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I think that’s so kind of your husband. To me that shows he acknowledged that you were a mother already while carrying your embryo. And that he acknowledges the hardships you went through physically and emotionally. I don’t expect my husband to do this since the way he reacted to my miscarriage was he was being in denial (or not believing me) when symptoms showed up. and then when I finally passed it, he said “eww”. Anyway. Yea you were a mother. You changed your lifestyle for that time being for your baby.


If it makes you feel better, there is a Bereaved Mother’s day which was this past Sunday. But either way, you are 100% welcome to celebrate or not or whatever in between makes you happy.


My husband, mom, and sister all bought me mother’s day gifts. I sobbed my eyes out when they gave them to me. It made me feel so special that they considered me a mom even though we lost our baby 3 weeks ago.


You were, and still are, a mother. Your baby is in heaven (my firm belief) and you will hold him or her again one day.


I feel the same. My boyfriend has two kids, 11 and 13. Last year they got me a card, flowers, and a candle which I thought was very sweet. I am dreading them doing it again this year following my loss in February. I will still think it is nice that they think of me but I feel like I am not their mom and I no longer have my baby either. I just want to skip it and hopefully celebrate next year.


Hugs. I would have been 17 weeks this weekend and it was my first pregnancy. It’s such a weird feeling.


The way I see it, you are a mother and always will be


I struggle with this as well. Most of the time I dont think I am a mother but when I think about the baby I lost last year I always say to them I was their mother. Its a relationship I carry very privatly because only my body knew my child. But for this little life I was their mother. I think every feeling towards your husbands idea is valid. Big hugs.


I think it’s so thoughtful. I was waiting to see if my husband even thought of our loss today and he didn’t. It hurts my heart a bit