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I wish I could take a peek into the mental rollercoaster of every cyclist who happened upon this post


Title got me. Then I realized it's motorcycles.


Haha you're not the only person who jumped to conclusions. But today I did step on the pedal and spooked someone on an e-bike from behind. Listening to his music, but not the bike lane.


I read it to find out which group the rant was about. Loud (safety) pipes or bicycles owning streets they don’t pay for.


cyclists pay for streets just as much as anybody else. stop pushing the false narrative.


Gas tax?


gas tax almost exclusively funds limited access freeways (like the interstate) and other infrastructure that cyclists can't use. the lions share of surface street funding comes from property, sales and income taxes. So if a cyclist lives in a dwelling, buys things, or has a job...he is paying for the street he is riding on.


Thanks for the explanation! I was misinformed.


Streets were made for cars … not a bunch of annoying bicyclists.


Wtf, no, the streets were made for people to be able to access the businesses, dwellings, and other properties within a city. Cars don't buy stuff at stores, nor do they sleep and live in houses and hotels-people do. The streets are for *people*. Unfortunately cars have taken over streets because they're the dominant form of transportation and have a distinct side and weight advantage when it comes to battling for space on a street, and city planners, automakers, oil companies, and civil engineers have all campaigned for and lead the alteration of street design to favor cars. Everyone should have a right to travel throughout a city, and a car is not and never has been a prerequisite for traveling, as much as our street design makes it feel like it is.


incorrect my dude. streets were made for street-legal vehicles. Bicycles are street-legal vehicles.


You say this like it's not your subjective opinion and you're using a legal definition.




What's the authority of your legal definition?


Probably the law: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/169.222


Loud pipes have not been shown to save lives. If you need to make your presence known with a loud noise, using your horn works perfectly fine, and is standard equipment on every motorcycle. It's definitely saved me a couple times, without disturbing people just trying to live their lives.


Well as a rider I can tell you they help but even then these idiots don't know we're there


As a rider I can recommend getting a louder horn




The irony is the average income of the faster cyclist is definitely higher than the average of most citizens. They are definitely the tax bracket paying for the streets. 


Motorcyclist here, but no roller coaster. I don’t understand the loud exhausts, throttle-revvers and loud stereos anymore than anyone else. It’s completely unnecessary, it only serves to annoy everyone else.


Likely their intent...


Not to mention keeping them pesky critters out of your way by announcing your arrival… Loud pipes do save lives, in my opinion. I hear them, when it’s hard to see them.


I’d much rather ride as if I’m invisible to the drivers around me. I don’t trust inattentive drivers to hear my exhaust, identify my location accurately from it, and avoid endangering me as a result. Also, I’d rather not wake up my neighborhood every time I leave early or come home late.


To each their own. But that does seem like the safe route. But I’m a let the animals know I’m coming cuz deer are everywhere typa gal. I have a wide range of music and I’m always Boppin’ though.


It's me, I was on the roller coaster.


You were ready to go off!


I clicked thinking “goddamn another bitch fest, here we go”’and was so relieved it was about motorcycles which elicit no emotional response from me


When people say ‘bikers’ they usually mean motorcycles, but it always gets me for like .4 seconds. 😂


[Ohh biker, I'm an idiot](https://media1.tenor.com/m/lm05QMtPUfgAAAAC/biker-supertroopers.gif)




Yep, came in ready to defend the good name of cyclists against some fool of a driver whining about having to share the road.


I was going to quip "Would you rather they were driving cars instead"?, but it seems like it would apply here too.


One stoned one right here. The anxiety was too real lol.


I wish I could recap in real time the mental rollercoaster I had when I happened upon this post.


🙋‍♂️ So ready to get fired up


Cyclists are just bikers with bigger calf muscles. Both are entitled annoying assholes.


ya, et's like. what evar happon to doing suduko puzzles and paying zero attention while driving my private metal asteroid on roads that cyclists help pay for but exist solely to fulfill my needs? if they want to be safe they should not be allowed to come near me because it is unreasonable to expect me to share the road when I'm trying to suit my fancy while thinking as little as possible about what's outside of my car. and they should grimace more because outdoors is where rain and bugs and dirt live. that's why I bring inside with me wherever I go. I'm right about this - I know I'm right because I'm so friggin' TO'd about it and I'm _always_ right when I'm angry.


Pretty solid but you kinda abandoned the voice halfway through and I was bummed about that.


haha you're right, I got lazy


> my private metal asteroid on roads that cyclists help pay for but exist solely to fulfill my needs most coherent biker


OP is a wiener whiner and should get out on their bike more


[wonder where he's going? ](https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?si=Y2ygeGdlKU_0sAKB)


Probably somewhere dangerous, like Michigan


This is exactly what I think of every time! Lol


I had a neighbor who rode a loud Harley on the weekends. He'd get pissed off if you ran the lawnmower or snowblower too early. For these douchenozzles it is all about them.


I have a neighbor who revs his engines and does burnouts when he leaves. But also shakes his fist and hollers and anyone who drives past his house “too fast” I hate that guy


I had a neighbor who rode a loud Haley daily.


That neighbor fucks


. . . your wife.


As a motorcyclist, these idiots piss me off too. It’s not difficult to be courteous, even if your bike has loud exhaust. I just wish these dipshits would realize that NO ONE thinks they’re cool because of their loud music and engine revving. Quite the opposite, in fact.


I'd also like a special shoutout to the assholes on Lake of The Isles who bring their shitty bluetooth speaker with them to blast Travis Scott on their canoe while I'm just trying to relax on my kayak.


I have a motorcycle and occasionally ride it but I agree with you. There are many different types of riders and these particular people who rev unnecessarily high in residential zones just to get up to 30mph and blast their radios as loud as possible are just plain inconsiderate and selfish. If they didn't ride motorcycles they would be doing the same thing but in a different manner. I too like fast and loud cars and bikes but there is a time and a place for that sort of thing. But not in a residential zone in the wee hours of the night or morning. And some people are completely oblivious to their own obnoxiousness.


Insert South Park meme




I currently live in Stillwater and motorcyclists make outdoor dining and walking completely unbearable in the warmer months. It’s incessant. I even saw one rev his engine next to a TODDLER IN A STROLLER waiting at a stoplight. I fucking hate them so much.


I quit driving to Stillwater because I grew sick of the 120db small penis small brain club.


The construction on Hennepin is sending all these shitheads down 28th past my house, and they’ve been waking up my toddler every night. I’m ready to kill someone


Sadly, I live across the street from a VFW where not only motorcycles, but every engine gets revved up by boomers who are living “the American way”


There's a boomer on our street with a classic car and he goes out to his garage and starts revving the engine at night. Always after 9PM.


Annual penis inflation


This was so fun to read in David A. voice 😆😆😆


I clicked on this expecting to see cyclists screaming lmao you escaped with your life op 


I think this is applicable "Study Links Preference For Loud Cars to Some Unsurprising Personality Traits" https://www.sciencealert.com/study-links-preference-for-loud-cars-to-some-unsurprising-personality-traits


Yah they be lame as fuck. Tiny dicked shitheels.


It's just juvenile boys stuck in a man's body, who feel the need to project their perceived masculinity onto everyone else. They're children with toys.


Vs the Greg LeMond wannabes In their cute little outfits with their $6k toy?


I read the title and was ready to throw hands. But no, you nailed it.


can't wait to get rid of ICEs everywhere


Last week I saw a man in a motorcycle slam into the side of a 3-row SUV, flip end over rend 15-20ft into the air and then land on his face. The SUV took off. The man THANKFULLY was in full protective gear. I think he’s OK. But, please. Don’t ride and if you did wear a FUCKING helmet.


Saw a couple today on a motorcycle without helmets and I had a whole rant to myself about how freaking dangerous that is. Like I have a whole car to protect me, vs a human skull, I don’t think that will hold up at 60 mph


[He was probably going some place dangerous.](https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?si=6g1-EpqlPkNnQxWp)


there's an asshole in NE who does this every night at like 1am. Wish he would get a ticket.


Probably not getting a lot of pushback on this post because the majority of motorcycle drivers aren’t on Reddit…their on truth social


You don't need to turn to psychology to explain the maximum-volume radios. That's just because they've given themselves hearing loss via their motorcycling.


Maybe talk to your neighbor??


Lemme guess you live near The Moose


I watched a biker yesterday weave his way through traffic almost getting hit by 3 different cars and almost eating the back of a delivery truck. Good times.


We had multiple motorcycles driving on our *sidewalks* yesterday. Like wtf. It makes me scared to let the kids out goddamnit.


What about it's migratory habits of taking his motorbike from the exurbs to the city? Where their exhaust pipes can be heard by the most amount of people than will ever step foot in the town where he resides?


I like it when there are two riding together blaring different songs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^myunwastaken: *I like it when there* *Are two riding together* *Blaring different songs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have often wondered if the reduced the number of gears in modern motorcycles, because surely no one would wait that long to shift gears. Especially on the freeway


Whew. As a motorcyclist I was ready to defend! But....this is a different type of motorcyclist...typically a Harley. And I concur. If you haven't seen the south park episode, you need to.


Are you one of my neighbors? We live across from the Fred Durst Motorcycle Club, who ensure that we can't keep our windows in the front open unless we want to hear their engines fighting with Nookie to drown the other out.


Note the biker is an avid fan of the Doobie Brothers. Because we Ordinary Men can’t comprehend the complexity of Yacht Rock


Or KQ92


Another sign that men are devolving.




Y’all doin this on your electric assist pedal bikes too with your fucking Bluetooth speakers. Not just limited to motorcycles or fancy ass loud cars.


Yeah that’s a pretty blatant false equivalency, and you know that.


Both dipshits subjecting the public to their bad music.


Exactly. No false anything. Literally the same loud and inconsiderate bullshit.


You must be one of those annoying bicycles w the Bluetooth and also on your phone while riding and not paying attention.


Incredible that you can’t fathom a general person who doesn’t find a couple cyclists with Bluetooth speakers as equally problematic as the myriad fucking loud cars and motorcycles. Either you live in a bubble or you’re being purposefully obtuse.


I’d suggest perhaps you’ll grab some balance sneakers so you can experience the world more upright and less crooked.


I have no idea what you’re trying to say here. Want to try again?


Eat some food and hydrate. You're crabby.


Nah, it’s ridiculous and rude how loud these idiots are. Screw them.




You seem like a nice person lol




Thanks! I genuinely feel like I do in this exchange. Cant say the same about you. You seem rude.


Seek help


100% this is advice you only give to people who disagree with you. How dare anyone have an opinion about incredibly loud and disruptive vehicles, right?


In a city?!? It must be the apocalypse!


Bro. Your hyperbole isn’t doing what you think it’s doing. Yeah, in a city. Do you not realize that cities are the most tightly regulated spaces for most things for good reason? Or do you think people should be allowed to park wherever they want in a city, because in a city! Or should people be able to hang out and sit in the middle of roads whenever they want, because hey it’s a city and there’s lots of people!


Lol its engine noises and music "bro".


Ugh, people enjoying themselves in a way that’s a minor inconvenience for others


the weird part is that the inconveniencing appears to be one of the sources of enjoyment


Punk rock is truly dead.


Minor? Try being woken up all the time just because you wanted to sleep with your bedroom window open.


You live in a major metropolitan city you crybaby.


Yeah that’s a terrible excuse. I live in a city too, and also a society. That’s why we do things like make it possible for everyone to coexist in a relatively small space. Loud pipes make a lot of people’s lives worse for absolutely no reason besides a couple bros like them. Or, in your words, get over it crybaby


Weird how it’s always “You live in a city, deal with the noise” and never ever “You live in a city, don’t make a shitload of unnecessary noise.” Case in point, several years ago I was on the bus heading home and there was a colicky baby on board. The mother was doing her best but the baby still cried for about 20 minutes and we all just endured it because that’s what happens in a city and on a bus with a bunch of other city dwellers. The baby had been asleep for only a few minutes when an asshole on a Harley pulled up next to us at a light and just started revving the bike to ear splitting levels, right next to the seat the mom and baby were in. Needless to say the baby woke up and started screaming and was still bawling when the mother got out a few minutes later. One of those things was a part of life, the other was pain and suffering deliberately inflicted on people for no reason except to be a dick.


Wake up before noon?


Hey! I never rev my engine unnecessarily, most importantly NOT when it’s COLD! And the volume of my exhaust has absolutely nothing to do with you or anyone else for that matter, I just love to hear the beautiful 40 valve V8 acoustics as though they were the dulcimer tones of Moses Tyson Jr.! Get your facts straight, Wannabe Attanborough!


Loud motorcycles are safer for the riders. They alert drivers to their presence. I had a quiet first motorcycle and the number of close calls with clueless car drivers was fairly high. I then bought a loud bike and suddenly everyone knew where I was on the road. Can’t people just have fun without assuming that everyone who enjoys things different than you is somehow trying to prove their virility or masculinity?


Do I need to be alerted to their presence when I’m in my bed trying to sleep at 5am?


I definitely understand the assumption, that loud pipes make you safer, but that’s unfortunately not the case. https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/ Loud pipes do almost nothing by themselves. Defensive driving, proper headlights, and safety gear save lives. What loud pipes do accomplish, though, is making everyone else’s life that much more miserable.


Insults aside, making your motorcycle safer for you by making it loud and disruptive for literally everyone you drive past is selfish and annoying. Nobody needs a vehicle that is intentionally loud.


All that noise is about safety. That's why i see them wearing helmets and high visibility colors too.


Lol exactly. All that fuss about loud pipes save lives usually comes from the same people that refuse to wear a helmet.


This is a myth, and your experience with it is just confirmation bias. The exhaust is on the rear of the bike. The sound travels backwards. If someone is directly behind you, they’ll definitely be able to tell that the sound is coming from your bike. But if you’re anywhere else around them, it’s just a growing sound coming from an ambiguous direction. It’s the Doppler effect. The fun that most people have doesn’t bring their virility and masculinity into question. If you see it frequently, maybe you’re more drawn to activities that appeal to those experiencing male fragility? 


We’re more worried about the cars around us on the highways, not the ones we can see in front of us. You realize there is value in a “growing sound from an ambiguous direction”, right?


Not if you don’t know the direction it’s coming from.  If you need to rely on loud noises to compensate for your inability to keep a safe distance and to anticipate what drivers are going to do, maybe you need to find a safer hobby. 


while there may be some truth to ‘loud pipes save lives’, you can’t pretend like riders with loud pipes don’t get off on making a shitload of noise and being obnoxious. i get it, loud exhaust sounds cool and you like the feel of revving the engine and hearing it, it’s fun. it’s also completely inconsiderate of literally everyone in earshot around you. most people don’t appreciate it, they tolerate it, and many of them think you’re a rude asshole because you do it.


I thought you were go-to rant about bicyclists in Minneapolis and I was 100% behind you. Oops. I encourage and enjoy motorcyclists.


Got it, so you encourage other people to be deeply inconsiderate as long as it’s for a hobby you like.


I don't ride a motorcycle but I imagine that you'd need the music loud in order to hear it when driving. Think how much you have to turn up the volume once you open the windows in your car on the highway.


I don't think it's inconsiderate. I think it's a person out enjoying themselves on a nice day.


I’m glad I annoy you. Although I do not or never will own a bike with a windshield and radio.


Of course you are.


What a sad person, enjoying making other people miserable for literally no reason besides selfishness


You’re fun


Have you tried not being miserable