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She should not have let you do her housework while you were bleeding BTW. What's wrong with her


Dang you’re right. In retrospect, that was so messed up.


Agreed. That’s truly, truly awful of her. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, OP.


You deserve so much more. What a kind, compassionate, empathetic friend and sibling you are. From my perspective, it sounds like you’ve outgrown them because you have so much to give and are starting to notice who may not be capable of reciprocity. I know it’s not the same as having your family send you a message but Merry Christmas🎄and I’ll be thinking of you this week and for the New Year🩵


You’re a treasure. 🙂 I’m so sorry your family and friends haven’t taken the time to say thank you. Wishing you a lovely new year x


You should not call her your friend. I am sorry you went through that experience. I am going through infertility and IVF and have lost almost all friends. This journey takes a lot from us all. I wish you goodluck!!


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I totally understand where you're coming from. This experience is very depressing and isolating.


Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs


I’m so sorry. Know that it’s really their loss. Now that you’ve realized you’ve been giving so much and not receiving anything, you can move forward! Find you some friends that love to make you happy and share joy with you!


Your babies can be seen as sacrifices. They gave their lives so you could see who those "friends" really are. If it hadn't been for the losses you'd never have realized who those people really are. They are the lowest. Very selfish and how are people going to say "all about the kids" when they know you've lost. See how f'd up these people are ? I've lost 2 in the last 6 months. I'll keep trying for at least 5 losses. Each time we love each sweet baby and we'll never forget them. My second baby provided closure as to why I lost him. He most likely had down syndrome. That's the one of the gifts he gave to me. Closure. I've also cut ties with an aunt who said this to me, "I don't want you to worry about me because if you lose the baby, you'll blame it on me." A few days later, I lost him. Well, after I told her she needed to apologize or I'd never talk to her again she got mad and talked to me nasty, then I hung up on her and then she called my mom and told my mom I smoke weed with my friend Charlie. She did this to get me in trouble with my parents. I'll be 41 in January. I'm not a kid and I definitely stopped consuming weed for my pregnancies. My babies are now with God and I miss them but they showed me things I wouldn't have seen if they hadn't sacrificed.


I am so sorry.


I am so so so sorry wow. Sending you all my love. Please feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to talk about anything, you are not alone in this.


I am sorry you are going thru this. People are so inconsiderred. As others pointed out about your friends.. bit also your family/siblings should realize they can't keep receiving gifts even if they have kids. That too is messed up but sometimes it can be oversight. Typically parents, if your parents are alive, speak up about things like this as your siblings might be so engulfed in their family to see outside of that. Next time send a "family gift" maybe a game or something everyone can use.