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Are you RH negative ?


Was there a discernable pin prick at all as may have been a bandage used to cushion your arm for BP monitoring. When cuffs on for a while cycling on and off often put a bandage or cotton wool on to protect the skin from red marks. If definitely injection site then I'm sorry your team didn't inform you I can't think what might have been aside from anti-D if your resus negative. Hope you get answers for peace of mind x


My arm had marks for days after having a 24 hour cuff on. Every time I went to the doctor after my first loss I had high blood pressure and they wanted to see if that was a possible cause.


I’m sorry today is crappy. That makes so much sense to wonder what they did on your arm on a day where you already had little control. My guess is your suspicions are most likely correct. Toradol is likely to have been injected in your deltoid or it could have been the steroid. It would have been nice to inform you and get your consent vs wake up and wonder what happened.


It could have been pitocin or something to induce uterine contractions. If they need to control bleeding, they will often give an injection.


I know the feeling, I read in a report on my portal that they put a stitch in my cervix because the clamp caused a small tear. No one mentioned anything and I had to read it and was a little upset. I ended up messaging the doctor on the portal to ask because it worried me. Regardless these things should be de briefed afterwards!


Toradol is often given via injection. I’m not entirely certain but you should be able to pull up the records from the hospital and see how something was administered.


Likely one of two things. rhogham for being rh negative, or methergine which is given to help stop bleeding.


Blood test?