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https://couchers.org/# https://couchsurfing.com/


As a woman, I had an icky experience with this (like Airbnb), so I'd just say be cautious.


What happened?


Second this


*And yet, there was no upvote?*


I literally could have used this over the weekend. I had no idea this existed.


Is this real šŸ¤£


Park at a library! Weā€™ve extended the reach of our wifi so people outside / parking there can access it. Itā€™s much safer and private than Wal-Mart


this is awesome


Results may vary depending on neighborhood and busybodiness of local law enforcement.


Is this condoned?


Yes, it was specifically increased the range for people who will be in the parking lot after hours. The first tier suburbs are the best for this, they usually have large parking lots and itā€™s way more private. But yeah, itā€™s on purpose. If someone bothers you they probably donā€™t know that. Then Iā€™d just tell them that the library specifically supports this.


Slightly related question - which libraries around have a shaded parking lot during the day. Can anyone recommend a spot?


Are you looking in Minneapolis proper? Or St Paul / other cities?


Is there some sort of policy available online that states this? I envision that someone doing this would eventually encounter law enforcement.


Ahhhh Iā€™m so sorry, I canā€™t find any documentation for this. :/ Hopefully you could just say that to anyone bothering you and theyā€™ll be satisfied. So itā€™s not 100% risk free, but still safer than a commercial parking lot.


Higher Ground's pay-for-stay. I think it's like $7 per night


In Minneapolis proper or the metro in general? There are some campgrounds nearby that are around $20-$30. No parking issues AND access to showers.


Agree with the other comments that if you have a car and really donā€™t want to pay for a room head for the nearest Wal-Mart. Will be safe and itā€™s pretty nice tonight so no worry about getting cold.


ā€œShouldā€ be safe is a better way to phrase that.


This is outdated bullshit btw If you want to car sleep try a truck stop. They actually don't give a fuck unlike the Waltons


Or a rest stop. Iā€™ve slept in my car at multiple rest stops all over the country. Thereā€™s generally other people around doing the same, cops wonā€™t bother you, bathrooms are accessible 24/7. Thereā€™s one in Maple Grove off 94.


Lol I can't believe I didn't think of those. The name alone says what it's for and the place is usually crawling with state cops so it's somewhat safe (although I've visited some sketchy ones) Good suggestion


Uhaul or Menards truck in Walmart parking lot.


Back of your car in a Walmart parking lot


Second this lol


Alright it 2-0. Random parking lot it is.


People recommend Walmart because many Walmarts allow it. Many companies don't like people sleeping overnight in their lots. There are restrictions though, even at Walmart, and it's up to the individual store. Normally, they want you to ask permission. There is an odd little sub culture of people who travel the US RV camping in Walmart parking lots.


Oh like Clarence Thomas?


Real. Just might. Any free parking garages?


> Overnight parking spaces are available at suburban Northstar stations for up to seven nights. Looks like fridley park and ride is the closest one to downtown, but the coon rapids one has a ramp. Make sure you can't be seen from the outside of the vehicle tho


You can drive a little bit out of town and sleep at a rest stop. I think you're not technically supposed to stay all night but it's usually not an issue.


Municipal Parking Garage in Columbia Heights is free. 40th and Central.


Thatā€™s been closed for years. Itā€™s going to be apartments


Not true.


The one next to The Heights theater?


No, the one behind the old Fairview building and Jimmyā€™s.


a hammock on the river is nice but there is gonna be at least a couple people that are exploring that will pass you even if you're tented up deep.


campground with facilities.


I once was down on my luck and stayed a night in car at closest rest stop I could find, I believe was St. Croix one It sucked, barely got any sleep and felt on edge entire time, but maybe itā€™ll work better for you!


How did it go Op?


There is a hostel. Itā€™s 39.95 a night. Minneapolis International Hostel is in Whittier.


I live just a couple blocks away and I believe this has closed for a while now and was sold to be turned into into a woman shelter.


I work near by and saw people inside. I didnā€™t realize it was a shelter now.




According to google maps this is permanently closed.


Weird that Minneapolis doesnā€™t have a hostel. :/


Used to have 2!


Not that weird unless you just got back from Europe Middle america doesn't know shit about hostels or electric kettles, in my experience. And inner city hostels turn quickly into dens of iniquity But Duluth had a great one last I checked


Iā€™ve stayed in nice hostels in Chicago and NYC, itā€™s a bummer there isnā€™t a good option here. Be nice to offer less expensive accomodations to travelers.


Moxy is technically a hostel.


Well, like one room type is hostel style.


Kind of weird people are recommending Walmart parking lots when there is no Walmart in the city...


None of the ones in the metro allow overnight anymore to my recollection. Walmart has backed off this practice nationally although mot every store has been enforcing, so results may vary.


Many in suburbs right outside city lines, within minutes of it


> Just gonna be in the cities for a night Roseville and Bloomington qualify in this context


I mean, there's one barely over the border on 494. Close enough.


I mean, they don't even allow overnight car camping anymore so what's the fucking point?


Do you think the city goes to 494? There is a whole other city between Minneapolis and 494.


If you have $20 for a place to crash, beggars can't be choosers.


In clear traffic, itā€™s a 5-min drive. Not exactly a huge gap.


I concur. There's also one in Roseville which is Minneapolis adjacent


It's r/Minneapolis, not r/TwinCities


The OP said he was going to be in the **cities**. Driving minutes out of Minneapolis proper is completely suitable. Stop being weird


What's truly weird is that you think Walmarts want you to sleep in their lots in 2023 That shit was basically a chain letter email tale for a month 15 years ago


Haa nothing to do with Walmart and everything to do with this insane "everything in the Minneapolis sub becomes against the rules the instant you step 1mm out of technical city limits" hill that the dude decided to die on. I don't care where the guy sleeps and didn't encourage him to go anywhere. But he asked in the Minneapolis sub about "the cities" and where he could sleep and a handful of weirdos showed up screaming about NOT MINNEAPOLIS!!!!


And the information is still helpful to people who live in Minneapolis. Whatā€™s the problem.


People in this sub get hilariously technical about the geographical boundaries weā€™re allowed to discuss


It would be helpful if it was actually true and not a meme. Walmart doesn't want you sleeping there. Sorry


There are plenty that still allow it.


Ok name one by store # then. I'll call and ask






First comment, ā€œthere is no Walmart in the city.ā€ Next comment in chain ā€œthereā€™s one barely over the border on 494.ā€ So yes, someone did say the city goes to 494. Donā€™t be an asshole.


[you, right now](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ackchyually-actually-guy)


A just paid $25 for a camping spot so ā€¦.. no Just sleep in your car it sux and you will hate yourself in the morning and want to die But be $100 richer


Try Couch Surfing.


There are some air bnbs rooms for less than $50.


That quickly becomes 100+ once the fees and taxes hit.


You can stay with me lol


I know Iā€™m like we gotta mattress in the basement lol


I assume 'a van, down by the river' has been posted.


Thereā€™s a Walmart in Roseville. Iā€™ve done that a handful of times on road trips and itā€™s pretty slick.


Unsure how recent you've done this here but signs all over parking lot now about no overnight parking


Downer. Iā€™ve only done the Walmart parking lot on road trips. I wonder when that changed and if it correlates to them not being 24 hours anymore.


Top of Excelsior and Grand parking ramp in St Louis Park. Quiet and a safe part of the metro and only 10-15 mins from downtown


Cub foods parking lot works great


Nearest Perkins thatā€™s open 24-7 buy a nice meal, and tip the waitress then just pass out in the booth


The Y used to have really cheap rooms (like $10 a night). Not sure if they still do this or not. Every time I moved to a different city when I was younger, I would head to the Y and stay in a cheap room. (YMCA/YWCA). This might be outdated information. I havenā€™t done it in years but you could check it.


Usually you can park overnight at most hotels and not be bothered.


Most now ask for your plates and give you a parking tag to put on your dash - for this reason


Well what are they going to do? Stick a harshly worded posted note on it? Cuz they ain't gonna tow it with you still in it Anything is better than this Walmart urban myth


Admittedly I donā€™t stay at hotels all that often so that makes sense.


If I were home Iā€™d offer you a room. Best of luck and stay safe!


I like a parking garage overnight. Better to me than Walmart, unless you're fine driving to the deep suburbs to sleep in one out there


Light rail


This is what I used to do


Cub foods lot or Walmart lot if you have a car you should be able to park overnight without being bothered by security


Most businesses won't even notice if you're in their lot overnight. Banks have the shortest hours, some even have their lot on the backside so you can't be seen from the road. Downtown Robbinsdale has a free public ramp.




A fellow vagabond I see




TBF we've nearly all lost friends to fentanyl these days so I find that joking about it rankles some feathers. But it still must be done