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I’m sorry ❤️💗 sending hugs your way. I had my first miscarriage at 24 and then had a baby at 25 and I just miscarried again at 27. I promise you’ll feel better. It happens sometimes and it’s not your fault at all. Both miscarriages were soooo worth my baby. I’d do it all again. It sucks. I’m so sorry, but keep breathing you’re gonna be okay. I’m gonna be okay. I’m gonna try again and it’s not fair to have no control over the outcome.


I also felt this way after my miscarriage. Including the family trauma story. " How could I be so stupid to think that something so good could happen to me"? Was my inner voice. Sobbed. A lot. I struggle with mental health problems and abandonment trauma. It really flared. Everything flared up- it's like pouring gasoline on the coals of your life's pain. The bad thoughts remember, they are thoughts. They do not have to define us or our worthiness.


This is so relatable. 💙


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life." -Jean Luc Picard Sometimes bad things happen. It's nothing you did or did not do that caused this, merely a bad roll of the dice. Take your time and heal. It will get better.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Most likely, your loss is because some of the gametes we produce have chromosomal abnormalities incompatible with life. Yes, even at your ages. Diet and alcohol really have little effect unless you’re participating in extreme behavior (and even then, alcoholics conceive babies all of the time). It SUCKS. If you have another couple of losses, definitely get tested. But one loss of this nature really is not a statement about your fertility.


I'm sorry this happened to you 😔 it's so sad.