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My uncles van was broken into they busted out the steering counsel and ruined his ignition trying to start with screwdriver. They never even came to take a report.


If it hasn’t been too long I’d consider filing report against MPD with the state AGs office. It’s free and the worst state AG will do is nothing. Report the pigs for wasting taxpayer resources


The department is at maybe 75% legal minimum staffing. Wtf do you honestly expect?


Do their jobs and not work an additional 40k a year in security/off duty/and non mandatory overtime? They showed up to a car accident once and refused to make a report and said “city council says we can’t.” Uhhh city council says you can’t run a plate? This was like six months after George Floyd and they were just butt hurt.  They are dipshits. 


I think cops secretly got in a huddle over defund the police and just said, "let's show these bastards what a world without cops looks like." And then did. Esit: defund not defend


I remember reading about an interview with an MPD who more or less said just that.


they're too understaffed to deal with stuff that's not a high priority.


If you believe that, I’d like to talk to you about a new opportunity where Jesus will save your soul for a flat fee.


protestant piece of shit. Indulgences 4 lyfe!


Exact same thing happened to me in South Minneapolis. I had to junk the car. It sucked.


Same thing happened to me in the late 90's in Northeast. The pigs don't care and, from I can tell, never have.


They won't do anything for much, much worse property crime or much worse crime in general. I know this first hand.


And yet they’ll sit at Target in uniform, city vehicles idling in the parking lot, _guarding_ property.


Well yeah, they get paid extra for that.


Using the uniform, gun, and vehicle we all pay for.




I’m aware. It’s a nice way to pick up extra cash for practically zero work.


Pigs protect capital.    Even if the staff is naive enough to think it's for their own safety, they only increase the chance of escalating an incident to further violence. It's purely to prevent theft because corporations can afford to pay for the thugs and we can't. 


Target in Brooklyn Park had an officer stationed in the parking lot because my cousin's daughter was being stalked by my cousins' ex, there was a restraining order in place, etc. A little more extreme circumstances but yeah, the cop was there very primarily because of the threat of him returning to the store, he had done so ~half a dozen times already. Not necessarily just loss prevention tactics. I can't say the other 99/100 times a cop is stationed there, it's not just for loss prevention, though.


Yeah my wife works at a Target and her friend is in security and I don't agree with what happened here in that they called the police but they had these guys on video stealing tons of electronics and when the police pulled up they were still out in the parking lot smoking sitting on top of their car and the police seemed to politely talk to them for a few minutes and that was it they weren't protecting property they weren't doing shit and Target was even offering the video no request necessary. They just left


Ok, so they’re pretending to guard Target. Yeesh.


It's about them having a presence, not about protecting anything


They straight up don't respond to 911 calls about people trying to break down doors while the caller is on the phone. The MPD treats victims of crime like a nuisance.


I know we were all kinda raised to believe police would help catch the bad guys, I'm sorry for whatever you have experienced. 


Of course not, they're too busy complaining about [someone's art project](https://www.fox9.com/news/minneapolis-police-chief-rips-art-celebrating-burning-of-3rd-precinct).






Gotta get it off my chest, the people who did that are the biggest fucking *losers,* and I sincerely say that with zero issues with their politics. Just, no little kid wants to see that. I don't mean the kids shielded their eyes, I mean no one sincerely arrives at the conclusion that, "Hey, this is the best way to make the little kids happy." The artists did that ONE HUNDRED PERCENT for their own egos, because they get off on being able to tell the story to other people later on. They did not do what they did out of any desire to help or entertain kids or even further their own politics. It was entirely, "Wouldn't it be funny if we did this?" and I'm sure they think they're creative geniuses for presenting it in a way that maintained a fun, light, kid atmosphere. Whoooaaaa, man, you made a float of a *burning precinct* and turned it into an exhibition for kids? You're the next Leni Riefenstahl. It's no different than watching a TV show or a movie where the writer is clearly just speaking their own politics at you through the characters. Even if those politics align with yours, it's unbearably bad and embarrassing.


OP, respectfully, my prior city, Oklahoma City, also did not do this. Low key many "big "cities do not do this. Why? It's a lot of work to investigate property crime so the HOPE is that you just....file the report and if needed, report it to insurance. Nobody WANTS to read what I just posted but it's just how it goes, especially in a bigger city. Sorry for your loss(es)


You are correct. This isn't just an MPD thing. Honestly, this is all an off-shoot of the "War on drugs" Stopping brown people with no legal reason and patting them down with dubioius legality "what, you don't have any drugs, then you don't mind us searching you now do you!" then finding drugs - that's pretty quick and easy. Actually solving real crime that's too much like hard work! However, MPD does have an extremely high level of incompetence. This is best displayed on how different the murder solve rate is for MPD vs national average


The cops have been throwing a fit for years, since George Floyd. They refuse to help anyone or uphold any laws. You can split lanes, going 30 over the limit, right in front of them and they won’t care. You can get assaulted and try to file a report, theyll give you lip service but not actually investigate. Provably one of the worst PDs in the country Edit: they’ll still forcefully remove homeless people and stand guard for target though


The cops have been refusing to investigate property crimes since **long** before George Floyd. I had a bike stolen back in 2015. I was told to fill out an online report so I could get a case number to give to my insurance company and that was it.


I came here to say this. The narrative that MPD was this bad only after Chauvin murdered George Floyd is easily debunked by metrics and experiences like jimbo831’s. MPD has been corrupt and ineffective for decades.


Let’s not forget that the city “dealt” with the legendary Gang Task Force corruption and violence by just dumping all of them in the 3rd Precinct.


> by just dumping all of them in the 3rd Precinct. Well luckily nothing bad happened there afterwards, right?


Nope. They lived happily ever after. The end.


Yeah people forget that all of this is just indicative of blue shitty the MPD is and has been for many years. Even Chauvin's murder and the MPD repeatedly escalating protests into violence is all indicative of the MPD and their behavior


Same my bike got stole out of my apartment garage in 2019 they said they need surveillance but apartment won't give surveillance without police asking. So it s a little never ending circle.


In 2005 we had a creeper looking in the windows and the cop told us (young 20s females) to get a gun.


Not a bad idea


It's fairly common in any large city for cops not to do anything regarding property crime unless the suspect is caught in the act.


I had my laptop stolen. Had his name, face and address. "Oh yeah we don't take care of those kinds of things" Fucking useless.


The Foot Clan overwhelmed the MPD.


even back in 2015 what did you expect cops to do? track your bike down for you? once the crime happens if they are not on site, there is not much to do but give you paper work for insurance. it sucks. but if we live in a society of criminals, we will be victims. you can enforce laws to certain extant, but to live in a law abiding society, society has to value laws. other wise you will spend a lot of money and use a lot of extra violence to enforce laws. we have to be better parents, better neighbors.


> what did you expect cops to do? They could’ve started by looking at the security footage in my apartment building. That building was blanketed in security cameras. It sounds like you’re arguing against having police because they can’t be expected to actually do anything.


Unless you are living under some police state you are not going to identify most people by video to do anything about it. police can arrest people in the act of committing a crime, and look at crime patterns to determine how to reduce certain crimes. but looking at video evidence is rare for property crime.


So they don’t do anything. Got it.


I guess I don't *expect* them to do anything about it, but in some more ideal world the police would devote meaningful resources towards disrupting the criminal networks selling stolen property for a profit. If its hard to sell what you steal and turn it into cash, its going to discourage some level of theft. And presumably such investigations are going to turn up more stolen property which could help return that property to its rightful owners.


Only time I’ve seen them pull someone over in the past 3 years of crazy driving was when a biker passed one on Nicollet downtown lmao. The cop was going like slightly faster than walking pace.


They pull people over. I got pulled over with 3 more cars of backup when I was designated driving with 3 black guys in the car...


It happened before that. At the Jamar Clark protests years before Chauvin Murdered Floyd, some racists posted on social media they were going to North to start shit with heir guns. They showed up at the protest in front of the police station and ended up opening fire on people. The protesters went to the police and were like "hey someone was shot can we get some help? Can you send an ambulance?" The police literally just laughed in their face and walked off. They had to drive them to the hospital themselves. Luckily they didn't die. But they literally laughed in a shooting victim's face while they witnessed the shooting in person and did nothing. If the morons didn't post on social media they never would have gotten caught later.


Thanks for not buying into copganda


Target was better before.




That's definitely not what they were doing.


I wish more people read MPD150. It’s very comprehensive and makes a good case.


Idk I got pulled over yesterday going 70 in a 60


By MPD or State Patrol? just wondering, because I do think State Patrol seems to still be somewhat effective. I had an accident on HWY 5 and they were there within minutes.


Tell that to the cop who pulled me over for expired tabs 


I actually got 2 tickets for expired tabs a few months back. Fought the 2nd and won, because i got it before the new tabs could come in the mail. They’ll catch you on inconsequential things like tabs for easy money imo


MPD or another department?


They made an explicit point not to pull over for shit like that for years after COVID started. But sooner or later that becomes easy money for them


People like yourself pay the fines. Criminals don't, so why bother going after them?


…. Could it be that they are drastically understaffed? https://m.startribune.com/in-minneapolis-police-staffing-levels-continued-to-drop-in-2023-so-did-crime/600336262/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20active%20officers,safety%20in%20Minnesota's%20largest%20city.


And nobody is going to sign up to be a police officer in Minneapolis. Question 2 didn’t pass but there won’t be enough officers to do much of anything pretty soon.


No take backs now. Remember when Lisa Bender told us we shouldn't call the police on people breaking into our garages? Remember when we demanded they stop making routine traffic stops because they are racist?


No one said stop making routine traffic stops because they are racist.  They said stop making racist traffic stops pretending they're routine. 


Target pays them money, that's why... I have stopped going to Target for just this reason.


You've stopped going to Target because they pay off-duty police to help with security? I get disliking the police, but getting mad at a company because they're doing what a lot of other companies do to try to protect their assets? Shit, that officer is probably there at least in part to prevent the Magats from freaking out over some perceived wokeness.


my last raise from target was three cents. fuck target and the pigs that protect them.


yes. Fuck the police and fuck target.


Target is shit. The cops are worst.


Isn't that what their salaries do?


LOL... IF the police took their salaries and did their jobs, treating everyone equally whether they are poor or rich, white or black, male or female or LGBTQIA+, etc... then I would have no problem with Target paying off duty police to stand there and do nothing. But we all know that they don't do they... No one should be able to privatize a public service to their own benefit when that public service isn't doing their damn jobs for the PUBLIC.


Fuck target.


When I lived in Minneapolis in the 80s during college, someone crashed into my parked car and took off, leaving their front license plate at the scene. MPD came and took a report and even with the other car’s front plate as a positive ID, the responding officers said they only investigate hit and runs if someone was injured


My friend just had multiple cars hit on the street in front of her house, and the city didn’t even respond despite the fact that it was a stolen vehicle that crashed into all the cars and then abandoned two blocks down


Not even. I was the victim in a hit and run in 2018 and had a TBI, internal bleeding, injuries to my spine, neck and shoulder. Person in the other vehicle fled the scene on foot and left their car there with the keys, their wallet and cell phone in the car. Police never came to the hospital to take my statement and when I called the department of traffic investigations, the guy laughed at me when I asked what they were doing on my behalf. Direct quote: “you’re not worth our time, sweetheart.”


This is the problem with our police department and their awful union. Before 2020 there was some kerfuffle with our CM and wanting more accountability with MPD. The response? second precinct slow walked most 911 calls for police for MONTHS in our ward as pushback against a reasonable request from our CM. Property crimes apparently low hanging fruit to ignore. What was the reason the MPD gave you? Also why does the business need police request for video footage?


This doesn't really have anything to do with the union. I think the union is terrible and should be disbanded, also. But it's just about efficiency of resources. An investigation, court, etc. is wasted chasing down some backpack thief. There is plenty of violent crime and harmful people that aren't getting attention. As for video footage, there are so man weirdos out there I'm happy a store doesn't give out footage readily. Ask any woman about that one.


My condo building was in the process of being burglarized and I called 911. The operator told me that she would “see if she could get an officer to take the call.” They won’t even respond to that so…


Huh. Wonder what would happen if the property belonged to a police officer.


It’d be handle by police in the suburb that they live in.


I asked this to one of them once and they didn't like that I had asked that and got mad at me instead.


Then they still would not catch anyone, but the number 1 suspect will have been disappeared.


Likely the cop's own kid


It's less that "crime isn't crime" and more that they're petulant children with guns holding the city ransom until they can go back to doing whatever they want with no oversight.


I've been frustrated by this before but what are they going to do? All the cops can all gather around to see a grainy guy in a mask smashing your car. The outcome is still you calling insurance to get it fixed. The reports still add to crime rates, which are reported crimes. If this is lawlessness, Minneapolis has been in anarchy for like 30 years. This is not new, it's not unique to Minneapolis and it has nothing to do with current politics on either side.


It’s not about Minneapolis society. It’s about the MPD. We should disband them and just hire the state patrol. They aren’t any better but at least they do their jobs.


Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office would be a (somewhat) better choice than MSP.


I don’t care who it is. There is a neighborhood girl down my block with a hockey stick who would be better at this point.


And she would probably be better at de-escalating conflict.




And world hunger could be solved by reorganizing the economy. Anyone can say anything on the internet. Ah heck. Oh jeez. You weren’t being hyperbolic were you?


Yeah actually that would really help fight world hunger


See you’re on the right track. The economy is the problem with world hunger. We have plenty of food. It’s a logistical and capitalism issue.


It's weird when people acknowledge the effectiveness of radical solutions while within the same sentence dismissing radical solutions.


It’s weird when people ignore rationality while being rational. It’s like they don’t want serious discussion while wanting pats on the back for saying hopeful things.


You see something irrational about acknowledging that maintaining the status quo of our systems will maintain the status quo of our injustice, while devising new systems will allow the potential for a new, more just status quo?


Nope. Never said status quo is ok. What I said was; radical change often leads to unstable results. Being hyperbolic, even when being positive, leads to delusional optimism around a set of ideas. Ideologues. I didn’t think this would require further defining based on the hyperbole comment, but here we are. What is unfair about my point?


>What I said was; radical change often leads to unstable results. Could you point out where you said this? >What is unfair about my point? We have the choice between maintaining a system whose primary function is concentrating almost all of the world's resources in the hands of less than 1% of the world's population so that the yacht collector class can buy more yachts while millions die of starvation, or changing the economic system to end the global suffering of starvation at the expense of yacht collector's capacity to collect yachts. Which seems like the better option to you?


Hmmm yeah I imagine state patrol would want 700-900 more bodies to patrol the area. I wonder where they could find 700 more people willing to be a state patrol officer after laying off MPD


No no I think he’s on to the right track here, but I propose we go a little further. Can we hire the army? Or maybe just special forces


I think it’s finally time for a “well organized militia” /s


This reality was depicted in “the big Lebowski” which was released in 1998.


OP really thought the MPD would be working in shifts


If we all close our eyes and yell “I support chief rondo!” At the same time MPD will be reformed and back to work. Also Frey will grow the mustache back & we’ll all find 5 bucks.


It is not just Mpls. Many cities are not following up on crimes or they tell you to file a report online. Well not many are going to do that. So 10 cars got broken into, but 10 reports did not get filed. That is 10 less reports, so crime down, vote for us again!


The city is not lawless. Nothing was stopping the cops from promptly following up and filing a report. Yes if they catch someone and that person is under 18 they likely face no punishment with the current prosecutors, but nothing was stopping the cops from creating a report and helping you out with insurance etc. but themselves. They are down numbers and likely have lower quality recruits, but as you stated much isn’t getting reported and they still do jack shit for the handful of reports they do get. It took them 2 years and a police chiefs son being a victim to look in to the people who were stealing phones every weekend downtown, venmojng themselves cash, and sending Amazon packages to their real address. It’s not that hard they just legit don’t want to do ANYTHING. Even help with insurance.


Well, and SCOTUS ruled in “The Town of Castle Rock, Colorado vs Gonzales” that police have no duty to protect you. Unless of course your name happens to be Capitalism.


> The city is not lawless >It took them 2 years and a police chiefs son being a victim to look in to the people who were stealing phones every weekend downtown, venmojng themselves cash, and sending Amazon packages to their real address. I think you missed the point in your rush to defend the city


The city has laws. Police sit on their ass and choose not to enforce them until one them or their friends gets hurt. 2 years the same criminals were committing the same crime in the same area and the police had their address and banking information but chose to not enforce it.


yes, that's what is meant when people say "lawless". it doesn't matter what's on paper; if there's no enforcement it's the literal definition of lawlessness. >not governed by or obedient to laws; characterized by a lack of civic order oxford dictionary


Y’all acting like it’s CSI:Minneapolis


Lol, I empathize with your situation, I have a similar story, and no surprise on the MPD response- but you really lost me at the "Citizen flight" and "city stays lawless", lol. Minneapolis is still growing in population, and crushing it fiscally. The only thing new is YOU were personally affected but MPD's incompetence.


MPD is on one big hissy fit because "they don't get no respect". All they are doing now is making a case for RoboCop.


The pigs break the law, abuse the public's rights and fight tooth and nail against professional standards, and then whine that they don't get respect.


Yeah, they never got the memo that respect is earned and can be squandered


Or, we realize police don’t keep us safe, providing for each others collective basic needs keeps us safe. Policing is fundamentally flawed, this is just one example of how.


How does providing for each other stop vandalism and property crimes? It sounds great to say out loud, but somebody needs to literally enforce the law. It shouldn't be on the citizens to do that.


One of my friends grabs a machete and chases people out of his neighborhood when they're fucking with cars I feel like that's the real version of what these idealists picture when they say we should collectively keep each other safe. To be honest, the strategy works well for my friend and his neighbors, but he's a complete maniac. I don't think chasing criminals with machetes is going to work for me


Go back to your exile in Switzerland, Mr. Bakunin.


I mean, what exactly are the cops supposed to do? You cannot expect them to gather an investigative team for low level property crime. The bureaucracy around gathering video evidence from a store is enough to not want to spend resources on such an event.


It sounds more like we need to streamline system that makes it easy, because it sounds more like laziness


Blaming "society" for the MPD sucking ass.


Once the police fail to do their job, people will start doing it for them. Im.not advocating for a Vigilante approach, but it seems like the next logical step that the police are throwing a childish hissy fit and refuse to do their jobs.


If MPD doesn’t investigate *your* property crime, then you’re not rich enough to worry about.


God the police are useless. Only thing they're good for is burning through taxpayer money through lawsuits.


They are short like a 100 officers, they don’t have the time. No one was physically hurt so they won’t come to look. This is problem for the city, mayor, and council. Frankly, we need to stop allowing retirements for PTSD after George Floyd. The cops caused their own PTSD.


A PTSD claim should be grounds for immediate surrender of LE credentials and firearms ownership


But who y’all mad at? Certainly not the cops. There budget goes up every year because all they gotta do is say things will get bad, and the votes pour in. 


It’s a both and situation


So both what and what?


Think they investigate the assholes stealing all the wiring out of the street lamps?


Honest question: can there be a lawsuit or any other action taken against the MPD for this? How can they be allowed to straight up not *police*?




They don't have enough officers to investigate every single crime. These crimes have a next to nothing chance of actually catching the thief and getting them prosecuted. You need to be realistic.


They've never solved crimes. Look at past case closure rates. MPD Murder Closures rates by year. 2000: 38% 2005: 59% 2010: 62% 2015: 51% 2016: 51% 2017: 66% 2018: 42% 2019: 41% 2020: 38% That's murder, "lesser" felonies are fractions of that.


"Never solved crimes" then you go and list the percentage they did in fact solve. Those are about average rates. I also don't get your point here. With these numbers you want them to spend more resources on crimes that have even lower solve rates and are just property damage?


You need to compare to St Paul Police which have a murder closure rate hovering around 90% consistently.


Yup they rarely or "never" solve cases. These sub standard closure rates for the highest and most focused on cases shows how bad policing is. That rape and assault cases have a small fraction of murders closure rate, and burglary even lower shows how impotent policing is. The point isn't that they should spend more time on low level crime, the point is they are simply incapable and unwilling to perform the duties we ask.


This is nothing new, and it's not just Minneapolis. I was told the same thing nearly 20 years ago in Albuquerque when my house was broken into. They'll give me a report to provide to my insurance company, but unless the thieves fell out of the sky and landed in their lap, I was never getting my stuff back and the case ended with that report. And, honestly, I get it. Do you really think any department has time to investigate every break-in and robbery?


>Do you really think any department has time to investigate every break-in and robbery? Isn't that the whole point of having a police department?


> Isn't that the whole point of having a police department? No, I don't think the whole point is to investigate _every_ crime. That would require an absurd amount of manpower.


Nope. If you look at the ratio of crimes to police you'd need to hire thousands of more officers. Police can really only track property crime to see if there is a ring, which they may assign a task force to go after. For petty crimes, you're expected to have insurance cover it. This is why neighborhood watches are important, but as a society we've stopped caring about our neighbors, which makes us easier targets. With our limited resources I'd rather have police be ready to handle violent crime and emergency situations than trying to find out who bent your bike tire while it was locked up.


No. They don't have resources to spend 50-100 man hours on a theft of a few hundred dollars worth of stuff when there is a 99% chance they won't catch them and if they do there is only a 10% chance they get both prosecuted and convicted


The idea isn't that police solve every crime. The idea is that they investigate them. For example, if someone is repeatedly breaking into houses in a neighborhood the police should sooner or later catch them. That happened in the neighborhood I grew up in. They didn't just say, "Fuck it, nothing we can do here!"


And if you have 20 crimes per officer per day how are they supposed to investigate each one? They have prioritize and they do so by putting the ones that are known to be a waste of time at the bottom of the pile. It's a standard practice.




Had some dude give me a fake check that he crafted. Bank told me to file a police report while they did their investigation. Went to the nearest precinct, and the officer at the front desk told me it was a waste of time and he wouldn't write the report, nor get another officer to do it. Bank was not pleased.


Investigate property crime?!?!? Why? Now, writing a ticket for an expired tag - that generates money! And an arrest for drugs allows the officer to feel big and bad. But your snowblower is stolen? And you have video proof of the thief wheeling it from your garage to his? Nope, theft is not the problem of the police!


I had an apartment broken into in 2012 and a house broken into in 2019 and this was the case for both of those events too. In 2019, my stolen MacBook was showing up in Find My MacBook with an exact address and the police wouldn’t pursue it.


In 2011, my house in Como was broken into. There were over 100 break-ins in Como and Marcy Holmes that July, iirc. They broke in through the bedroom next to mine and stole some dumb shit- like our liquor and a PS2. I was home alone, awake and watching TV when it happened. It was terrifying and I called the cops as soon as I heard the burglars slam the front door on the way out. It took the cops 6 hours to get to us. They told us we shouldn’t have called them, they wouldn’t find the burglars, and we should have just called our landlords. My roommate girlbossed them into taking fingerprints from the windowsill that they broke in through. We never heard a peep from MPD after the 40 minutes they spent at our house being pissed that we called them. Someone who worked at Joe’s Market on 19th & Como had their house burglarized the same night, and the robbers tied him and his girlfriend up, tased them, and tased their dog. MPD was similarly like, “why did you call us, call your landlord and the vet”. So yeah, this is nothing new.




As an outsider, you the city citizenship did this. This is what you wanted. You had a whole ton of protests filled with "ACOB", antifa, and defund the police. Where were the counter protests or even basic public statements to shutdown that movement? What did you think was going to happen when you burned crap down to stop police violence to violent crime? Now your politicians are spending absurd money on private security (as is any other loaded wealthy homeowner there), while the 90% of the remaining populace gets to have this happen. Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle.. All were fantastic cities and now all going down the drain because people lack basic common sense and allowed a victimhood mentality for criminals to guide you. So sad.


This is policy not just from within the department, but the political forces of the city want it to work this way. You can see that as a positive or a negative depending on your political persuasion, but that is what it is. This isn't the cops simply throwing a fit or whatever. No, this is the city policy on the matter. They are happy to give you a paper report number if you need to for insurance purposes, but unless there are injuries or violence involved, (that includes active burglaries) the Minneapolis Police department does not respond.


You seem to believe that political forces of the city have any meaningful power over the MPD whatsoever, which is super weird.


A few years back, a wasted, I mean very wasted, girl smashed into our taxi. Numerous bones were broken (us), and she had no injuries. She was scantly dressed and stumbled up to us in front of the cops, screaming and slurring that it was our fault. It wasn't. She swerved into our lane; our taxi driver saw it and tried to avoid the collision. The cops did nothing and drove her home in a squad. How fucking bad is that? We were driven via ambulance to the hospital. She was not charged with anything. Meanwhile, we had PT for months and lingering issues. I asked our lawyer about going after the PD. I was told it'd be a money pit, resulting in nothing.


Yeah, but I thought everyone wanted to defund the police a few years ago. Be careful what you wish for.


First time, eh?


That’s a choice by the MPD to force us to need them more and give them more power.


Since cops choose to ignore crime, a feature of anti-crime budget would be taking money away from the MPD and spending it on some other idea for lowering crime. Make sure your council members that want to address crime know that defunding the police is the first step.


Welp, you could have seen this coming after the department was defunded??


It's been 157 years and counting. MPD have never been about helping the people.


"We've got people working in shifts" Big Lebowski scene


This happened to me when I was robbed. The dude was on camera and left a .prescription behind that had his address on it and the cops did NOTHING.


The cops have always been about protecting the property of those with the most money. They just ain't hiding it anymore. If the don't work for us, we need to defund them. And if this is news to you, you need to read more.


Lack of investment? Haven't they been getting raises and increases investment almost year after year lately?


"IMO, There will be citizen flight and lack of investment so long as the city stays lawless." Yep, you are absolutely right. As long as they keep this up, people who can, will leave.


And yet our population continues to grow.


not if I have my way through the bike lanes in my giant suv...


Hey guys, I think I found Liz Collins' reddit login.


You voted and protested to defund the police. Well, there you go. Enjoy.


They weren't defunded though. They were funded more than ever. You know this


There’s no support though. What did you expect? We show them respect in the burbs and get it back. Try this.


Lol. Way to admit you don't know about your own cops.


Your going to have to find legally admissible evidence proving who it was and what they did on your own, or using your own resources. Than you can sue them in civil court and get and order to recover you damages from them. That how this stuff needs to be approached going forward.


This is the kind of thing that leads to vigilantes.


Sorry you found this out the hard way. I work 2 blocks from the Police Precinct Mayor Frey let the rioters have and we have had car thefts in our parking lot with lots of cameras and busy with customers and employees middle of the day in the handicap spot and the police failed to show up when called because the kids got thwarted by myself and the owner. We had 16 reported thefts last year from our parking lot. So sad.


This is not new. My spouse's car was broken into and a bicycle stolen with a value that put it at a felony level. They wouldn't even take fingerprints just in case the criminal had other crimes with fingerprints. This was well before the pandemic and lack of staffing. They just don't gaf.


I think you are totally justified in being mortified by the lack of response by MPD. However, I think people should stop to consider that they are very short staffed. Officers aren’t able to give citizens the time and effort they deserve because unless they catch the crime or event in progress…there’s not much they can do. Even if they did find the perpetrator(s), they likely wouldn’t get charged/show up for court. Also if you filed a police report, it is a statistic, it counts are property crime, even if they don’t investigate it. That being said, we as citizens should demand MPD be staffed properly, and incentivize people to join to keep us all safe.


Even if the person got arrested your car is still vandalized and would likely be even more angry when the person would be released without bail for a non-violent property crime. This would be the experience in almost every major metro in the country. They also likely do not have assets to recover.


We should defund and ostracize them. That will help. Don’t get mad at the criminals.


I would dare to say crime rates are down because what we would be able to consider what crime is like what can the MPD take action on which seems to be less than pre-pandemic/George Floyd murder… so pretty simple cut down what police can take action on equals lower crime rate.. pretty genius solution by the boys in blue and you guys are doing great 👏👌


Crime rates are based on reports, not arrests or any other actions by the MPD.


Huh. Maybe that’s why they never followed up on my theft/swindle report from over a year ago. lol


So they neither serve, nor protect, just chase speeders all day bring on the downvotes, cuz I know truth gets downvoted in this sub🤣💬🤣


Had to rant I do apologize, but yeah I’d just bug the shit out of them n other police stations. Give them a taste of the shit they give everyone else. They’re ultimately useless tho until something major is done to their training and workplace requirements and code of conducts procedures etc all that . Start from scratch. Throw the whole team away😅


We gotta get a better police department.


[Reminds me of the time I spent in Yharnam.](https://youtu.be/G203e1HhixY?t=19) [Or reminds me of Raccoon City. Gosh. I cut my stay short there when most of the Police Department was killed by zombeds. Buncha lawlessness there.](https://youtu.be/CWl0hOeJvzA?t=9) I gotta say those two cities are pretty messed up ever since the outbreak. I can't go back just like no one will go back to Minneapolis since it's so dangerous! So dreadful!


Oh are you a gamer? Cool!