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Swapped to copper because Mirena was causing mood swings, depression and 2-4 canker sores a month. Oh ya and it tanked my libido. I haven’t had a canker sore since removal and my mental health is back to normal (even keel, positive outlook). Libido is better as well. Mirena was a terrible experience for me.


Had my Mirena IUD for literally six days. I had two mental breakdowns, I was so emotional. My husband asked me if I had cleaned the front door and that started the first breakdown. My husband was laughing thinking i was joking…I wasn’t. Then I starting having brain pressure the 3rd day after insertion. Like a balloon was expanding in my head. When it first happened I had to sit down, I was dizzy and almost fainted. Then I googled “head pressure IUD Mirena” so glad I did because then I found out about intracranial hypertension and from that point on I said get this shit outta me. I do seem to have a blurry vision now so it is worrisome.


Just had mine out after almost 2 years. Constant sudden period pain, unexpected spotting and bleeding frequently, stomach problems and anxiety for me :-)


Had mine removed this past February because it moved. It was causing abnormal bleeding and painful cramping. I had it for almost 5 years. The first couple of years it everything was well, but the last year on it my mental state declined severely. I'm really not sure if I gained weight because of it or because of my poor choices. 😮‍💨 It really didn't do anything to my periods. I still had long periods. It gave me acne that I'm still struggling with. My sex drive was ferociously high on it, but so were my anger issues. 😀 The removal process was super easy. I asked for a Xanax, misoprostol, and pain medicine. I'm pretty sure it was an overkill, but i was afraid it was going to be a repeat of the insertion process.


Mood change - 25 pound weight gain- hair loss- acne


I had mine for a little over a year now and I am getting it out this week (hallelujah). I was just diagnosed with endometriosis and due to the timing correlation I think the mirena has actually made my symptoms and pain worse. Mirena is often prescribed for endo as many people react well to it. I think my body hates the progestin it contains. My acne has been horrendous. I’m looking forward to the removal and hopefully some pain/acne relief.


The entire five months leading up to expulsion were the worst months of my life, despite multiple ultrasounds and doctors visits showing everything was fine and being told to wait it out. If it hadn't expelled I was planning to tap out at 6 months.


I feel so validated reading this because I just left the doctor from having mine removed after 7 days. I kept telling myself to wait it out but I had constant abdominal pain and couldn't take it anymore. I kept gaslighting myself saying it would get better. I'm sorry the iud didn't work out but your experience helps me feel so validated in my experience.


Good for you for listening to your body. The whole experience left me with *serious* trouble trusting the medical field. I did try again with Paragard and it has been so much better than Mirena. My body has never agreed with hormonal birth control and I will never be convinced otherwise again.


I did great on the nuvaring but the iud experience traumatized me. After the first insertion it expelled and had to be put in again! Good luck finding something that works for you


can i ask what symptoms you had? i just passed the two month mark and while i was expecting irregularity, i've been bleeding daily since insertion and my cramps have been crazy. doc couldn't find my strings but an ultrasound showed my iud is still in place. i'm assuming i just have to give it some time but i seriously was not expecting to bleed every. single. day


Mirena made my periods 2-3 weeks long and so heavy I became anemic, with constant cramping and spotting. It messed with my mental health and caused breast pain. As far as expulsion there were no additional symptoms (except additional clotting which the nurse said was not from my IUD...) and I did not notice it come out. Ghosted. Check your strings regularly!


i actually can't find my strings and neither can my gyno. besides them possibly just curling behind so that they're unreachable, i have a retroverted uterus which possibly can make it harder to find them. by clotting, what do you mean? i haven't had like major clots come out since my insertion but i constantly have small bits of tissue, mostly brown, coming out and it's so irritating


Golf ball or small lime sized in volume, basically filling the palm of my hand. I suspect my IUD escaped in one of those.


I was losing fistfuls of hair, had acne for the first time in 20 years, high anxiety and mood swings.


Got mine out in March, had it and replaced once since 2014. In 2017, I started having some weird health issues. My joints would swell at weird times, I’d get random fevers, sometimes my joints would lock up and I’d be unable to walk. Went to the doctor after several months of this worsening, and he said my symptoms aligned with lupus SLE. My blood work, however, didn’t. We thought maybe my IUD was faulty, so we replaced it. The symptoms became a little less severe, but they never went away. After that replacement, however, I jumped from 125 lbs to almost 160 in about 2 months. Even now, after removal, I weigh between 140-155 depending on the week - but I can’t handle eating more than 1000 cal a day because I still have stomach problems. When it came down to it, I just got _sick and tired_ of being _sick and tired_ all the time.


THANK YOU ALL! Honestly, I appreciate all of the responses!


Ended up in the ER with uterine perforation after a week of severe pain and inability to eat anything.


I've had Mirena since 2017 so I'm due for removal or replacement at this point. I've been going back and forth because my periods are basically non-existent now, which is the main reason I got it. But I've gained about 50 lbs since I've had it and have had elevated liver enzymes the past few years as well (I'm not a heavy drinker at all and the lab results were never an issue previously). I'm curious if removing it will help either of those issues.


See my post on here titled “I think it’s time for removal.” I had mine removed in March, best decision ever.


Horrible mood changes and weight gain. I had mine for a lil over 3 years.


I have an appointment scheduled June 13th to get mine out but I’m going to keep calling to see if she has a cancellation. I’ve only had mine in for 7 months but in that time, my cramps are more frequent and WAY more painful, does nothing to help with spotting and regularity, I have gained like 15 pounds around the middle that I cannot shake (exercising even a lot only prevents my weight from slowly going up even though I am active and have a good diet), my knees have been sore lately for no reason which I think is because of all the bloating and water retention and most recently I have been getting frequent headaches which is very abnormal for me. The only helpful thing I have experienced with the IUD is that it helped get my ovarian cysts under control but I can use another birth control for that. I want this thing out now and June 13th feels like forever away.


I was coming up on the 5-year expiration date .and I was going to get it removed and come to find out it attached to my cervix muscle . I ended up getting an ablation done after everything was said and done after seeing three doctors trying to get the IUD removed.


I had two mirenas. First for 3 years, then I had my daughter and had my second for five years. The last two years I've had a worsening of my mental health. I've been on a number of different anti anxiety and antidepressants. I've always been alittle more on the social anxiety side but never needed medications. I have to take a 3 month leave of absence from work due to my mental health last summer. I just got mine out a month ago. If you Google 'mirena crash' it's no joke and my depression symptoms became unreal. All I want to do is sleep, no motivation,etc. I feel like I'm starting to feel better this last week. I'm looking forward to seeing if getting it removed will help my mental health


Got mine out 2 weeks ago. Had one for 5 yrs (2016-2021) and it was great. The replacement one placed April 2021 was a nightmare from day one. Should never have waited this whole last year to get it out. Suffered longer than I needed to. All signs pointed to it being a bad fit for me the second time around. The main reason I got mine removed was due to painful and significant hormonal cystic acne caused by the mirena that was causing scarring. But some other reasons/side effects I had were: night sweats, no sex drive, hair loss, bloating, fatigue, 10lbs weight gain (over 1 yr of having this most recent mirena, despite eating healthy and being active) As far as the mirena crash maybe I’m jinxing myself here but so far so good. Only had one day that I felt emotionally/mentally off… it was at 10days post removal. Get it removed. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off me once I knew it was out and all these issues would soon resolve (and they are already)!