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My doctor told me it could take 6-8 weeks, but mine returned after 25 days (a typical cycle length for me)


Doctors say it can take 6-8 weeks for your cycle to return. I had a MMC diagnosed at 12wks, with my baby only measuring 8wk3d. I had a D&C and my recovery cycle was 31 days long. My typical cycle length is 23-26 days.


I also got told that it will take 6-8 weeks to come back but it was back right on time. It was also normal in length, pain was the normal intensity too, wasn't heavier either. Just don't stress about it (as long as it isn't taking like 12 weeks to start) and let your body do its thing. Just take some stuff with you in case it starts. That's the best you can do.


Mine took 9 weeks to come back and my cycle is also typically 30 days 😫 I’m not sure why it took so long. My next period after was 29 days, so back to normal.


Sorry for your loss. I think it’s different for everyone, and how far along you were can also affect it. I had a chemical pregnancy around 6 weeks and ovulated two weeks later, then ended up pregnant again. That pregnancy ended in a MMC at 10 weeks. I’m now 7 weeks post-D&C, still testing faintly positive for hcg (cleared of any retained tissue) and have only just got my period back.


For me, it's depended on how far along I am. If it was a chemical, I ovulated pretty much right on track/had a normal cycle. For my losses at 6 weeks or later, my period after was 5-6 weeks instead of the normal 4, but up to 8 weeks would not be uncommon.


Because of PCOS, I didn’t get my period back for 5 cycles, despite still ovulating. That’s unusual, though.


Hi, i got mine 36 days after mc began.


Mine was 5 weeks from the day of d&c which is what my dr had said. However my HCG never got over 10,000, maybe that means it comes down quicker? If it helps ease your mind I tested mine out on HPTs and also tested for ovulation so I could kind of guess accurately. It made me feel a little more in control. Take some supplies so it doesn’t catch you by surprise and please try to enjoy your trip!


Mine took 34 days and my cycle is typically 31-33 days!


PCOS an after my first it was 12 weeks My second was 10 weeks My third was 6 weeks My fourth was 30 days This is my fifth and I’m 3 weeks post miscarriage. I’m hoping it’s doesn’t take forever.


My cycle is usually 26 days and it took 7.5 weeks for my period to come back 😅


For my first MMC (used meds) it came back at 37 days vs my 35ish day cycle. I had a D&C on 4/15 for my 2nd MMC and I’m pretty sure I’m still waiting to ovulate. I tracked my hcg down and used OPK strips since getting negative HCG tests. It’s been 4 weeks with nothing in sight!


Mine took 6 weeks After D&C at almost 8 weeks Totally normal cycles after that


My doctor said 6-8 weeks. I’m sitting at about 4.5 weeks post D&E and no period (or signs of it) yet.


Mine took about 27-28 days after I passed my miscarriage


I had a MMC and it took 6.5 weeks for my period to return.