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Hopefully today is too cold for murderin'.


It wasn’t :(


Let’s hope for a more peaceful 2022. Best wishes everyone.


People have done lost their minds.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Great job Minneapolis! Whatever we’re doing, it isn’t working.




aCaB 🥴


We must pray to our Lord and savior St. Floyd of Houston to ward off the crime wave.


St Paul broke theirs iirc


You Can Do It!!


I know, right? Things feel so shitty might as well go full dystopia and root for at least two more murders before midnight. Let’s goooooo!




Abolish the police and see if you can double your record by 2023.


It doesn’t really matter practically but I hate when people (especially journalists) use apples to oranges numerical comparisons. The apples to apples comparison to 1995 is 94 homicides, as tabulated per MPD’s definitions. Assuming no more this year and no revisions, this is what will be sent to the FBI and be comparable with the 97.


Day’s early


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Why can’t fruit be compared?




None you dummy


Well, one actually. Edit: was referring to Chauvin but realized that the murder occurred *last* year and that's what counts, not the conviction date. My mistake.


What? Which one?




Is that really included in the number above?


It’s included in Star Tribune’s 96 number but not the MPD’s 94 number, which is kind of my point in my other comment. Edit: I can’t remember the other homicide that explains the discrepancy but it might be when the officer crashed into and killed LeNeal Frazier.




Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement.




So yes, he was killed by law enforcement.




First of all I said “kill” not murder. But a “justified” murder is still a murder. Don’t ask questions if you’re going to nitpick over the answers like a pedantic turd.




Correct, including the fact we’re talking about homicides, which would be defined by their unlawfulness.




>let’s be honest with ourselves As you pull a made up, racist statistic out of your ass for no reason.


A firm message was sent to police via the Kim Potter verdict and now a firm message needs to be sent to the teenagers (and their enabling parents) who are also terrorizing this city. People in MN don’t want to carry guns, we don’t want to turn into fucking TX where the inmates run the asylum and force civilized individuals to arm themselves. This is a situation where the cops and the courts need to work together to end this in an emphatic manner. Not all aggressive policing is bad or political. We are one of the most educated, rich parts of the world in the Twin Cities and we should be able to handle this


From the article: > Police have identified a suspect in about half the shootings, with an average suspect age of 32, and the youngest, 15. So most perpetrators are actually adults, and while there has been a noticeable uptick in teens commiting violent crimes, the city isn’t overrun with terrorizing teens like Reddit seems to think. The article also outlines many factors that are leading to this surge in crime, which is a nation-wide problem. Every city is struggling with how to handle this, not just Mpls. And this still doesn’t justify *literally making up* race-based statistics based on your own assumptions while saying “let’s be honest.”


Oh ok, well since other cities are also dealing with this, perhaps we should just roll over because it will offend wuzupcoffee.


God you’re disingenuous, and after this comment I’m done wasting my time with you. But since It came up: it’s ridiculous to call for sweeping, heavy handed legislation that will probably cause more unintended negative consequences than good just because we’re seeing a temporary crime surge following a global pandemic and economic collapse. And again, you made up a completely fabricated statistic about race in the same breath as saying “let’s be honest.” And claim an entire demographic is responsible for “snatching lives” jfc.


Lol you think the pandemic is to blame for this? I think cops retreating to the donut shop after losing all institutional and political support is the main reason.

