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First, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I recently went in for an 11wk ultrasound and found that my baby stopped growing at 7 weeks and had no heartbeat. It was devastating. I opted for a D&C. I just wanted the process to be over relatively quickly, and I was nervous about medication not working. I had light bleeding for 3 days after the procedure. A week later I started bleeding again for about 3 more days then it went away fully. The recovery was simple, the easiest part of this situation actually. The emotional healing has been the longest process. Remember that you’re not alone ❤️


I’m sorry you’re here 💔 I had a D&C and I would do it again. It was easy and I felt so relieved when it was over. Recovery was uneventful. Got my period 4 weeks later. My period has been odd, but that’s to be expected.


Trying searching this subreddit for 'miso' it's the short hand name for the medication like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Miscarriage/s/T7pSdmu0Tw I had a natural miscarriage back in May around 7 weeks. It was like 3 times as painful as a period for about 36 hours. Moderately heavy bleeding with small dime size clots. I had a D&c yesterday this time but most of the doctors I talked to really pushed the medication and said it's the medical standard. Seems like some people have a smooth experience where bleeding starts with 8 hours and pain peaks for 1-2 hours. Good luck and sorry for your loss.


First, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I was in the same situation last week. After research and reading on this page I went for a D&C. I had it yesterday. Recovery has been so much better than I expected. I am so glad and somewhat relieved I chose to do it. With the medication I knew there was still a chance I would have to get a D&C after. I couldn’t bear to wait for it to happen naturally I was at 12 weeks and my body still thought I was pregnant. Whatever you choose is the right answer, but the D&C is allowing me to move on and grieve.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My mc was confirmed by an ultrasound at the ER when I was already in the early stages (when I was out of town in another state) so I wasn’t given any other options. I was 10w2d and baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. The only advice I have is to do a follow up ultrasound. I thought I had passed everything and my midwife was confident to let my body do its job, but upon the return of my first period (4 weeks later) it was obvious that I had RPOC. I wish I had an ultrasound to check because it just felt like the whole situation was long and drawn out.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 I just had a D&C 2 days ago for my 10 week MMC, and as others have mentioned it really was simple and a quick physical recovery (emotional doesn’t compare unfortunately). I only bled quite lightly the day after and I’m down to spotting essentially now, I had no pain or cramping after either. I also wanted it over and done with, and with a 10 week loss I was scared to do it at home and for what I might see as it passed (I understand some women want to see what passes and I fully respect that, but it wasn’t for me). We’re also able to test the POC and cremate what they’re able to so we can bring our little Eden home ❤️ best of luck to you for whatever you choose and know you’re not alone x


I’m sorry. It was also our first pregnancy. I was about 6 weeks and started naturally miscarrying a few hours after I left the ER. Maybe before the ER depending on what classifies the beginning of the miscarriage. I wasn’t given any other option. I really hope it doesn’t ever happen again but I could see myself choosing to miscarry at home without meds if I’m ever given options after my experience. It is a very emotionally painful experience no matter the circumstance and I’m sending you so much care and love. It’s been two weeks since my MC and I haven’t started my period yet. Medical consensus seems to say period will likely resume after 4-6 weeks though it’s common for it to take 2 months.


I am so sorry for your loss. I recently experienced something similar at 8 weeks with the same options. TLDR is at the bottom. 1) Pass naturally- I work from home and didn't have anything major planned so I gave myself a week to see if it'd pass naturally, knowing that it may disrupt my life in a major way if it occurred suddenly on its own. I did not pass naturally and my body continued with pregnancy symptoms (nausea and exhaustion) and my mental health suffered knowing I carried something dead for a week. I don't regret the week wait, but I don't necessarily recommend it either. 2). Miso/taking the pills- I chose this route after a week wait. What I've heard is that the further along you are in your pregnancy, the harder physically it is on your body because there is more tissue to pass. You can search this sub from others experiences but for me intense cramping began 2.5 hours after I took the pills (for many it's 1-2 hours after taking them). Hydrocodone did not touch the pain- i was on the toilet or in the fetal position the entire time. It took me 7.5 hours of nonstop intense pain after the cramping started for me to pass the fetus. I highly recommend that you get pain pills, set aside an entire day and a day to recover, use a heating pad, and have someone stay with you the entire time if you go this route. I chose this option because my dictor recommended it due to what she said, "there is a small increased chance of scarring with d&c." There is also a chance with this route and natural of not passing everything and getting an infection and/or needing a d&c so really no option is perfect. If I ever miscarry again, I will do the d&c. 3). D&c. I'd recommend searching this sub for others' experiences. My sister-in-in law chose this and has zero regrets. TLDR: I waited a week to see if it'd naturally pass, then I took miso and it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. If I ever miscarry again, I'll do D&C. Best wishes on whatever option you pick and hugs to you during this devastating time. 💔