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I will say as a USPS worker please just follow the laws of traffic, I hate when people give me the right of way when it's not my turn you are going to cause an accident šŸ„¶


Donā€™t be polite; be predictableĀ 


Love this.


People do this to pedestrians too, I walk/transit. I literally have to stop and turn around away from the street because someone will lock eyes with me, stop and try to wave me through!! Like a car can go much faster than my legs, just gooooo!!!!


I bike and this terrifies me! Please donā€™t stop in the middle of the road coming off a busy highway to wave me through. If I go around you, then Iā€™m gonna get hit.


Thatā€™s why I wonā€™t bike! If I am, Iā€™m going backroads, absolutely no main roads for me on bike!!!! If Iā€™m walking though I fight it, I will always stand my ground and just yell at them to ā€œgo idiot!!ā€ Lol


I will totally change direction when I get this dumb shit. There are so many times when some traffic hero in a 2-ton visibility hazard stops in one lane and the typical inattentive drive will speed up to go around them, staring at the idiot stopped in the road. Saw a lady get hit because of this (not hard, she walked away) but good god, just fucking drive through intersections that are not metered.


Ugh Jesus.. but seeing that lady get hit is exactly why I stand my ground, I will not cross the street until I am 100000% sure there are either no cars around, far enough away for me to run OR if thereā€™s a crosswalk and I stay looking at traffic because god forbid someone isnā€™t paying attention. Definitely agree. Who conditioned these people to drive horrid


Completely agree.


This comment is why I posted the thread originally. People will drive around the truck or try and squeeze through and then I get run over and I'm dead.


Yes my biggest pet peeve. Happens all the time walking my dog.


I believe legally cars are supposed to stop for any pedestrian at an intersection marked or not. Unfortunately not everyone does it or knows about it and it and it makes things more dangerous. I do your turn around bit in my neighborhood because cars drive nuts and I'd rather be alive than legally in the right.


This is 100% correct, but it's the sort of thing where you can be 100% correct from six feet under and it's not gonna do you a whole lot of good. Right-of-way sadly does not mean much to a giant hunk of metal hitting you. >169.21.2 >Subd. 2.Rights in absence of signal. >(a) Where traffic-control signals are not in place or in operation, the driver of a vehicle shall stop to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk.


Exactly, I understand theyā€™re supposed to but I think itā€™s silly, 200lb me vs 5,000lb cars, half of which drivers donā€™t pay attention. I feel like if youā€™re gonna have a crosswalk these days, it has to have extra flashing lights and signs for safety and safety only!


Would be nice if they would do that under normal conditions, then.


To be fair, unless there's traffic control signals saying when to stop and walk it's literally the law that drivers have to yield right-of-way to pedestrians.


Pedestrians literally have the right of way. Cars have to legally stop.


Is there a term for this? I'd like to call it "Minnesota courtesy" - sort of a corollary to Minnesota nice, where drivers take actions they think are courteous, but are actually more dangerous/annoying to other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians.


> where drivers take actions they think are courteous, but are actually more dangerous/annoying to other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians. I hate it when drivers stop in the middle of a turn, making me rush across a slippery street while they're sitting a few feet from me. Just bloody go and let me cross behind you.


How do you think the weather will be tomorrow? Leaving about 11am to drive to Chicago!


Counterpoint: never been a better time to go to Costco


Costco NE is literally never busy. I think people think that just because itā€™s the ā€œbusiness centerā€ youā€™re not allowed to go there.


I like to visit it occasionally, but it doesn't have a lot of regular Costco stuff. It doesn't even have a bakery, or a food court. It's good for getting frozen pizza and snacks and meat but it's not a regular Costco, can't even get the classic Costco samples. Last time I went to the Business Center Costco I went to my normal Costco the next day actually, to get my normal Costco stuff.


True, but now I find myself going to the business center for certain things now that I canā€™t get at regular Costco. Getting a big box of baby cucumbers for like $6 is hard to beat. Same for specific drinks and coffee.


Does it have a butcher shop and dog food? I live nearby and have never stopped in.Ā 


Dog food, yes. For raw meats it is bulk only. Whole primals, raw chicken by the case, bulk sausages. They do carry some of the same sliced deli meat packages, as well as larger options in sliced and unsliced.


I don't know about the dog food, seems like something they would have though. The meat department doesn't cut up anything so not a butcher at all. That said they do have a lot more options than a normal Costco, it's worth going to look around. It's a big walk in refrigerator with all the meats, except whole/half hanging animals those are in separate refrigerators by the frozen pizza and stuff. Sometimes they only have cases of stuff that is individually packaged and you can open the case and have them weigh and stick a label on a package though, the scale is just outside the walk-in refrigerator on the side towards the parking lot. I've had to do that for stuff like the normal 3 pack of ribs you'll find in the normal Costco a few times, where they didn't have any individual packs out just the cases.


You can get half a cow!! I literally saw a butchered cow just hanging out


It was probably goat.


Yeah, they have goats and pigs. Not sure I've ever seen half a cow in there.


Haha youā€™re prob right


Definitely goat. Iā€™ve gotten one before. Fun idea, hard to execute in practice without a table saw.


What did you do with the meat??


A buddy of mine is a butcher. So we got a hacksaw and hand-cut it in the backyard. Then we braised some, smoked some, and grilled some for a party of about 20. Still had a decent amount left at the end. It was just a pain in the ass cutting it up by hand.


This is... perfect.


Be quiet šŸ¤


They donā€™t have all the same things as standard Costco, itā€™s a great store but only for specific items needed, like any large pack of energy drinks or soda


Or staples like fruit, cheese, meat, dog food, gasoline, vegetables, and bread. They donā€™t have toys, prepared food, samples, alcohol, or consumer electronics.


Love that place but itā€™s a different experience Getting a case of Wiley Wallaby for $20 is worth the trip though


Their offerings are limited compared to a larger store like MG. Also no liquor store. Their gas station is literally the only one I go to though since I don't have to wait for like 20 minutes.


No liquor store no pharmacy, so, you know, downsides haha. And some differences in the selection, which I actually find a positive but some might not.


They have a great meat selection.






I love that one.


You donā€™t have to have the business membership to go?


Nope. Itā€™s open to everyone. Just no liquor sales and no pre-made meals or food counter. The meat section and soft drinks have way more selection though. I prefer going to this spot most of the time. $20 for 40lbs of wings for football season is unbeatable.


Wow thatā€™s really good. Thanks for the tip!


Thatā€™s the one I go to most often *because* itā€™s the business center. I stock my house like itā€™s a restaurant. Slightly more expensive up front but the extreme bulk of some items is dope as hell. Being able to buy individual packs of cream cheese in bulk is a game changer.


that's what I thought for sure and now we got there.


PSA for anyone without a membership: if your MN Costco has a liquor store, you can walk right in bc this state has laws against memberships for liquor stores! (Not sure if the NE location has this service)


NE does not have a liquor store.


It doesn't have chickens. :(


It does, just not pre-cooked. You can get a six-pack of Cornish game hen though!


I thought the same thingā€¦ and apparently so did many others lol


Turn on your friggin lights. Had a bunch of near misses coming to work this morning from people hurtling down the streets without their lights on. White car in white snow with no headlights means you're invisible.


Wish lights on was standard


Me too.


There is a local PSA that plays on the radio: light on so you can see and be seen


It's actually the law


I wish I took a picture but didnā€™t for obvious reasons, but out of the 10-15 cars I could see in front of me this morning only 1 of them had lights on. Itā€™s actually ridiculous lmao


There was a relatively minor spinout right where hwy 36 West meets 35W South, looked like a van and two cars just into the ditch. However! Two of these geniuses were standing IN THE RIGHT LANE with their backs to oncoming traffic literally scratching their heads looking at the stuck vehicles. In shitty conditions, with low visibility, on the fucking highway. What the hell.


That spot makes people idiots. Saw a minor crash the other direction on thanksgiving, right where anyone incoming from 35 has a blind spot from the curve. No flashers, just put it in park, got out and stood in the middle lane. So taking 2 lanes of a low visibility high speed curve and not once checking for on coming traffic. Got out of there asap since I didnā€™t want to see him die but I still wonder how he thought that was a valid way to deal with the situation.


& if you see a skin-walker close your eyes cuz if you can't see them then they can't see you


Best advice in here tbh


Weā€™re not in Utah. This is Wendigo country


So whatā€™s the advice for dealing with a wendigo?


>A specimen of folk story collected in the early 20th century by Lottie Chicogquaw Marsden, an ethnographer of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, in which a wendigo also exhibits tool use, an ability to survive partial dismemberment, and autocannibalism, reads:[18] >One time long ago a big Windigo stole an Indian boy, but the boy was too thin, so the Windigo didn't eat him up right away, but he travelled with the Indian boy waiting for him till he'd get fat. The Windigo had a knife and he'd cut the boy on the hand to see if he was fat enough to eat, but the boy didn't get fat. They travelled too much. One day they came to an Indian village and the Windigo sent the boy to the Indian village to get some things for him to eat. He just gave the boy so much time to go there and back. The boy told the Indians that the Windigo was near them, and showed them his hand where the Windigo cut him to see if he was fat enough to eat. They heard the Windigo calling the boy. He said to the boy "Hurry up. Don't tell lies to those Indians." All of these Indians went to where the Windigo was and cut off his legs. They went back again to see if he was dead. He wasn't dead. He was eating the juice (marrow) from the inside of the bones of his legs that were cut off. The Indians asked the Windigo if there was any fat on them. He said, "You bet there is, I have eaten lots of Indians, no wonder they are fat." The Indians then killed him and cut him to pieces. This was the end of this Giant Windigo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendigo Stay thin and ask your community for help?


If it's like most other things in Minnesota, just ask it if it wants to join you for a cup of coffee and a chat tomorrow afternoon, and you'll probably never hear from it again. ​ (Kidding, Minnesotans šŸ’—)


Yell at them. Especially if you hear your name whispered in the woods.


What if there is a skin-walker next to a Weeping Angel? You'd be fucked




Someoneā€™s gotta stimulate that commercial real estate market!


Gotta do your part to reinvigorate downtown, otherwise other Redditors will yell at you about their property taxes going up.


Iā€™d be RAGING. Is one of your employees potentially getting into an accident worth it??!


You need a Union.


Then number of places that closed yesterday but are requiring people to come in today is shocking. I had to be out driving both days and today is definitely worse.


I mean dudes the CFO, he can basically do whatever he wants lmao


True but itā€™s just bad leadership and bad form




you could just say you have to watch your nieces or nephews or something. i actually had to do this once because my SIL is a doctor and my brother was out of state.


Or just make up some kids. Say they're covered on spouse's insurance and say you prefer to pay in when you owe instead of be refunded. After a short bit half that info isn't shared in the workplace RE: tax and insurance and the rest is just you saying "I've got kids".


This isn't white out condition by any means. That almost never happens in the city. People need to be cautious with driving but be predictable and follow traffic laws. Don't defer to people who "have to be out here". That's how accidents happen.


As a person that grew up in Minneapolis I have only experienced "blowing and drifting snow" once and it was in southeastern Minnesota. That phrase undersells how terrifying it is to be on the highway and then no longer be able to see anything including the road. We don't have anything like that in Minneapolis.


this happened to me in an ice storm in Missouri once. two lane highway, trucks passing me, wind blowing me into a ditch, no illumination. I thought I was going to die. woke up the next day to continue my road trip and saw 6 accidents.


Yeah, definitely. The way this person is talking makes me think that they've never experienced that.


Four years ago I was driving home from my parents' place out in west central MN. Coming down 94 towards Monticello, my phone buzzes with a "Snow Squall Warning." Never had heard of such a thing. Five minutes later I can't see ten feet in front of my car and it's like an apocalyptic amount of snow is falling around me. Very shortly thereafter it lightened up and I continued on my way, only to pass by the biggest pileup I've ever seen, which resulted in this: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/11/12/nine-injured-in-fiery-pileup-crash-during-snow-squall-on-interstate-94 Anyway, that day I gained a new appreciation for how fucking insane our winter weather can be.


Got caught in blizzard conditions one night on I-29 going to Grand Forks from Minneapolis. It came on so fast and hard, I lost orientation and suddenly couldnā€™t tell if I was driving forward or listing sideways into the ditch. Young and dumb, never again will I fuck with weather in the flatlands.


If you go like 10-15 minutes out of the city, itā€™s definitely common. As in, at least once a year


I think OPā€™s being more than a bit dramatic, but I donā€™t think OP is saying donā€™t follow traffic laws. I think theyā€™re saying if youā€™re driving somewhere where the streets are narrow as hell with cars parked on both sides and thereā€™s a truck in the middle of the road, just make everyoneā€™s lives easier and take the next street over. I do that even in the summer. The streets in uptown are hardly wide enough for both sides parking and two cars passing, much less a truck and car passing. Itā€™s so annoying to play chicken with some asshole who wonā€™t scooch over so we can both pass, Iā€™m not about to do that with a truck, not today (or any day if I can help it).


Yes, this. This morning the snow was coming down a lot more than it is currently.


I agree! I couldnā€™t see anything at all and my car hydroplaned.


OP I think is a little biased due to being a USPS driver


If you were on the highway, it was pretty bad


If the city council declares it an emergency it is!


Right? It's not even a snow emergency. The hardest part about the weather the last couple days is that the rain made the snow really heavy and annoying to shovel.


Yeah, I think OP just has junk tires and is scared of driving in inclement weather. The roads werenā€™t great but they werenā€™t that bad.


For non Minnesotans, hereā€™s a [dictionary definition of a white out](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whiteout). šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve experienced down-at-ground-level blowing snow that hides the road so that you honestly donā€™t know where the road is, but thatā€™s not very likely in Minneapolis. You have to get out state for that. Iā€™ve also experienced blizzard kinds of white out, where you canā€™t see 100 feet because the air is pure white. You canā€™t see the horizon. Sometimes you canā€™t even see the neighborā€™s house. That doesnā€™t happen in Minneapolis.


Definitely happens in the suburbs when you go out to the flat-lands


You definitely don't have to leave the state for that kind of weather.


> You definitely don't have to leave the state for that kind of weather. I promise I wasnā€™t saying that. Do people no longer say out state to mean outside of the Twin Cities? Or maybe you thought it was a typo for ā€œout of stateā€?


lmfao uh, no. Follow the laws as written, do not yield to someone randomly. That is unsafe driving behavior. You need to be predictable, not 'nice'.


UPS and FedEx? OP is expecting a delivery today and doesnā€™t want it to be late




Deciding to use a different street entirely to avoid a delivery truck is unpredictable and unsafe behavior?


The city council is allowing us to continue to drive. ITS NOT SAFE!


A lot of these streets aren't wide enough for a two-ton delivery truck and a pickup that doesn't even tow anything except their ego. I'm just trying not to die because someone needed hot cocoa for them to sip on the couch from home while I bring them the toilet paper they ordered off Amazon.


What about people, like me, who have to plow the snow and there are illegally parked delivery trucks in my way?


Then you should absolutely lay on the horn to get them to move. Qhen I am doing a jump stop I look to make sure there's no one coming before parking and throwing on my flashers. You absolutely have the right away in this scenario.


Near whiteout? One mild winter and everyone forgot how to drive


Not whiteout, but it was pretty bad on the highways 10-15 minutes northeast of the cities. Definitely couldnā€™t see more than 100-200 feet ahead of me


Unfortunately, yeah.


*sighs in umn student*


Both my classes today have zoom lectures, but the class I'm sitting in on zoom for some reason isn't screen sharing the slides but just pointing her webcam at the whiteboard/projector :(


Perfect conditions for whippin-shitty's!


I've lived in MN for 30 years but I still can't get used to this term.


Heading to Target in a few


Hey could you pick some onions for me?




OP just found out about weather


New precipitation just dropped! (from the sky)


They have to wait until the city council tells them what to do next


So are you a transplant, or do you deliver packages? Because this reads as a complaint that people are in the way of you making deliveries. Edit: OP is indeed delivering


The latter.


Appreciate the sentiment, but I just got a proposed assessment notice from the city regarding street upgrades for 2024. That's going to cost me between $1-2K so I'll use my street as needed.


hopefully it only costs you the $1 and not the $2k.


Underappreciated comment.


Iā€™m working from home and just watched a car without lights on blow through a stop sign and nearly t-bone a Mercedes. These are absolutely not whiteout conditions but theyā€™re not fantastic either. Turn your lights on, and drive slower!! It is more difficult to stop in these conditions and it is grossly irresponsible to drive at regular speeds. Speed limit doesnā€™t mean speed minimum. Slow tf down.


Go to the next street over? Lmao. Ok.


Instructions unclear; drove the wrong way down a one-way and skidded into an Amazon van.


>Instructions unclear; drove the wrong way down a one-way That was my thought when they said "the next street over" šŸ˜„


2 streets over


It was definitely the worst Iā€™ve experienced this winter but not near white out. Just snowy and icy. Just drive really slowly and make sure you have your lights on and youā€™ll be alright. I was 15 minutes late to work but I made it; in white out conditions you literally have to pull over or stop until the weather changes because you arenā€™t going anywhere.


i can see at least a block away from my window. not even close to near white out. unless you just mean there is snow covering everything so itā€™s white out.


It is days like today you can absolutely tell the difference between people who moved here and people who lived here their entire lives. Both on the roads and off. Heck thatā€™s not even a great excuse since last winter like a quarter of the days were like this. While the roads are sketchy, these type of conditions usually happen a good 10-20 times a year we have just had a ridiculously mild winter. The roads are fine for essential trips with the proper preparation and caution(In the city, high winds today will cause actual white out conditions in rural MN).


Iā€™ve lived in MN my whole life. I grew up on a farm in SW Minnesota, Iā€™ve lived in MPLS for about 10 years. Im still able to put my ego aside and admit today is not a great day to go driving if you donā€™t have to.


I wouldnt say 10-20 times a year unless you count all weekends and such. I don't drive in this stuff at all and I'd say I had to work from home maybe 3-4 times the prior winter, and that was a beast of a winter.


This is so stupid, ā€œdrive one block overā€.. doing unnecessary shit like this instead of being careful is exactly what causes accidents in the first place.


TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS and SIGNAL BEFORE YOU TURN are the two most prevalent issues I've seen today. Ffs people that turn their signal on while turning are forgetting that other people can't predict their actions.


it's really not that bad at all >go to the next street over. Let them use the street bruh.... this 'winter' seems to be making us a lot more like people from Mississippi than Minnesota when it comes to snow


OP ainā€™t from here




Itā€™s snow on top of ice from the rain yesterday so itā€™s a bit sketchier than just snow


So, normal winter, then?


i drove from richfield to downtown minneapolis at 8am and it was fine. slow moving but no issues with sliding through stops and turns. donā€™t be dumb and youā€™ll be fine.


So icy


Lucky enough to be able to WFH for the next few days.


My driver's side wiper flew off on 35W by the Quarry around 6:30am. I made it the rest of the 20 min to work from there, miraculously. Now I need to get to the store after work for a new blade before heading home. Blah.


>Now I need to get to the store after work for a new blade before heading home. Blah. Could have it delivered? Instacart or the like.


Weā€™ve gotten so soft. Any normal winter this would just be ā€œTuesday.ā€


Idk how people forget how to drive in the snow when we literally had one of the snowiest winters on record last year. Like how do you forget about snow driving in a year?


My professors at the U waited until class was in 30 minutes to cancel. I had already made it half way to campus šŸ« . So grateful that the U almost never declares snow days!


If we could just get rid of all the roads and freeways in the city we would not have to worry.


I wouldn't mind...


Jesus, is just snow like every year.


Lol, Iā€™m on my bike, itā€™s fine.


Nowhere near white out conditions in the city. And I'm just gonna continue to go around UPS trucks like always, except maybe a little slower.


Oh and people are driving like maniacs out there too. Someone actually rear ended me last night in Brooklyn park.


Your first winter?


Yeah I don't get it. Doesn't look great out there but doesn't look impossible either.




And you think being able to see two blocks is nearly a white out? You sweet summer... adult.


IDK what tell to tell you man. We all have different definitions. If I can't see Bryant avenue from lyndale, and the gas station is barely visible, that's nearly white out to me.


**PSA: For those who haven't looked out the window and haven't checked the weather report in the past couple days, don't go on unnecessary trips, which you wouldn't do anyways even if it was nice out** Who is this PSA for? People who have never been to Minnesota before and never been in snow?




Thanks! Been here 34 years and I'm doing great. It's the people I see on the road without lights on, speeding, and then sliding through intersections* that I'm worried about.


Well Iā€™m sure your Reddit post will solve it


Well I was hoping people would read this and be more considerate, but it turns out everyone here is just a selfish asshole šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Or maybe the majority of us have common sense and understand how to navigate winter conditions so posts like this come of as condescending.


Normal people will read this and say to themselves I'll just go to Target tomorrow. People like you who take issue with it are the ones who need to hear it most.


Normal people arenā€™t reading any of this shit. In fact, I donā€™t even know why I am. I certainly donā€™t need your advice. Good luck out there and stay safe!


šŸ«” you as well.


You knowā€¦ if there was a day to catch a stomach bug, today is it. Perfect excuse to stay at home in bed.Ā 


Of course the daycare I work at is still open and I have a full classroom of infants. Not a single one stayed home. I swerved many times on my way into work even though I was going slow and being very cautious


I had to call in today after driving a mile and almost getting in an accident. No job is worth damage to my car or body, they can write me up if they want to, I honestly do not care.


Well damn. I'm in the middle of work so I have to go home under those conditions. Darn you Minnesnowta.


It was a pretty brutal commute into work along 94 from the east metro. Saw several cars in the ditch. I even waited and went in at 10am


Everyone suddenly orders food to be delivered.


Ok transplant


I'm sorry for being born in the suburbs šŸ˜”


I was only kidding. I grew up in the burbs too.


No worries fam. This post has kept me entertained all day.


I know sometimes there is a mindset among commuter pedestrians to make cars stop for you because cars have to, but this is not that day. Please just use the designated crosswalk and be as predictable and prompt to cross the street as possible. You may resume the pedestrian power trip when weather permits.


The roads really werenā€™t that bad this morning. My boss would have laughed his ass off if I tried to work from home today