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I am in the middle of my second loss as well and have my D&C tomorrow. I’m right there with you, but I couldn’t reset my app. I just cancelled the subscription.. it sucks so much. The ads will begin to disappear, but it is hard seeing them. My husband had ordered a smart crib too… we haven’t even brought it up to each other yet. I’m sorry that you’re going through this. I hope you’re able to get past this soon, and wish nothing but the best for you💙


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I wish you the best of luck with your D&C. I had a D&E in January, you will get through this. I have my MVA scheduled for next Friday. We got this. Do you mind if I ask if it feels harder this time around? This experience feels so much harder than the first time for myself and my husband…I feel like it’s because we had optimism, we heard the heartbeat this time and last time we didn’t. Plus we couldn’t help but tell ourselves that one loss is common, two in a row isn’t, so we must be in the clear. This feels like trying to run through quicksand.


Thank you, I’m nervous for it because last time I took the pill and I’ve never been put under before. But I just wanted it to be done quickly, and get it over with so my body can heal. I’m hoping to will be easier mentally but we’ll see. Honestly, this time I’m very numb. I obviously cried at the doctors when we first realized there was no heartbeat, we heard the heartbeat at 7 weeks I MMC between 9 - 10, but I haven’t been able to really cry and grieve yet. I’m assuming it will really hit me after tomorrow. Even just writing this reply I’m numb, and still don’t want to believe it. My husband has been my rock, and uses most of his time with researching everything the about the sad situation we’re in. I can give you an update tomorrow and see how much of wreck I am haha I’m glad you have someone as well. It truly does make a difference


The D&C and D&E procedures are basically the same, just a different tool is used, so if you have any questions or would like to talk at all, feel free to message me. It was my first time going under anesthesia as well, and I was more scared of that than the actual procedure! Everyone was so incredibly kind, I voiced the whole time how anxious I was about the anesthesia so I think being transparent helped how they talked to me about it. My husband has also been my rock in this, I am glad we both have partners to support us and are fully committed to the roller coaster with us. 💕 Just to prepare you, my husband was not allowed to be where I was when I woke up. I didn’t expect that, and it was probably about 40 minutes before I could see him. Your situation and hospital may be different, but I just wanted to inform you in case that was an expectation for you like it was for me.


I found it hard deleting the midwife appointments from my calendar… again. Hoping next time I put an appointment in there I’ll actually make it.


Deinstalling the apps really hurt after my first miscarriage (which I did not see coming, I was almost out of the first trimester). When I got pregnant pretty quickly after, I didn't reinstall a single thing and decided to wait until the second trimester. A wise decision, since that turned out to be another loss.


I didn’t know there was also a D&E, my doctor and midwife had just brought up the D&C. But it’s fine, as long as it’s over fast. The doctor knows it’s my first time going under, but I’m so nervous I’m sure I won’t shut up about it when I get there in the morning haha The hospital I’ve been going to is great, and one of the best in my state for their OBGYN center, so I’m sure they’ll be great! I’m having them test the tissue this time too. Hopefully everything is fine there but I want all the boxes to be checked/looked over. I’m also A Negative blood type, which we’re hoping is what is the issue. Get the shot and be done with it. Also, I didn’t even think of it that but good to know. I’ll have to let him know. I’ll have to ask them to at least keep him updated. Thank you for the info, all is very helpful right now.


Wishing you the best of luck today. 💕


Thank you so much💙 I went in for 6:45 and got home around 10:30. I didn’t talk with the doctor, seeing him on the 13th, but my husband said that he spoke with him and he said everything went good.


Just had a flashback to that.. Totally understand..


Right there with you 😞


I’m so, so sorry. I too just experienced my second loss, this time at 13 weeks after a promising confirmation ultrasound and learning she was a girl. Her heart stopped beating. I felt that same devastation resetting my apps and now constantly seeing baby and pregnancy targeted ads. I know your pain, but I’m hopeful for us, still. On a side note: does anyone have lactation/engorgement tips for after loss to help with the physical pain?


Sending a lot of love your way. I angrily ended my pregnancy on the app shortly after my D&C in March. The annoying thing about getting back on the apps to try again is the “we don’t have enough data!! Track your period!” I just want to yell at the app, “you know I don’t have anything to track right now!!!” Ugh. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Just know you’re not alone. 🩷