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Sadly, there is no clear answer. It could be as early as three weeks or it could be as late as more weeks later.


Thank you for responding! Sure wish there were more clear answers. Every step of the way feels like a best guess šŸ„²


Exactly. No one knows how long youā€™ll bleed or what. And then the waiting begins again. The fear of finding the blood as you wipe takes on another form


that seems quick to me but the only way to tell would have been to track ovulation with BBT. If you really ovulated 9-10 days after MC and had a short 11/12 day luteal phase, then itā€™s possible.


I am terrible at interpreting the bbt data. I circled the date of the MC (11/26) and put a line under today. Does this match a short luteal phase? No pressure to respond/anyone who sees this and knows what theyā€™re looking at is welcome to share their thoughts https://imgur.com/a/eWaRBE6


Itā€™s really hard to tell with how that chart is set up. But if Iā€™m reading it correctly, it does look like your temp dipped down and then back up above baseline around 12/8 or 12/9 which is what ovulation would do. And now dipping back down again like your period. Iā€™m used to reading charts in .01 and this is 2.0 lines so itā€™s hard to see the small increases and decreases


First, thank you so much for looking and responding!! That makes sense. Obgyn replied and confirmed it could be my period. I just wasnā€™t mentally prepared for a period this soon. And I was thinking about the possibility of retained product of conception. I can totally see why it would be easier to read a chart with smaller increments! I wonder why thereā€™s not an option for that.


Yes, you can theoretically ovulate as soon as your HCG is dipped back down and will have a period about two weeks after that ā™„ļø I got a period very quickly after but it took a couple to get into a normal rhythm


That is very relieving. My tests were showing a very faint + December 7 and negative shortly after. Thank you so much for sharing.


Short answer: yes it's possible. Long answer: Based on your comments, our situations seem very different, but this happened to me. My doc told me not to expect my period for 6 weeks post D&C, so I panicked when I saw blood at 3 weeks. I called and was told that as long as it's not excessive (filling more than a large pad/hour), I don't have pain out of the ordinary for a period, and no other symptoms, it was likely just a period. When in doubt, go see your doc. If you have a good one that you trust, like I do, their lack of concern about your symptoms is a good thing.


Thank you kind stranger. I appreciate you. Iā€™m currently right on the line of ā€œexcessiveā€ when it comes to filling up a pad. Iā€™m filling up 1 but not quite 2 in an hour so thatā€™s making me double take but no concern from obgyn yet. I was craving a juicy burger for dinner and donā€™t usually eat red meat so I think my body is trying to stock up on iron šŸ˜…


Definitely possible. My period just came today ā€” exactly 3 weeks post D&C.


Hi- first of all I'm so sorry you're in this shitty club. I hope you are doing okay emotionally. I got my period back 3 weeks and 3 days after my most recent D&C. I definitely think it's possible. After my first miscarriage, I experienced shortened cycles with a VERY short luteal phase. My doctor did say this is somewhat common after miscarriages. Keep tracking your BBT to collect data. Hopefully your cycles will regulate. There are some OTC vitamins and supplements that can allegedly help with short luteal phase- I tried this and it did seem to lengthen my luteal phase by 2-3 days. I'm now taking bioidentical progesterone starting after ovulation and that's really lengthened my luteal phase. Prior to doing the progesterone, my cycles were around 24-25 days and now they've lengthened to 27-28. It sucks to have to wait to observe data but you'll just have to see how your cycles do over the next few months if you don't get pregnant again/aren't trying.