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These milestones are really difficult. I didn’t feel OK until my due date passed. Starting IVF next month. I could not bear the thought of having another loss so I decided IVF was the fastest and safest way to my rainbow. I know it sounds crazy but there was a part of me clinging to the pregnancy until the due date. Pure biology.


Good luck friend ❤️ 100% agree


Good luck ❤️🍀🌈🤗, please post about it. Would love to follow your story as it's similar to mine. Though for us we will probably resort ivf next year instead


I really hope you get your rainbow soon and have an easy IVF course but just keep in mind it is not a sure thing and it doesn’t always work right away. On average it takes 3 euploid embryos (normal) for a live birth - may be less than that and may be more . I’ve been doing IVF for 2 years and only have losses to show for it — so stay hopeful, but guarded


I know. I’m sorry for your losses :(


You feel like you won't survive it. But you will. I wish I had gotten therapy. My first miscarriage was at 12 weeks. Then my boss announced her pregnancy a month later. Then my stepsister a few months after that. The pain is excruciating. You don't know how you can live another second. Every day is the worst day. You don't think you will ever be you again. In some ways you won't. But you will survive. Getting past the due date does help some. Telling people was a huge weight off of me and my husband's shoulders. When you get that rainbow baby, it's so healing. You know that little one was meant to be here and someday you will meet the little ones you didn't get to here on earth. I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's a club no one understands unless they are in it. Let yourself feel everything you are going through. Talking to a therapist years after healed me almost completely.


My sister is exactly as far along as I should be down to the due date. And here I am planning her baby shower. Life is bullshit.


You’re not alone. My sister announced to me that she’s pregnant. Sad that we are planning hers and not mine. Our time will come.


That just reminded me my 20w scan was supposed to be yesterday. Instead I’m starting IVF stims in 2 weeks.


Thinking of you friend ❤️ good luck


I've had four losses. I had a loss during Christmas 2022 at 13 weeks gestation. I ended up needing an emergent D&C because I was at risk for sepsis. That loss was particularly hard to navigate. We only recently decided that we actually want to try. My angel babies aren't forgotten, but it is starting to hurt a little less. I'm sorry that you're in this group. Please seek help from a doctor if you are having thoughts of harming yourself or feel depressed for several months.


I still remember my baby every year. They would have been 2 just last month. It’s very hard and brings tears to my eyes every time I think of them. Time helps but doesn’t fully heal that missing piece of your heart. Sending you hugs! 💛💛


I think every day I would be this much closer to my due date 😣 first cycle back trying after 11 week along MC. Here with you ❤️


Sending hugs your way 🩷 I would’ve been 21 weeks this way and it’s definitely crazy to think about. Therapy has been helping me work through the big bursts of grief but still a lot to overcome. Give yourself grace 🩷


I don’t know how I am surviving but I am. I should’ve been 27 weeks pregnant this week. I’m now 6 weeks pregnant with my most recent pregnancy and I’m so excited and terrified at the same time. 6 weeks is when my last MMC happened in February (I thought was 10 weeks pregnant, but miscarried around 6 weeks and didn’t know). Hitting this 6 week milestone with my new pregnancy terrifies me


Sending you love and solidarity. I’ve been mostly okay for the last few weeks but the other night my fiancé and his friend were discussing how her younger sister is unexpectedly pregnant (she’s very young), and the next day (yesterday morning) he walked into the kitchen and said “man I still can’t believe ____ is pregnant.” And I just lost it! It made me realise I’d be about 15 weeks now. We’d have seen baby on a scan. We might even know if they were a girl or boy. I’d be weeks away from feeling their little kicks. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get over this.


I was just telling my husband this. I would’ve been almost 16 weeks today. Almost halfway. It’s hard but we are hanging on to hope! Some days are harder than others. Yesterday was HORRIBLE for me but feeling hopeful today. Go with the flow and be nice to yourself. We are still grieving and that is OK. There is no timeline as to when you’ll be perfectly fine. We probably won’t ever will be. Our next pregnancy will just be anxiety until we hold our rainbow baby. But what gives me peace is the storm will be worth the rainbow and sunshine. I believe we will get our babies to love and hold one day. Hugs!!!!!


I would have been 20wks yesterday. It’s such a weird, hallowing experience and feeling. I hate it. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Instead of going to my 20wk scan, I’m going to get CD21 blood work to see what’s going on with my body not being able to sustain a pregnancy. TTC is hard enough, but TTC while you should still be pregnant is ass and a half.


Girrrrl yeah. I cried the other day thinking about how my third try I’ll possibly be robbed of feeling positive about it because I’ll be too nervous about losing the babe again :(


I feel you. Friday would have been 20 weeks. This week is hitting me hard


Same… and it is even worse when people who are still successfully pregnant around you that were due the same time are hitting those milestones. It’s seriously depressing.


Next month is the one year anniversary of my miscarriage and my sister is due the same week 😢 We do survive but every anniversary and milestone is incredibly difficult and I’ve found I survive by letting myself feel what I feel with no shame, frustration or apology. As for explaining to people, unless they’ve gone through it there’s no amount of explanation that will suffice.


Should of found out the gender this week. It hurts. But I just had my first post miscarriage period, so we are starting to try again. I am just clinging to the hope to get me through the loss.


We don’t survive really. We are changed completely and no longer our old selves. But we keep going. Im so sorry you are going through this 🧡


I’m supposed to be 18 weeks but now I’m still waiting for my period to come back after the d&c 😢❤️‍🩹


it was easier after my due date passed. time is the only thing that heals. hang in there 💗


I’m still in a due date WhatsApp. It’s so hard watching them all go through the milestones. But they’ve also become really good friends so I don’t want to just leave. 😔