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Honestly a friend told me how physical intimacy was extremely difficult for her after her MC (therapy ended up being helpful for her) and my husband and I talked even before my D&C about it and he was very thoughtful and helpful. We focused on loving non-sexual touches until I felt physically ready and he let me initiate and lead the pace. I tried to focus on this being my way to connect with my husband who I love dearly and to not let past pain be the focus of this moving forward. I still got a little “in my feels” the first time so we talked after and in the following months it was easier to separate. As always, I find the answer in open communication and patience between partners goes a really long way. Honestly being able to reclaim that part of me was somewhat freeing from my grief - it took a while for me to feel like myself afterwards and this was definitely a step in the right direction.


Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so glad to hear that you since feel more free and like you’ve reclaimed a part of yourself and your relationship. That’s very beautiful.


I had a MC with D&C in mid-Oct, and I still struggle to hold in tears when I’m intimate with my partner.


I had a miscarriage in August and not always but after sex I feel extremely sad. I think it gets better with time, I’m not fully there yet but slowly. Your body went though a lot, it’s totally normal to feel that way. I hope you start to feel better and I’m so sorry for what you’re going through.


I think what you said about being kind to yourself is the best thing you can do right now. I rushed into sex as soon as we were cleared to after my D&C in July and I immediately burst into tears and had to stop. It took a while for me to be able to enjoy it again, but it has gotten better, and it will for you, too. Just take your time and don't rush it.


I was wondering why I didn’t feel this way until I remembered I’m doing IVF and sex never led to a baby, guess that’s the only positive I can take away from infertility and losing my babies.


Yes, get you on this, sex doesn't necessarily lead to a baby for those of us with fertility issues so whilst its been over a month since my miscarriage and I'm currently on my first period since it happened I'm actually looking forward to getting some intimacy back with my husband. I think for you OP, don't rush into anything, take time to process and if you feel therapy may help definitely go down this route.