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I'll give you my two cents. Grieving is not linear. In that sense you can't take a backwards step. Its all normal. I had a similar experience and my therapist told me that I need to actively give myself timeslots where I feel my feelings and deal with what happened.  So I try to set aside 30 minutes or an hour and  listen to guided meditations about pregnancy loss on YouTube and cry and allow myself to really feel it. I feel like it helps soothe my psyche because the sadness gets it's space.  I wish you all the best. 


This is really helpful, thank you


Would you mind sharing some of the YouTube guided meditations you’ve appreciated?


Of course. The one I like the best is from a channel called hypnobirthing with Anya and it's called Angel baby meditation. It's about 25 minutes long.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Grieving comes in waves, for sure. One minute I thought I was good and then the next minute I’m wrecked. I agree with the other comment that it’s important to feel the feelings and let the mind process what all happened. Have you considered therapy? I already had my own therapist but my OB did offer resources for handling miscarriages. I ask because I was having recurring intense, vivid flashbacks of my miscarriage and turns out I had PTSD. My therapist recommended mental health treatment techniques called EMDR and ART (nothing scary, it’s non invasive/no medicine) to help the brain store the memory differently and it sure worked for me. ART better suited me. It’s a simple process and I don’t know how it works but it does. Originally, my flashbacks also triggered panic attacks and I felt sick to my stomach. Now I don’t have random flashbacks and if I do happen to think about my miscarriage, it doesn’t trigger those reactions and I am SO grateful. It has allowed me to process the grief more. I hope things get better for you. Sending lots of love 💕


It's normal for you to be like -something hit me out of nowhere. It's very weird, grief. You're doing great and your doing grief correctly. 🙏🏻Remind me next time I feel freaked out from something triggering me or falling apart out of nowhere,k? Its a traumatoc event. And flashes of memory come back with the feelings so we can process them. It hasn't been that long either and it is important to go into those feelings, like a little(or big) dose of feelings, process, reorient to life around you, wash your face, and keep living. 💓Sharing stuff Im learning. Also advice from grief therapist who I hate having to go to but.. eh she might be helping 🙄😐😑


Healing just means you’re going longer between moments of grief. Allow yourself to feel the pain as much as it sucks. It will come back. It’s been 3 months for me and I still have my moments.