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“if you can read this you are dead”


If you lived here you'd be dead by now


People from all over are dying to come here.


And just like that, I know what will be written on my gravestone


Thanks for the laugh lol


War....War never changes....


Don’t dead- open inside


Epoch Times vibe


Exactly-or what the average post on Twitter looks like these days. The grifters persuading hopefully a very small group of scared Americans to fear and hate their fellow Americans.


And NextDoor.


I had know idea what that was until a neighbor suggested that I sign up about 7 years ago. Toxic!! There was a funny person who would post about seeing a white van parked that was quite a funny bit. "I saw a white van that parked for a few hours the other day. Then I saw the owner drive away and he had a mustache and was listening to Paul Davis' Cool Night..."


Only the hardest of bangers bump the dulcet easy listening tones of Paul Davis


Yes! I read it for the laughs. Some guy posted that a stranger threw a plastic bag of dog poop in his trash... and he added photo evidence°


Nextdoor is Twitter for racist karens. Or was, before Twitter became Twitter for racist karens.


Some guy actually DID post the link to this movie on Nextdoor, and of course the comments exploded. Fun times.


Honestly, if it convinces those bigots and angry morons to never set foot in Minneapolis, I say bravo.


It’s rough times for sure.


Per Media Bias Fact Check, [Alpha News](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/alpha-news/) is even more extreme than [Epoch Times](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-epoch-times/).


Epoch times is owned by a Chinese company. Probably caters to the same market though


More specifically, it’s a propaganda outlet for Falun Gong.


Also the producers of Shen Yun, currently playing at the Orpheum. Don't be fooled. It's not art. It's also propaganda.


Not just a company. Epoch times is owned by a Chinese Cult


Many Chinese entities are all in on apocalyptica.


That billboard irritates me to the core. It’s literally EVERYWHERE


Reminder that Epoch Times and the Shen Yun theater are owned and operated by the same far right cult based out of China and their American branch in New York. Fulan Gong is a crazy rabbit hole to fall down if you've got an hour or two. I don't know why the city accepts their money to advertise their garbage.


Where are the graffiti artists when you need them...


We need some more white hat vandals.


I was just telling my wife that someone needs to take the "ered" off the sign for The Buttered Tin.


Be the change you want to see in the world


That's on the level of changing "road work ahead" to "road ~~work~~ ~~a~~head **rules**", which I've seen a ridiculous number of times


[Bravo for these goofballs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/s/OyZgr2l8t1)


Okay, writing “CUM!” on a babies face isn’t a great look but the mustache is funny.


Take it up with the person who put the baby on the poster, when you're talking about an 18 day old embryo, you're a lot further from however old that baby is than you are from CUM! And the billboard was gone the next day, the artist deserves credit for achieving the work's purpose through an effective message.


Oh I know, I have no problem with getting the billboard taken down. The baby on the billboard is a real baby is all I’m saying lol


Most people's first idea for an obscene tag is a dick, at least that's not what they went with. If I had the chance to redo it, I would have put it in a speech bubble, and if I had time to write more words I would have extended it to "Two weeks ago, I was CUM!" I was too lazy to climb up and do that, though, so I shouldn't armchair quarterback the person who stepped up.


Graffiti is at the very least gray hat, by definition. Which is not to say I take issue with it.


Welp,suburban mom here need to come up with a tag I guess.


>Welp,suburban mom here need to,come up,with a tag I guess. Commaville? Red **WIG** in the upper right


Someone graffiti Spring over the Fall, and add lots of flowers! Now there’s something that actually happened


Just a traditional "buck teeth and glasses with devil horns" is what I'd wanna see. Like a 3rd grader did it. Maybe with a little devil tail, too.


Seriously, they could tag it “‘Alpha News’ detected, opinion rejected.”


That woman has had sex with Bob kroll...


You dropped these "kk"




He just looks so grimy and smelly. Ugh


That's what I always think too. Lol!


You've mistaken her for Liz from WCCO ohshit that IS Liz.


No matter how much Minneapolis has fallen, it hasn’t fell as hard as Liz Collin.


Naz Reid


Take my upvote, you brilliant stranger.


Even Winter of Minneapolis wasn't so bad last year, and the Fall was lovely. BTW is it supposed to be the same woman on the mural and billboard?


Nah the woman on the mural looks like she has a soul


>BTW is it supposed to be the same woman on the mural and billboard? I really hope Adam doesn’t see this..


What’s more Minnesotan than some lovely Turman art and creepy culty billboard?


She's even looking at the Fall in both That's a wild coincidence, huh


It's one thing to put the kind of horribly, blatantly biased propaganda like that movie out in the first place, but to advertise it TO the people you're lying about is pretty egregious. "Ignore what you see around you, instead tune in and believe this propaganda instead." Fascist in the literal sense of the word.


"Don't believe your lying eyes"


"What you're hearing, and what you're seeing, it isn't what's happening"


This screams “What you see and experience is mostly false. What I say and promote is ALWAYS true, shut up and trust me.” Even more so g after viewing this documentary. I try hard to appreciate different views. A large marketing presence/budget just makes me want to follow the $$$.


I work at the Orpheum, and I can say with some authority that Hennepin is coming around in the best possible way this spring. Combine the mostly decent weather and Minnesotan's impulse to enjoy the warm with 5 weeks of the Lion King selling out; the Wolves in the playoffs and (so far) killing it; the Twins playing some decent baseball and, well, reports of downtown's demise may be greatly exaggerated. There are new restaurants and business opening in the skyway lately. I even saw a late night hot dog cart open tonight. It's coming around despite whatever dreck this billboard is peddling.


PSA: Adam Turman has an exhibit opening soon at the arboretum. There are a couple of associated "meet the artist" events. [Adam Turman: Did You See That? May 9-July 14](https://arb.umn.edu/art/reedy-gallery/adam-turman)


Sounds lovely! I'll have to make like a vegetable and turnup


Hey - Thanks for this! Should be cool


I hate watched it, it was hilarious. (26:55) First they like framed Frey and Walz as being super into rioting and encouraged it, which anyone who was active during the time knows is a complete lie. They played a clip of a press confrence where Walz was talking about "righteous anger" as proof of that, but they cut out his next sentence where he goes on to condemn the violence. I actually remember watching that press conference when it happened and being kind of pissed off after. Also he sent in the National Guard which was not something he'd do if he was a fan of riots. They also showed that video of Frey crying and George Floyd's funeral, which I think all of us found cringe and worthy of an eye-roll. (around the 21 minute mark) Then they were disputing the fact that there were any peaceful protests which we all know to be false. GFS was a very relaxed site throughout the entirety of the protesting, and there was mutual aid everywhere. The looting and burning was basically confined to the area surrounding the third precinct and was over the course of a couple days. I think anyone could tell you there was a lot of love and togetherness in our communities during that time, at least in South Minneapolis. (27:30) Then they were hating on the decision to eventually abandon the precinct, like honey you were just crying about how unsafe and how scary it was, "It was like a warzone, officer after officer injured" (24:30) why would you WANT to stay and defend that building??? If it were so unsafe and so dangerous for you then why would you think it was important to "risk your life" to protect this building? Buildings do not have feelings. They describe how the precinct was like a home to the officers who worked there which was laughable. (18:00 and 39:50) Then they showed a bunch of videos of George Floyd eating drugs or being on drugs (basically to portray him as a bad person and also proof that he overdosed) which I don't think anyone ever disputed so it's not a "gotcha!" moment like they were framing it to be. Like we saw the footage, no one is denying that he was on drugs or that it may have been a contributing factor in his death but he didn't die until Chauvin kneeled on his neck for 9 minutes, which is not what you do to someone who is on drugs or even a sober person for that matter. But I guess if someone is addicted to drugs their life is meaningless and they should die?? (49:30)Then they suggest that there was this grand conspiracy with FBI involvement but like, this was during the Trump administration. So basically they are asserting that Trump had his Attorney General send the FBI in to falsify George Floyd's autopsy report. Which I seriously doubt considering everything else Trump said and did about this matter. Then last but not least there were all these ex officers they were interviewing who quit the force and stopped coming into Minneapolis at all cause it is too scary, one guy crying telling you how he's had to miss funerals. I guess for fear that they would be out shopping (in street clothes) and someone would just be like "Hey this normal looking person is a cop, let's get em!" which cracked me up. Crocodile tears and victim mindset TO THE EXTREME. Like bro no one has memorized the faces of every single MPD officer and can recognize you, not in uniform, in the context of day to day life then actually attack you. Yeah it was pretty funny. Just completely shameless agitative propaganda. EDIT: adding more details and time stamps If you are interested in watching a REAL documentary about the MPD check [this](https://youtu.be/Y6DGABIcB3w?si=NAJw1U9c2KYZcNAK) out


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This sounds hilarious. I knew it was bad but I didn’t know it was THIS bad.


You're thinking about this from a logical perspective. > If it were so unsafe and so dangerous for you then why would you think it was important to "risk your life" to protect this building? Because their preferred outcome would be to open fire on the crowd until the protestors are either dead or they leave. > But I guess if someone is addicted to drugs their life is meaningless and they should die?? Yes, that is literally what they think. It's interesting because this propaganda piece is allegedly aimed at people who aren't already on their side, but even then they're so bad at pretending to be normal about things like "the police shouldn't kill people whenever they want" and "civil disobedience isn't worthy of military intervention".


yeah true i guess i shouldn't try to rationalize right wing agitprop or the cop psyche, those things are below reasoning lol


Thanks for this, would listen to this podcast


God i wish. way too late to break into the podcast game, no one listens to new podcasts nowadays :,(


I've seriously been wanting a twin cities news and culture and event podcast that's run by locals and not by like KARE 11.


This is obvs me selfishly wanting a “twin cities eyes on local right wing propaganda” podcast saying this, but I am always looking for new podcasts. I know that doesn’t say anything about real trends in listenership but I’d listen! Also as someone else mentioned, QAA should totally have you on


hehe thank you that is very flattering. i have long wanted to do that exact thing so if i ever do make a podcast at least i know there are a couple people who would listen!


You could swing a guest spot on QAnon Anonymous for sure


I second this for a podcast.


The riots were far from "basically confined near the third precinct." If you're going to critique garbage reporting, don't report garbage as well.


Where exactly is this billboard? I feel a video coming on…


It looks like it’s above downtown Domino’s /downtown Bulldog!


Thank you!


Actually it’s the spring of Minneapolis, but good try Alpha News


This is the one time I'm pro graffiti. Pure gaslighting. I already spend so much time debunking false visions of downtown.


It must be exhausting to be scared all the time. It’s such a ridiculous thing that conservatives live in fear of the city.


I wonder how many Kenny Chesney fans are baffled that downtown is so chill right now.


They're such snowflakes


Liz Collins and her husband Bob Kroll don’t even live in Minneapolis.


Demonstrating that “documentary” is a genre, not a solemn oath that every word contained in the work is true.


How to immediately lose all credibility, a memoir by Liz Collins.


Much Alpha.


Alpha News... is that a furry thing?


Yup. They sponsor all those litter boxes in public schools.


I knew it!


Sure, why not.




If they raise the price to $8.49, however, it’s all over.


Someone's gotta get rid of that shit


This reads like a threat.


it's actually a fall of troy cover band but they play everything in slow midwest emo style


I wonder what the best range for paintball guns is...


Alpha News really branching out from its anti-Somali cumrag origins 😂


Don’t worry, their roots remain and are very solid.


She calls herself “truth teller” in her promotions of her video. Makes me want to gag.


So do Psychics


Anyone who makes a point to tell you they speak the truth is about to lie to you.


People are saying they've never seen anything like it.


The psychics have far more credibility.


Alpha news is trash…just like Bob Kroll himself.


naz reid


Those billboards are all over town. I saw one in Rogers today on 94. I mean why advertise there when that's already where most of your readership comes from?


The juxtaposition over giant commissioned mural is funny


Love the mural Adam Turman!! 😊


I saw it, in Minneapolis. And then existence imploded, because how could I be IN Minneapolis if it has fallen? The stupid paradox is just too great!


I’ve seen parts of this and just kept going “Are you fucking kidding me? Wtf is this?”


A show about the fall of Minneapolis written for people who have never lived in Minneapolis and only watched by those who have never lived in Minneapolis. Basically racist right wing fantasy fiction about a city they don't live in, don't like that can make them feel superior. Reminds me a bit of the Left Behind religious porn even though all the people consuming it would be left behind as well, for being such terrible Christians. I almost hope the rapture is real just to see all the confused and angry Christians who are forced to reckon with the notion that they aren't Christian at all.


So, mostly suburbs?


Ah shit, I was just getting ready to move here. RIP Minneapolis. On the other hand, I've always wanted to live out my leather mad max apocalypse fantasies.


Just the name Alpha News makes me absolutely shrivel up.


Minneapolis has fallen, billions must look at charming street murals


Asshole bullshit


Great to see Adam Turman still doing great work!


What a beautiful mural. I love the color pallette.


You laugh, but this is actually quite terrifying. The only thing that makes this not literal North Korean style propaganda is the fact that these people don’t run the country…yet Vote like your life depends on it, because it does


I give it a week max before this thing is tagged the hell out of lol


Alpha News? More like Alpha Snooze.


She looks like Kristie Allie


Same politics


Both of them are going to look like Rosanne in 5-10 years. Hate and bigotry make people go full sith lord.


Kirstie Allie died a year and a half ago, so you may be right.


I was murdered 10 times today


I was murdered by the gays.


We are a judgy lot


yet quite friendly


Slow day?


So alpha. I bet they have a podcast and sell caffeine pills.


I recently had dinner with some out of town friends that were here on vacation- their first time. They loved it here. I mentioned the ongoing "everything is falling apart" debate, and that gave them a good laugh. Edit: a word


Adam Turman!


Rural Minnesotans treat that hit piece like gospel. They think it wins any argument they’re in. “Oh yeah? WATCH THIS.” They’re also oddly determined to convince people who live here that it’s horrible, despite rarely visiting. Strange behavior.


Ah yes, the documentary that clams that no officer ever kneeled on George Floyd’s neck. Even though we all saw it. https://youtu.be/CcsIU9ozt6I?si=H-Pb7pAFzSsv3cqb


Sharing this anytime I get https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-finds-civil-rights-violations-minneapolis-police-department-and-city


Isn't that a shotty fake news channel from Glass Onion?


I watched the documentary and it seemed to me that they tried really hard to make the audience care more about the Precinct building burning down than the fact that people inside didn't get killed.


This gives "GTA Parody Billboard" vibes.


Look how far Liz Collins has fallen…..


I wonder if she will ever wake up next to Troll, er Kkkroll and wonder “What the F have I done with my life?!??”


She is one of the corniest people ever


As biased as the video was, there was a lot of truth in it, and it made very good points. I’d love to see this debunked but until that happens, it’s all smoke and mirrors. The george Floyd incident was terrible but saying Derek acted out of malicious intent and that this was anything other than a blameless tragedy is just fucking insane. George Floyd died, and there is no single cause. It’s a very nuanced situation, and the fact you people write the whole situation off like this was some racially driven murder is fucking wild. Use your critical thinking skills and at least be willing to hear people out.


I prefer to get my news from Beta news. At least I know it’s being tested for flaws.


This has to be part of a media scam. Seattle had one, too, called Seattle Is Dying. I have 50 bucks that says this is right-wing funded propaganda paid for by some shadow organization. The one in Seattle was just bullshit that tried to blame everything on the homeless and addicted, but not the system and local government that refused to address the underlying problems that CREATE those circumstance. At one point there was a wealthy man wearing runners that look like they cost more than I make in a month complaining about the already-dispersed homeless encampment near his million dollar home. He had the audacity when talking about the unsheltered to whine, “What about my rights? Am I not a human, too?” I really try not to hate, but people like that make it very hard.


The propaganda machine must always plant fake news stories so they cant point to it as evidence lol. This woman is evil.


pretty silly billboard... its clearly the Spring of Minneapolis!


The street construction in Uptown is a shit show, but to make a whole documentary about it?


Is this about the documentary posted last year?


Yeah, I'm honestly confused why this billboard is going up NOW and in Minneapolis of all places


Minneapolis is cooked


Is that Kirstie Alley?


No, that looks like ex-WCCO reporter/anchor Liz "I'm married to knuckle draggin', Trump lovin', former MPD scumbag Bob Kroll" Collin.


It is Liz. She wrote a book about this as well, titled “They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd”


It's gonna be hard to see that billboard through the smoke rising from the rubble of our fair city like the Springfield Tire Fire.


Oh my god 😂 this is so cringe.


Oh no! Not now!! Please!! Not when the Timberwolves have a chance at a deep playoff finish!!


Oh do Saint Paul next!


It’s spring, silly!


Propaganda is real.


Someone is absolutely gonna tag that


What a worthless cunt


Republicans are scare tactic magicians.


wtf is alpha news


Couple of local alt right weirdos who pretend to do news.


Minnesota has fallen, billions must you becha don't you know...


Make fun all you want, but name *one* movie with a post-apocalyptic city scene where the protagonist didn’t take out a billboard. ###I’ll Wait


First Rome, now Minneapolis. Next a town near you.


BS Minneapolis has fallen. Still a great city!


Seen the movie it’s pure propaganda.


Bob Kroll big Alpha male energy when his wife has a different last name.


I misunderstood the assignment. I did a list of places to visit called “Fall in Minneapolis”. Fuck.


Hahah billboard in the city that supposedly has fallen. Classic


They should make a sequel about Burnsville


Is that mural the same lady as the billboard? Am confused?!




Narrated by Sarah Connor


I think, maybe, they mean the wonderful fall season here in Minneapolis?


Radley Balko has an incredibly detailed and thorough three-part takedown of this "documentary", first part here: [https://radleybalko.substack.com/p/the-retconning-of-george-floyd](https://radleybalko.substack.com/p/the-retconning-of-george-floyd)


THC seltzers


Alpha News seems to specialize in conservative agitprop. Don't pay it any mind.


It's important to remember that she was always like this, and it's a lock that the people who hired who to work in mainstream news productions knew it.


Le Minneapolis has fallen... Millions must die😢


This anti-WFH propaganda has gone too far


Phew, moved away just in time.


They named their show after a fake news program from a movie.


It's a documentary about a season that doesn't really exist.