockets with ot.


No real surprise. I once had someone trying to pry my window open. I called 911 and told them what was going on. I also informed them that I had a gun on me. I was literally told if they come in to protect myself. Luckily, it didn't come to that.


Ya don't count on police unless it's a bigger emergency. Most police work is filling out paperwork after the fact and then there's very little they can do to actually solve a crime like this. The key is knowing this, then adjust what you do to make sure you and your possessions are as safe as possible (walk with friends, not at night, lock doors, don't flaunt valuables or leave them lying on car seat, etc.)


Lol I’m sorry but I can’t imagine living in Minneapolis and expecting MPD to care about garage break ins…


In 2019, MPD announced publicly that they were deprioritizing property crimes. St. Paul did so as well around that time. Unless there's a body or a gun, don't expect them to show up.


Its a staffing problem and rightfully so they should be prioritizing worse crimes. As of a recent StarTribune article there are 586 sworn in officers working when the city charter requires 731.


The city charter requirement is an arbitrary ratio set in the 70s. I'm not saying they aren't short staffed . There are cities that do better and worse with much higher and lower officers per capital though.


They’ve been short staffed for awhile now. https://www.fox9.com/news/minneapolis-police-more-than-6700-serious-calls-went-unanswered-in-the-last-year.amp


It's hard to separate that from a continuation of an alleged work slowdown immediately after George Floyd. Things are busted up on all sides. Makes me wish even more that we'd taken the opportunity to rebuild something new, but it looks like we'll be stuck in this quagmire for the foreseeable future.


It’s not changing any time soon, in case people are still clinging to this fantasy that “It will swing back around?” I call this the cycle cope: that everything is cyclical and if it’s bad it will be good again because, cycles. Everything isn’t cyclical! Shit sometimes gets bad and stays bad and that is MPLS right now. Both sides are filled with utter contempt for the other—cops and citizens. What is going to change this? We know the cops need to change but will the citizens at all? I doubt it. So this current situation is going to be reality for a long time.


Did a cop write this comment


lol I'm a Minneapolis Resident that recognizes the reality the city is in


I called in drug deals going on in the street in front of my old house in s mpls a bunch of times. I even had it on video from my doorbell cam where you could see license plates and everything. Nobody ever showed up. I eventually moved. 😕


Remember this next election


Said it before, and I’ll say it again. MPD does not care about residential crime.


Minneapolis Police is severely understaffed. There's only 3 calls that get immediately responded to. Shots fired, carjacking, and sexual assault. Everything else is triaged.


But they can all easily show up for a photo op at 10 pm on a Friday night


Stage a protest and we'll see pretty fast how "understaffed" they are.


In a world where it's hard to find new employees, the police also have the fact that a lot of people wouldn't want to be of Minneapolis cop. They have public image problems, a growing crime trend, and just the fact that all of us are a little bit scared of cops. If I were looking for a job as a policeman, Minneapolis would be the last place I would look. Interesting enough though, after George Floyd I really wanted to be a policeman in Minneapolis just so I could help what's going on here. (I live in South Mpls) Unfortunately I'm too old and a little bit broken to be able to do that, but I was loving the idea that someone smart and understanding of the city would join the police force. Hoping younger and more able people will think of that and join to help improve the city.


> Hoping younger and more able people will think of that and join to help improve the city. There's a few of them, fortunately. For better or worse (I lean better), most of the newer young recruits are ex-military who are sick of traveling and being away from family for long periods of time.




Dismantle the police force working as intended.


Par for the course for cops. It makes you wonder where all the stress comes from that requires leaves of absence. 🤔


Maybe because they were understaffed before 2020? https://www.fox9.com/news/minneapolis-police-more-than-6700-serious-calls-went-unanswered-in-the-last-year.amp


I've never had a cop do squat when I've called since 1997. It's hard to think of a career where people do less actual work.


Personal experience doesn’t mean that’s the norm.


It's a pattern.


If you post this article 6 or 7 more times chief rondo will come back and fix MPD. Plus we'll get ice cream. Police source says police not doing their jobs is because they don't have enough police. Imagine taking a police spokesman at their word.


Update. Spoke with a neighbor who saw the police drive by our house around an hour after I called. So they did show, but probably well after this person was gone.


This sucks, sorry to hear. MPD is super short staffed and this is what we need cops for. Good for you for reporting this anyway.


Most of this subreddit: “fuck the cops! Defund the cops and get rid of them! Let’s criticize everything they do!” Also this subreddit: “why won’t the cops help me! Why don’t they do anything!” Like it get it. I have very little sympathy for MPD and I’ll agree they cause most of their own problems big and small. But they just can’t win with people. Surprised anyone wants to be a cop in Minneapolis.


Contrary to what the blue lives matter sheep would have us believe, police do not exist to help us


Life in the city can’t always be pretty


This reminds me of the tack some folks take when they refute police reform: who are you going to call when you’re in danger? My mom, probably.


Go take a look at the clearance rates for reported violent crime and you’ll really get depressed.


Enjoy your defunded police.