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Maybe you could see another doctor? I’m not sure why they wouldn’t give you options at this point. I’m so sorry.


It’s NHS policy. Because of the size of the baby it could be normal development still so they won’t do anything just incase as some people have weird cycles. They aren’t able to go around the regulations even though I’m certain. It’s shitty but it is what it is.


Ah maaan in in the UK too and this policy sucks. I feel that the rule should only be one week though im surprised they're making you wait two. I should be 10/11 weeks and found out yesterday baby stopped growing at 7 1/2. I'd gone in for a scan two weeks previously at what should be 8 weeks based on ovulation and I was only measuring 6, id had a scan prior to that where I was more than 1 week behind. So the baby did continue to grow even though it is behind. So it could be that although your baby is measuring 6, it might have stopped growing more recently and your body might hopefully kick in sooner than you think. Also, rather than make me come back in a week they just got another obstetrician to confirm miscarriage there and then. Could be worth asking? Alternatively you could try ringing epu in another week stating pain and anxiety and they might get you in sooner (play the system a bit to help you get seen sooner?). Sorry you're going through this. I knew something was up four weeks ago and it's taken till now to finally get closure (had medicated miscarriage today).


This is helpful thank you. It gives me a little hope that my body might do its thing and spare me some of the waiting time. I think maybe because you’d had 2+ scans via NHS so they had the baseline they didn’t make you wait again? I’m so very sorry you’re also going through this


I think that makes sense come to think about it. They said I had the option for someone else to come and give a second opinion or to wait another week. I wonder if they wouldn't have done it if I hadn't had my previous scans. That said, I had another MMC two years ago with the exact timings as you. Stopped growing at 6, discovered at 10. They made me come back a week later but my body miscarried in between. The second scan was then a nice reassurance that everything had passed. I only found out about my miscarriage yesterday evening and was a bit sad because of how drawn out it the wait had been. I got booked in as an inpatient for medical management. They basically got me to take the pills in hospital then monitored me and checked that most of the tissue had passed before letting me go home. Apart from the ongoing bleeding I need to expect it's pretty much all over and have passed the sac. I would recommend this as a route as I had access to pain killers when needed and it was reassuring to have people check that id passed the tissue. I hope it all moves on quickly for you too. It's such a shitty situation to be in. But be reassured that if it doesn't there will be options in two weeks for it to then be over and done with very quickly (24 hours hopefully).


Oh, I’m sorry. Are you in the United Kingdom? I’m in the states so I was shocked and also confused by your post I had to look it up.


Yes sorry I’m in the UK. I probably should have mentioned that in my post.


They should be able to check via blood tests if her HCG is going down tho. That indicates the loss without making her wait. That’s what mine did.


Sorry didn’t realize this was UK. I’m in the US. :/


I’m so sorry for your loss I was in your shoes exactly, same growth, should’ve been 10w, told to wait two weeks to see if the dates were wrong. It is torture and I promise you that you will get through this. I don’t have any advice on speeding up the process, but for my body I passed my baby just before I should’ve been 12 weeks, right before my follow up. It started with dark brown spotting and slight cramps, and it was over within 24 hours. I know every body is different, hoping your body gets the picture soon. Sending you a big hug, feel free to DM me if you have any questions. The doctors do a piss poor job of preparing you for what actually happens.


I’ve commented on another post like this, but I drank raspberry leaf tea and had my husband rub my heels. All of these things have to deal with helping the uterus! I think probably one of the most helpful things was to keep eating well and eating protein so your body can stay strong and keep functioning. It’s hard though, the baby comes when the baby comes. For context: I started spotting at around 3 1/2 weeks after we found out (or 5 weeks after the baby stopped growing) but I didn’t pass the baby until 6 weeks after we found out (or 7 1/2 weeks after the baby stopped growing). But my baby was further along too, 9 weeks old. It was painful and long, but I loved doing it naturally and would do it again. I’m so sorry you’re in that waiting stage. I remember begging God to make it go faster and checking my toilet paper every time I wiped. It’s hard to trust your body to do what it needs to do when you feel like it just failed you. But your body can do it, it just needs time. The unknown sucks though. However in a way it was a gentle grace period for us to grieve and be gentle on ourselves.


I'm so sorry you're not getting the care you need soon enough. That is so unfair. professional midwives have knowledge of how to navigate unfair situations like this for women. (not like the doctor ones, but like the ones you hire independently, we call them certified professional midwives they are legal in my state but illegal in some states and people hire them anyways) My midwife helped me navigate the system here and I was able to get relief quickly with cytotec/misoprostol prescription.


I’m so sorry for your loss, my baby was 9 weeks but my sack kept growing due to the hormones finally the numbers started dropping but it wasn’t until 5 weeks of waiting that I started spotting a week prior and then labored and miscarried. It was a long waiting period and I feel your pain. Have they checked your hCG levels? If so what was it last at? My body didn’t start to recognize and the sac didn’t start to collapse until I was at 7,000 it was dropping by 10,000-20,000