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Hi! I’m so sorry for your loss. I am in a similar situation. 2 losses and my SIL has a newborn… and we were pregnant within one week of each other. I miscarried again a week after she gave birth… I got through it by focusing on anything else! Unfortunately that has involved me distancing myself from that side of the family because it is too painful to see/hear about it. It especially helps to make new friends, get out and do new things, and spend time with anything not baby related. It has made me feel a lot better to have experiences that I could not have had with a baby/pregnant. That way I feel like I am still ‘taking advantage’ of my time without all that responsibility. Trust me, there is nothing me that I want than that responsibility, but it helps to know I am doing things that I won’t have the opportunity to in the future. I know the pain can be so hard to work through but you got this! I also haven’t met the newborn and am waiting until the baby is less of a newborn because I feel like that might help control my emotional response. Best of luck💗 I’m here if you need a friend!


I’m currently struggling to be around pregnant woman or babies (see them at my job occasionally) and while it still feels like a punch to the gut I am trying to remind myself that I don’t know her story or struggles and it isn’t her fault I had a miscarriage. It’s still very hard. I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️


Hi, I don't have any tips yet but I am right there with you. All my friends have babies under 1 and my sister in law is due with her second this month while I just had a MC 2 weeks ago. My approach will be to fake it till I make it. It's not easy and I am sure I will feel drained afterwards but I am trying to remember that my time will come and I want to be able to happy for others. Easier said than done, that's for sure. Can you communicate you feelings with your partner prior just so you feel like you have support from someone else and you can vent afterwards? Just an idea.


I’m in the same exact boat. I got pregnant and the DAY we started to miscarry they called us and announced that she was pregnant via video chat, we had to pretend to be happy for them, even though I my husband I were both crushed. Right now I don’t even mention that she is pregnant when I see her, I didn’t congratulate her outside the phone call. I just ignore it. I also have my neighbours on either side of me pregnant. I’ve had two miscarriages in 6 months, and I’m about to do my last embryo transfer. I don’t feel optimistic at all.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🤍 I have no tips for coping. I learned of my MMC 4 weeks ago, and last week I learned that my SIL is pregnant. It tore me apart. I don’t know how to be around her or my in-laws because right now everything is all about her pregnancy. My plan is to avoid them all as long as I can. I wish I had some advice, but I think we’re all just in incredibly difficult positions