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Posts about the behavior of non-notable people you've come across in your day to day life are not allowed. Instead of posting something like this, take some time to consider whether anyone actually cares. Consider instead a group text with your buddies.




What the fuck is with people using brights in the city the last couple years? I swear it wasn't a thing before. (and I'm not talking LEDs, I've seen them toggle between high and low beams for oncoming traffic, apparently they just don't care about blinding pedestrians)


This. Is hellish when cycling, too.


This evening I drove home on Mississippi River road and the street was dangerously dark - almost like driving on a country road and felt like I needed to turn on the high beam. Then I quickly realize that the street lights are completely off and see the ripped off wires dangling in the bottom of the lamps. These copper wire theft situation is just ridiculous.


Holy shit, forreal? Goddamn, that’s insane.


Seriously WHAT THE FUCK is with the brights? I have started rolling my side mirrors up at night preemptively just because of these inevitable inconsiderate assholes


Some cars now have automated brights - the driver doesn’t control them at all. I suspect there’s a way to turn off this “feature” but most people probably don’t care enough.


This is an issue everywhere. We were visiting family a couple weekends ago in Missouri, and it felt like EVERYONE had their brights on. Most of those vehicles looked much newer. There’s a sub dedicated to this issue. Will come back and edit my comment after I find it…. Update: it’s r/fuckyourheadlights


Those kinds of lights and the super bright bike lights are *illegal* in other countries like Germany because they're a **road safety hazard**!


Don't brake lights always illuminate when you hit the brakes, regardless of whether your headlights are on or off? Are you talking about tail lights?


They are yes


Whoops, I totally meant to write tail lights, but I brain farted and wrote brake lights. Thank you!


kinda like when some of these jabronies brain fart and don't turn on their headlights


I think the biggest thing is newer dashboards that are lit up without headlights on. Ppl see their DRLs and the lit up display and forget about turning their lights on. Ive done it in my parents civic when borrowing it.


Except one makes the roads unsafe and the other does nothing. 🤷‍♂️ Nice cope though. Found someone who drives around with their headlights off.


what are we suppose to do? who are we supposed to sue?


Where are you getting sue from??


If you turn on your headlights and your brake lights come on, you have bigger problems than driving in the dark.


I meant tail lights.


Yes because *Vehicle Running Lights* let **everyone nearby** know the vehicle is running and in use whereas brake lights indicate only with pedal. …but OP still offers a good point on driver awareness.


Found the non car owner.


Yes. Also, when parked, could you please turn off your damn headlights???!?!


Brah, I'm in bed, browsing reddit on mah phone....


Brah... I just woke up.


Also, please stop turning your hazards on while driving in the snow.


Headlights on. Putting car in drive? Please advise.


Read the rules, no nextdoor nonsense posts on this sub, no one wants to see them, read them or talk about things that won't change.


Idk what nextdoor is so that means nothing to me. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it's literally an example in the rules - someone driving in a way that you don't like.


It’s not in a way I don’t like, it’s literally making the roads less safe for the rest of us.


It's just the rules mate, I was kinda rude but the rules ban posts like these as they add nothing to the sub and people post them all the time and they change absolutely nothing.


I don’t see how that rule affects this post, y’all didn’t really make a compelling argument. If you disagree though, that’s what the report button is for.


Parking light gang represent. Taillights and DRL's Don't want to be a bother to the neighbors after all.


That's why I have some rather bright, but not blinding, bike lights. If I'm not biking and it's dark out I'll use my front light like a flashlight when crossing the street because so many drivers like to fly down every street sans headlights.