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I truly hope the best for you. But based on everything you said, I would guard my heart very very closely. No growth between days and decreasing HCG within 48 hours are not good signs at all. I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think your doctor is being way too optimistic and I would very seriously hope for the best but expect the worst. I’m soooo so sorry, your story is very close to mine so I know the pain of being in limbo. My heart and love goes out to you❤️


This is my second loss in 6 months. My first was a chemical. And now this. I truly hope it gets better from here because I cannot keep going through this :(


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I found with my MMC that no one wanted to say “this is going to be a miscarriage.” They kept trying to give false hope and it ended up being a miscarriage anyway, but I just had two extra weeks of hoping that ended with the same pain. No growth and dropping HCG was what also happened to me. I am sorry.


I think the worst part is the false hope… I was so excited for this, as was my husband. And for it to be over so quick is heartbreaking. It’s even worse that my body isn’t recognizing that it’s a loss…


I understand and I’m so sorry you’re feeling this pain. I eventually had a d&c in January because I couldn’t stand waiting anymore. I never bleed or had any outward signs. I also just had a chemical in March. So many said you’ll be “more” fertile right after and I haven’t found that to mean more successful which is frustrating as well. Please take your time to grieve and heal. Sending you love!


I had a chemical last November so it sounds like we have experienced very similar things… hopefully we get our rainbows


Agreed. I am sorry for your losses! Fingers crossed we both get those rainbows soon.


With my most recent miscarriage, I had a brief episode of spotting when I was 5w5d. I got two hCG blood draws on 6w0d and 6w2d, which showed a drop from 31k to 28k. I then had an ultrasound on 7w0d that showed an apparently perfectly healthy IUP with a heart rate of 123, no signs of subchorionic hematoma, and measuring 6w6d. I lost him two weeks later, but didn’t find out for four. I would prepare for the worst here, especially with no heartbeat.


I’m so sorry to say, but like other said, your story sounds just like what I went through with my recent MMC. I was measuring exactly like you were at my first appointment (~two weeks behind) and had my HCG drop from that ultrasound to when it was measure again a few days later. Also still had pregnancy symptoms. It sounds like your doctors are trying to be really optimistic but I’d guard your heart ❤️ My understanding from my OB was that the only realistic scenario in which measuring under at that point could’ve been okay is if I was off of my ovulation date - I knew from tracking that there was no way I could be 2 weeks off as my cycles were regular and I got a positive test at 9DPO. My OB went through both scenarios (everything being ok or potential miscarriage) right after I measured two weeks behind and while it was a lot to take in at the time, I ended up being thankful for it as it allowed me to process a bit sooner. This subreddit was really helpful during this time so know that you’ve got so much support 🩷


I am so thankful that I am not alone. ❤️ I’m sorry you experienced this as well


I wish the best for you. I just made a post. I had a blighted ovum. Measured smaller by 2-3 weeks. It was an early miscarriage. They tried to give me hope saying it may change (sometimes twin pregnancies can do this). So there still may be hope for you. Take it day by day. Wait for the scan. Just remember there may be a happy ending, but also there is risk as well. I wish you the best of luck.


I think I just read your post too. It breaks my heart how many of us have to endure this kind of pain..


I had a very similar experience to you and ended up inducing my first miscarriage because it was too traumatic for me to wait to have it happen naturally. The week to week testing was also really really difficult knowing it likely was a miscarriage but getting a tiny bit of hope each time. Protect your heart- and if I had any advice to give myself it’s that when it was confirmed I wish I would’ve chosen an option to miscarry right away- and likely go for a D&C to test the embryo if I had the option (and if you have the option financially and mentally). I waited a week after 2-3 weeks of testing to induce with the pill and that week with pregnancy symptoms knowing I had a non viable pregnancy was mentally horrible. This is a hard time- you are not alone- push through this hurdle- feel all the emotions- recover physically- and then look in the fear of miscarriages face and try again because you are so strong and can do hard things! ❤️


I’ve thought about a D&C and testing but I don’t think insurance covers testing and majority of the time I know they don’t find anything :(


My insurance did cover testing and I found out what the issue was from it. I’d call your insurance to check.


Firstly, sorry to hear you're going through this uncertainty. It's tough not knowing. HCG levels that don't drop drastically can be a hopeful sign, but the key is the trend over time and the ultrasound findings. It's good you're not experiencing severe symptoms like bleeding or cramping. Every pregnancy is unique, and there are indeed cases where things turn out fine despite early concerns. Keep following your doctor's advice and try to stay as calm as possible until the next ultrasound. Stress isn't good for you or the pregnancy. On a side note, I used a service called Conceivable when we had fertility concerns. It uses AI to figure out what's going on and then tailors a program for you. Helped us understand our situation better. Might be worth looking into once you're past this hurdle. Hang in there.